16 changed files with 1427 additions and 459 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ |
import { BASE_URL } from './index'; |
export enum electricDoorApi { |
getDeviceState = `${BASE_URL}/eleDoorCtrl/getDeviceState`, // 查询设备最新状态
getDeviceRecordList = `${BASE_URL}/eleDoorCtrl/getDeviceRecordList`, // 查询设备日志列表
} |
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ |
// 前缀
const prefix = '/carbon-smart'; |
// 通风系统相关接口
export enum ventilating { |
// 排风扇相关 =============================================
// 获得排风扇系统的树形结构
getTree1 = prefix + '/ventilatingFanCtrl/getCtrlPanelTree', |
// 获得排风扇的 场景/禁用 修改数据
getChangeList1 = prefix + '/ventilatingFanCtrl/getSceneChangeInfo', |
// 提交排风扇的修改内容
sendChangeList1 = prefix + '/ventilatingFanCtrl/changeToSceneMode', |
// 获得排风扇的设备状态
getDevice1 = prefix + '/ventilatingFanCtrl/getDeviceState', |
// 风幕机相关 =============================================
// 获得风幕机的树形结构
getTree2 = prefix + '/airCurtainMachineCtrl/getCtrlPanelTree', |
// 获得风幕机的 场景/禁用 修改数据
getChangeList2 = prefix + '/airCurtainMachineCtrl/getSceneChangeInfo', |
// 提交风幕机的修改内容
sendChangeList2 = prefix + '/airCurtainMachineCtrl/changeToSceneMode', |
// 获得风幕机的设备状态
getDevice2 = prefix + '/airCurtainMachineCtrl/getDeviceState', |
// 电动窗相关 =============================================
// 获得电动窗的树形结构
getTree3 = prefix + '/eleOperatedWindowCtrl/getCtrlPanelTree', |
// 获得电动窗的 场景/禁用 修改数据
getChangeList3 = prefix + '/eleOperatedWindowCtrl/getSceneChangeInfo', |
// 提交电动窗的修改内容
sendChangeList3 = prefix + '/eleOperatedWindowCtrl/changeToSceneMode', |
// 获得电动窗的设备状态
getDevice3 = prefix + '/eleOperatedWindowCtrl/getDeviceState', |
} |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 4.6 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 4.6 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 4.6 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 4.6 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 3.1 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 3.2 KiB |
@ -1,201 +1,767 @@ |
<template> |
<a-spin :spinning="isLoading"> |
<!-- 排风扇 --> |
<div> |
<div class="circuit-area"> |
<div class="circuit-tab"></div> |
<span class="circuit-text">排风扇</span> |
<div class="btn2"> |
<!-- 设备部分 --> |
<div> |
<div class="circuit-area"> |
<div class="circuit-tab"></div> |
<span class="circuit-text">{{ props.type }}</span> |
<div class="btn2"> |
<a-badge :offset="[-10, 2]" :count="lockList.length"> |
<button |
class="openPlan" |
:class="{ enabled2: isPlanEnabled2, disabled2: !isPlanEnabled2 }" |
@click="togglePlan2"> |
{{ isPlanEnabled2 ? '启用开关' : '禁用开关' }} |
</button> |
<a-switch |
v-model:checked="selectAllCheckbox" |
:disabled="singleSelection" |
:class="{ |
'blue-background': selectAllCheckbox, |
'grey-background': !selectAllCheckbox, |
}" |
@change="toggleAllSelection" /> |
<button class="allBtn">全选</button> |
<button class="both" @click="selectAll"> |
{{ singleSelection ? '多选' : '单选' }} |
</button> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="btnArea"> |
<template v-if="!showAllButtons"> |
<button |
v-for="(button, index) in limitedButtons2" |
:key="index" |
:class="{ btn: true, selected: button.selected }" |
class="zmhlbtn" |
@click="changeLine(button)"> |
<stop-outlined v-if="button.ctrlStatus" /> |
{{ button.name }} |
</button> |
<div style="margin-top: 10px" v-if="limitedButtons2.length > 0"> |
<span @click="showAllButtons = true" class="openzm"><down-outlined /> 展开</span> |
</div> |
</template> |
<template v-else> |
<button |
v-for="(button, index) in buttons2" |
:key="index" |
:class="{ btn: true, selected: button.selected }" |
class="zmhlbtn" |
@click="changeLine(button)"> |
<stop-outlined v-if="button.ctrlStatus" /> |
{{ button.name }} |
</button> |
<div style="margin-top: 10px" v-if="buttons2.length > 0"> |
<span @click="showAllButtons = false" class="openzm"><up-outlined /> 回缩</span> |
</div> |
</template> |
</a-badge> |
<a-switch |
v-model:checked="selectAllCheckbox" |
:disabled="singleSelection" |
:class="{ |
'blue-background': selectAllCheckbox, |
'grey-background': !selectAllCheckbox, |
}" |
@change="toggleAllSelection" /> |
<button class="allBtn">全选</button> |
<button class="both" @click="selectAll"> |
{{ singleSelection ? '多选' : '单选' }} |
</button> |
</div> |
</div> |
<!-- 控制模式部分 --> |
<div> |
<div class="control-area"> |
<div class="control-tab"></div> |
<span class="control-text"> 控制模式 </span> |
</div> |
<!-- 控制模式按钮部分 --> |
<div class="control-mode-btn-area" v-show="thisButton2.code"> |
<div class="btnArea"> |
<template v-if="!showAllButtons"> |
<button |
v-for="(button3, index) in controlMode" |
v-for="(button, index) in limitedButtons2" |
:key="index" |
class="btn" |
:disabled="button3.value != 3" |
:class="{ selected: thisButton2.mode.value == button3.value }" |
@click="selectButton3(button3)"> |
{{ button3.label }} |
:class="{ btn: true, selected: button.selected }" |
class="zmhlbtn" |
@click="changeLine(button)"> |
<div v-if="button.lockStatus" class="btn-back"> |
<stop-outlined /> |
</div> |
{{ button.name }} |
</button> |
</div> |
</div> |
<!-- 控制场景 --> |
<div> |
<div class="control-area"> |
<div class="control-tab"></div> |
<span class="control-text"> 控制场景 </span> |
</div> |
<!-- 控制模式按钮部分 --> |
<div class="control-mode-btn-area" v-show="thisButton2.code"> |
<div style="margin-top: 10px"> |
<span @click="showAllButtons = true" class="openzm"><down-outlined /> 展开</span> |
</div> |
</template> |
<template v-else> |
<button |
v-for="(button3, index) in controlMode" |
v-for="(button, index) in buttons2" |
:key="index" |
class="btn" |
:disabled="button3.value != 3" |
:class="{ selected: thisButton2.mode.value == button3.value }" |
@click="selectButton3(button3)"> |
{{ button3.label }} |
:class="{ btn: true, selected: button.selected }" |
class="zmhlbtn" |
@click="changeLine(button)"> |
<div v-if="button.lockStatus" class="btn-back"> |
<stop-outlined /> |
</div> |
{{ button.name }} |
</button> |
<div style="margin-top: 10px"> |
<span @click="showAllButtons = false" class="openzm"><up-outlined /> 回缩</span> |
</div> |
</template> |
</div> |
</div> |
<!-- 控制模式部分 --> |
<div v-show="thisButton2.dataCode"> |
<div class="control-area"> |
<div class="control-tab"></div> |
<span class="control-text"> 控制模式 </span> |
</div> |
<!-- 控制模式按钮部分 --> |
<div class="control-mode-btn-area"> |
<button |
v-for="(button3, index) in thisButton2.childList" |
:key="index" |
class="btn" |
:class="{ selected: button3.selectAble }" |
@click="selectButton3(button3)"> |
{{ button3.name }} |
</button> |
</div> |
</div> |
<!-- 控制场景部分 --> |
<div v-show="thisButton2.dataCode"> |
<div class="control-scene-area"> |
<div class="control-scene-tab"></div> |
<span class="control-scene-text"> 控制场景 </span> |
<div v-if="!singleSelection" style="flex: 1; color: red; text-align: right" |
>多选模式下会修改当前选中的所有回路</div |
> |
</div> |
<!-- 控制场景按钮部分 --> |
<div class="control-scene-btn-area"> |
<button |
v-for="(button4, index) in thisButton3.childList" |
:key="index" |
:class="{ btn: true, selected: button4.executeStatus.value != 0 }" |
@click="selectButton4(button4)" |
>{{ button4.name }} |
</button> |
</div> |
</div> |
<!-- 底部按钮区 --> |
<div class="bottom"> |
<a-badge :offset="[-10, 2]" :count="changeList.length"> |
<a-popconfirm |
title="刷新将会取消已作出的修改" |
ok-text="确定" |
cancel-text="取消" |
@confirm="refresh(false)" |
@cancel="changeCancel"> |
<button class="flushed">刷新</button> |
</a-popconfirm> |
</a-badge> |
<button class="execute" @click="showModal">执行</button> |
</div> |
<!-- 点击执行时的弹出框 --> |
<div class="out-dialog" v-if="executeVisible"> |
<div class="content"> |
<div> |
<div class="div-operation"></div> |
<span class="text-operation">变更内容 </span> |
</div> |
<div class="j-box" v-for="item in diffList" :key="item.id"> |
<div class="journal" style="margin-top: 20px"> |
<div class="imgText"> |
<div class="zjzm"> |
<img class="title-img" src="/asset/image//bulbLogo/21961.png" alt="" /> |
<span |
class="title-text" |
style="font-size: 18px; font-weight: 500; color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)" |
>{{ item.regionName + ' > ' + item.deviceGroupName }}</span |
> |
</div> |
<a-popconfirm |
title="此操作将会撤销修改" |
ok-text="确定" |
cancel-text="取消" |
@confirm="delBtn(item)" |
@cancel="changeCancel"> |
<button class="cxbtn">撤销</button> |
</a-popconfirm> |
</div> |
<div class="btn-box"> |
<div class="btn-item"> |
<div class="left">控制模式</div> |
<div class="right"> |
<span>手动</span> |
<img src="/asset/image/bulbLogo/22406.png" alt="" /> |
<span>自动</span></div |
> |
</div> |
<div class="btn-item"> |
<div class="left"> 亮度 </div> |
<div class="right"> |
<!-- 由于数字0也会被判为false,故只判断undefined 和 null --> |
<span>{{ |
item?.stateBefore?.brightness != undefined ? item.stateBefore.brightness : '--' |
}}</span> |
<img src="/asset/image/bulbLogo/22406.png" alt="" /> |
<span>{{ |
item?.stateAfter?.brightness != undefined ? item.stateAfter.brightness : '--' |
}}</span> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="btn-item"> |
<div class="left"> 控制场景 </div> |
<div class="right"> |
<span>{{ |
item?.stateBefore?.scene?.label ? item.stateBefore.scene.label : '--' |
}}</span> |
<img src="/asset/image/bulbLogo/22406.png" alt="" /> |
<span>{{ |
item?.stateAfter?.scene?.label ? item.stateAfter.scene.label : '--' |
}}</span> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="btn-item"> |
<div class="left"> 色温 </div> |
<div class="right"> |
<span>{{ |
item?.stateBefore?.color != undefined ? item.stateBefore.color : '--' |
}}</span> |
<img src="/asset/image/bulbLogo/22406.png" alt="" /> |
<span> |
{{ item?.stateAfter?.color != undefined ? item.stateAfter.color : '--' }} |
</span> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="btn-item"> |
<div class="left"> 启用状态 </div> |
<div class="right"> |
<span>{{ |
item?.stateBefore?.lockStatus != undefined |
? item.stateBefore.lockStatus |
? '禁用' |
: '启用' |
: '--' |
}}</span> |
<img src="/asset/image/bulbLogo/22406.png" alt="" /> |
<span> |
{{ |
item?.stateAfter?.lockStatus != undefined |
? item.stateAfter.lockStatus |
? '禁用' |
: '启用' |
: '--' |
}} |
</span> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="div-add"> |
<button class="cancel" @click="addModal">刷新</button> |
<button class="add" @click="addModal">执行</button> |
<div style="width: 100%; height: 60px"></div> |
<div class="button-box"> |
<button class="cancel" @click="executeVisible = false">取消</button> |
<a-popconfirm |
title="此操作将提交以上修改内容" |
ok-text="确定" |
cancel-text="取消" |
@confirm="submitChangeList" |
@cancel="changeCancel"> |
<button class="execute">执行</button> |
</a-popconfirm> |
</div> |
</a-spin> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script setup lang="ts"> |
import { DownOutlined, UpOutlined, StopOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons-vue'; |
import { ref, computed, onMounted } from 'vue'; |
import { DownOutlined, UpOutlined, StopOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons-vue'; |
import { message } from 'ant-design-vue'; |
// 请求 |
import { http } from '/nerv-lib/util/http'; |
import { ventilating } from '/@/api/ventilatingSystem'; |
// 全局变量 |
import { items } from '/@/store/item'; |
// 初始化 ========================================================================= |
onMounted(() => { |
// 分区初始化 |
setArea(); |
if (props.type == '排风扇') { |
url.getList = ventilating.getChangeList1; |
url.sendList = ventilating.sendChangeList1; |
} else if (props.type == '风幕机') { |
url.getList = ventilating.getChangeList2; |
url.sendList = ventilating.sendChangeList2; |
} else { |
url.getList = ventilating.getChangeList3; |
url.sendList = ventilating.sendChangeList3; |
} |
}); |
// 分区初始化,以 1-1 作为默认回路 |
const setArea = () => { |
const data = props.treeData[0]; |
buttons2.value = data.childList; |
}; |
// 全局变量 |
const state = items(); |
// 网络请求路径 |
const url = { |
getList: '', |
sendList: '', |
}; |
// 与父组件的交互 =================================================================== |
const props = defineProps({ |
// 分区结构(照明区域 > 照明回路) |
treeData: { |
type: Array, |
default: () => { |
[]; |
}, |
}, |
type: { |
type: String, |
}, |
}); |
/** 向上传递方法 |
* @method changeArea 用于控制俯视图的选中状态 |
* @method reset 用于重置按钮区 |
* @method reload 用于刷新一次页面 |
*/ |
const emit = defineEmits(['reset', 'reload']); |
// 照明回路业务 ====================================================================== |
const isLoading = ref(false); |
// 开关启用/禁用状态 |
const isPlanEnabled2 = ref(true); |
// 按钮区展开与收起状态 |
const showAllButtons = ref(false); |
// 全选状态 |
const selectAllCheckbox = ref(false); |
// 控制模式枚举 |
const controlMode = ref([]); |
// 是否单选,状态 |
let singleSelection = ref(true); |
// 照明回路所有按钮 |
const buttons2 = ref([]); |
// 默认最多展示8个按钮 |
const limitedButtons2 = computed(() => buttons2.value.slice(0, 8)); |
const isPlanEnabled2 = ref(false); |
// 开关修改保存数组 |
const lockList = ref<any>([]); |
// 开关启用/禁用切换事件 |
const togglePlan2 = () => {}; |
// 内侧弹窗显隐 |
const executeVisible = ref<boolean>(false); |
const togglePlan2 = () => { |
// 获取选中线路 |
let valid = buttons2.value.filter((item: any) => { |
return item.selected; |
}); |
// 未选中线路 |
if (valid.length == 0) { |
return message.info('请先选择线路'); |
// 选中线路 |
} else { |
// 按钮切换 |
isPlanEnabled2.value = !isPlanEnabled2.value; |
// 禁用状态原值 |
let after = +isPlanEnabled2.value; |
// 当前修改线路 |
valid.forEach((item: any) => { |
// 按钮与需修改的值一致,无效 |
if (item.lockStatus == after) { |
return; |
} |
// 查看是否已经产生过修改 |
const same = lockList.value.find((v: any) => { |
return v.deviceGroup == item.dataCode; |
}); |
// 如果发生过修改 |
if (same) { |
// 改回原值,则移除 |
if (same.before == after) { |
lockList.value.forEach((v1: any, index: number) => { |
if (same.deviceGroup == v1.deviceGroup) { |
lockList.value.splice(index, 1); |
} |
}); |
// 只有true 和 false 的切换,无需继续判断 |
} |
// 初次修改 |
} else { |
lockList.value.push({ |
deviceGroup: item.dataCode, |
deviceGroupName: item.name, |
region: item.treePid, |
regionName: '', |
before: item.lockStatus, |
lockStatus: after, |
}); |
} |
// 修改 |
item.lockStatus = after; |
}); |
} |
}; |
const submitChangeList = () => {}; |
// 是否单选,状态 |
let singleSelection = ref(true); |
// 多选与单选切换事件 |
const selectAll = () => { |
selectAllCheckbox.value = false; |
// 切换时清空当前所有选项 |
buttons2.value.forEach((button: any) => { |
button.selected = false; |
}); |
singleSelection.value = !singleSelection.value; |
// 当前选中回路 - 置空 |
resetMode(); |
}; |
// 全选状态 |
const selectAllCheckbox = ref(false); |
// 全选切换事件(switch) |
const toggleAllSelection = () => { |
let arr = []; |
// 全选 |
if (selectAllCheckbox.value) { |
buttons2.value.forEach((item: any, index: number) => { |
// 全选时,默认展示第一条回路的模式-场景按钮 |
if (index == 0) { |
thisButton2.value = item; |
} |
item.selected = true; |
arr.push(item.id); |
}); |
// 全不选 |
} else { |
buttons2.value.forEach((item: any) => { |
item.selected = false; |
}); |
// 全不选时,隐藏 模式 与 场景 按钮 |
resetMode(); |
} |
}; |
// 储存当前选中的回路 |
const thisButton2 = ref({ |
code: '', |
dataCode: '', |
name: '', |
pcode: '', |
mode: { |
value: -1, |
}, |
scene: { |
value: -1, |
}, |
treePid: '', |
childList: [], |
}); |
// 照明回路的按钮切换 |
const changeLine = (button: any) => { |
// 根据按钮状态,展示禁用/启用按钮文本 |
if (button.ctrlStatus) { |
isPlanEnabled2.value = true; |
} else { |
isPlanEnabled2.value = false; |
} |
// 单选模式,需将所有其他回路设为false |
if (singleSelection.value) { |
buttons2.value.forEach((item: any) => { |
item.selected = false; |
}); |
button.selected = !button.selected; |
} else { |
// 多选模式传值 |
button.selected = !button.selected; |
const arr = []; |
buttons2.value.forEach((item: any) => { |
if (item.selected) { |
arr.push(item.id); |
} |
}); |
} |
// 用于展示控制模式 |
if (button.selected) { |
// 发生了选中事件 |
thisButton2.value = button; |
// 获得启动模式 |
if (button.childList) { |
thisButton3.value = button.childList.find((item: any) => { |
if (item.selectAble) { |
return item.childList ? item.childList : []; |
} |
}); |
} else { |
thisButton3.value = { childList: [] }; |
} |
} else { |
// 未发生选中 或 多选的其中一个按钮被取消 |
resetMode(); |
} |
console.log(thisButton2, 'button'); |
}; |
// 照明回路所有按钮 |
const buttons2 = ref([]); |
// 按钮区展开与收起状态 |
const showAllButtons = ref(false); |
// 默认最多展示8个按钮 |
const limitedButtons2 = computed(() => buttons2.value.slice(0, 8)); |
// 控制模式业务 ==================================================================== |
const thisButton3 = ref({ |
childList: [], |
}); |
// 控制模式 - 按钮切换 |
const selectButton3 = (button3: any) => { |
let checked = thisButton2.value.mode; |
console.log(button3.value, '---', checked.value); |
// 如果点击了相同的按钮,则未作出修改 |
if (checked.value === button3.value) { |
return; |
console.log(button3); |
if (!button3.selectAble) { |
return message.warning(`${button3.name} 暂不支持`); |
} |
checked.value = button3.value; |
thisButton3.value = button3; |
}; |
// 全选切换事件(switch) |
const toggleAllSelection = () => {}; |
onMounted(() => {}); |
// 控制场景业务 ===================================================================== |
// 控制场景 - 按钮切换 |
const selectButton4 = (button4: any) => { |
const after = button4.dataCode; |
let before = ''; |
// 如果是多选模式 |
if (!singleSelection.value) { |
// 操作线路总数 |
let sum = 0; |
// 没有这个选项的线路 |
// let nofind = 0; |
// 修改无效的数量 |
let checked = 0; |
// 可修改的数量 |
let changed = 0; |
buttons2.value.forEach((item: any) => { |
// 取出当前选中的值 before |
if (item.childList) { |
let mode = item.childList.find((lv3: any) => { |
return lv3.selectAble; |
}); |
if (mode.childList) { |
mode.childList.forEach((mode: any) => { |
// 取出当前选中的模式 |
if (mode.executeStatus.value == 1) { |
before = mode.dataCode; |
} |
}); |
} |
} |
// 查看当前回路,哪些被选中 |
if (item.selected) { |
item.childList.forEach((v: any) => { |
if (v.childList) { |
v.childList.forEach((v1: any) => { |
// 查看是否包含当前要修改的值 |
if (v1.dataCode == after) { |
sum += 1; |
// 已经被选中,无需修改的内容 |
if (before == after) { |
return (checked += 1); |
// 修改 |
} else { |
changed += 1; |
changeScene(v1, before, after, item); |
v1.executeStatus.value = 1; |
} |
// 不符合条件的全部重置 |
} else { |
v1.executeStatus.value = 0; |
} |
}); |
} |
}); |
} |
}); |
message.info(`共修改${sum}条数据,其中${checked}条无需修改,${changed}条修改有效`); |
// 如果是单选模式 |
} else { |
// 如果按钮已经被选择 |
if (button4.executeStatus.value == 1) { |
return message.info('未产生实际修改'); |
} else { |
// 获得线路当前的场景 |
let before; |
thisButton2.value.childList.find((item: any) => { |
if (item.childList) { |
item.childList.forEach((i: any) => { |
if (i.executeStatus.value == 1) { |
return (before = i.dataCode); |
} |
}); |
} |
}); |
// 移除选中场景 |
resetScene(thisButton2.value.childList); |
changeScene(button4, before, after); |
} |
} |
}; |
// 切换场景前,需要把其他场景移除 |
const resetScene = (list: any) => { |
list.forEach((item: any) => { |
if (item.childList) { |
item.childList.forEach((i: any) => { |
i.executeStatus.value = 0; |
}); |
} |
}); |
}; |
/** 控制场景 - 按钮切换通用方法(单选 & 多选) |
* @param button 当前被选中的回路(单选 & 多选) |
* @param before 回路场景的初始值(撤回时需使用) |
* @param after 回路场景被修改后的值 |
* @param anyButton 多选时使用 |
*/ |
const changeScene = (button: any, before: string | undefined, after: string, line = null) => { |
// 通过分组ID,查询之前是否修改过 |
const result = changeList.value.find((item: any, index: number) => { |
item.index = index; |
return item.deviceGroup == button.treePid.split('_')[0]; |
}); |
// 如果已产生过修改 |
if (result) { |
// 改回了原有的值,则从数组中移除 |
if (after == result.before) { |
changeList.value.splice(result.index, 1); |
// 修改为新值,则只修改场景 |
} else { |
result.scene = after; |
// 临时flag,用后移除 |
delete result.index; |
} |
// 如果未产生过修改 |
} else { |
let nowButton; |
// 多选,则使用第四个参数 |
if (line) { |
nowButton = line; |
// 如果是单选,则使用thisbotton2 |
} else { |
nowButton = thisButton2.value; |
} |
changeList.value.push({ |
// 回路 |
deviceGroup: nowButton.dataCode, |
deviceGroupName: nowButton.name, |
// 分区 |
region: nowButton.treePid, |
regionName: '', |
// 修改前 |
before, |
scene: after, |
}); |
} |
button.executeStatus.value = 1; |
}; |
// 底部按钮区 ====================================================================== |
// 刷新 |
const refresh = (reload = false) => { |
// 关闭执行弹窗 |
executeVisible.value = false; |
// 重置选中样式 和 按钮选中状态 |
emit('reset'); |
// 如果是中途刷新,需要将所有修改改回 |
if (!reload) { |
changeList.value.forEach((item: any) => { |
resetChangeList(item); |
}); |
} |
changeList.value = []; |
if (!reload) { |
lockList.value.forEach((item: any) => { |
resetLockList(item); |
}); |
} |
lockList.value = []; |
// 默认选择第一个楼层 |
let data = props.treeData[0]; |
// 默认选中 |
data.selected = true; |
// 默认选中 1-1 分区 回路 |
buttons2.value = data.childList; |
resetMode(); |
}; |
// 将已修改的禁用/启用状态改回 |
const resetLockList = (item: any) => { |
props.treeData.find((v: any) => { |
if (item.region == v.dataCode) { |
v.childList.find((v1: any) => { |
if (item.deviceGroup == v1.dataCode) { |
v1.lockStatus = item.before; |
} |
}); |
} |
}); |
}; |
// 将已修改的线路场景改回 |
const resetChangeList = (item: any) => { |
props.treeData.find((v: any) => { |
if (item.region == v.dataCode) { |
v.childList.find((v1: any) => { |
// 找到被修改过的线路 |
if (item.deviceGroup == v1.dataCode) { |
v1.childList.forEach((v2: any) => { |
if (v2.childList) { |
v2.childList.forEach((v3: any) => { |
// 将新值移除 |
if (item.scene == v3.dataCode) { |
v3.executeStatus.value = 0; |
} |
if (!item.before) { |
console.log(item, '没有这个选项---'); |
v3.executeStatus.value = 0; |
} |
// 旧值选中 |
if (item.before == v3.dataCode) { |
v3.executeStatus.value = 1; |
} |
}); |
} |
}); |
} |
}); |
} |
}); |
}; |
// 右下角的执行事件 |
const showModal = () => { |
if (!changeList.value.length && !lockList.value.length) { |
return message.info('未产生任何修改'); |
} |
http |
.post(url.getList, { |
sceneList: changeList.value, |
lockList: lockList.value, |
projectId: state.projectId, |
siteId: state.siteId, |
}) |
.then((res) => { |
if (res.msg === 'success') { |
diffList.value = res.data; |
executeVisible.value = true; |
} else { |
message.warning('获取修改内容失败'); |
} |
}) |
.catch(() => {}); |
}; |
// 通用取消 |
const changeCancel = () => {}; |
// 内侧弹窗 ======================================================================== |
// 内侧弹窗显隐 |
const executeVisible = ref<boolean>(false); |
// 修改模式 需要向后端提交的内容 |
const changeList: any = ref([]); |
// 展示修改前后差异的内容 |
const diffList = ref([]); |
// 撤销 |
const delBtn = (obj: any) => { |
console.log(obj, '当前选择的修改内容'); |
// 将treeData对应回路的数据改回,数据以后端为准 |
obj.scene = obj?.stateAfter?.scene?.value; |
obj.before = obj?.stateBefore?.scene?.value; |
resetChangeList(obj); |
resetLockList(obj); |
// 将 changeList lockList 与 diffList 中记录的修改移除 (排除极端情况) |
changeList.value = changeList.value.filter((item: any) => { |
return item.deviceGroup !== obj.deviceGroup; |
}); |
lockList.value = lockList.value.filter((item: any) => { |
return item.deviceGroup !== obj.deviceGroup; |
}); |
diffList.value = diffList.value.filter((item: any) => { |
return item.deviceGroup !== obj.deviceGroup; |
}); |
// 如果移除后不再有修改内容,则隐藏弹出框 |
if (changeList.value.length == 0 && lockList.value.length == 0) { |
executeVisible.value = false; |
} |
}; |
// 提交本次修改 |
const submitChangeList = () => { |
http |
.post(url.sendList, { |
sceneList: changeList.value, |
lockList: lockList.value, |
projectId: state.projectId, |
siteId: state.siteId, |
}) |
.then(() => { |
emit('reload'); |
refresh(true); |
}) |
.catch(() => {}); |
}; |
// 其他业务 ======================================================================== |
// 将当前选择的回路置空 |
const resetMode = () => { |
thisButton2.value = { |
dataCode: '', |
name: '', |
treePid: '', |
childList: [], |
}; |
}; |
// 向外暴露方法 |
defineExpose({ |
// 回路切换 |
changeLine, |
}); |
</script> |
<style lang="less" scoped> |
@import './dialogStyle.less'; |
@import './tabs1.less'; |
.div-add { |
height: 64px; |
display: flex; |
justify-content: flex-end; |
align-items: center; |
position: fixed; |
bottom: 0; |
right: 0; |
border-top: 1px solid #606879; |
width: 496px; |
.add { |
width: 74px; |
height: 40px; |
opacity: 1; |
border-radius: 4px; |
background: #2778ff; |
border: #2778ff; |
font-size: 14px; |
font-weight: 400; |
color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1); |
cursor: pointer; |
margin-right: 20px; |
} |
.cancel { |
width: 74px; |
height: 40px; |
opacity: 1; |
border-radius: 4px; |
background: #ffffff; |
border: #ffffff; |
font-size: 14px; |
font-weight: 400; |
color: #666666; |
cursor: pointer; |
margin-right: 12px; |
} |
} |
</style> |
@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ |
// 排风扇
export const devicePosition1 = [ |
{ |
lineType: '1', |
textObject: { left: '43.2%', bottom: '77.8%' }, |
}, |
{ |
lineType: '2', |
textObject: { left: '50%', bottom: '77.8%' }, |
}, |
{ |
lineType: '1', |
textObject: { left: '41.2%', bottom: '27.8%' }, |
}, |
{ |
lineType: '2', |
textObject: { left: '51.2%', bottom: '27.8%' }, |
}, |
]; |
// 风幕机
export const devicePosition2 = [ |
{ |
lineType: '1', |
textObject: { left: '38%', bottom: '57.8%' }, |
}, |
{ |
lineType: '1', |
textObject: { left: '58.5%', bottom: '57.3%' }, |
}, |
{ |
lineType: '1', |
textObject: { left: '64.2%', bottom: '22.8%' }, |
}, |
]; |
// 电动窗
export const devicePosition3 = [ |
{ |
lineType: '1', |
textObject: { left: '32%', bottom: '28%' }, |
}, |
{ |
lineType: '1', |
textObject: { left: '33.5%', bottom: '42.8%' }, |
}, |
{ |
lineType: '1', |
textObject: { left: '35%', bottom: '57.8%' }, |
}, |
{ |
lineType: '1', |
textObject: { left: '36.5%', bottom: '72.8%' }, |
}, |
{ |
lineType: '1', |
textObject: { left: '66%', bottom: '28%' }, |
}, |
{ |
lineType: '1', |
textObject: { left: '64%', bottom: '42.8%' }, |
}, |
{ |
lineType: '1', |
textObject: { left: '62%', bottom: '57.8%' }, |
}, |
{ |
lineType: '1', |
textObject: { left: '60%', bottom: '72.8%' }, |
}, |
]; |
Reference in new issue