37 changed files with 2596 additions and 2435 deletions
File diff suppressed because it is too large
@ -1,53 +1,47 @@ |
<template> |
<template> |
<div class="map-box"> |
<div class="map-box"> |
<div class="map"> |
<div class="map"> |
<liftInfo></liftInfo> |
<liftInfo /> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</template> |
</template> |
<script setup lang="ts"> |
<script setup lang="ts"> |
import { ref, onMounted } from 'vue'; |
import { ref, onMounted } from 'vue'; |
import liftInfo from './liftInfo.vue' |
import liftInfo from './liftInfo.vue'; |
// 请求 |
// 请求 |
import { message } from 'ant-design-vue'; |
// 初始化 =========================================================== |
// 初始化 =========================================================== |
onMounted(() => { |
onMounted(() => {}); |
}) |
// tab页部分 ======================================================== |
// 表格数据 |
const dataSource = ref([]); |
// tab页部分 ======================================================== |
// 表格数据 |
const dataSource = ref([]); |
</script> |
</script> |
<style lang="less" scoped> |
<style lang="less" scoped> |
.map-box { |
.map-box { |
// 颜色变量,用于区别颜色 |
// 颜色变量,用于区别颜色 |
// 正常 - 开启 - 上行 -下行 |
// 正常 - 开启 - 上行 -下行 |
--on: #0DFFA4; |
--on: #0dffa4; |
// 关闭 |
// 关闭 |
--off: #BFCDE2; |
--off: #bfcde2; |
// 暂停 - 维修 |
// 暂停 - 维修 |
--pause: #FFBC46; |
--pause: #ffbc46; |
// 告警 - 急停 |
// 告警 - 急停 |
--stop: #F36163; |
--stop: #f36163; |
// 故障 |
// 故障 |
--fault: #FF7636; |
--fault: #ff7636; |
// 未知 |
// 未知 |
--unknown: #A742FF; |
--unknown: #a742ff; |
width: 100%; |
width: 100%; |
height: 100%; |
height: 100%; |
.map { |
.map { |
width: 1280px; |
width: 1280px; |
height: 720px; |
height: 720px; |
background-image: url(../image/bg.jpg); |
background-image: url(../image/bg.jpg); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
</style> |
</style> |
@ -1,273 +1,276 @@ |
<template> |
<template> |
<div class="lighting-box"> |
<div class="lighting-box"> |
<div class="lighting-img-box"> |
<div class="lighting-img-box"> |
<!-- 左上角,区域切换 --> |
<!-- 左上角,区域切换 --> |
<div class="btn-box"> |
<div class="btn-box"> |
<button v-for="item in floorData" class="btn-item" @click=changeFloor(item.childList)>{{ item.name }}</button> |
<button v-for="item in floorData" class="btn-item" @click="changeFloor(item.childList)">{{ |
item.name |
}}</button> |
</div> |
<!-- 楼层区域 --> |
<div class="area"> |
<div |
v-for="(item, index) in treeData" |
:class="computedClass(item.id)" |
@click="changeThisArea([item])" |
:key="index"> |
<div v-for="(v, i) in item.childList" :key="i" class="light-group"> |
<div class="group-shadow" @click.stop="changeThisArea([item, v])"> |
<div :class="computedClass(v.id)" class="shadow-box"></div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<!-- 楼层区域 --> |
</div> |
<div class="area"> |
<div |
v-for="(item, index) in treeData" |
:class="computedClass(item.id)" |
@click="changeThisArea([item])" |
:key="index"> |
<div v-for="(v, i) in item.childList" :key="i" class="light-group"> |
<div class="group-shadow" @click.stop="changeThisArea([item, v])"> |
<div :class="computedClass(v.id)" class="shadow-box"></div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<!-- 照明设备 --> |
<div class="lights"> |
<light v-for="(item, index) in bulbs" |
:key="index" |
:styleObject="item.styleText" |
:type="item.type" |
:visible="item.visible"> |
</light> |
</div> |
</div> |
<!-- 右侧抽屉的触发按钮 --> |
<div class="drawer-box-in" v-if="!visible" @click="toggleDrawer"> |
<double-left-outlined class="drawer-icon" style="color: white" /> |
</div> |
<!-- 左侧抽屉的关闭按钮 --> |
<div class="drawer-box-out" v-if="visible" @click="toggleDrawer"> |
<double-right-outlined class="drawer-icon" style="color: white;" /> |
</div> |
</div> |
<!-- 右侧抽屉 --> |
</div> |
<a-drawer |
<!-- 照明设备 --> |
v-model:visible="visible" |
<div class="lights"> |
class="drawer-item" |
<light |
width="496" |
v-for="(item, index) in bulbs" |
placement="right" |
:key="index" |
:body-style="{ background: 'rgba(0, 0, 0)', opacity: 0.8 }" |
:styleObject="item.styleText" |
:closable="false" |
:type="item.type" |
id="drawer" |
:visible="item.visible" /> |
:maskStyle="{ 'background-color': 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)' }"> |
</div> |
<a-tabs v-model:activeKey="activeKey"> |
<a-tab-pane key="1" tab="控制面板"> |
<tabs1 |
ref="tabs1Ref" |
@changeArea="changeArea" |
@reset="reset" |
:treeData="treeData" |
:nowArea="nowArea" |
></tabs1> |
</a-tab-pane> |
<a-tab-pane key="2" tab="计划列表" force-render> |
<tabs2></tabs2> |
</a-tab-pane> |
<a-tab-pane key="3" tab="日志"> |
<tabs3></tabs3> |
</a-tab-pane> |
</a-tabs> |
</a-drawer> |
</div> |
</div> |
<!-- 右侧抽屉的触发按钮 --> |
<div class="drawer-box-in" v-if="!visible" @click="toggleDrawer"> |
<double-left-outlined class="drawer-icon" style="color: white" /> |
</div> |
<!-- 左侧抽屉的关闭按钮 --> |
<div class="drawer-box-out" v-if="visible" @click="toggleDrawer"> |
<double-right-outlined class="drawer-icon" style="color: white" /> |
</div> |
<!-- 右侧抽屉 --> |
<a-drawer |
v-model:visible="visible" |
class="drawer-item" |
width="496" |
:forceRender="preload" |
placement="right" |
:body-style="{ background: 'rgba(0, 0, 0)', opacity: 0.8 }" |
:closable="false" |
id="drawer" |
:maskStyle="{ 'background-color': 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)' }"> |
<a-tabs v-model:activeKey="activeKey"> |
<a-tab-pane key="1" tab="控制面板"> |
<tabs1 ref="tabs1Ref" @changeArea="changeArea" @reset="reset" :treeData="treeData" /> |
</a-tab-pane> |
<a-tab-pane key="2" tab="计划列表" force-render> |
<tabs2 /> |
</a-tab-pane> |
<a-tab-pane key="3" tab="日志"> |
<tabs3 /> |
</a-tab-pane> |
</a-tabs> |
</a-drawer> |
</div> |
</template> |
</template> |
<script setup lang="ts"> |
import { ref, onMounted } from 'vue'; |
// 组件 |
import light from './light.vue'; |
import tabs1 from './tabs1.vue' |
import tabs2 from './tabs2.vue' |
import tabs3 from './tabs3.vue' |
// 请求 |
import { http } from '/nerv-lib/util/http'; |
import { lightingManage } from '/@/api/IlluminationInfo'; |
// ICON |
import { |
DoubleLeftOutlined, |
DoubleRightOutlined |
} from '@ant-design/icons-vue'; |
<script setup lang="ts"> |
import { ref, onMounted } from 'vue'; |
// 组件 |
import light from './light.vue'; |
import tabs1 from './tabs1.vue'; |
import tabs2 from './tabs2.vue'; |
import tabs3 from './tabs3.vue'; |
// 请求 |
import { http } from '/nerv-lib/util/http'; |
import { lightingManage } from '/@/api/IlluminationInfo'; |
// ICON |
import { DoubleLeftOutlined, DoubleRightOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons-vue'; |
// 初始化 ======================================================= |
// 初始化 ======================================================= |
onMounted(() => { |
onMounted(() => { |
// 获得分区与线路的结构 |
// 获得分区与线路的结构 |
getAllArea() |
getAllArea(); |
}) |
}); |
// 分层业务 ===================================================== |
// 预加载flag,获得分区数据后,预加载抽屉,防止获取ref报错 |
const preload = ref(false); |
// 所有楼层的数据 |
// 分层业务 ===================================================== |
const floorData = ref([]) |
// 左上角分层切换 |
// 所有楼层的数据 |
const changeFloor = (area: any) => { |
const floorData = ref([]); |
// 左上角分层切换 |
const changeFloor = (area: any) => { |
// 重置数据 |
// 重置数据 |
reset() |
reset(); |
// 重置视图 |
// 重置视图 |
changeArea(['1']) |
changeArea(['1']); |
// 切换楼层数据 |
// 切换楼层数据 |
treeData.value = area |
treeData.value = area; |
// 默认选择第一项 |
// 默认选择第一项 |
treeData.value[0].selected = true |
treeData.value[0].selected = true; |
} |
}; |
// 分区业务 ===================================================== |
// 分区业务 ===================================================== |
// 分区结构树 |
// 分区结构树 |
const treeData = ref([]) |
const treeData = ref([]); |
// 当前选中的分区id |
// 当前选中的分区序列 - 用于样式渲染 |
const nowArea = ref('1') |
const area = ref(['1']); |
// 当前选中的分区序号 - 用于样式渲染 |
// 线路内小灯泡 - 此处位置需前端写死 |
const area = ref(['1']) |
const bulbs = ref([ |
// 线路内小灯泡 - 此处位置需前端写死 |
const bulbs = ref([ |
{ |
{ |
styleText: { left: '180px', bottom: '200px' }, |
styleText: { left: '180px', bottom: '200px' }, |
area: 1, |
area: 1, |
type: 1, |
type: 1, |
visible: true |
visible: true, |
}, |
}, |
{ |
{ |
styleText: { left: '230px', bottom: '125px' }, |
styleText: { left: '230px', bottom: '125px' }, |
area: 1, |
area: 1, |
type: 2, |
type: 2, |
visible: true |
visible: true, |
}, |
}, |
{ |
{ |
styleText: { left: '320px', bottom: '140px' }, |
styleText: { left: '320px', bottom: '140px' }, |
area: 1, |
area: 1, |
type: 3, |
type: 3, |
visible: true |
visible: true, |
}, |
}, |
{ |
{ |
styleText: { left: '245px', bottom: '230px' }, |
styleText: { left: '245px', bottom: '230px' }, |
area: 1, |
area: 1, |
type: 3, |
type: 3, |
visible: true |
visible: true, |
}, |
}, |
{ |
{ |
styleText: { left: '405px', bottom: '230px' }, |
styleText: { left: '405px', bottom: '230px' }, |
area: 2, |
area: 2, |
type: 3, |
type: 3, |
visible: true |
visible: true, |
}, |
}, |
{ |
{ |
styleText: { left: '460px', bottom: '180px' }, |
styleText: { left: '460px', bottom: '180px' }, |
area: 2, |
area: 2, |
type: 3, |
type: 3, |
visible: true |
visible: true, |
}, |
}, |
{ |
{ |
styleText: { left: '360px', bottom: '275px' }, |
styleText: { left: '360px', bottom: '275px' }, |
area: 2, |
area: 2, |
type: 3, |
type: 3, |
visible: true |
visible: true, |
}, |
}, |
{ |
{ |
styleText: { left: '715px', bottom: '320px' }, |
styleText: { left: '715px', bottom: '320px' }, |
area: 3, |
area: 3, |
type: 1, |
type: 1, |
visible: true |
visible: true, |
}, |
}, |
]) |
]); |
// 由子组件控制的分区与线路切换 |
// 由子组件控制的分区与线路切换 |
const changeArea = (result: any) => { |
const changeArea = (result: any) => { |
console.log(result,'changeArea') |
console.log(result, 'changeArea'); |
// 数组 |
// 数组 |
if (Array.isArray(result)) { |
if (Array.isArray(result)) { |
area.value = result |
area.value = result; |
// 不是数组 |
// 不是数组 |
} else { |
} else { |
area.value.length = 0 |
area.value.length = 0; |
area.value[0] = String(result) |
area.value[0] = String(result); |
} |
} |
} |
}; |
// 由当前组件控制的分区切换 |
// 由当前组件控制的分区切换 |
const changeThisArea = (result: any) => { |
const changeThisArea = (result: any) => { |
tabs1Ref.value.changeCancel() |
console.log(result, 'changeThisArea'); |
console.log(result, 'changeThisArea') |
// 修改前,将所有选项置空 |
// 修改前,将所有选项置空 |
reset() |
reset(); |
let level1 = result[0]; |
let level1 = result[0]; |
area.value.length = 0 |
area.value.length = 0; |
// 只选择了分区 |
if (result.length === 1) { |
if (result.length === 1) { |
result[0].selected = true |
result[0].selected = true; |
area.value.push(result[0].id) |
area.value.push(result[0].id); |
// 控制子组件按钮区 |
tabs1Ref.value.changeArea(result[0]); |
// 选择了分区 + 线路 |
} else if (result.length === 2) { |
} else if (result.length === 2) { |
// 如果没有分区,默认选择第一个 |
// 如果没有分区,默认选择第一个 |
if (!level1) { |
if (!level1) { |
level1 = treeData.value[0] |
level1 = treeData.value[0]; |
} |
} |
// 选中状态都设为true |
// 选中状态都设为true |
level1.selected = result[1].selected = true |
level1.selected = result[1].selected = true; |
area.value.splice(0, 0, level1.id, result[1].id) |
area.value.splice(0, 0, level1.id, result[1].id); |
// 控制子组件按钮区 |
tabs1Ref.value.changeArea(result[0]); |
tabs1Ref.value.changeLine(result[1]); |
} |
} |
nowArea.value = level1.id |
}; |
} |
// 重置分区树所有当前选项 |
// 重置分区树所有当前选项 |
const reset = () => { |
const reset = () => { |
treeData.value.forEach((item: any) => { |
treeData.value.forEach((item: any) => { |
item.selected = false |
item.selected = false; |
item.childList.forEach((i: any) => { |
item.childList.forEach((i: any) => { |
i.selected = false |
i.selected = false; |
}) |
}); |
}) |
}); |
} |
}; |
// 俯视图分区选中计算函数 |
// 俯视图分区选中计算函数 |
const computedClass = (string: string) => { |
const computedClass = (string: string) => { |
if (area.value.indexOf(string) != -1) { |
if (area.value.indexOf(string) != -1) { |
return `isActive area-item area${string}` |
return `isActive area-item area${string}`; |
} else { |
} else { |
return `area-item area${string}` |
return `area-item area${string}`; |
} |
} |
} |
}; |
const getAllArea = () => { |
// 获得所有分区 |
http.get(lightingManage.getArea, { projectId: 'HLlmTZp8' }).then(res => { |
const getAllArea = () => { |
const data = res.data |
http.get(lightingManage.getArea, { projectId: 'HLlmTZp8' }).then((res) => { |
floorData.value = data |
const data = res.data; |
/** 只在前端使用的变量 |
floorData.value = data; |
* @param id 用于判断样式和层级的前端属性 |
/** 只在前端使用的变量 |
* @param selected 用于表示是否选中的前端属性 |
* @param id 用于判断样式和层级的前端属性 |
*/ |
* @param selected 用于表示是否选中的前端属性 |
data.forEach((floor: any) => { |
*/ |
floor.childList.forEach((item: any, index: number) => { |
data.forEach((floor: any) => { |
if (index == 0) { |
floor.childList.forEach((item: any, index: number) => { |
item.selected = true |
if (index == 0) { |
} else { |
item.selected = true; |
item.selected = false |
} else { |
} |
item.selected = false; |
item.id = String(index + 1) |
} |
item.childList.forEach((v: any, i: number) => { |
item.id = String(index + 1); |
v.selected = false |
item.childList.forEach((v: any, i: number) => { |
v.id = (index + 1) + '-' + (i + 1) |
v.selected = false; |
}) |
v.id = index + 1 + '-' + (i + 1); |
}) |
}); |
}) |
}); |
treeData.value = data[0].childList |
}); |
}) |
// 默认展示 线路 1-1 |
} |
treeData.value = data[0].childList; |
// 开始预加载 |
preload.value = true; |
}); |
}; |
// 抽屉业务 ===================================================== |
// 抽屉业务 ===================================================== |
// 抽屉 - 当前选择的tab |
// 抽屉 - 当前选择的tab |
let activeKey = ref('1'); |
let activeKey = ref('1'); |
// 抽屉 - 打开状态 |
// 抽屉 - 打开状态 |
let visible = ref(false); |
let visible = ref(false); |
// 抽屉 - 开关事件 |
// 抽屉 - 开关事件 |
const toggleDrawer = () => { |
const toggleDrawer = () => { |
visible.value = !visible.value; |
visible.value = !visible.value; |
}; |
}; |
const tabs1Ref = ref() |
// 抽屉tab1组件的引用 |
const tabs1Ref = ref(); |
</script> |
</script> |
<style lang="less" scoped> |
<style lang="less" scoped> |
@import "./index.less"; |
@import './index.less'; |
// 当前选中分区的样式 |
.isActive { |
// 当前选中分区的样式 |
.isActive { |
border: 3px solid white !important; |
border: 3px solid white !important; |
} |
} |
// 抽屉顶部tab按钮样式 |
:deep(.ant-tabs-tab-btn) { |
// 抽屉顶部tab按钮样式 |
:deep(.ant-tabs-tab-btn) { |
color: white; |
color: white; |
} |
} |
</style> |
</style> |
Reference in new issue