zhaohy 8 months ago
  1. 9
  2. 1
  3. 21
  4. 19
  5. 13
  6. 15
  7. 31
  8. 8
  9. 22
  10. 333
  11. 40
  12. 4
  13. 4
  14. 4
  15. 4
  16. 4
  17. 8
  18. 4
  19. 53
  20. 151
  21. 61
  22. 178
  23. 11
  24. 88
  25. 28
  26. 17
  27. 2
  28. 13
  29. 229
  30. 62
  31. 76
  32. 41
  33. 48
  34. 4
  35. 564
  36. 4


@ -42,4 +42,13 @@ export enum carbonInventoryCheck {
createOrUpdate = '/carbon-smart/api/carbon/report/createOrUpdate',
findById = '/carbon-smart/api/carbon/report/findById',
delete = '/carbon-smart/api/carbon/report/delete',
// 填报页面接口
// 最左侧碳盘查报告树
getCategoryTree = '/carbon-smart/api/carbon/inventory/contact/getCategoryTree',
updateCategoryTree = '/carbon-smart/api/carbon/inventory/contact/update',
// 排放源中左侧树
getInventoryTree = '/carbon-smart/api/carbon/inventory/getInventoryTree',
create = '/carbon-smart/api/carbon/inventory/create',
update = '/carbon-smart/api/carbon/inventory/update',
del = '/carbon-smart/api/carbon/inventory/del',


@ -28,4 +28,5 @@ export enum group {
queryFormula = `${BASE_URL}/deviceGroup/queryFormula`, // 公式查询
dropGroupFilter = `${BASE_URL}/deviceGroup/dropGroupFilter`, // 分组列表查询
dropGroupInfoFilter = `${BASE_URL}/deviceGroup/dropGroupInfoFilter`, // 计算列表查询
queryDeviceToEnergy = `${BASE_URL}/deviceGroup/queryDeviceToEnergy`, // 能耗监测用查询设备(能耗监测设备树)


@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
// 设备监测
export enum deviceMonitor {
// getTableList = '/carbon/emission/factor/queryCarbonFactorPage',
// addNewData = '/carbon/emission/factor/creatOrUpdate',
// editUser = '/carbon-smart/api/user/edit',
// frozen = '/carbon-smart/api/user/frozen',
// resetPwd = '/carbon-smart/api/user/resetPwd',
// del = '/carbon-smart/api/user/del',
// batchDel = '/carbon-smart/api/user/batchDel',
// getCarbonFactorTree = '/carbon/emission/type/getCarbonFactorTree',
// queryDeptTree = '/carbon-smart/api/user/queryDeptTree',
// queryUserPerList = '/carbon-smart/api/user/queryUserPerList',
getDeviceGraph = '/carbon-smart/api/monitor/getDeviceGraph',
getDevicePointToMonitor = '/carbon-smart//api/monitor/getDevicePointToMonitor',
// 能耗监测
export enum energyMonitor {
getDeviceOrNodeEnergyGraph = '/carbon-smart/api/monitor/getDeviceOrNodeEnergyGraph',
getDeviceOrNodeEnergyAnalyse = '/carbon-smart/api/monitor/getDeviceOrNodeEnergyAnalyse',
// 环境监测
export enum environmentMonitor {}


@ -24,6 +24,25 @@ const equipmentControl = {
path: 'liftSystem',
name: 'liftSystem',
meta: { title: '电梯系统', hideChildren: true, icon: 'shebeiqunkong' },
component: Base,
redirect: { name: 'liftSystem' },
children: [
path: 'index',
name: 'liftSystem',
component: () => import('/@/view/equipmentControl/liftSystem/index.vue'),
meta: {
title: '电梯系统',
keepAlive: false,
// backApi: [],
export default equipmentControl;


@ -39,7 +39,18 @@ const equipment = {
meta: {
title: '分组管理',
keepAlive: false,
// backApi: [],
operates: [
{ title: '新增分组', code: 'GroupAdd' },
{ title: '删除分组', code: 'GroupDelete' },
{ title: '编辑分组', code: 'GroupEdit' },
{ title: '删除点位', code: 'GroupPointDelete' },
{ title: '编辑点位', code: 'GroupPointEdit' },
{ title: '导入点位', code: 'GroupPointImport' },
{ title: '导出点位', code: 'GroupPointExports' },
{ title: '模版下载', code: 'GroupTempDownload' },
{ title: '批量分组', code: 'GroupBatchGroup' },
{ title: '公式编辑', code: 'GroupFormulaEdit' },


@ -52,27 +52,27 @@ export const formConfig = (disabled) => {
options: [
label: 'CO2',
value: 'CO2',
value: 1,
label: 'CO2e',
value: 'CO2e',
value: 2,
label: 'SF6',
value: 3,
label: 'CH4',
value: 'CH4',
value: 4,
label: 'PFCs',
value: 'PFCs',
value: 5,
label: 'HFCs',
value: 'HFCs',
value: 6,
@ -195,7 +195,8 @@ export const formConfig = (disabled) => {
component: 'NsTextarea',
componentProps: {
placeholder: '请输入参考文献',
maxLength: 20,
maxLength: 300,


@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
<ns-icon name="actionMore" size="14" class="actionMore" />
<template #overlay>
<a-menu-item @click="editTreeNodeData">编辑</a-menu-item>
<a-menu-item @click="editTreeNodeData(data)">编辑</a-menu-item>
<a-menu-item @click="addTreeNodeData">新增子节点</a-menu-item>
@ -67,7 +67,13 @@
<div class="right">
<ns-view-list-table v-bind="tableConfig" :model="data" ref="mainRef" :scroll="{ x: 2000}"/>
<ns-view-list-table v-bind="tableConfig" :model="data" ref="mainRef" :scroll="{ x: 2000}">
<template #bodyCell="{ record, column }">
<template v-if="column.dataIndex === 'emissionGas'">
{{ record.emissionGas.label }}
<!-- 新增树节点 -->
<ns-modal :visible="treeNodeAdd" :title="operationTree" @ok="handleOk" @cancel="handleCancel">
@ -406,10 +412,11 @@
editTreeNode.value.type = 'create'
const editTreeNodeData = () => {
const editTreeNodeData = (data) => {
treeNodeAdd.value = true;
editTreeNode.value.type = 'update'
addTreeNode.value = data.emissionName
const deleteTreeNode = () => {
@ -562,7 +569,6 @@
opMap.value.fuc = (formData: any) => {
formData.emissionType = formData.emissionType[formData.emissionType.length - 1]
return http.post(carbonEmissionFactorLibrary.creatOrUpdate, formData).then(() => {
visible.value = false;
@ -602,7 +608,7 @@
name: 'userAdd',
handle: () => {
unitManagement.value = true,
fetch(carbonEmissionFactorLibrary.findOutermost).then((res) => {
fetch(carbonEmissionFactorLibrary.findOutermost,{grp:'MEASUREMENT_UNIT'}).then((res) => {
groupData.value = res.data
@ -682,6 +688,9 @@
opMap.value.type = 'edit';
opMap.value.fuc = (formData: any) => {
formData.emissionType = formData.emissionType[formData.emissionType.length - 1]
formData.emissionGas = formData.emissionGas.value
return http.post(carbonEmissionFactorLibrary.creatOrUpdate, formData).then(() => {
visible.value = false;
@ -739,27 +748,27 @@
options: [
label: 'CO2',
value: '1',
value: 1,
label: 'CO2e',
value: '2',
value: 2,
label: 'SF6',
label: 'CH4',
value: '4',
value: 4,
label: 'PFCs',
value: '5',
value: 5,
label: 'HFCs',
value: '6',
value: 6,


@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
:scroll="{ x: 2000 }">
:scroll="{ x: 2000,y:480 }">
<template #title>
<a-date-picker v-model:value="selectYear" picker="year" @change="changeYearData" valueFormat="YYYY" />
@ -164,11 +164,11 @@
const getTableList = () => {
fetch(carbonEmission.carbonEmissionStatistics , queryParams.value).then((res) => {
data.value = res.data.records
total.value = res.data.total
data.value = res.data
total.value = res.data.length
const onChange = (pageNumber: number,size: number) => {
queryParams.value.pageNum = pageNumber;


@ -27,7 +27,19 @@
</a-table> -->
<ns-view-list-table v-bind="tableConfig" :model="data" ref="mainRef" :scroll="{ x: 1500}" />
<ns-view-list-table v-bind="tableConfig" :model="data" ref="mainRef" :scroll="{ x: 1500,y:350 }">
<!-- <template #bodyCell="{ record, column }">
<template v-if="column.dataIndex === 'enableRules'">
:checked="record.enableRules === 1 ? true : false"
'blue-background': record.enableRules === 1 ? true : false,
'grey-background': record.enableRules === 1 ? false : true,
@click="clickSwitch({ enableRules: record.enableRules, record: record })" />
</template> -->
<!-- <a-pagination
@ -220,7 +232,8 @@
// form
const rules: Record<string, Rule[]> = {
energyType: [{ required: true, message: '请输入能源种类', trigger: 'change' }],
isComputeCarbon: [{ required: true, message: '请选择是否计算碳排', trigger: 'change' }]
isComputeCarbon: [{ required: true, message: '请选择是否计算碳排', trigger: 'change' }],
unit: [{ required: true, message: '请选择计量单位', trigger: 'change' }]
const emissionTypeDic = ref()
@ -363,6 +376,9 @@
visible.value = true
fetch(energyConsumption.findById , {id : record.id }).then((res) => {
res.data.emissionType = Number(res.data.emissionType)
if (res.data.unit) {
let selectDevice = ref([Number(res.data.unit)]);
findParentIds(measurementUnit.value, res.data.unit, selectDevice.value);
@ -438,6 +454,7 @@
.then(() => {
console.log('values', formState, toRaw(formState));
formState.value.year = selectYear.value.format('YYYY')
formState.value.unit = formState.value.unit.join(',').split(',')[1]
@ -487,7 +504,6 @@
label: child.cnValue
})) : []
fetch(group.queryDeviceGroupTree, { energyType: 'ELECTRICITY_USAGE',orgId: orgId.value }).then((res) => {


@ -19,21 +19,25 @@
v-if="gData && gData.length > 0"
style="padding: 0 16px !important;"
<template #title="{ title }">
<span v-if="title.indexOf(searchValue) > -1">
{{ title.substring(0, title.indexOf(searchValue)) }}
<template #title="{ cnValue }">
<span v-if="cnValue && searchValue && cnValue.indexOf(searchValue) > -1">
{{ cnValue.substring(0, cnValue.indexOf(searchValue)) }}
<span style="color: #f50">{{ searchValue }}</span>
{{ title.substring(title.indexOf(searchValue) + searchValue.length) }}
{{ cnValue.substring(cnValue.indexOf(searchValue) + searchValue.length) }}
<span v-else>{{ title }}</span>
<span v-else>{{ cnValue }}</span>
@ -55,22 +59,21 @@
<div style="display: flex;" v-if="fillInPage">
<div class="mainLeft">
<template #title="data">
<div class="treeRow">
<span>{{ data.title }}</span>
<span>{{ data.emissionSource }}</span>
<div class="actionMore">
<EditOutlined v-if="!data.parentId" @click="editGroup(data)" />
<EditOutlined v-else @click="editUnit(data)" />
<EditOutlined @click="editUnit(data)" />
<MinusCircleOutlined style="margin-left: 6px;" @click="delUnit(data)" />
<PlusCircleOutlined v-if="!data.parentId" style="margin-left: 6px;" @click="addUnit(data)" />
@ -110,7 +113,7 @@
:scroll="{ x: 2000 }">
<div v-if="isClickedTplx">
<div v-if="isClickedTplx" style="width: 100%; height: 100%">
<div ref="tplxChart" style="width: 100%; height: 68vh"></div>
@ -136,9 +139,11 @@
v-if="categoryTreeData && categoryTreeData.length > 0"
<template #title="data">
@ -152,7 +157,7 @@
<template #footer>
<a-button style="margin-right: 8px" @click="closeCategoryConfig">取消</a-button>
<a-button type="primary" @click="closeUnitManag">确定</a-button>
<a-button type="primary" @click="submitCategory">确定</a-button>
<!-- 新增/编辑排放源树节点 -->
@ -170,41 +175,24 @@
<a-form-item ref="name" label="排放源" name="energyType">
<a-select-option value="jack">Jack</a-select-option>
<a-select-option value="lucy">Lucy</a-select-option>
<a-form-item ref="name" label="排放源" name="emissionSource">
<a-input v-model:value="formState.emissionSource" placeholder="请输入排放源" />
<a-form-item ref="name" label="计量单位" name="energyType">
<a-select-option value="jack">Jack</a-select-option>
<a-select-option value="lucy">Lucy</a-select-option>
<a-form-item ref="name" label="计量单位" name="unitId">
<a-cascader v-model:value="formState.unitId" :options="measurementUnit" />
<a-form-item ref="name" label="温室气体" name="energyType">
<a-form-item ref="name" label="温室气体" name="greenhouseGases">
<a-select-option value="jack">Jack</a-select-option>
<a-select-option value="lucy">Lucy</a-select-option>
<a-select-option v-for="(item, index) in groupData" :key="index" :value="item.id">
{{ item.cnValue }}
<a-form-item ref="name" label="碳排单位" name="energyType">
<a-select-option value="jack">Jack</a-select-option>
<a-select-option value="lucy">Lucy</a-select-option>
<a-form-item ref="name" label="碳排单位" name="carbonEmissionUnits">
<a-cascader v-model:value="formState.carbonEmissionUnits" :options="CarbonUnit" />
<!-- <a-form-item label="排放类型" name="emissionType" :required="isRequired">
<a-select v-model:value="formState.emissionType" placeholder="请选择排放类型">
@ -345,14 +333,14 @@
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { ref, watch } from 'vue';
import { ref, watch, toRaw } from 'vue';
import { http } from '/nerv-lib/util/http';
import { Pagination } from 'ant-design-vue';
import { Pagination, Modal, message } from 'ant-design-vue';
import type { TreeProps,TableColumnsType,UploadChangeParam } from 'ant-design-vue';
import { EditOutlined,PlusCircleOutlined,MinusCircleOutlined,UploadOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons-vue';
import * as echarts from 'echarts';
import { columns,voucherColumns,drawerColumns } from '../config';
import { energyConsumption,carbonEmissionFactorLibrary } from '/@/api/carbonEmissionFactorLibrary';
import { energyConsumption,carbonEmissionFactorLibrary,carbonInventoryCheck } from '/@/api/carbonEmissionFactorLibrary';
energyType: 'fillInPage', // name
components: {
@ -362,7 +350,7 @@
const orgId = ref('');
const result = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('ORGID')!);
orgId.value = result;
const fetch = (api, params = { orgId } ) => {
const fetch = (api, params = { orgId:orgId.value } ) => {
return http.post(api, params);
@ -424,13 +412,14 @@
return parentKey;
const expandedKeys = ref<(string | number)[]>([]);
const expandedKeysL = ref<(string | number)[]>([]);
const selectedKeysL = ref<string[]>(['0-0']);
const searchValue = ref<string>('');
const autoExpandParent = ref<boolean>(true);
const gData = ref<TreeProps['treeData']>(genData);
const onExpand = (keys: string[]) => {
expandedKeys.value = keys;
const onExpandL = (keys: string[]) => {
expandedKeysL.value = keys;
autoExpandParent.value = false;
@ -443,10 +432,34 @@
return null;
.filter((item, i, self) => item && self.indexOf(item) === i);
expandedKeys.value = expanded;
expandedKeysL.value = expanded;
searchValue.value = value;
autoExpandParent.value = true;
const categoryId = ref()
const onSelectL = (selectedKey: string[], info: any) => {
selectedKeysL.value = selectedKey;
categoryId.value = info.node.id
formState.value.categoryId = categoryId.value
const selectedIds = ref([]);
const getReportTree = () => {
fetch(carbonInventoryCheck.getCategoryTree).then((res) => {
gData.value = res.data
if(res.data.length > 0){
categoryId.value = res.data[0].id
formState.value.categoryId = categoryId.value
selectedIds.value = getAllIds(gData.value);
const getAllIds = (nodes: TreeNode[]): number[] => {
return nodes.flatMap(node => [node.id, ...(node.children ? getAllIds(node.children) : [])]);
const data = [...Array(12)].map((_, i) => ({
key: i,
@ -460,36 +473,25 @@
gender: 'M',
const treeData: TreeProps['treeData'] = [
title: 'parent 1',
key: '0-0',
children: [
title: 'parent 1-0',
key: '0-0-0',
children: [
{ title: 'leaf', key: '0-0-0-0'},
{ title: 'leaf', key: '0-0-0-1' },
title: 'parent 1-1',
key: '0-0-1',
children: [{ key: '0-0-1-0', title: 'sss' }],
const expandedKeysR = ref<string[]>(['0-0-0', '0-0-1']);
const selectedKeys = ref<string[]>(['0-0-0', '0-0-1']);
const checkedKeys = ref<string[]>(['0-0-0', '0-0-1']);
const treeData = ref<TreeProps['treeData']>(genData);
const getEmissionSourceTree = () => {
fetch(carbonInventoryCheck.getInventoryTree, { categoryId: categoryId.value }).then((res) => {
treeData.value = res.data
const onSelectR = (selectedKey: string[], info: any) => {
selectedKeysR.value = selectedKey;
const expandedKeysR = ref<string[]>([]);
const selectedKeysR = ref<string[]>(['0-0']);
const checkedKeys = ref<string[]>([]);
watch(expandedKeysR, () => {
console.log('expandedKeysR', expandedKeysR);
watch(selectedKeys, () => {
console.log('selectedKeys', selectedKeys);
watch(selectedKeysR, () => {
console.log('selectedKeys', selectedKeysR);
watch(checkedKeys, () => {
console.log('checkedKeys', checkedKeys);
@ -500,14 +502,44 @@
const categoryTreeData = ref<TreeProps['treeData']>(genData);
const categoryExpandedKeys = ref<string[]>();
const categorySelectedKeys = ref<string[]>([]);
const categoryCheckedKeys = ref<string[]>([]);
const checkTreeNode = (checkedKeys, info) => {
categoryCheckedKeys.value = checkedKeys
queryConfigure.value.dictionaryIdList = categoryCheckedKeys.value
const getUnitTree = () => {
fetch(carbonEmissionFactorLibrary.dictionaryUnitManagement).then((res) => {
fetch(carbonEmissionFactorLibrary.dictionaryUnitManagement,{grp:'CATEGORY_CONFIGURATION'}).then((res) => {
categoryTreeData.value = res.data
categoryCheckedKeys.value = selectedIds.value.map(id => String(id));
// key
categoryTreeData.value = formatTreeData(categoryTreeData.value);
const formatTreeData = (treeData) => {
return treeData.map(node => {
const newNode = { ...node };
newNode.key = String(node.id); // id key
if (node.children) {
newNode.children = formatTreeData(node.children);
return newNode;
const openCategoryConfig = () => {
categoryConfig.value = true;
const queryConfigure = ref({
const submitCategory = () => {
fetch(carbonInventoryCheck.updateCategoryTree,queryConfigure.value).then((res) => {
categoryConfig.value = false;
const closeCategoryConfig = () => {
categoryConfig.value = false;
@ -518,15 +550,138 @@
const labelCol = { span: 5 };
const wrapperCol = { span: 19 };
const formState = ref({
orgId: orgId.value,
orgId: orgId.value
const measurementUnit = ref([])
const CarbonUnit = ref([])
const groupData = ref([])
// form
const rules: Record<string, Rule[]> = {
energyType: [{ required: true, message: '请输入能源种类', trigger: 'change' }],
isComputeCarbon: [{ required: true, message: '请选择是否计算碳排', trigger: 'change' }]
emissionSource: [{ required: true, message: '请输入排放源', trigger: 'change' }],
unitId: [{ required: true, message: '请选择计量单位', trigger: 'change' }],
greenhouseGases: [{ required: true, message: '请选择温室气体', trigger: 'change' }],
carbonEmissionUnits: [{ required: true, message: '请选择碳排单位', trigger: 'change' }],
const addTreeNodeData = () => {
addTreeNodeVisible.value = true;
const getDictData = () => {
fetch(carbonEmissionFactorLibrary.dictionaryUnitManagement, { grp: 'MEASUREMENT_UNIT'}).then((res) => {
measurementUnit.value = res.data
measurementUnit.value = measurementUnit.value.map(item => ({
value: item.id,
label: item.cnValue,
children: item.children ? item.children.map(child => ({
value: child.id,
label: child.cnValue
})) : []
fetch(carbonEmissionFactorLibrary.dictionaryUnitManagement, { grp: 'GREENHOUSE_GASES'}).then((res) => {
CarbonUnit.value = res.data
CarbonUnit.value = CarbonUnit.value.map(item => ({
value: item.id,
label: item.cnValue,
children: item.children ? item.children.map(child => ({
value: child.id,
label: child.cnValue
})) : []
fetch(carbonEmissionFactorLibrary.findOutermost,{grp:'GREENHOUSE_GASES'}).then((res) => {
groupData.value = res.data
const onSubmit = () => {
.then(() => {
console.log('values', formState, toRaw(formState));
formState.value.unitId = formState.value.unitId.join(',').split(',')[1]
formState.value.carbonEmissionUnits = formState.value.carbonEmissionUnits.join(',').split(',')[1]
fetch(carbonInventoryCheck.update , formState.value).then((res) => {
addTreeNodeVisible.value = false
formState.value = {
orgId: orgId.value,
fetch(carbonInventoryCheck.create , formState.value).then((res) => {
addTreeNodeVisible.value = false
formState.value = {
orgId: orgId.value,
.catch(error => {
console.log('error', error);
const editUnit = (data) => {
addTreeNodeVisible.value = true;
setTimeout(() => {
let selectDevice = ref([Number(data.unitId)]);
findParentIds(measurementUnit.value, data.unitId, selectDevice.value);
data.unitId = selectDevice
let selectDeviceC = ref([Number(data.carbonEmissionUnits)]);
findParentIds(CarbonUnit.value, data.carbonEmissionUnits, selectDeviceC.value);
data.carbonEmissionUnits = selectDeviceC
formState.value.id = data.id
formState.value = data
}, 500);
// id
function findParentIds(tree: any, targetId: number, result: any) {
for (let item of tree) {
if (item.children && item.children.length > 0) {
if (item.children.some((child: any) => child.value === targetId)) {
result.unshift(item.value); // id
findParentIds(tree, item.value, result); // id
break; // 退
const delUnit = (data) => {
title: '警告',
content: '确定要删除吗?',
okText: '确定',
okType: 'primary',
cancelText: '取消',
onOk() {
fetch(carbonInventoryCheck.del , {id:data.id}).then((res) => {
onCancel() {
const onClose = () => {
addTreeNodeVisible.value = false;
@ -637,7 +792,9 @@
fillInPage.value = false
isClickedPftj.value = false
isClickedTplx.value = true
setTimeout(() => {
}, 500);
const pftjColumn = [
@ -939,8 +1096,8 @@
option = {
backgroundColor: "#031d7a",
const option = {
backgroundColor: "transparent",
tooltip: {
trigger: "item",
triggerOn: "mousemove",
@ -1171,7 +1328,7 @@
height: 5vh;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: space-evenly;
margin-left: 10%;
width: 70%;


@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
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@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
<div class="map-box">
<div class="map">
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref, onMounted } from 'vue';
import liftInfo from './liftInfo.vue'
import { message } from 'ant-design-vue';
// ===========================================================
onMounted(() => {
// tab ========================================================
const dataSource = ref([]);
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@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
<div class="info-box">
<div class="box-title">
<div class="dot"></div>
<div class="box-inner">
<!-- 是否开启 -->
<div class="item">
<div class="item-box">
<div class="icon">
<div class="icon-item">
<img src="../image/liftState/lift-normal.svg" alt="">
<div class="item-text">开启</div>
<!-- 是否故障 -->
<div class="item">
<div class="item-box">
<div class="icon">
<div class="icon-item">
<img src="../image/liftState/lift-normal.svg" alt="">
<div class="item-text">开启</div>
<!-- 如何运行 -->
<div class="item">
<div class="item-box">
<div class="icon">
<div class="icon-item">
<img src="../image/liftState/lift-normal.svg" alt="">
<div class="item-text">开启</div>
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref, onMounted } from 'vue';
// ===========================================================
onMounted(() => {
// tab ========================================================
const runState = ref('1');
const liftState = ref('2');
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span {
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// 3
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@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
<a-tabs v-model:activeKey="activeKey">
<a-tab-pane key="1" tab="控制面板">
@ -89,33 +90,13 @@ import {
onMounted(() => {
// 线
http.get(lightingManage.getArea, { projectId: 'HLlmTZp8' }).then(res => {
const data = res.data
floorData.value = data
/** 使
* @param id 用于判断样式和层级的前端属性
* @param selected 用于表示是否选中的前端属性
data.forEach(floor => {
floor.childList.forEach((item, index) => {
if (index == 0) {
item.selected = true
} else {
item.selected = false
item.id = String(index + 1)
item.childList.forEach((v, i) => {
v.selected = false
v.id = (index + 1) + '-' + (i + 1)
treeData.value = data[0].childList
// =====================================================
const floorData = ref([])
const changeFloor = (area: any) => {
@ -130,8 +111,6 @@ const changeFloor = (area: any) => {
// =====================================================
const floorData = ref([])
const treeData = ref([])
// id
@ -203,6 +182,7 @@ const changeArea = (result: any) => {
const changeThisArea = (result: any) => {
console.log(result, 'changeThisArea')
@ -224,9 +204,9 @@ const changeThisArea = (result: any) => {
const reset = () => {
treeData.value.forEach(item => {
treeData.value.forEach((item: any) => {
item.selected = false
item.childList.forEach(i => {
item.childList.forEach((i: any) => {
i.selected = false
@ -240,6 +220,32 @@ const computedClass = (string: string) => {
const getAllArea = () => {
http.get(lightingManage.getArea, { projectId: 'HLlmTZp8' }).then(res => {
const data = res.data
floorData.value = data
/** 使
* @param id 用于判断样式和层级的前端属性
* @param selected 用于表示是否选中的前端属性
data.forEach((floor: any) => {
floor.childList.forEach((item: any, index: number) => {
if (index == 0) {
item.selected = true
} else {
item.selected = false
item.id = String(index + 1)
item.childList.forEach((v: any, i: number) => {
v.selected = false
v.id = (index + 1) + '-' + (i + 1)
treeData.value = data[0].childList
// =====================================================
// - tab
@ -250,6 +256,7 @@ let visible = ref(false);
const toggleDrawer = () => {
visible.value = !visible.value;
const tabs1Ref = ref()
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@ -75,60 +75,34 @@
<!-- 控制模式部分 -->
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<div class="control-area" v-show="thisButton2.code">
<div class="control-tab"></div>
<span class="control-text"> 控制模式 </span>
<!-- 控制模式按钮部分 -->
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<div class="control-mode-btn-area" v-show="thisButton2.code">
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:class="{ selected: thisButton.mode.value == button3.value }" @click="selectButton3(button3)">
:disabled="button3.value!= 3"
:class="{ selected: thisButton2.mode.value == button3.value }" @click="selectButton3(button3)">
{{ button3.label }}
<!-- 控制场景部分 -->
<div class="control-scene-area" v-show="showControlScene">
<div class="control-scene-area" v-show="thisButton2.mode.value == '3'">
<div class="control-scene-tab"></div>
<span class="control-scene-text"> 控制场景 </span>
<!-- 控制场景按钮部分 -->
<div class="control-scene-btn-area" v-show="showControlScene">
<button v-for="(button4, index) in controlSceneButtons" :key="index"
:class="{ btn: true, selected: button4.label === selectedButton4 }" @click="selectButton4(button4)">
<div class="control-scene-btn-area" v-show="thisButton2.mode.value == '3'">
<button v-for="(button4, index) in controlScene" :key="index"
:class="{ btn: true, selected: thisButton2.mode.value == button4.value }" @click="selectButton4(button4)">
{{ button4.label }}
<!-- 灯具参数部分表格 -->
<div class="light-parameters-area" v-if="selectedButton4">
<div class="light-parameters-tab"></div>
<span class="light-parameters-text"> 灯具参数 </span>
<div class="light-parameters-textarea" v-if="selectedButton4">
<table class="custom-table table1">
<tr :style="{ background: 'rgba(35,45,69)' }">
<tr v-for="(row, index) in lightSource" :key="index" @click="handleRowClick(row.num)"
:style="{ height: '50px' }">
<td>{{ row.num }}</td>
<td>{{ row.light }}</td>
<td>{{ row.temperature }}</td>
<div style="margin-bottom: 60px;"></div>
<!-- 底部按钮区 -->
<div class="bottom">
@ -228,13 +202,22 @@ import { getAllEnum } from '/@/api/index'
onMounted(() => {
getEnum(['IlluminationMode', 'IlluminationScene'])
const getEnum = (arr: any) => {
getAllEnum({ params: arr }).then(res => {
const data = res.data
controlMode.value = data.IlluminationMode
controlScene.value = data.IlluminationScene
// 线
const setArea = () => {
const data = props.treeData.find(item => {
const setArea = (isHandle: number) => {
const data = props.treeData.find((item: any) => {
return item.id == props.nowArea
@ -243,6 +226,22 @@ const setArea = () => {
selectedButton.value = props.nowArea
buttons2.value = data.childList
if (isHandle) {
// 线childrenselectedtrue
const button2 = data.childList.find((item: any) => {
return item.selected == true
// 线
if (button2) {
thisButton2.value = button2;
} else {
// ===================================================================
@ -266,7 +265,7 @@ const props = defineProps({
const emit = defineEmits(['changeArea','reset']);
watch(() => props.nowArea, () => {
// 线
handleButton.value = ''
@ -283,16 +282,16 @@ const togglePlan = () => {
const showAllButtonsArea = ref(false);
// 1
const selectedButton = ref('1');
const selectedButton = ref<string | undefined>('1');
// -
const selectButton = (button: any) => {
selectedButton.value = button.id;
button.selected = true
buttons2.value = button.childList
emit('changeArea', button.id);
handleButton.value = ''
// 8
@ -312,11 +311,12 @@ const togglePlan2 = () => {
return message.info('请选择照明回路');
const btn = buttons2.value.find((button) => button.id === handleButton.value)
const btn: any = buttons2.value.find((button) => button.id === handleButton.value)
let panel = +(!btn.ctrlStatus)
isLoading.value = true
http.get(lightingManage.setDisable, { deviceGroup: btn.code, panel }).then(res => {
if (res.msg === 'success') {
// - - - loading
isPlanEnabled2.value = !isPlanEnabled2.value;
btn.ctrlStatus = panel
isLoading.value = false
@ -335,8 +335,7 @@ const selectAll = () => {
button.selected = false;
singleSelection.value = !singleSelection.value;
// 线
showControlMode.value = false
emit('changeArea', [selectedButton.value])
@ -351,12 +350,11 @@ const toggleAllSelection = () => {
item.selected = true;
} else {
buttons2.value.forEach((item) => {
item.selected = false;
showControlMode.value = false
emit('changeArea', arr)
@ -396,23 +394,12 @@ const toggleSelection = (button: any) => {
if (button.selected) {
showControlMode.value = true
thisButton.value = button
if (button.type == 3) {
showControlScene.value = true
} else {
showControlScene.value = false
thisButton2.value = button
} else {
showControlMode.value = false
thisButton.value = {
mode: {
value: '0'
@ -424,42 +411,34 @@ const limitedButtons2 = computed(() => buttons2.value.slice(0, 8));
// ====================================================================
const showControlMode = ref(false);
const thisButton = ref({
const thisButton2 = ref({
code: '',
mode: {
value: '0'
// -
const selectButton3 = (button3) => {
let checked = thisButton.value.mode.value
console.log(button3.value,'---', checked)
let checked = thisButton2.value.mode
console.log(button3.value,'---', checked.value)
if (checked === button3.value) {
if (checked.value === button3.value) {
checked = button3.value
showControlScene.value = button3.label === '手动模式';
checked.value = button3.value
selectedButton4.value = null; //
const diff = () => {
// =====================================================================
const controlMode = ref([])
const controlScene = ref([])
const showControlScene = ref(false);
// -
const controlSceneButtons = ref([
{ label: '检修', selected: false },
{ label: '午休', selected: false },
{ label: '疏散', selected: false },
{ label: '客流高峰', selected: false },
// -
const selectedButton4 = ref(null);
// -
@ -467,19 +446,6 @@ const selectButton4 = (button4) => {
selectedButton4.value = button4.label;
// =====================================================================
// -
const lightSource = ref([{ num: '8/10', light: '100', temperature: '4200' }]);
let trIndex = ref('-1');
const handleRowClick = (index: any) => {
trIndex.value = index;
if (index === trIndex.value) {
// ========================================================================
@ -541,15 +507,9 @@ const initMenu = (tier: number) => {
// 1 = -
if (tier == 1) {
showControlMode.value = false;
showControlScene.value = false;
selectedButton4.value = null;
} else if (tier == 2) {
showControlScene.value = false;
selectedButton4.value = null;
@ -566,10 +526,8 @@ const refresh = () => {
data.selected = true
buttons2.value = data.childList
showControlMode.value = false;
showControlScene.value = false;
selectedButton4.value = null;
const executeVisible = ref<boolean>(false);
@ -584,18 +542,22 @@ const changeConfirm = () => {
const changeCancel = () => {
const getEnum = (arr: any) => {
getAllEnum({ params: arr }).then(res => {
const data = res.data
controlMode.value = data.IlluminationMode
controlScene.value = data.IlluminationScene
console.log(controlMode, controlScene, '001')
// 线
const resetMode = () => {
thisButton2.value = {
code: '',
mode: {
value: '0'
<style lang="less" scoped>
@import "./dialogStyle.less";


@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
:render="(item) => item.title"
:render="(item: any) => item.title"
:style="{ color: 'rgba(255,255,255,1)' }"
@ -106,14 +106,14 @@ const getTable = () => {
const deletePlan = (id: String) => {
http.delete(lightingManage.deletePlan, [id]).then(res => {
http.delete(lightingManage.deletePlan, [id]).then(() => {
const restartPlan = (id: String) => {
http.post(lightingManage.restartPlan, { planId: id }).then(res => {
http.post(lightingManage.restartPlan, { planId: id }).then(() => {
@ -128,7 +128,6 @@ const addModal = () => {
addVisible.value = true;
// 穿 =======================================================
// 穿
@ -137,7 +136,7 @@ const transferData = ref([]) as any;
const getLeftPlan = () => {
http.get(lightingManage.getLeftPlan, {}).then(res => {
let arr = []
res.data.forEach(item => {
res.data.forEach((item: any) => {
key: item.id,
title: item.planName
@ -160,7 +159,7 @@ const sendPlan = () => {
if (targetKeys.value.length < 1) {
return message.info('没有选择任何计划');
http.post(lightingManage.submitLeftPlan, targetKeys.value).then(res => {
http.post(lightingManage.submitLeftPlan, targetKeys.value).then(() => {


@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
import { ref } from 'vue';
export const treeData = ref([
label: '站厅',
id: '1',
// 前端遍历后添加,属前端属性
selected: false,
children: [{
label: '站厅1区',
id: '1-1',
// 前端属性
selected: false,
// 后端属性(表示禁用了一个设备)
stop: false,
// 当前的控制模式
type: 3
label: '站厅2区',
id: '1-2',
selected: false,
stop: false,
type: 1
label: '站台',
id: '2',
selected: false,
children: [{
label: '站台1区',
id: '2-1',
selected: false,
stop: false,
type: 1
label: '站台2区',
id: '2-2',
selected: false,
stop: false,
type: 2
label: '站台3区',
id: '2-3',
selected: false,
stop: false,
type: 3
label: '站台4区',
id: '2-4',
selected: false,
stop: false,
type: 1
label: '办公室',
id: '3',
selected: false,
children: [{
label: '办公室1区',
id: '3-1',
selected: false,
stop: false,
type: 2
label: '楼道',
id: '4',
selected: false,
children: [{
label: '楼道1区',
id: '4-1',
selected: false,
stop: false,
type: 3
export const controlType = ref([{
name: '托管',
type: 1,
name: 'AI',
type: 2,
name: '手动',
type: 3,


@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ export const tableConfig = (el, elGroup, elFormula, defaultParams) => {
headerActions: [
label: '编辑',
name: 'groupEdit',
name: 'GroupEdit',
type: 'primary',
dynamicDisabled: () => !defaultParams.value?.id,
handle: (a, b) => {
@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ export const tableConfig = (el, elGroup, elFormula, defaultParams) => {
label: '批量删除',
name: 'groupBatDelete',
name: 'GroupDelete',
type: 'primary',
dynamicDisabled: (data: any) => {
return data.list.length === 0;
@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ export const tableConfig = (el, elGroup, elFormula, defaultParams) => {
label: '批量导出',
name: 'groupExports',
name: 'GroupPointExports',
type: 'primary',
dynamicDisabled: (data: any) => {
return data.list.length === 0;
@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ export const tableConfig = (el, elGroup, elFormula, defaultParams) => {
label: '批量导入',
name: 'groupImport',
name: 'GroupPointImport',
type: 'primary',
extra: {
// api: props.postImportApi, // 导入接口名
@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ export const tableConfig = (el, elGroup, elFormula, defaultParams) => {
label: '模板下载',
name: 'groupTemDownload',
name: 'GroupTempDownload',
type: 'primary',
handle: () => {
// http.get('/asset/file/whiteListUser.xlsx');
@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ export const tableConfig = (el, elGroup, elFormula, defaultParams) => {
actions: [
label: '删除',
name: 'groupDelete',
name: 'GroupDelete',
dynamicParams: { linkIds: 'linkId[]' },
confirm: true,
isClearCheck: true,
@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ export const tableConfigCal = (el, elGroup, elFormula, defaultParams) => {
headerActions: [
label: '编辑',
name: 'groupEdit',
name: 'GroupPointEdit',
type: 'primary',
handle: (a, b) => {
@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ export const tableConfigCal = (el, elGroup, elFormula, defaultParams) => {
label: '批量删除',
name: 'groupTemDownload',
name: 'GroupPointDelete',
type: 'primary',
dynamicDisabled: (data: any) => {
return data.list.length === 0;
@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ export const tableConfigCal = (el, elGroup, elFormula, defaultParams) => {
label: '批量导出',
name: 'groupExports',
name: 'GroupPointExports',
type: 'primary',
dynamicDisabled: (data: any) => {
return data.list.length === 0;
@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ export const tableConfigCal = (el, elGroup, elFormula, defaultParams) => {
label: '批量导入',
name: 'groupImport',
name: 'GroupPointImport',
type: 'primary',
extra: {
// api: props.postImportApi, // 导入接口名
@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ export const tableConfigCal = (el, elGroup, elFormula, defaultParams) => {
label: '模板下载',
name: 'groupTemDownload',
name: 'GroupTempDownload',
type: 'primary',
handle: () => {
// http.get('/asset/file/whiteListUser.xlsx');
@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ export const tableConfigCal = (el, elGroup, elFormula, defaultParams) => {
label: '批量分组',
name: 'groupBatGroup',
name: 'GroupBatchGroup',
type: 'primary',
dynamicDisabled: (data: any) => {
return data.list.length === 0;
@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ export const tableConfigCal = (el, elGroup, elFormula, defaultParams) => {
label: '公式编辑',
name: 'groupFormulaEdit',
name: 'GroupFormulaEdit',
type: 'primary',
handle: () => {
@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ export const tableConfigCal = (el, elGroup, elFormula, defaultParams) => {
actions: [
label: '删除',
name: 'groupDelete',
name: 'GroupPointDelete',
dynamicParams: { ids: 'id[]' },
confirm: true,
isReload: true,


@ -27,9 +27,11 @@
<template #overlay>
<template v-for="(item, index) in filterAction(actionList, data)" :key="index">
<!-- <div v-auth.all="item.name"> -->
<a-menu-item @click="item.func(data)">
<span>{{ item.title }}</span>
<!-- </div> -->
@ -54,6 +56,8 @@
import NsModalFrom from '/@/components/ns-modal-form.vue';
import { group } from '/@/api/deviceManage';
import { http } from '/nerv-lib/util/http';
import { authorizationService } from '/nerv-lib/saas/store/modules/authorization-service';
const { checkAllPermission } = authorizationService();
type opType = 'up' | 'down';
const { getParams } = useParams();
@ -156,14 +160,15 @@
if (data.id === 'all') {
list = ['addNodeSon'];
return actions.filter(({ key }) => list.includes(key));
const res = actions.filter(({ key, name }) => list.includes(key) && checkAllPermission(name));
return res;
const actionList = [
{ title: '新增子节点', key: 'addNodeSon', func: (data) => addNodeSon(data) },
{ title: '编辑', key: 'editNode', func: (data) => editNode(data) },
{ title: '上移', key: 'moveUp', func: (data) => moveNode(data, 'up') },
{ title: '下移', key: 'moveDown', func: (data) => moveNode(data, 'down') },
{ title: '删除', key: 'deleteNode', func: (data) => deleteNode(data) },
{ title: '新增子节点', name: 'GroupAdd', key: 'addNodeSon', func: (data) => addNodeSon(data) },
{ title: '编辑', name: 'GroupEdit', key: 'editNode', func: (data) => editNode(data) },
{ title: '上移', name: 'Group', key: 'moveUp', func: (data) => moveNode(data, 'up') },
{ title: '下移', name: 'Group', key: 'moveDown', func: (data) => moveNode(data, 'down') },
{ title: '删除', name: 'GroupDelete', key: 'deleteNode', func: (data) => deleteNode(data) },
const handleSelect = (key, record) => {


@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ export const tableConfig = (orgId) => {
rowSelection: null,
scroll: { x: 2000 },
// scroll: { x: 2000 },
columns: [
title: '设备名称',


@ -69,11 +69,18 @@
title: '序号',
customRender: ({ record, index }) => {
if (index == 0 || data.value[index - 1].deviceName == record.deviceName) {
return index + 1;
if (index == 0) {
data.value[index].index = 1;
// return 1;
} else if (data.value[index - 1].deviceName == record.deviceName) {
data.value[index].index = data.value[index - 1].index;
// return data.value[index].index;
} else {
data.value[index].index = data.value[index - 1].index + 1;
return index;
return data.value[index].index;
customCell: (record, rowIndex) => {
if (rowIndex == undefined) {


@ -52,12 +52,13 @@
<script lang="ts">
import type { TreeSelectProps, SelectProps } from 'ant-design-vue';
import { defineComponent, ref, onMounted } from 'vue';
import { defineComponent, ref, onMounted, watch } from 'vue';
import { Dayjs } from 'dayjs';
import { inject } from 'vue';
import { http } from '/nerv-lib/util';
import { device } from '/@/api/deviceManage';
import { deviceMonitor } from '/@/api/monitor';
import { Item } from 'ant-design-vue/lib/menu';
export default defineComponent({
// eslint-disable-next-line vue/multi-word-component-names
@ -106,7 +107,8 @@
let records = res.data.records;
records.forEach((item: any) => {
(item.title = item.deviceModel + ' ' + item.deviceName), (item.key = item.id);
(item.title = item.snCode + '(' + item.deviceName + ')'),
(item.key = item.deviceInfoCode);
let a: TreeSelectProps['treeData'] = [{ title: label[0], key: val, children: records }];
treeData2.value = a;
@ -145,16 +147,34 @@
const dateRange = ref<[Dayjs, Dayjs] | undefined>();
const getDianWeiList = () => {
console.log('getDianWeiList 被调用');
options1.value = [
{ value: '1', label: 'A 项电压' },
{ value: '2', label: 'B 项电压' },
{ value: '3', label: 'C 项电压' },
{ value: '4', label: 'AB 线电压' },
{ value: '5', label: 'BC 线电压' },
{ value: '6', label: 'A 项电流' },
{ value: '7', label: 'B 项电流' },
if (checkedKeys.value && checkedKeys.value.length > 0) {
.post(deviceMonitor.getDevicePointToMonitor, {
deviceIds: checkedKeys.value,
orgId: orgId.value,
.then((res) => {
if (res.retcode == 0) {
options1.value = [];
res.data.forEach((item: any) => {
options1.value?.push({ value: item.code, label: item.name });
// options1.value = res.data;
} else {
options1.value = [];
// options1.value = [
// { value: '1', label: 'A ' },
// { value: '2', label: 'B ' },
// { value: '3', label: 'C ' },
// { value: '4', label: 'AB 线' },
// { value: '5', label: 'BC 线' },
// { value: '6', label: 'A ' },
// { value: '7', label: 'B ' },
// ];
interface PageData {
@ -171,11 +191,11 @@
const getSelect = () => {
.post(deviceMonitor.getDeviceGraph, {
deviceIds: ['HLlmTZp8-0601-0001', 'HLlmTZp-0804-0001'],
devicePointCode: 'ua',
devicePointId: 32,
endDate: '2024-07-02',
startDate: '2024-07-01',
deviceIds: checkedKeys.value,
devicePointCode: selectedValue.value,
endDate: endDate.value,
startDate: startDate.value,
timeRate: '2',
.then((res) => {
@ -185,172 +205,20 @@
pageData.graphList = res.data.graphData;
pageData.XData = res.data.XData;
// pageData.tableList = [
// {
// key: '1',
// name: 'AC_002',
// position: 'A ',
// unit: 'V',
// date: '2023-12-01',
// '1:00': '3626',
// },
// {
// key: '1',
// name: 'AC_002',
// position: 'A ',
// unit: 'V',
// date: '2023-12-01',
// '1:00': '3626',
// },
// {
// key: '2',
// name: 'AC_003',
// position: 'A ',
// unit: 'V',
// date: '2023-12-01',
// '1:00': '3626',
// },
// {
// key: '2',
// name: 'AC_003',
// position: 'A ',
// unit: 'V',
// date: '2023-12-01',
// '1:00': '3626',
// },
// {
// key: '3',
// name: 'AC_004',
// position: 'A ',
// unit: 'V',
// date: '2023-12-01',
// '1:00': '3626',
// },
// ];
// pageData.tableColumns = [
// {
// title: '00:00',
// dataIndex: '00:00',
// },
// ];
// pageData.graphList = [
// {
// date: '2023-12-01 0:00',
// unit: 'V',
// data: [
// {
// name: 'AC_002',
// value: '21',
// },
// {
// name: 'AC_003',
// value: '36',
// },
// {
// name: 'AC_004',
// value: '5',
// },
// ],
// },
// {
// date: '2023-12-02 0:00',
// unit: 'V',
// data: [
// {
// name: 'AC_002',
// value: '26',
// },
// {
// name: 'AC_003',
// value: '25',
// },
// {
// name: 'AC_004',
// value: '47',
// },
// ],
// },
// {
// date: '2023-12-03 0:00',
// unit: 'V',
// data: [
// {
// name: 'AC_002',
// value: '18',
// },
// {
// name: 'AC_003',
// value: '22',
// },
// {
// name: 'AC_004',
// value: '26',
// },
// ],
// },
// {
// date: '2023-12-04 0:00',
// unit: 'V',
// data: [
// {
// name: 'AC_002',
// value: '40',
// },
// {
// name: 'AC_003',
// value: '15',
// },
// {
// name: 'AC_004',
// value: '12',
// },
// ],
// },
// {
// date: '2023-12-05 0:00',
// unit: 'V',
// data: [
// {
// name: 'AC_002',
// value: '15',
// },
// {
// name: 'AC_003',
// value: '18',
// },
// {
// name: 'AC_004',
// value: '15',
// },
// ],
// },
// {
// date: '2023-12-06 0:00',
// unit: 'V',
// data: [
// {
// name: 'AC_002',
// value: '15',
// },
// {
// name: 'AC_003',
// value: '18',
// },
// {
// name: 'AC_004',
// value: '15',
// },
// ],
// },
// ];
type RangeValue = [Dayjs, Dayjs];
const dates = ref<RangeValue>();
const hackValue = ref<RangeValue>();
const startDate = ref<String>();
const endDate = ref<String>();
const onChange = (val: RangeValue) => {
const onChange = (val: RangeValue, dateStrings: any) => {
dateRange.value = val;
if (dateStrings && dateStrings.length === 2) {
startDate.value = dateStrings[0];
endDate.value = dateStrings[1];
const onOpenChange = (open: boolean) => {
if (open) {
@ -373,10 +241,17 @@
onMounted(() => {
changeDeviceType(null, null);
// pageData
() => checkedKeys,
(_newValue, _oldValue) => {
{ deep: true },
return {


@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<a-row type="flex" style="height: 92%">
<a-col :span="8">
<a-col :span="8" style="height: 100%">
box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px rgba(218, 218, 218, 0.5); /* 灰色阴影 */
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
<div ref="analysisGraphchart" style="width: 100%; height: 95%"></div>
<a-col :span="16">
<a-col :span="16" style="height: 100%">
@ -83,7 +83,14 @@
{ deep: true },
const changeMode = () => {};
const changeMode = () => {
// if (mode.value == '1') {
// mode.value = '2';
// } else {
// mode.value = '1';
// }
const analysisGraphchart = ref(null);
const analysisGraphRingchart = ref(null);
const analysisGraphBarchart = ref(null);
@ -97,7 +104,22 @@
let chartRight2: echarts.ECharts | null = null;
const draw = () => {
data.value = pageData.analysisGraphList;
let dataList = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(pageData.analysisGraphList));
// let dataList = pageData.analysisGraphList;
dataList.forEach((item) => {
if (item.yoyValue < 0) {
item.yoyLabel = { position: 'right' };
} else {
item.yoyLabel = { position: 'insideLeft' };
if (item.momValue < 0) {
item.momLabel = { position: 'right' };
} else {
item.momLabel = { position: 'insideLeft' };
data.value = dataList;
@ -111,10 +133,35 @@
var seriesdata = [];
var dateX = [];
// {
// name: 'AC_002',
// value: -21,
// ringValue: 21,
// energyType: selectedValue.value,
// energyUnit: 'kWh',
// unit: 'V',
// labelRight: {
// position: 'right',
// },
// },
// id: 'HLlmTZp8_0805_0001';
// momDiff: 38.28;
// momRate: '-171.58%';
// momValue: -22.31;
// name: '';
// value: 10.56;
// yoyDiff: 38.28;
// yoyRate: '-138.10%';
// yoyValue: -27.72;
for (let i = 0; i < data.value.length; i++) {
seriesdata.push({ value: data.value[i].value, label: data.value[i].labelRight });
if (mode.value == '1') {
seriesdata.push({ value: data.value[i].yoyValue, label: data.value[i].yoyLabel });
} else {
seriesdata.push({ value: data.value[i].momValue, label: data.value[i].momLabel });
var seriesList = [
@ -196,7 +243,7 @@
for (let i = 0; i < data.value.length; i++) {
seriesdata.push({ value: data.value[i].ringValue, name: data.value[i].name });
seriesdata.push({ value: data.value[i].value, name: data.value[i].name });
var seriesList = [
@ -294,11 +341,10 @@
data.value.forEach((item) => {
if (item.name !== auxiliary.name) {
const option = {
legend: {


@ -1,5 +1,18 @@
<a-table :columns="columns" :data-source="data" bordered />
<template #bodyCell="{ column, record }">
<template v-if="column.title === '操作'">
<a-button type="link" @click="setStandard(record)" v-if="record.id != selectedKey[0]"
<script lang="ts">
@ -8,25 +21,35 @@
export default defineComponent({
name: 'AnalysisTable',
setup() {
const selectedKey = ref([]);
const rowSelection = {
type: 'radio',
selectedRowKeys: selectedKey,
// onChange: (selectedRowKeys: string[]) => {
// selectedKey.value = selectedRowKeys;
// debugger;
// },
const columns = [
title: '设备/节点',
dataIndex: 'key',
dataIndex: 'name',
title: '统计值',
dataIndex: 'name',
dataIndex: 'value',
title: '同比',
children: [
title: '△差值',
dataIndex: 'position',
dataIndex: 'yoyDiff',
title: '增长率',
dataIndex: 'unit',
dataIndex: 'yoyRate',
@ -35,11 +58,11 @@
children: [
title: '△差值',
dataIndex: 'position',
dataIndex: 'momDiff',
title: '增长率',
dataIndex: 'unit',
dataIndex: 'momRate',
@ -48,18 +71,18 @@
children: [
title: '△差值',
dataIndex: 'position',
dataIndex: 'zongxiangDiff',
title: '增长率',
dataIndex: 'unit',
dataIndex: 'zongxiangRate',
title: '操作',
dataIndex: 'date',
// dataIndex: 'date',
let data = ref<any[]>([]);
@ -85,16 +108,45 @@
() => pageData as PageData,
(_newValue, _oldValue) => {
data.value = pageData.analysisTableList;
data.value = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(pageData.analysisTableList));
{ deep: true },
onMounted(() => {
data.value = pageData.analysisTableList;
data.value = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(pageData.analysisTableList));
// selectedKey.value = [data.value[0]];
const setStandard = (record: any) => {
selectedKey.value = [record.id];
data.value.forEach((item) => {
// id: 'HLlmTZp8_0805_0001';
// momDiff: 38.28;
// momRate: '-171.58%';
// momValue: -22.31;
// name: '';
// value: 10.56;
// yoyDiff: 38.28;
// yoyRate: '-138.10%';
// yoyValue: -27.72;
if (item.id == record.id) {
item.zongxiangDiff = '——';
item.zongxiangRate = '——';
} else {
item.zongxiangDiff = (item.value - record.value).toFixed(2);
item.zongxiangRate = ((item.zongxiangDiff / record.value) * 100).toFixed(2) + '%';
return {


@ -48,26 +48,33 @@
chartInstance = echarts.init(graphGraphchart.value);
var seriesList = [];
var date = [];
var date = pageData.graphTableColumns;
var legendList: string | any[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < data.value.length; i++) {
// date.push(data.value[i].date);
for (let j = 0; j < data.value[i].data.length; j++) {
if (seriesList.length < j + 1) {
name: data.value[i].data[j].name,
data: [data.value[i].data[j].value],
type: 'line',
smooth: true,
} else {
if (legendList.length == 0 || legendList.length < j + 1) {
// for (let j = 0; j < data.value[i].data.length; j++) {
// if (seriesList.length < j + 1) {
// seriesList.push({
// name: data.value[i].data[j].name,
// data: [data.value[i].data[j].value],
// type: 'line',
// smooth: true,
// });
// } else {
// seriesList[j].data.push(data.value[i].data[j].value);
// }
// if (legendList.length == 0 || legendList.length < j + 1) {
// legendList.push(data.value[i].data[j].name);
// }
// }
name: data.value[i].deviceName,
data: data.value[i].data,
type: 'line',
smooth: true,
const option = {
legend: {


@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
<a-table :columns="columns" :data-source="data" bordered />
style="width: 100%"
:scroll="{ x: '2000' }" />
<script lang="ts">
@ -33,13 +38,14 @@
() => pageData as PageData,
(_newValue, _oldValue) => {
data.value = pageData.graphTableList;
// data.value = pageData.graphTableList;
let columnA: any[] = [...column];
columns.value = columnA;
// pageData.graphList;
// let columnA: any[] = [...column];
// columnA.push(...pageData.graphTableColumns);
// columns.value = columnA;
// // pageData.graphList;
// //
{ deep: true },
@ -66,7 +72,7 @@
const column: TableColumnType[] = [
title: '设备/组名',
dataIndex: 'name',
dataIndex: 'deviceName',
customCell: (record, rowIndex) => {
if (rowIndex == undefined) {
return {
@ -74,8 +80,8 @@
colSpan: 0,
const rowSpan = getRowSpan('name', record, data.value);
if (rowIndex != 0 && data.value[rowIndex - 1].name == record.name) {
const rowSpan = getRowSpan('deviceName', record, data.value);
if (rowIndex != 0 && data.value[rowIndex - 1].deviceName == record.deviceName) {
return {
rowSpan: 0,
colSpan: 0,
@ -88,7 +94,7 @@
title: '参数名称',
dataIndex: 'paramName',
dataIndex: 'selectedValueName',
customCell: (record, rowIndex) => {
if (rowIndex == undefined) {
return {
@ -96,8 +102,8 @@
colSpan: 0,
const rowSpan = getRowSpan('paramName', record, data.value, ['name']);
if (rowIndex != 0 && data.value[rowIndex - 1].name == record.name) {
const rowSpan = getRowSpan('selectedValueName', record, data.value, ['deviceName']);
if (rowIndex != 0 && data.value[rowIndex - 1].deviceName == record.deviceName) {
return {
rowSpan: 0,
colSpan: 0,
@ -110,12 +116,24 @@
onMounted(() => {
const init = () => {
data.value = pageData.graphTableList;
let columnA: any[] = [...column];
let columnB: any[] = [];
pageData.graphTableColumns.forEach((item) => {
columnB.push({ title: item, dataIndex: item });
columns.value = columnA;
onMounted(() => {
// data.value = pageData.graphTableList;
// let columnA: any[] = [...column];
// columnA.push(...pageData.graphTableColumns);
// columns.value = columnA;
// index.value = 0;
return {


@ -19,9 +19,9 @@
<ns-icon :name="iconName" size="18" style="margin-right: 10px" @click="change" />
<div v-if="activeKey == '1'" style="height: 90%">
<div v-if="activeKey == '1'" style="height: 90%; width: 100%">
<graph-graph ref="graphRef" v-if="isGraph" />
<environment-table ref="tableRef" v-else />
<environment-table ref="tableRef" v-else style="width: 100%" />
<div v-else style="height: 90%">
<analysis-graph ref="analysisGraphRef" v-if="isGraph" />


@ -15,15 +15,15 @@
style="padding-bottom: 10px; width: 100%">
<a-radio-button value="1" style="width: 50%; text-align: center" :disabled="shebei">
<a-radio-button value="0" style="width: 50%; text-align: center" :disabled="shebei">
<a-radio-button value="2" style="width: 50%; text-align: center">节点</a-radio-button>
<a-radio-button value="1" style="width: 50%; text-align: center">节点</a-radio-button>
v-if="mode == '1'"
v-if="mode == '0'"
@change="changeMode" />
<a-input v-model:value="pointName" placeholder="请输入节点名称" v-else @change="changeMode" />
<a-spin :spinning="treeLoading">
@ -34,7 +34,21 @@
style="width: 100%; overflow-y: auto; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-top: 10px"
:tree-data="treeData2" />
<!-- <template #title="{ title }">
<span v-if="title.indexOf(mode == '0' ? deviceName : pointName) > -1">
{{ title.substr(0, title.indexOf(mode == '0' ? deviceName : pointName)) }}
<span style="color: #f50">{{ mode == '0' ? deviceName : pointName }}</span>
title.indexOf(mode == '0' ? deviceName : pointName) +
(mode == '0' ? deviceName : pointName).length,
<span v-else>{{ title }}</span>
</template> -->
<div class="fixed-bottom">
@ -48,20 +62,9 @@
style="width: 100%; margin-bottom: 10px"
:picker="dateTypeValue" />
<!-- <a-range-picker
:value="hackValue || dateRange"
style="width: 100%; margin-bottom: 10px"
:placeholder="['请选择日期', '请选择日期']" /> -->
<a-button type="primary" style="width: 100%; margin-bottom: 10px" @click="getSelect">
<!-- <a-button type="primary" style="width: 100%; margin-bottom: 10px" @click="getSelect11">
</a-button> -->
@ -69,9 +72,10 @@
<script lang="ts">
import type { TreeSelectProps, SelectProps } from 'ant-design-vue';
import { defineComponent, ref, onMounted, inject } from 'vue';
import { Dayjs } from 'dayjs';
import dayjs, { Dayjs } from 'dayjs';
import { http } from '/nerv-lib/util';
import { device, group } from '/@/api/deviceManage';
import { energyMonitor } from '/@/api/monitor';
import { dict } from '/@/api';
export default defineComponent({
@ -95,20 +99,20 @@
const options1 = ref<SelectProps['options']>([]);
// list
const options2 = ref<SelectProps['options']>([]);
const mode = ref<String>('1');
const mode = ref<String>('0');
const selectedValue = ref<string | number | null | undefined>();
const dateTypeValue = ref<string | undefined>();
const dateTypeValue = ref<string | undefined>('month');
const dateValue = ref<[Dayjs, Dayjs] | undefined>();
const dateValue = ref<Dayjs | undefined>(dayjs());
const getOptionsList = async () => {
try {
const options = await dict({ params: { dicKey: 'ENERGY_TYPE' } });
options.data.data.forEach((item: any) => {
(item.value = item.cnValue), (item.label = item.cnValue);
(item.value = item.dicKey), (item.label = item.cnValue);
options1.value = options.data.data; // options1.value
if (options1.value) {
@ -149,452 +153,70 @@
const changeEnergyType = () => {
if (selectedValue.value == '碳排量') {
shebei.value = true;
mode.value = '2';
mode.value = '1';
} else {
shebei.value = false;
const getSelect = () => {
pageData.graphTableList = [
key: '1',
name: 'AC_002(暖通电表)',
paramName: '用电量(kWh)',
date: '2023-12-01',
'1:00': '3626',
key: '1',
name: 'AC_002(暖通电表)',
paramName: '用电量(kWh)',
date: '2023-12-01',
'1:00': '3626',
key: '2',
name: 'AC_003(照明电表)',
paramName: '用电量(kWh)',
date: '2023-12-01',
'1:00': '3626',
key: '2',
name: 'AC_003(照明电表)',
paramName: '用电量(kWh)',
date: '2023-12-01',
'1:00': '3626',
key: '3',
name: 'AC_004(给排水电表)',
paramName: '用电量(kWh)',
date: '2023-12-01',
'1:00': '3626',
pageData.graphTableColumns = [
title: '日期',
dataIndex: 'date',
title: '1:00',
dataIndex: '1:00',
pageData.graphGraphList = [
date: '2023-12-01 0:00',
unit: 'V',
data: [
name: 'AC_002(暖通电表)',
value: '21',
name: 'AC_003(照明电表)',
value: '36',
name: 'AC_004(给排水电表)',
value: '5',
date: '2023-12-02 0:00',
unit: 'V',
data: [
name: 'AC_002(暖通电表)',
value: '26',
name: 'AC_003(照明电表)',
value: '25',
name: 'AC_004(给排水电表)',
value: '47',
date: '2023-12-03 0:00',
unit: 'V',
data: [
name: 'AC_002(暖通电表)',
value: '18',
name: 'AC_003(照明电表)',
value: '22',
name: 'AC_004(给排水电表)',
value: '26',
date: '2023-12-04 0:00',
unit: 'V',
data: [
name: 'AC_002(暖通电表)',
value: '40',
name: 'AC_003(照明电表)',
value: '15',
name: 'AC_004(给排水电表)',
value: '12',
date: '2023-12-05 0:00',
unit: 'V',
data: [
name: 'AC_002(暖通电表)',
value: '15',
name: 'AC_003(照明电表)',
value: '18',
name: 'AC_004(给排水电表)',
value: '15',
pageData.analysisTableList = [
key: '1',
name: 'AC_002(暖通电表)',
position: 'A 相电压',
unit: 'V',
date: '2023-12-01',
key: '1',
name: 'AC_002(暖通电表)',
position: 'A 相电压',
unit: 'V',
date: '2023-12-01',
key: '2',
name: 'AC_003(照明电表)',
position: 'A 相电压',
unit: 'V',
date: '2023-12-01',
key: '2',
name: 'AC_003(照明电表)',
position: 'A 相电压',
unit: 'V',
date: '2023-12-01',
key: '3',
name: 'AC_004(给排水电表)',
position: 'A 相电压',
unit: 'V',
date: '2023-12-01',
pageData.analysisGraphList = [
name: 'AC_002(暖通电表)',
value: -21,
ringValue: 21,
energyType: selectedValue.value,
energyUnit: 'kWh',
unit: 'V',
labelRight: {
position: 'right',
name: 'AC_003(照明电表)',
value: 36,
ringValue: 36,
energyType: selectedValue.value,
unit: 'V',
labelRight: {
position: 'insideLeft',
name: 'AC_004(给排水电表)',
value: -5,
ringValue: 5,
energyType: selectedValue.value,
unit: 'V',
labelRight: {
position: 'right',
name: 'AC_005(给排水电表)',
value: -25,
ringValue: 15,
energyType: selectedValue.value,
unit: 'V',
labelRight: {
position: 'right',
name: 'AC_006(给排水电表)',
value: 35,
ringValue: 30,
energyType: selectedValue.value,
unit: 'V',
labelRight: {
position: 'insideLeft',
name: 'AC_007(给排水电表)',
value: 15,
ringValue: 18,
energyType: selectedValue.value,
unit: 'V',
labelRight: {
position: 'insideLeft',
name: 'AC_008(给排水电表)',
value: -25,
ringValue: 41,
energyType: selectedValue.value,
unit: 'V',
labelRight: {
position: 'right',
name: 'AC_009(给排水电表)',
value: -5,
ringValue: 55,
const date = dateValue.value;
let year = 0;
let month = 0;
if (date) {
year = date.year();
month = date.month() + 1;
} else {
.post(energyMonitor.getDeviceOrNodeEnergyGraph, {
deviceName: deviceName.value,
energyType: selectedValue.value,
unit: 'V',
labelRight: {
position: 'right',
name: 'AC_0090(给排水电表)',
value: -5,
ringValue: 55,
orgId: orgId.value,
dateType: dateTypeValue.value == 'year' ? 0 : 1, //0 1
deviceInfoCodes: mode.value == '0' ? checkedKeys.value : [], // device_info_code
energyQueryType: mode.value, // 0 1
month: month,
nodeIds: mode.value == '1' ? checkedKeys.value : [],
year: year,
.then((res) => {
let selectedValueName = '';
options1.value?.forEach((item) => {
if (item.value == selectedValue.value) {
selectedValueName = item.label;
res.data.tableList.forEach((item) => {
item.selectedValueName = selectedValueName;
pageData.graphTableList = res.data.tableList;
pageData.graphTableColumns = res.data.tableHeaderList;
pageData.graphGraphList = res.data.graghData;
.post(energyMonitor.getDeviceOrNodeEnergyAnalyse, {
deviceName: deviceName.value,
energyType: selectedValue.value,
unit: 'V',
labelRight: {
position: 'right',
const getSelect11 = () => {
pageData.graphTableList = [
key: '1',
name: 'AC_002(暖通电表)',
paramName: '用电量(kWh)',
date: '2023-12-01',
'1:00': '3626',
'2:00': '3626',
key: '1',
name: 'AC_002(暖通电表)',
paramName: '用电量(kWh)',
date: '2023-12-01',
'1:00': '3626',
'2:00': '3626',
key: '2',
name: 'AC_003(照明电表)',
paramName: '用电量(kWh)',
date: '2023-12-01',
'1:00': '3626',
'2:00': '3626',
key: '2',
name: 'AC_003(照明电表)',
paramName: '用电量(kWh)',
date: '2023-12-01',
'1:00': '3626',
'2:00': '3626',
key: '3',
name: 'AC_004(给排水电表)',
paramName: '用电量(kWh)',
date: '2023-12-01',
'1:00': '3626',
'2:00': '3626',
pageData.graphTableColumns = [
title: '日期',
dataIndex: 'date',
title: '1:00',
dataIndex: '1:00',
title: '2:00',
dataIndex: '2:00',
pageData.graphGraphList = [
date: '2023-12-01 0:00',
unit: 'V',
data: [
name: 'AC_002(暖通电表)',
value: '21',
name: 'AC_003(照明电表)',
value: '36',
name: 'AC_004(给排水电表)',
value: '5',
name: 'AC_005(333333333)',
value: '22',
date: '2023-12-02 0:00',
unit: 'V',
data: [
name: 'AC_002(暖通电表)',
value: '26',
name: 'AC_003(照明电表)',
value: '25',
name: 'AC_004(给排水电表)',
value: '47',
name: 'AC_005(333333333)',
value: '28',
date: '2023-12-03 0:00',
unit: 'V',
data: [
name: 'AC_002(暖通电表)',
value: '18',
name: 'AC_003(照明电表)',
value: '22',
name: 'AC_004(给排水电表)',
value: '26',
name: 'AC_005(333333333)',
value: '44',
date: '2023-12-04 0:00',
unit: 'V',
data: [
name: 'AC_002(暖通电表)',
value: '40',
name: 'AC_003(照明电表)',
value: '15',
name: 'AC_004(给排水电表)',
value: '12',
name: 'AC_005(333333333)',
value: '26',
date: '2023-12-05 0:00',
unit: 'V',
data: [
name: 'AC_002(暖通电表)',
value: '15',
name: 'AC_003(照明电表)',
value: '18',
name: 'AC_004(给排水电表)',
value: '15',
name: 'AC_005(333333333)',
value: '35',
orgId: orgId.value,
dateType: dateTypeValue.value == 'year' ? 0 : 1, //0 1
deviceInfoCodes: mode.value == '0' ? checkedKeys.value : [], // device_info_code
energyQueryType: mode.value, // 0 1
month: month,
nodeIds: mode.value == '1' ? checkedKeys.value : [],
year: year,
.then((res) => {
pageData.analysisTableList = res.data.dataList;
pageData.analysisGraphList = res.data.dataList;
const orgId = ref('');
@ -604,27 +226,29 @@
const changeMode = () => {
treeLoading.value = true;
if (mode.value == '1') {
if (mode.value == '0') {
.post(device.queryDevicePage, {
.post(group.queryDeviceToEnergy, {
deviceName: deviceName.value,
energyType: selectedValue.value,
orgId: orgId.value,
pageNum: 1,
pageSize: 9999,
// pageNum: 1,
// pageSize: 9999,
.then((res) => {
let val = '999999999';
let label = '所有设备';
let records = res.data.records;
let records = res.data;
records.forEach((item: any) => {
(item.title = item.deviceModel + ' ' + item.deviceName), (item.key = item.id);
(item.title = item.deviceNum), (item.key = item.deviceCode);
let a: TreeSelectProps['treeData'] = [{ title: label, key: val, children: records }];
treeData2.value = a;
expandedKeys.value = [val];
checkedKeys.value.push(records[0].deviceCode, records[1].deviceCode);
.finally(() => {
treeLoading.value = false;
@ -687,16 +311,18 @@
// const onChange = (val: RangeValue) => {
// dateRange.value = val;
// };
const onCalendarChange = (val: RangeValue) => {
dates.value = val;
onMounted(() => {
// debugger;
// await checkedKeys.value.push(
// treeData2.value[0].children[0].deviceCode,
// treeData2.value[0].children[1].deviceCode,
// );
// debugger;
@ -716,12 +342,10 @@
// onChange,


@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
<a-tabs v-model:activeKey="activeKey" style="height: 5%">
<a-tab-pane key="1" tab="综合数据" />
<a-tab-pane key="2" tab="历史数据" force-render>Content of Tab Pane 2</a-tab-pane>
<a-tab-pane key="3" tab="平均数据">Content of Tab Pane 3</a-tab-pane>
<a-tab-pane key="2" tab="历史数据" force-render />
<a-tab-pane key="3" tab="平均数据" />
<aggregate-data ref="aggregateDataRef" v-if="activeKey == '1'" style="height: 85%" />
