You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

437 lines
11 KiB

11 months ago
<!-- @format -->
<div class="signUp ns-view">
<a-layout-header class="home_header" style="position: relative">
style="width: 192px; height: 48px; object-fit: contain" />
<ns-icon v-else name="login" style="width: auto; height: 40px" />
<div class="content">
<h1>{{ title }}</h1>
<div class="lg_card">
<h2>{{ themeConfig.webSiteTitle ? themeConfig.webSiteTitle : subTitle }}</h2>
<div class="form">
style="width: 100%; margin: auto"
:model="data" />
<div class="step-box">
<a-button @click="navigateBack">取消</a-button>
<a-button @click="submit" type="primary" :disabled="!formOneRef?.validateResult"
<a class="toLogin" @click="toLogin" v-show="step === 0">登录已有豪恩账号 ></a>
11 months ago
<!-- <a-layout-footer>Copyright 2021 xu科技 All Rights Reserved</a-layout-footer> -->
11 months ago
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent, reactive, ref } from 'vue';
import { useRouter } from 'vue-router';
import { http } from '/nerv-lib/util/http';
import { Cookies } from '/nerv-lib/util/cookie';
import { authorizationService } from '/nerv-base/store/modules/authorization-service';
import { NsMessage } from '/nerv-lib/component/message';
import { appConfigStore } from '/nerv-lib/saas/store/modules/app-config';
import { storeToRefs } from 'pinia';
import { useNavigate } from '/nerv-lib/use/use-navigate';
export default defineComponent({
name: 'UpdatePassWord',
setup() {
const router = useRouter();
const imageUrl = ref('/asset/image/login/logo.png');
const title = ref('修改密码');
const subTitle = ref('sass平台');
const { uuid } = router.currentRoute.value.query;
const formOneRef = ref();
const configStore = appConfigStore();
const { getThemeConfig: themeConfig } = storeToRefs(configStore);
if (configStore.updatePassWordInfo.title) {
title.value = configStore.updatePassWordInfo.title;
subTitle.value = configStore.updatePassWordInfo.subtitle;
let data = reactive({});
const authorizationStore = authorizationService();
const { navigateBackV2: navigateBack } = useNavigate();
const formSchema = reactive([
field: 'oldPassword',
label: '原密码',
component: 'NsInputPassword',
componentProps: {
autocomplete: 'new-password',
placeholder: '请输入原密码',
rules: [
required: true,
message: '原密码不能为空',
trigger: 'blur',
field: 'newPassword',
label: '新密码',
component: 'NsInputPassword',
componentProps: {
autocomplete: 'new-password',
placeholder: '密码不少于6位,支持字母、数字',
onchange: () => {
data.confirmPassword = '';
rules: [
required: true,
message: '新密码不能为空',
trigger: 'change',
validator: async (rule, value) => {
if (!value) {
if (!/^([a-zA-Z])(?=.*\d)(?=.*[!@#$%^&*])[a-z\d!@#$%^&*]{5,17}$/.test(value)) {
let strArray = value.split('');
if (strArray.indexOf(' ') !== -1) {
return Promise.reject('不能包含空格');
} else {
if (/[\u4E00-\u9FA5\uF900-\uFA2D]{1,}/.test(value)) {
return Promise.reject('不支持中文');
} else {
return Promise.reject(
trigger: 'change',
field: 'confirmPassword',
label: '确认密码',
component: 'NsInputPassword',
viewOnly: true,
componentProps: {
autocomplete: 'new-password',
placeholder: '请再次输入密码',
rules: [
required: true,
message: '不能为空',
trigger: 'change',
trigger: 'change',
validator: async (rule, value) => {
if (!value) {
if (value !== data.newPassword) {
return Promise.reject('两次密码不一致');
const loading = ref<boolean>(false);
// const title = ref<string>('修改密码');
const submit = (): void => {
formOneRef.value.triggerSubmit().then((data) => {
loading.value = true;
async function update() {
try {
const res = await, data);
if (res.success) {
NsMessage.success('修改成功,需重新登陆', 1, () => {
11 months ago
loading.value = false;
} catch (err) {
loading.value = false;
return {
created() {
const _this = this;
document.onkeydown = function (e) {
const key = window.event === undefined ? e.keyCode : window.event.keyCode;
key === 13 ? _this.submit() : '';
beforeUnmount() {
document.onkeydown = function (e) {};
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11 months ago
> .ant-steps-item-container
> .ant-steps-item-content
> .ant-steps-item-title::after
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11 months ago
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