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225 lines
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225 lines
6.2 KiB
11 months ago
import type { Plugin, ResolvedConfig } from 'vite';
import path from 'path';
import fs from 'fs-extra';
import less from 'less';
import { createFileHash, minifyCSS, extractVariable } from './utils';
import chalk from 'chalk';
import { colorRE, linkID } from './constants';
import { injectClientPlugin } from './injectClientPlugin';
import { lessPlugin } from './preprocessor/less';
export interface AntdDarkThemeOption {
darkModifyVars?: any;
fileName?: string;
verbose?: boolean;
selector?: string;
filter?: (id: string) => boolean;
extractCss?: boolean;
preloadFiles?: string[];
loadMethod?: 'link' | 'ajax';
export function antdDarkThemePlugin(options: AntdDarkThemeOption): Plugin[] {
const {
verbose = true,
fileName = 'app-antd-dark-theme-style',
extractCss = true,
preloadFiles = [],
loadMethod = 'link',
} = options;
let isServer = false;
let needSourcemap = false;
let config: ResolvedConfig;
let extCssString = '';
const styleMap = new Map<string, string>();
const codeCache = new Map<string, { code: string; css: string }>();
const cssOutputName = `${fileName}.${createFileHash()}.css`;
const hrefProtocals = [ 'http://' ];
const getCss = (css: string) => {
return `[${selector || 'data-theme="dark"'}] {${css}}`;
async function preloadLess() {
if (!preloadFiles || !preloadFiles.length) {
for (const id of preloadFiles) {
const code = fs.readFileSync(id, 'utf-8');
.render(code, {
javascriptEnabled: true,
modifyVars: darkModifyVars,
filename: path.resolve(id),
plugins: [lessPlugin(id, config)],
.then(({ css }) => {
const colors = css.match(colorRE);
if (colors) {
css = extractVariable(css, colors.concat(['transparent']));
codeCache.set(id, { code, css });
function getProtocal(path): string | undefined {
let protocal:string | undefined;
hrefProtocals.forEach(hrefProtocal => {
protocal = hrefProtocal;
return protocal;
return [
injectClientPlugin('antdDarkPlugin', {
antdDarkCssOutputName: cssOutputName,
antdDarkExtractCss: extractCss,
antdDarkLoadLink: loadMethod === 'link',
name: 'vite:antd-dark-theme',
enforce: 'pre',
configResolved(resolvedConfig) {
config = resolvedConfig;
isServer = resolvedConfig.command === 'serve';
needSourcemap = !!;
isServer && preloadLess();
transformIndexHtml(html) {
let href;
const protocal = getProtocal(config.base);
if (isServer || loadMethod !== 'link') {
return html;
if(protocal) {
href = protocal + path.posix.join(config.base.slice(protocal.length),, cssOutputName);
else {
href = path.posix.join(config.base,, cssOutputName)
return {
tags: [
tag: 'link',
attrs: {
disabled: true,
id: linkID,
rel: 'alternate stylesheet',
href: href,
injectTo: 'head',
async transform(code, id) {
if (!id.endsWith('.less') || !code.includes('@')) {
return null;
if (typeof filter === 'function' && !filter(id)) {
return null;
const getResult = (content: string) => {
return {
map: needSourcemap ? this.getCombinedSourcemap() : null,
code: content,
let processCss = '';
const cache = codeCache.get(id);
const isUpdate = !cache || cache.code !== code;
if (isUpdate) {
const { css } = await less.render(code, {
javascriptEnabled: true,
modifyVars: darkModifyVars,
filename: path.resolve(id),
plugins: [lessPlugin(id, config)],
const colors = css.match(colorRE);
if (colors) {
// The theme only extracts css related to color
// Can effectively reduce the size
processCss = extractVariable(css, colors.concat(['transparent']));
} else {
processCss = cache!.css;
if (isServer || !extractCss) {
isUpdate && codeCache.set(id, { code, css: processCss });
return getResult(`${getCss(processCss)}\n` + code);
} else {
if (!styleMap.has(id)) {
const { css } = await less.render(getCss(processCss), {
filename: path.resolve(id),
plugins: [lessPlugin(id, config)],
extCssString += `${css}\n`;
styleMap.set(id, processCss);
return null;
async writeBundle() {
if (!extractCss) {
const {
build: { outDir, assetsDir, minify },
} = config;
if (minify) {
extCssString = await minifyCSS(extCssString, config);
const cssOutputPath = path.resolve(root, outDir, assetsDir, cssOutputName);
fs.writeFileSync(cssOutputPath, extCssString);
closeBundle() {
if (verbose && !isServer && extractCss) {
const {
build: { outDir, assetsDir },
} = config;
chalk.cyan('\n✨ [vite-plugin-theme:antd-dark]') +
` - extract antd dark css code file is successfully:`
try {
const { size } = fs.statSync(path.join(outDir, assetsDir, cssOutputName));
chalk.dim(outDir + '/') +
chalk.magentaBright(`${assetsDir}/${cssOutputName}`) +
`\t\t${chalk.dim((size / 1024).toFixed(2) + 'kb')}` +
} catch (error) {}