26 changed files with 615 additions and 187 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ |
export enum equipmentAlarmApi { |
getTableList = '/carbon-smart/api/AlarmEquipmentLog/selectAlarmEquipmentLog', //设备告警 列表
getCodeList = '/carbon-smart/api/AlarmEquipmentLog/selectErrorCodeList', //设备告警 列表
} |
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ |
export enum dict { |
dictionaryUnitManagement = '/carbon-smart/client/dict/dictionaryUnitManagement', |
updateDictionary = '/carbon-smart/client/dict/updateDictionary', |
createDictionary = '/carbon-smart/client/dict/createDictionary', |
delDictionary = '/carbon-smart/client/dict/delDictionary', |
} |
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ |
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After Width: | Height: | Size: 1.8 KiB |
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ |
const dict = { |
path: '/dict', |
name: 'dict', |
meta: { title: '字典', icon: 'zidian', index: 7, hideChildren: true }, |
redirect: { name: 'dictIndex' }, |
children: [ |
{ |
path: 'index', |
name: 'dictIndex', |
meta: { title: '字典', hideChildren: true, icon: 'zidian' }, |
component: () => import('/@/view/dict/index.vue'), |
}, |
], |
}; |
export default dict; |
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ |
export const tableColumns = [ |
// {
// title: '序号',
// customRender: (text: any) => {
// return text.index + 1;
// },
// },
{ |
title: 'id', |
dataIndex: 'id', |
}, |
{ |
title: '字典组名', |
dataIndex: 'grp', |
}, |
{ |
title: '字典组名描述', |
dataIndex: 'grpDesc', |
}, |
{ |
title: '字典Key', |
dataIndex: 'dicKey', |
}, |
{ |
title: '字典中文Value', |
dataIndex: 'cnValue', |
}, |
{ |
title: '字典英文Value', |
dataIndex: 'enValue', |
}, |
{ |
title: '字典描述', |
dataIndex: 'description', |
}, |
{ |
title: '父级ID', |
dataIndex: 'parentId', |
}, |
{ |
title: '排序数字', |
dataIndex: 'seq', |
}, |
{ |
title: '是否展示', |
dataIndex: 'showed', |
}, |
{ |
title: '操作', |
}, |
]; |
@ -0,0 +1,316 @@ |
<!-- eslint-disable vue/multi-word-component-names --> |
<template> |
<div> |
<a-table |
:columns="tableColumns" |
:data-source="data" |
bordered |
:pagination="false" |
:scroll="{ y: 530 }"> |
<template #bodyCell="{ text, column, record }"> |
<template v-if="column.dataIndex === 'showed'"> |
<a-switch |
:checked="text" |
:checked-value="0" |
:unCheckedValue="1" |
@change="(checked) => updateShowed(record, true)" /> |
</template> |
<template v-if="column.title === '操作'"> |
<a-button type="link" @click="updateDict(record)">编辑</a-button> |
<a-button type="link" @click="deleteDict(record)">删除</a-button> |
</template> |
</template> |
<template #title> |
<div |
style="display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: space-between; width: 100%"> |
<div style="display: flex; align-items: center; width: 85%"> |
<div style="width: 10%">数据报表</div> |
<a-input |
v-model:value="queryParams.grp" |
placeholder="请输入字典组名" |
style="width: 15%" /> |
<a-input |
v-model:value="queryParams.grpDesc" |
placeholder="请输入字典组名描述" |
style="width: 15%; margin-left: 10px" /> |
<a-input |
v-model:value="queryParams.dicKey" |
placeholder="请输入字典Key" |
style="width: 15%; margin-left: 10px" /> |
<a-input |
v-model:value="queryParams.cnValue" |
placeholder="请输入字典中文Value" |
style="width: 15%; margin-left: 10px" /> |
<a-button type="primary" style="margin-left: 10px" @click="getTableList"> |
查询 |
</a-button> |
</div> |
<a-button type="primary" style="margin-left: 10px" @click="addDict"> 新增 </a-button> |
</div> |
</template> |
</a-table> |
<a-drawer |
:width="600" |
:visible="visible" |
:title="updateInfo && updateInfo.id ? '编辑' : '新增'" |
:body-style="{ paddingBottom: '80px' }" |
:footer-style="{ textAlign: 'right' }" |
destroyOnClose |
@close="onClose"> |
<a-form |
ref="formRef" |
:model="updateInfo" |
:rules="rules" |
:label-col="labelCol" |
:wrapper-col="wrapperCol"> |
<a-form-item ref="grp" label="字典组名" name="grp"> |
<a-input v-model:value="updateInfo.grp" placeholder="请输入字典组名" /> |
</a-form-item> |
<a-form-item ref="grpDesc" label="字典组名描述" name="grpDesc"> |
<a-input v-model:value="updateInfo.grpDesc" placeholder="请输入字典组名描述" /> |
</a-form-item> |
<a-form-item ref="dicKey" label="字典Key" name="dicKey"> |
<a-input v-model:value="updateInfo.dicKey" placeholder="请输入字典Key" /> |
</a-form-item> |
<a-form-item ref="cnValue" label="字典中文Value" name="cnValue"> |
<a-input v-model:value="updateInfo.cnValue" placeholder="请输入字典中文Value" /> |
</a-form-item> |
<a-form-item ref="enValue" label="字典英文Value" name="enValue"> |
<a-input v-model:value="updateInfo.enValue" placeholder="请输入字典英文Value" /> |
</a-form-item> |
<a-form-item ref="description" label="字典描述" name="description"> |
<a-input v-model:value="updateInfo.description" placeholder="请输入字典描述" /> |
</a-form-item> |
<a-form-item ref="parentId" label="父级ID" name="parentId"> |
<a-input v-model:value="updateInfo.parentId" placeholder="请输入父级ID" /> |
</a-form-item> |
<a-form-item ref="seq" label="排序数字" name="seq"> |
<a-input v-model:value="updateInfo.seq" placeholder="请输入排序数字" /> |
</a-form-item> |
<a-form-item ref="showed" label="是否展示" name="showed"> |
<!-- <a-input v-model:value="updateInfo.showed" placeholder="请输入是否展示" /> --> |
<a-switch |
:checked="updateInfo.showed" |
:checked-value="0" |
:unCheckedValue="1" |
@change="updateShowed(updateInfo, false)" /> |
</a-form-item> |
<!-- <a-form-item label="计量单位" name="unit"> |
<a-cascader v-model:value="formState.unit" :options="measurementUnit" /> |
</a-form-item> |
<a-form-item label="自动采集节点" name="collectionNode"> |
<a-tree-select |
v-model:value="formState.collectionNode" |
:tree-line="true" |
:tree-data="treeData" /> |
</a-form-item> |
<a-form-item label="计算碳排" name="isComputeCarbon"> |
<a-radio-group v-model:value="formState.isComputeCarbon" @change="changeRadio"> |
<a-radio :value="0">是</a-radio> |
<a-radio :value="1">否</a-radio> |
</a-radio-group> |
</a-form-item> |
<a-form-item label="排放类型" name="emissionType" :required="isRequired"> |
<a-select v-model:value="formState.emissionType" placeholder="请选择排放类型"> |
<a-select-option v-for="(item, index) in emissionTypeDic" :key="index" :value="item.id"> |
{{ item.cnValue }} |
</a-select-option> |
</a-select> |
</a-form-item> --> |
</a-form> |
<template #footer> |
<a-button style="margin-right: 8px" @click="onClose">取消</a-button> |
<a-button type="primary" @click="onSubmit">确定</a-button> |
</template> |
</a-drawer> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script lang="ts" setup> |
import { ref, onMounted, defineOptions } from 'vue'; |
import { http } from '/nerv-lib/util/http'; |
import type { FormInstance, Rule } from 'ant-design-vue/es/form'; |
import { tableColumns } from './config'; |
import { dict } from '/@/api/dict'; |
import { NsMessage } from '/nerv-lib/component'; |
import { Modal } from 'ant-design-vue'; |
defineOptions({ |
energyType: 'dictIndex', // 与页面路由name一致缓存才可生效 |
}); |
const data = ref([]); |
const updateInfo = ref({}); |
const formRef = ref<FormInstance | null>(null); |
const queryParams = ref({ |
grp: '', |
grpDesc: '', |
dicKey: '', |
cnValue: '', |
}); |
const orgId = ref(''); |
const result = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('ORGID')!); |
orgId.value = result; |
const fetch = (api, params = { orgId }) => { |
return http.post(api, params); |
}; |
// 获取表格数据 |
const getTableList = () => { |
fetch(dict.dictionaryUnitManagement, queryParams.value).then((res) => { |
data.value = res.data; |
}); |
}; |
// 修改是否显示状态 |
const updateShowed = (record: any, falg: Boolean) => { |
if (record.showed == 0) { |
record.showed = 1; |
} else { |
record.showed = 0; |
} |
if (falg) { |
fetch(dict.updateDictionary, record).then((res) => { |
getTableList(); |
}); |
} else { |
} |
}; |
const visible = ref(false); |
// const formState = ref({ |
// orgId: orgId.value, |
// }); |
const labelCol = { span: 5 }; |
const wrapperCol = { span: 19 }; |
// 定义form表单的必填 |
const rules: Record<string, Rule[]> = { |
grp: [{ required: true, message: '请输入字典组名', trigger: 'change' }], |
grpDesc: [{ required: true, message: '请输入字典组名描述', trigger: 'change' }], |
dicKey: [{ required: true, message: '请输入字典Key', trigger: 'change' }], |
cnValue: [{ required: true, message: '请输入字典中文Value', trigger: 'change' }], |
seq: [{ required: true, message: '请输入排序数字', trigger: 'change' }], |
showed: [{ required: true, message: '请输入是否展示', trigger: 'change' }], |
}; |
// interface FormState { |
// energyType: string; |
// unit: string; |
// collectionNode: string; |
// emissionType: string | undefined; |
// isComputeCarbon: string; |
// janFlag: string; |
// febFlag: string; |
// marFlag: string; |
// aprFlag: string; |
// mayFlag: string; |
// junFlag: string; |
// julFlag: string; |
// augFlag: string; |
// sepFlag: string; |
// octFlag: string; |
// novFlag: string; |
// decFlag: string; |
// } |
// 关闭新增抽屉 |
const onClose = () => { |
visible.value = false; |
// formState.value = { |
// orgId: orgId.value, |
// }; |
// formRef.value.resetFields(); |
}; |
// 打开编辑页 |
const updateDict = (record: any) => { |
updateInfo.value = record; |
visible.value = true; |
// todo 打开编辑页 |
}; |
// 打开新增页 |
const addDict = () => { |
updateInfo.value = {}; |
updateInfo.value.showed = 1; |
visible.value = true; |
// todo 打开编辑页 |
}; |
// 点击确定提交 |
const onSubmit = () => { |
debugger; |
formRef.value |
?.validate() |
.then((valid) => { |
if (valid) { |
if (updateInfo.value.id) { |
fetch(dict.updateDictionary, updateInfo.value).then((res) => { |
if (res.retcode == 0) { |
visible.value = false; |
NsMessage.success('保存成功'); |
getTableList(); |
} |
}); |
} else { |
fetch(dict.createDictionary, updateInfo.value).then((res) => { |
if (res.retcode == 0) { |
visible.value = false; |
NsMessage.success('保存成功'); |
getTableList(); |
} |
}); |
} |
} else { |
console.log('表单验证失败'); |
} |
}) |
.catch((error) => { |
console.log('表单验证失败', error); |
}); |
}; |
// 删除字典 |
const deleteDict = (record: any) => { |
Modal.confirm({ |
title: '警告', |
// icon: createVNode(ExclamationCircleOutlined), |
content: '确定要删除么?', |
okText: '确认', |
okType: 'primary', |
cancelText: '取消', |
onOk() { |
// let params = ; |
// // http.post(dict.delDictionary, params).then((res) => { |
// // if (res.retcode == 0) { |
// // visible.value = false; |
// // NsMessage.success('删除成功'); |
// // getTableList(); |
// // } |
// // }); |
fetch(dict.delDictionary, { id: record.id }).then((res) => { |
if (res.retcode == 0) { |
visible.value = false; |
NsMessage.success('删除成功'); |
getTableList(); |
} |
}); |
}, |
onCancel() { |
console.log('Cancel'); |
}, |
}); |
}; |
onMounted(() => { |
getTableList(); |
}); |
</script> |
<style scoped lang="less"> |
::v-deep .ant-table-title { |
display: flex; |
} |
::v-deep .ant-table-container { |
padding: 0px 16px; |
} |
</style> |
<style scoped> |
th.column-money, |
td.column-money { |
text-align: right !important; |
} |
</style> |
Reference in new issue