8 changed files with 1041 additions and 83 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,179 @@ |
<template> |
<a-table :columns="columns" :data-source="data" bordered /> |
</template> |
<script lang="ts"> |
import { defineComponent, watch, ref, onMounted } from 'vue'; |
import type { TableColumnType } from 'ant-design-vue'; |
import { inject } from 'vue'; |
// let data: any[] = []; |
export default defineComponent({ |
name: 'EnvironmentTable', |
setup() { |
let data = ref<any[]>([]); |
let columns = ref<TableColumnType[]>([]); |
interface PageData { |
tableList: any[]; |
tableColumns: any[]; |
graphList: any[]; |
} |
const pageData = inject<PageData>('pageData'); |
if (!pageData) { |
throw new Error('pageData is not provided'); |
} |
// 监听 pageData 的变化 |
watch( |
() => pageData as PageData, |
(_newValue, _oldValue) => { |
data.value = pageData.tableList; |
let columnA: any[] = [...column]; |
columnA.push(...pageData.tableColumns); |
columns.value = columnA; |
// pageData.graphList; |
// 执行你的逻辑代码 |
}, |
{ deep: true }, |
); |
const getRowSpan = (dataIndex: string, record: any, data: any, dependents: string[] = []) => { |
let rowSpan = 1; |
for (let i = data.indexOf(record) + 1; i < data.length; i++) { |
let shouldMerge = true; |
for (const dependent of dependents) { |
if (data[i][dependent] !== record[dependent]) { |
shouldMerge = false; |
break; |
} |
} |
if (shouldMerge && data[i][dataIndex] === record[dataIndex]) { |
rowSpan++; |
} else { |
break; |
} |
} |
return rowSpan; |
}; |
const column: TableColumnType[] = [ |
{ |
title: '序号', |
dataIndex: 'key', |
customCell: (record, rowIndex) => { |
if (rowIndex == undefined) { |
return { |
rowSpan: 0, |
colSpan: 0, |
}; |
} |
const rowSpan = getRowSpan('name', record, data.value); |
if (rowIndex != 0 && data.value[rowIndex - 1].key == record.key) { |
return { |
rowSpan: 0, |
colSpan: 0, |
}; |
} |
return { |
rowSpan: rowSpan, |
}; |
}, |
}, |
{ |
title: '设备名称', |
dataIndex: 'name', |
customCell: (record, rowIndex) => { |
if (rowIndex == undefined) { |
return { |
rowSpan: 0, |
colSpan: 0, |
}; |
} |
const rowSpan = getRowSpan('name', record, data.value); |
if (rowIndex != 0 && data.value[rowIndex - 1].name == record.name) { |
return { |
rowSpan: 0, |
colSpan: 0, |
}; |
} |
return { |
rowSpan: rowSpan, |
}; |
}, |
}, |
{ |
title: '设备点位', |
dataIndex: 'position', |
customCell: (record, rowIndex) => { |
if (rowIndex == undefined) { |
return { |
rowSpan: 0, |
colSpan: 0, |
}; |
} |
const rowSpan = getRowSpan('position', record, data.value, ['name']); |
if ( |
rowIndex != 0 && |
data.value[rowIndex - 1].name == record.name && |
data.value[rowIndex - 1].position == record.position |
) { |
return { |
rowSpan: 0, |
colSpan: 0, |
}; |
} |
return { |
rowSpan: rowSpan, |
}; |
}, |
}, |
{ |
title: '计量单位', |
dataIndex: 'unit', |
customCell: (record, rowIndex) => { |
if (rowIndex == undefined) { |
return { |
rowSpan: 0, |
colSpan: 0, |
}; |
} |
const rowSpan = getRowSpan('unit', record, data.value, ['name', 'position']); |
if ( |
rowIndex != 0 && |
data.value[rowIndex - 1].name == record.name && |
data.value[rowIndex - 1].position == record.position && |
data.value[rowIndex - 1].unit == record.unit |
) { |
return { |
rowSpan: 0, |
colSpan: 0, |
}; |
} |
return { |
rowSpan: rowSpan, |
}; |
}, |
}, |
]; |
onMounted(() => { |
data.value = pageData.tableList; |
let columnA: any[] = [...column]; |
columnA.push(...pageData.tableColumns); |
columns.value = columnA; |
}); |
return { |
data, |
column, |
columns, |
pageData, |
}; |
}, |
}); |
</script> |
<style lang="less" scoped></style> |
@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ |
<template> |
<div> |
<a-table |
:columns="tableColumns" |
:data-source="data" |
bordered |
:pagination="false" |
:scroll="{ x: 2000 }"> |
<template #title> |
<a-date-picker v-model:value="selectYear" picker="year" @change="changeYearData" /> |
</template> |
</a-table> |
<a-pagination |
:current="queryParams.pageNum" |
:total="total" |
:page-size="queryParams.pageSize" |
style="display: flex;justify-content: center;margin-top: 16px;" |
:show-size-changer="true" |
:show-quick-jumper="true" |
@change="onChange" /> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script lang="ts" setup> |
import { ref } from 'vue'; |
import { http } from '/nerv-lib/util/http'; |
import { Pagination } from 'ant-design-vue'; |
import { tableColumns } from '../config'; |
import { energyConsumption } from '/@/api/carbonEmissionFactorLibrary'; |
defineOptions({ |
energyType: 'CarbonEmissions', // 与页面路由name一致缓存才可生效 |
components: { |
'a-pagination': Pagination, |
}, |
}); |
const data = ref([]); |
const selectYear = ref<Dayjs>(); |
const total = ref<number>() |
const queryParams = ref({ |
pageNum: 1, |
pageSize: 10, |
}) |
const orgId = ref(''); |
const result = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('ORGID')!); |
orgId.value = result; |
const fetch = (api, params = { orgId } ) => { |
return http.post(api, params); |
}; |
// 年份选择改变触发 |
const changeYearData = () => { |
queryParams.value.year = selectYear.value.format('YYYY') |
getTableList() |
} |
// 获取表格数据 |
const getTableList = () => { |
fetch(energyConsumption.pageList , queryParams.value).then((res) => { |
data.value = res.data.records |
total.value = res.data.total |
}); |
}; |
getTableList() |
// 分页器 |
const onChange = (pageNumber: number,size: number) => { |
queryParams.value.pageNum = pageNumber; |
queryParams.value.pageSize = size; |
getTableList() |
}; |
</script> |
<style scoped lang="less"> |
::v-deep .ant-table-title{ |
display: flex; |
} |
::v-deep .ant-table-container{ |
padding: 0px 16px; |
} |
</style> |
<style scoped> |
th.column-money, |
td.column-money { |
text-align: right !important; |
} |
</style> |
@ -1,18 +1,34 @@ |
<template> |
<a-tabs v-model:activeKey="activeKey"> |
<a-tabs v-model:activeKey="activeKey" @change="handleTabChange"> |
<a-tab-pane key="1" tab="能耗统计"> |
<energyConsumption ref="energyConsumptionRef" /> |
</a-tab-pane> |
<a-tab-pane key="2" tab="碳排统计" force-render>Content of Tab Pane 2</a-tab-pane> |
<a-tab-pane key="3" tab="碳排速算">Content of Tab Pane 3</a-tab-pane> |
<a-tab-pane key="2" tab="碳排统计" force-render> |
<carbonEmissions ref="carbonEmissionsRef" /> |
</a-tab-pane> |
<a-tab-pane key="3" tab="碳排速算"> |
<quickCalculation ref="quickCalculationRef" /> |
</a-tab-pane> |
</a-tabs> |
</template> |
<script lang="ts" setup> |
import { ref } from 'vue'; |
import energyConsumption from './energyConsumption/index.vue'; |
import carbonEmissions from './carbonEmissions/index.vue'; |
import quickCalculation from './quickCalculation/index.vue'; |
defineOptions({ |
name: 'CarbonEmissionStatisticsIndex', // 与页面路由name一致缓存才可生效 |
}); |
const activeKey = ref('1'); |
// 切换tab页的回调 |
const handleTabChange = (key) => { |
console.log('Tab changed:', key); |
// 在这里可以执行需要在页面切换时执行的逻辑 |
// if(key==='1'){ |
// if (energyConsumptionRef.value) { |
// energyConsumptionRef.value.getTableList(); // 调用子组件的方法 |
// } |
// } |
}; |
</script> |
@ -0,0 +1,583 @@ |
<!-- @format --> |
<template> |
<div class="main"> |
<div class="left"> |
<div class="top"> |
<a-form style="width: 100%;margin: 0 auto;"> |
<div class="ns-form-title"><span>排放分类</span></div> |
<div style="padding: 0 16px !important;width: 100%;"> |
<a-row> |
<a-col :span="24" style="margin-bottom: 16px;"> |
<a-input-search |
v-model:value="selectTreeDataValue" |
placeholder="请输入关键词" |
@search="onSearchTreeData" |
/> |
</a-col> |
</a-row> |
</div> |
</a-form> |
<a-tree |
v-if="gData && gData.length > 0" |
class="draggable-tree" |
style="padding: 0 16px !important;" |
draggable |
show-line |
checkable |
block-node |
:tree-data="gData" |
:checkedKeys="checkedTreeNodeKeys" |
:selectedKeys="selectedKeys" |
@dragenter="onDragEnter" |
@drop="onDrop" |
@check="checkTreeNode" |
@select="onSelect" |
:expanded-keys="expandedKeys" |
:auto-expand-parent="autoExpandParent" |
@expand="onExpand"> |
<template #title="{ emissionName }"> |
<span v-if="emissionName && selectTreeDataValue && emissionName.indexOf(selectTreeDataValue) > -1"> |
{{ emissionName.substring(0, emissionName.indexOf(selectTreeDataValue)) }} |
<span style="color: #f50">{{ selectTreeDataValue }}</span> |
{{ emissionName.substring(emissionName.indexOf(selectTreeDataValue) + selectTreeDataValue.length) }} |
</span> |
<span v-else>{{ emissionName }}</span> |
</template> |
</a-tree> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="right"> |
<ns-view-list-table v-bind="tableConfig" :model="data" ref="mainRef" :scroll="{ x: 2000}"/> |
</div> |
<!-- 新增树节点 --> |
<ns-modal :visible="treeNodeAdd" :title="operationTree" @ok="handleOk" @cancel="handleCancel"> |
<ns-input |
v-model:value="addTreeNode" |
class="input" |
placeholder="请输入排放类型"/> |
</ns-modal> |
<!-- 新增数据库数据 --> |
<a-drawer |
:width="500" |
:visible="visible" |
:body-style="{ paddingBottom: '80px' }" |
:footer-style="{ textAlign: 'right' }" |
destroyOnClose |
@close="onClose"> |
<ns-form |
ref="formRef" |
:model="formData" |
class="form" |
:wrapperCol="{ span: 20 }" |
formLayout="vertical" /> |
<template #footer> |
<a-button style="margin-right: 8px" @click="onClose">取消</a-button> |
<a-button type="primary" @click="onEdit">确定</a-button> |
</template> |
</a-drawer> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script lang="ts" setup> |
import { Modal } from 'ant-design-vue'; |
import { computed, createVNode, defineComponent, reactive, ref, watchEffect,watch } from 'vue'; |
import { http } from '/nerv-lib/util/http'; |
import { NsMessage, NsModal } from '/nerv-lib/component'; |
import { carbonEmissionFactorLibrary } from '/@/api/carbonEmissionFactorLibrary'; |
import type { |
AntTreeNodeDragEnterEvent, |
AntTreeNodeDropEvent, |
TreeProps, |
} from 'ant-design-vue/es/tree'; |
import { log } from 'node:console'; |
defineOptions({ name: 'QuickCalculation' }); |
const selectTreeDataValue = ref<string>(''); |
const mainRef = ref(); |
const data = reactive({}); |
let formData = ref({}); |
const formRef = ref(); |
const visible = ref(false); |
const searchValue = ref<string>(''); |
const searchValue2 = ref<string>(''); |
const disabled = ref(false); |
const treeNodeAdd = ref<boolean>(false); |
const operationTree = ref<string>('新增'); |
const opMap: any = ref({ |
type: 'add', |
fuc: () => {}, |
record: {}, |
}); |
watchEffect(() => { |
disabled.value = opMap.value.type === 'edit'; |
}); |
const casData = ref([]); |
const treeData = ref([]); |
const userAuthList = ref([]); |
const orgId = ref(''); |
const result = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('ORGID')!); |
orgId.value = result; |
const dynamicDisabled = computed(() => { |
return formRef.value?.validateResult && userAuthList.value?.length; |
}); |
const fetch = (api, params = { orgId }) => { |
return http.post(api, params); |
}; |
// 树结构 |
const x = 3; |
const y = 2; |
const z = 1; |
const genData: TreeProps['treeData'] = []; |
const checkedTreeNodeKeys = ref<string[]>(['0-0']); |
const generateData = (_level: number, _preKey?: string, _tns?: TreeProps['treeData']) => { |
const preKey = _preKey || '0'; |
const tns = _tns || genData; |
const children = []; |
for (let i = 0; i < x; i++) { |
const key = `${preKey}-${i}`; |
tns.push({ title: key, key }); |
if (i < y) { |
children.push(key); |
} |
} |
if (_level < 0) { |
return tns; |
} |
const level = _level - 1; |
children.forEach((key, index) => { |
tns[index].children = []; |
return generateData(level, key, tns[index].children); |
}); |
}; |
generateData(z); |
type TreeDataItem = TreeProps['treeData'][number]; |
const gData = ref<TreeProps['treeData']>(genData); |
const onDragEnter = (info: AntTreeNodeDragEnterEvent) => { |
console.log(info); |
// expandedKeys 需要展开时 |
// expandedKeys.value = info.expandedKeys; |
}; |
const onDrop = (info: AntTreeNodeDropEvent) => { |
console.log(info); |
const dropKey = info.node.key; |
const dragKey = info.dragNode.key; |
const dropPos = info.node.pos.split('-'); |
const dropPosition = info.dropPosition - Number(dropPos[dropPos.length - 1]); |
const loop = (data: TreeProps['treeData'], key: string | number, callback: any) => { |
data.forEach((item, index) => { |
if (item.key === key) { |
return callback(item, index, data); |
} |
if (item.children) { |
return loop(item.children, key, callback); |
} |
}); |
}; |
const data = [...gData.value]; |
// Find dragObject |
let dragObj: TreeDataItem; |
loop(data, dragKey, (item: TreeDataItem, index: number, arr: TreeProps['treeData']) => { |
arr.splice(index, 1); |
dragObj = item; |
}); |
if (!info.dropToGap) { |
// Drop on the content |
loop(data, dropKey, (item: TreeDataItem) => { |
item.children = item.children || []; |
/// where to insert 示例添加到头部,可以是随意位置 |
item.children.unshift(dragObj); |
}); |
} else if ( |
(info.node.children || []).length > 0 && // Has children |
info.node.expanded && // Is expanded |
dropPosition === 1 // On the bottom gap |
) { |
loop(data, dropKey, (item: TreeDataItem) => { |
item.children = item.children || []; |
// where to insert 示例添加到头部,可以是随意位置 |
item.children.unshift(dragObj); |
}); |
} else { |
let ar: TreeProps['treeData'] = []; |
let i = 0; |
loop(data, dropKey, (_item: TreeDataItem, index: number, arr: TreeProps['treeData']) => { |
ar = arr; |
i = index; |
}); |
if (dropPosition === -1) { |
ar.splice(i, 0, dragObj); |
} else { |
ar.splice(i + 1, 0, dragObj); |
} |
} |
gData.value = data; |
}; |
const dataList: TreeProps['treeData'] = []; |
const generateList = (data: TreeProps['treeData']) => { |
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { |
const node = data[i]; |
const key = node.key; |
dataList.push({ key, title: key }); |
if (node.children) { |
generateList(node.children); |
} |
} |
}; |
generateList(genData); |
const getParentKey = ( |
key: string | number, |
tree: TreeProps['treeData'], |
): string | number | undefined => { |
let parentKey; |
for (let i = 0; i < tree.length; i++) { |
const node = tree[i]; |
if (node.children) { |
if (node.children.some(item => item.key === key)) { |
parentKey = node.key; |
} else if (getParentKey(key, node.children)) { |
parentKey = getParentKey(key, node.children); |
} |
} |
} |
return parentKey; |
}; |
const expandedKeys = ref<(string | number)[]>([]); |
const autoExpandParent = ref<boolean>(true); |
const onExpand = (keys: string[]) => { |
expandedKeys.value = keys; |
autoExpandParent.value = false; |
}; |
watch(selectTreeDataValue, value => { |
const expanded = dataList |
.map((item: TreeProps['treeData'][number]) => { |
if (item.title.indexOf(value) > -1) { |
return getParentKey(item.key, gData.value); |
} |
return null; |
}) |
.filter((item, i, self) => item && self.indexOf(item) === i); |
expandedKeys.value = expanded; |
selectTreeDataValue.value = value; |
autoExpandParent.value = true; |
}); |
// 筛选树结构中的数据 |
const onSearchTreeData = (selectTreeDataValue: string) => { |
console.log('use value', selectTreeDataValue); |
console.log('or use this.value', value.value); |
}; |
// 点击数据点的复选框 |
const checkedIds = ref([]) |
const emissionType = ref() |
const checkTreeNode = (checkedKeys, info) => { |
checkedTreeNodeKeys.value = checkedKeys |
checkedIds.value = [] |
info.checkedNodes.forEach(item=>{ |
checkedIds.value.push(item.id) |
}) |
sessionStorage.setItem('checkedTreeNode', checkedIds.value); |
emissionType.value = checkedIds.value.join(',') |
mainRef.value?.nsTableRef.reload(); |
} |
// 新增/编辑树节点点击确定 |
const addTreeNode =ref() |
const handleOk = (e: MouseEvent) => { |
editTreeNode.value.emissionName = addTreeNode.value |
http.post(carbonEmissionFactorLibrary.creat,editTreeNode.value).then(() => { |
getOrgTree() |
NsMessage.success('操作成功'); |
addTreeNode.value = '' |
treeNodeAdd.value = false; |
}); |
}; |
const handleCancel = () => { |
addTreeNode.value = '' |
treeNodeAdd.value = false; |
}; |
// 获取排放分类树 |
const getOrgTree = (params?) => { |
fetch(carbonEmissionFactorLibrary.getCarbonFactorTree, params).then((res) => { |
gData.value = res.data |
// 找到匹配的节点数据 |
const selectedNodes = []; |
checkedTreeNodeKeys.value.forEach(key => { |
const [parentId, childId] = key.split('-').map(Number); |
if (parentId >= 0 && childId >= 0 && gData.value[parentId]?.children?.[childId]) { |
selectedNodes.push(gData.value[parentId]); |
} |
}); |
// 获取默认选中节点的所有id |
getDefaultIds(selectedNodes) |
}); |
}; |
const defaultIds = ref([]) |
const getDefaultIds = (selectedNodes) => { |
selectedNodes.forEach(items => { |
defaultIds.value.push(items.id) |
if(items.children){ |
getDefaultIds(items.children) |
} |
}) |
emissionType.value = defaultIds.value.join(',') |
checkedIds.value = defaultIds.value |
sessionStorage.setItem('checkedTreeNode', checkedIds.value); |
} |
getOrgTree(); |
// 被选中的树节点 |
const editTreeNode = ref({}) |
const onSelect = (selectedKeys: string[], info: any) => { |
if(info.selected){ |
editTreeNode.value = { |
id:info.selectedNodes[0].id, |
level:info.selectedNodes[0].level, |
dataNumber:info.selectedNodes[0].dataNumber, |
sortNumber:info.selectedNodes[0].sortNumber, |
parentEmissionId:info.selectedNodes[0].parentEmissionId, |
} |
} |
}; |
const onSearch = () => { |
console.log(searchValue.value); |
getOrgTree({ orgName: searchValue.value, orgId }); |
}; |
const tableFetch = (params) => { |
console.log(params, 'sdfasfasdfasdfasdf'); |
tableConfig.value.params = { |
...mainRef.value.params, |
...params, |
}; |
setTimeout(() => { |
mainRef.value?.nsTableRef.reload(); |
}, 100); |
}; |
const handleSelect = (selectedKeys: any, info: any) => { |
fetch(carbonEmissionFactorLibrary.queryDeptTree, { orgId: info.node?.orgInfo.orgId }).then((res) => { |
treeData2.value = res.data; |
}); |
tableFetch({ orgId: info.node?.orgInfo.orgId }); |
}; |
const onClose = () => { |
visible.value = false; |
formData.value = {}; |
userAuthList.value.splice(0); |
}; |
const onEdit = () => { |
formRef.value?.triggerSubmit().then(() => { |
console.log(formData.value, 'formData.value'); |
// if (!userAuthList.value.length) { |
// NsMessage.error('请添加用户权限'); |
// return; |
// } |
opMap.value.fuc && |
opMap.value.fuc({ ...formData.value }); |
}); |
}; |
const tableConfig = ref({ |
title: '数据库', |
api: carbonEmissionFactorLibrary.getTableList, |
params: { |
orgId, |
emissionType |
}, |
headerActions: [ |
{ |
label: '新增', |
name: 'userAdd', |
type: 'primary', |
handle: () => { |
opMap.value.type = 'add'; |
setTimeout(() => { |
formData.value = { |
carbonEmissionPrefix:'t', |
numberOfReferences:'10' |
}; |
userAuthList.value.splice(0); |
}); |
opMap.value.fuc = (formData: any) => { |
formData.emissionType = formData.emissionType[formData.emissionType.length - 1] |
return http.post(carbonEmissionFactorLibrary.creatOrUpdate, formData).then(() => { |
mainRef.value?.nsTableRef.reload(); |
visible.value = false; |
NsMessage.success('操作成功'); |
}); |
}; |
visible.value = true; |
}, |
}, |
{ |
label: '导入', |
type: 'primary', |
name: 'userImport', |
handle: () => {}, |
}, |
{ |
label: '导出', |
type: 'primary', |
name: 'userExports', |
}, |
{ |
label: '批量删除', |
type: 'primary', |
name: 'userBatchDel', |
dynamicDisabled: (data: any) => { |
return data.list.length === 0; |
}, |
confirm: true, |
isReload: true, |
isClearCheck: true, |
api: carbonEmissionFactorLibrary.del, |
dynamicParams: { ids: 'id[]' }, |
}, |
], |
columns: [ |
{ |
title: 'id', |
customRender: (text: any) => { |
return text.index + 1; |
}, |
}, |
{ |
title: '排放源', |
dataIndex: 'emissionSources', |
}, |
{ |
title: '排放类型', |
dataIndex: 'emissionTypeColumn', |
}, |
{ |
title: '排放气体', |
dataIndex: 'emissionGas', |
}, |
{ |
title: '排放环节', |
dataIndex: 'emissionProcess', |
}, |
{ |
title: '排放因子', |
dataIndex: 'emissionFactors', |
}, |
{ |
title: '排放因子单位', |
dataIndex: 'emissionFactorUnits', |
}, |
{ |
title: '数据来源', |
dataIndex: 'dataSources', |
}, |
{ |
title: '数据库', |
dataIndex: 'carbonDatabase', |
}, |
{ |
title: '参考文献', |
dataIndex: 'reference', |
}, |
{ |
title: '引用数量', |
dataIndex: 'numberOfReferences', |
}, |
], |
columnActions: { |
title: '操作', |
actions: [ |
{ |
label: '编辑', |
name: 'userEdit', |
handle: (record: any) => { |
userAuthList.value.splice(0); |
setTimeout(() => { |
console.log(record.id); |
http.post(carbonEmissionFactorLibrary.findById,{ id: record.id } ).then((res) => { |
formData.value = res.data; |
}); |
}, 10); |
opMap.value.type = 'edit'; |
opMap.value.fuc = (formData: any) => { |
return http.post(carbonEmissionFactorLibrary.creatOrUpdate, formData).then(() => { |
mainRef.value?.nsTableRef.reload(); |
visible.value = false; |
NsMessage.success('操作成功'); |
}); |
}; |
visible.value = true; |
}, |
}, |
{ |
label: '删除', |
name: 'userDelete', |
dynamicParams: { ids: 'id[]' }, |
confirm: true, |
isReload: true, |
api: carbonEmissionFactorLibrary.del, |
}, |
], |
}, |
rowKey: 'id', |
}); |
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Reference in new issue