You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

530 lines
16 KiB

<a-row type="flex" style="height: 90%">
<a-col :span="8" style="height: 100%">
box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px rgba(218, 218, 218, 0.5); /* 灰色阴影 */
width: 98%;
height: 96%;
margin: 2%;
padding-bottom: 10px;
width: 40%;
height: 20%;
padding-right: 30px;
padding-top: 10px;
display: flex;
float: right;
<a-radio-button value="1" style="width: 50%; text-align: center"> 同比 </a-radio-button>
<a-radio-button value="2" style="width: 50%; text-align: center"> 环比 </a-radio-button>
<div ref="analysisGraphchart" style="width: 100%; height: 95%; padding-top: 10%"></div>
<a-col :span="16" style="height: 100%">
width: 98%;
height: 38%;
box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px rgba(218, 218, 218, 0.5);
margin: 1%;
width: 98%;
height: 57%;
box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px rgba(218, 218, 218, 0.5);
margin: 1%;
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent, onMounted, ref, inject, watch } from 'vue';
import * as echarts from 'echarts';
import JSZip from 'jszip';
import { saveAs } from 'file-saver';
export default defineComponent({
name: 'AnalysisGraph',
setup() {
const mode = ref<String>('1');
let data = ref<any[]>([]);
interface PageData {
// 图表 表格数据
graphTableList: any[];
// 图表 表格表头
graphTableColumns: any[];
// 图表 图表数据
graphGraphList: any[];
// 分析 表格数据
analysisTableList: any[];
// 分析 图表数据
analysisGraphList: any[];
const pageData = inject<PageData>('pageData');
if (!pageData) {
throw new Error('pageData is not provided');
// 监听 pageData 的变化
() => pageData as PageData,
(_newValue, _oldValue) => {
// 执行你的逻辑代码
{ deep: true },
const changeMode = () => {
// if (mode.value == '1') {
// mode.value = '2';
// } else {
// mode.value = '1';
// }
const analysisGraphchart = ref(null);
const analysisGraphRingchart = ref(null);
const analysisGraphBarchart = ref(null);
// 左侧柱状图
let chartInstance: echarts.ECharts | null = null;
// 圆环图
let chartRight1: echarts.ECharts | null = null;
// 右下角柱状图
let chartRight2: echarts.ECharts | null = null;
const draw = () => {
// 深度拷贝
let dataList = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(pageData.analysisGraphList));
// let dataList = pageData.analysisGraphList;
dataList.forEach((item) => {
if (item.yoyValue < 0) {
item.yoyLabel = { position: 'right' };
} else {
item.yoyLabel = { position: 'insideLeft' };
if (item.momValue < 0) {
item.momLabel = { position: 'right' };
} else {
item.momLabel = { position: 'insideLeft' };
data.value = dataList;
// 绘制左侧图
const drawLeft = () => {
if (data.value && data.value.length > 0) {
if (chartInstance) {
chartInstance = echarts.init(analysisGraphchart.value);
var seriesdata = [];
var dateX = [];
// {
// name: 'AC_002(暖通电表)',
// value: -21,
// ringValue: 21,
// energyType: selectedValue.value,
// energyUnit: 'kWh',
// unit: 'V',
// labelRight: {
// position: 'right',
// },
// },
// id: 'HLlmTZp8_0805_0001';
// momDiff: 38.28; 环比差值
// momRate: '-171.58%'; 环比率
// momValue: -22.31; 环比值
// name: '总电表';
// value: 10.56; 值
// yoyDiff: 38.28; 同比差值
// yoyRate: '-138.10%'; 同比率
// yoyValue: -27.72; 同比值
for (let i = 0; i < data.value.length; i++) {
if (mode.value == '1') {
seriesdata.push({ value: data.value[i].yoyValue, label: data.value[i].yoyLabel });
} else {
seriesdata.push({ value: data.value[i].momValue, label: data.value[i].momLabel });
var seriesList = [
name: data.value[0].energyType,
data: seriesdata,
type: 'bar',
label: {
show: true,
formatter: '{b}',
barWidth: '25%',
const option = {
grid: {
top: 80,
bottom: 20,
dataZoom: [
show: true,
type: 'slider',
zoomLock: true,
startValue: 0, // 从头开始。
endValue: 4,
showDetail: false,
width: 5,
yAxisIndex: [0, 1], // 控制y轴滚动对象
show: true,
type: 'inside',
// width: 0,
startValue: 0,
endValue: 10,
minValueSpan: 10,
yAxisIndex: [0],
zoomOnMouseWheel: false, // 关闭滚轮缩放
moveOnMouseWheel: true, // 开启滚轮平移
moveOnMouseMove: true, // 鼠标移动能触发数据窗口平移
yAxis: {
type: 'category',
axisLine: { show: false },
axisLabel: { show: false },
axisTick: { show: false },
splitLine: { show: false },
data: dateX,
xAxis: {
type: 'value',
position: 'top',
splitLine: {
lineStyle: {
type: 'dashed',
series: seriesList,
chartInstance = echarts.init(analysisGraphchart.value);
const drawRight1 = () => {
if (data.value && data.value.length > 0) {
if (chartRight1) {
chartRight1 = echarts.init(analysisGraphRingchart.value);
var seriesdata = [];
var dateX = [];
// var legendList: string | any[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < data.value.length; i++) {
value: data.value[i].value,
name: data.value[i].name,
radius: ['70%', '90%'],
var seriesList = [
// name: data.value[0].energyType,
data: seriesdata,
type: 'pie',
// // 可单选
selectedMode: true,
// 选中扇区的偏移距离
clockwise: '10',
// hoverAnimation: true,
// 圆环内径和外径
radius: ['70%', '90%'],
center: ['30%', '50%'], // 调整环形图的位置,百分比表示相对于容器的宽高
// 显示折线
labelLine: {
show: true,
length: 10, // 调整第一个折线段的长度
length2: 30, // 调整第二个折线段的长度
label: {
show: true,
// formatter: '{b}',
position: 'outside', // 确保标签在环形图外部
// alignTo: 'edge',
formatter: '{c}' + data.value[0].unit + '\n{d}%',
alignTo: 'labelLine',
distanceToLabelLine: 5, // 调整标签和引导线之间的距离
distance: 10, // 调整标签距离图形的距离
itemStyle: {
normal: {
// 白色间距
borderWidth: 2,
borderColor: '#ffffff',
const option = {
tooltip: {
trigger: 'item',
// 图例
legend: {
top: 'center',
left: '60%',
// 排列方式 垂直
orient: 'vertical',
yAxis: {
type: 'category',
axisLine: { show: false },
axisLabel: { show: false },
axisTick: { show: false },
splitLine: { show: false },
data: dateX,
xAxis: {
type: 'value',
position: 'top',
splitLine: {
lineStyle: {
type: 'dashed',
series: seriesList,
chartRight1 = echarts.init(analysisGraphRingchart.value);
// chartRight1.setOption(option);
// 默认点击第一个
if (seriesdata.length > 0) {
seriesdata[0].radius = ['50%', '100%'];
chartRight1.on('click', function (params) {
// 控制台输出数据的名称
console.log( + ' 被点击了');
// 右下角柱状图
// chartRight2
// analysisGraphBarchart
const drawRight2 = (auxiliary: any) => {
if (chartRight2) {
// 辅助线
var compareData: any[] = [];
// 展示数据
var showData: any[] = [];
// X轴
var dateX: any[] = [];
data.value.forEach((item) => {
if ( !== {
const option = {
// 图例
legend: {
data: [
{ name: '对比值', icon: 'rect' }, // 对比值使用矩形图标
name: '参考线',
icon: 'path://M234.666667 490.666667h-153.6a25.6 25.6 0 1 0 0 51.2h153.6a25.6 25.6 0 1 0 0-51.2zM473.6 490.666667h-153.6a25.6 25.6 0 1 0 0 51.2h153.6a25.6 25.6 0 1 0 0-51.2zM934.4 490.666667h-136.533333a25.6 25.6 0 1 0 0 51.2h136.533333a25.6 25.6 0 1 0 0-51.2zM712.533333 490.666667h-153.6a25.6 25.6 0 1 0 0 51.2h153.6a25.6 25.6 0 1 0 0-51.2z',
}, // 参考线使用自定义路径图标,只显示线条
orient: 'horizontal',
bottom: 10,
left: 60,
tooltip: {
trigger: 'axis',
axisPointer: {
type: 'shadow',
lineStyle: {
color: 'red', // 设置 tooltip 的线颜色
// grid: {
// top: 20,
// bottom: 60,
// },
xAxis: {
type: 'category',
axisLine: { show: false },
axisLabel: { show: true },
axisTick: { show: false },
splitLine: { show: false },
data: dateX,
yAxis: {
type: 'value',
position: 'top',
splitLine: {
lineStyle: {
type: 'dashed',
dataZoom: [
show: true,
type: 'slider',
zoomLock: true,
startValue: 0, // 从头开始。
endValue: 5,
bottom: '0%',
height: 10,
showDetail: false,
show: true,
type: 'inside',
xAxisIndex: 0,
zoomOnMouseWheel: false, // 滚轮是否触发缩放
moveOnMouseMove: true, // 鼠标滚轮触发滚动
moveOnMouseWheel: true,
series: [
name: '对比值',
type: 'bar',
stack: 'Total',
label: {
// show: true,
position: 'right',
formatter: '{b}',
data: showData,
barWidth: 30, // 设置柱状图的宽度
name: '参考线',
type: 'line',
data: compareData,
markLine: {
symbol: 'none',
label: {
show: false,
lineStyle: {
type: 'dashed',
color: 'red',
itemStyle: {
color: 'red', // 设置参考线的小圆点颜色
emphasis: {
itemStyle: {
opacity: 0, // 隐藏鼠标悬停时的节点
showSymbol: false, // 隐藏数据点
lineStyle: {
type: 'dashed', // 虚线样式
color: 'red',
chartRight2 = echarts.init(analysisGraphBarchart.value);
onMounted(() => {
// 下载图表
const downloadChart = async () => {
// if (chartInstance) {
// const base64 = chartInstance.getDataURL({
// type: 'png',
// backgroundColor: '#fff',
// });
// const link = document.createElement('a');
// link.href = base64;
// = 'chart.png';
// }
const zip = new JSZip();
const chartInstances = [chartInstance, chartRight1, chartRight2];
const imagePromises = any, index) => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
const base64 = chart.getDataURL({
type: 'png',
backgroundColor: '#fff',
// 将 Base64 转换为二进制
const binary = atob(base64.split(',')[1]);
const array = [];
for (let i = 0; i < binary.length; i++) {
const uint8Array = new Uint8Array(array);
resolve({ name: `chart${index + 1}.png`, data: uint8Array });
const images = await Promise.all(imagePromises);
images.forEach((image: any) => {
zip.generateAsync({ type: 'blob' }).then((content) => {
saveAs(content, ''); // 使用 FileSaver.js 保存 ZIP 文件
return {
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