You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

69 lines
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const Base = () => import('/nerv-lib/saas/view/system/layout/content.vue');
const organizationManage = {
path: '/organizationManage',
name: 'organizationManage',
meta: { title: '组织管理', icon: 'zuzhiguanli', index: 99 },
redirect: { name: 'UserManage' },
children: [
path: 'userManage',
name: 'UserManage',
meta: { title: '用户管理', hideChildren: true, icon: 'zuzhiguanli' },
component: Base,
redirect: { name: 'UserManageIndex' },
children: [
path: 'index',
name: 'UserManageIndex',
6 months ago
component: () => import('/@/view/organizationManage/usermanage/index.vue'),
meta: {
title: '用户管理',
keepAlive: false,
operates: [
{ title: '新增', code: 'userAdd' },
{ title: '导入', code: 'userImport' },
{ title: '模板下载', code: 'userTemDownload' },
{ title: '导出', code: 'userExports' },
{ title: '批量删除', code: 'userBatchDel' },
{ title: '编辑', code: 'userEdit' },
{ title: '冻结', code: 'userFrozen' },
{ title: '解冻', code: 'userUnFrozen' },
{ title: '重置密码', code: 'userCodeReset' },
{ title: '删除', code: 'userDelete' },
path: 'authorityManage',
name: 'AuthorityManage',
meta: { title: '部门/权限', hideChildren: true, icon: 'zuzhiguanli' },
component: Base,
redirect: { name: 'AuthorityManageIndex' },
children: [
path: 'index',
name: 'AuthorityManageIndex',
6 months ago
component: () => import('/@/view/organizationManage/departmentManage/index.vue'),
meta: {
title: '部门/权限',
keepAlive: false,
operates: [
{ title: '新增部门', code: 'authorityDeptAdd' },
{ title: '新增子部门', code: 'authorityDeptSonAdd' },
{ title: '删除部门', code: 'authorityDeptDelete' },
{ title: '编辑部门', code: 'authorityDeptEdit' },
{ title: '新增角色', code: 'authorityRoleAdd' },
{ title: '新增子角色', code: 'authorityRoleSonAdd' },
{ title: '删除角色', code: 'authorityRoleDelete' },
{ title: '编辑角色', code: 'authorityRoleEdit' },
export default organizationManage;