Compare commits


10 Commits

  1. 6
  2. 9
  3. 5
  4. 43
  5. 326
  6. 60
  7. 432
  8. 72
  9. 122
  10. 249
  11. 20
  12. 82
  13. 246
  14. 21
  15. 6
  16. 4
  17. 29
  18. 179
      hx-ai-intelligent/src/view/carbonEmissionManage/carbonEmissionStatistics/carbonEmissions/index copy.vue
  19. 82
  20. 38
  21. 303
  22. 22
  23. 583
  24. 59
  25. 163
  26. 9
  27. 1018
  28. 88
  29. 155
  30. 103
  31. 7
  32. 7
  33. 7
  34. 7
  35. 166
  36. 79


@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
export enum deviceAlarms { export enum deviceAlarms {
getTableList = '/carbon-smart/api/AlarmEquipment/selectAlarmEquipment', //设备告警分页 getTableList = '/carbon-smart/api/AlarmEquipment/selectAlarmEquipment', //设备告警分页
addOrUpNewData = '/carbon-smart/api/AlarmEquipment/creatOrUpdate', //设备告警添加 修 addOrUpNewData = '/carbon-smart/api/AlarmEquipment/creatOrUpdate', //设备告警添加 修
del = '/carbon-smart/api/AlarmEquipment/delete', //设备告警删除 del = '/carbon-smart/api/AlarmEquipment/delete', //设备告警删除
configGetTableList = '/carbon-smart/api/AlarmEquipmentRule/selectAlarmEquipmentRule', //配置设备告警分页
configAddOrUpNewData = '/carbon-smart/api/AlarmEquipmentRule/creatOrUpdate', //配置设备告警添加 修改
configFindById = '/carbon-smart/api/AlarmEquipmentRule/findById', //配置设备告警 查询详情
configDel = '/carbon-smart/api/AlarmEquipmentRule/delete', //配置设备告警删除
} }


@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
export enum energyAlarms {
getTableList = '/carbon-smart/api/AlarmEnergyConsumption/selectAlarmEnergyConsumption', //能耗告警分页
addOrUpNewData = '/carbon-smart/api/AlarmEnergyConsumption/creatOrUpdate', //能耗告警添加 修改
del = '/carbon-smart/api/AlarmEnergyConsumption/delete', //能耗删除
configGetTableList = '/carbon-smart/api/AlarmEquipmentRule/selectAlarmEquipmentRule', //配置设备告警分页
configAddOrUpNewData = '/carbon-smart/api/AlarmEquipmentRule/creatOrUpdate', //配置设备告警添加 修改
configFindById = '/carbon-smart/api/AlarmEquipmentRule/findById', //配置设备告警 查询详情
configDel = '/carbon-smart/api/AlarmEquipmentRule/delete', //配置设备告警删除


@ -11,5 +11,10 @@ export enum carbonEmissionFactorLibrary {
} }
// 碳排管理-碳排统计接口 // 碳排管理-碳排统计接口
export enum energyConsumption { export enum energyConsumption {
getDicList = '/carbon-smart/client/dict/list',
pageList = '/carbon-smart/api/carbon/stats/pageList', pageList = '/carbon-smart/api/carbon/stats/pageList',
findById = '/carbon-smart/api/carbon/stats/findById',
creat = '/carbon-smart/api/carbon/stats/creat',
update = '/carbon-smart/api/carbon/stats/update',
del = '/carbon-smart/api/carbon/stats/del',
} }


@ -38,3 +38,46 @@ export const dict = async ({
} }
return Promise.resolve({ data: { data: get(dictMap, key) } }); return Promise.resolve({ data: { data: get(dictMap, key) } });
}; };
* ()
export const getAllEnum = async ({
api = `${BASE_URL}/operation/enum/getAllEnum`,
params = {},
keyField = 'dicKey',
transform = (res: any) => res,
}: dictHttpConfig) => {
const dictMap = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('dictMap') || '{}') as Object;
const key = get(params, keyField) as keyof typeof dictMap;
if (!dictMap.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
const res = await, params);
const options = get(transform(res), `data.${key}`);
dictMap[key] = options;
sessionStorage.setItem('dictMap', JSON.stringify(dictMap));
return Promise.resolve({ data: { data: get(dictMap, key) } });
* ( enumType)
export const getEnum = async ({
api = `${BASE_URL}/operation/enum/getEnum`,
params = {},
keyField = 'dicKey',
transform = (res: any) => res,
}: dictHttpConfig) => {
const dictMap = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('dictMap') || '{}') as Object;
const key = get(params, keyField) as keyof typeof dictMap;
if (!dictMap.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
const res = await, params);
const options = get(transform(res), `data.${key}`);
dictMap[key] = options;
sessionStorage.setItem('dictMap', JSON.stringify(dictMap));
return Promise.resolve({ data: { data: get(dictMap, key) } });


@ -25,19 +25,339 @@
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<div style="flex: 4; width: 100%">2</div> <div style="flex: 4; width: 100%; display: flex; gap: 5px">
<div style="flex: 4; width: 100%">3</div> <div
style="flex: 1; height: 100%; background-color: white; border-radius: 4px; padding: 12px">
<div ref="echartPieOne" style="width: 100%; height: 100%"></div>
<div style="flex: 1; height: 100%; background-color: white; border-radius: 4px"> xxxx </div>
<!-- 告警矩形 echarts -->
<div style="flex: 4; width: 100%; background-color: white; border-radius: 4px; padding: 12px">
<div ref="graphChart" style="width: 100%; height: 100%"></div>
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defineOptions({ defineOptions({
name: 'alarmOverview', // name name: 'alarmOverview', // name
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const getGraphChart = () => {
let dayData = [];
let energyAlarm = [];
let wgAlarm = [];
let equipmentAlarm = [];
let total = [];
// Extend data for 30 days
for (let i = 1; i < 30; i++) {
energyAlarm.push(Math.floor(Math.random() * 11)); // Assuming the same value for simplicity
wgAlarm.push(Math.floor(Math.random() * 11)); // Assuming the same value for simplicity
equipmentAlarm.push(Math.floor(Math.random() * 11)); // Assuming the same value for simplicity
total.push(0); // Assuming the same value for simplicity
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chartInstance = echarts.init(graphChart.value);
const option = {
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show: false,
data: dayData,
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show: false,
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show: false,
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show: false, //
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name: '能源告警',
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barGap: '10%',
itemStyle: {
normal: {
barBorderRadius: 0,
color: 'rgb(246, 189, 22)',
data: energyAlarm,
name: '网关告警',
type: 'bar',
stack: '能源告警',
barMaxWidth: 40,
barGap: '10%',
itemStyle: {
normal: {
barBorderRadius: 0,
color: 'rgb(91, 143, 249)',
data: wgAlarm,
name: '设备告警',
type: 'bar',
stack: '能源告警',
barMaxWidth: 40,
barGap: '10%',
itemStyle: {
normal: {
barBorderRadius: 0,
color: 'rgb(48, 191, 120)',
data: equipmentAlarm,
name: '总数',
type: 'bar',
stack: '能源告警',
barMaxWidth: 40,
barHight: 0,
itemStyle: {
normal: {
barBorderRadius: 0,
color: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)',
label: {
show: true,
color: '#000000',
position: 'top',
top: '10',
formatter: function (value) {
return (
Number(energyAlarm[value.dataIndex]) +
Number(wgAlarm[value.dataIndex]) +
data: total,
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const getEchartPieOne = () => {
if (chartInstanceOne) {
chartInstanceOne = echarts.init(echartPieOne.value);
var m2R2Data = [
{ value: 335, name: '紧急', itemStyle: { color: '#F56E53' } },
{ value: 310, name: '重要', itemStyle: { color: '#F7C122' } },
{ value: 234, name: '一般', itemStyle: { color: '#3BC27F' } },
const option = {
title: [
text: '优先级 / 近30天',
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fontSize: 16,
fontWeight: 'normal',
color: '#aaaaaa',
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top: '2%',
text: '优先级',
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// lineStyle
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onMounted(() => {
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.box { .box {


@ -31,23 +31,28 @@
import editConfigureEnergyAlarm from './editConfigureEnergyAlarm.vue'; import editConfigureEnergyAlarm from './editConfigureEnergyAlarm.vue';
import { deviceAlarms } from '/@/api/alarmSettings/deviceAlarms'; import { deviceAlarms } from '/@/api/alarmSettings/deviceAlarms';
import { ExclamationCircleOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons-vue'; import { ExclamationCircleOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons-vue';
import { device } from '/@/api/deviceManage';
export default { export default {
components: { editConfigureEnergyAlarm }, components: { editConfigureEnergyAlarm },
setup() { setup() {
// //
const configureDeviceAlarmsData = ref({}); const configureEnergyAlarmsData = ref({});
const show = ref(false); const show = ref(false);
const tableConfig = ref({}); const tableConfig = ref({});
const mainRef = ref({}); const mainRef = ref({});
const editConfigureEnergyAlarms = ref({}); const editConfigureEnergyAlarms = ref({});
const mockData = ref(data.listData); const mockData = ref(data.listData);
const orgId = ref('');
const result = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('ORGID')!);
orgId.value = result;
const clickSwitch = (data: any) => { const clickSwitch = (data: any) => {
NsModal.confirm({ NsModal.confirm({
title: '启用状态', title: '启用状态',
icon: createVNode(ExclamationCircleOutlined), icon: createVNode(ExclamationCircleOutlined),
content: '确定' + (data.record.enableRules === 1 ? '关闭' : '启用') + '吗?', content: '确定' + (data.record.enableRules === 1 ? '关闭' : '启用') + '规则吗?',
onOk: () => { onOk: () => {
http http
.post(deviceAlarms.addOrUpNewData, { .post(deviceAlarms.addOrUpNewData, {
@ -55,7 +60,7 @@
enableRules: data.record.enableRules === 1 ? 0 : 1, enableRules: data.record.enableRules === 1 ? 0 : 1,
}) })
.then(() => { .then(() => {
NsMessage.success('操作成功'); NsMessage.success(data.record.enableRules === 1 ? '规则已关闭' : '规则已启用');
mainRef.value?.nsTableRef.reload(); mainRef.value?.nsTableRef.reload();
}); });
}, },
@ -71,7 +76,7 @@;;
}; };
const setconfigureDeviceAlarmsData = (value: any) => { const setconfigureDeviceAlarmsData = (value: any) => {
configureDeviceAlarmsData.value = value; configureEnergyAlarmsData.value = value;
show.value = true; show.value = true;
tableConfig.value = { tableConfig.value = {
title: '告警规则', title: '告警规则',
@ -83,7 +88,7 @@
name: 'RoleTypeAdd', name: 'RoleTypeAdd',
type: 'primary', type: 'primary',
handle: () => { handle: () => {
editConfigureEnergyAlarms.value.toggle(); editConfigureEnergyAlarms.value.toggle(null, configureEnergyAlarmsData.value);
}, },
}, },
{ {
@ -143,7 +148,7 @@
}, },
{ {
title: '对比类型', title: '对比类型',
dataIndex: 'valueType', dataIndex: 'comparisonType',
}, },
{ {
title: '告警点位', title: '告警点位',
@ -172,7 +177,7 @@
name: 'FeedBackDetail', name: 'FeedBackDetail',
dynamicParams: ['uuid', 'appealType'], dynamicParams: ['uuid', 'appealType'],
handle: (data: any) => { handle: (data: any) => {
editConfigureEnergyAlarms.value.toggle(data); editConfigureEnergyAlarms.value.toggle(data, configureEnergyAlarmsData.value);
}, },
}, },
{ {
@ -190,29 +195,37 @@
title: value.errorCode, title: value.errorCode,
schemas: [ schemas: [
{ {
field: 'provider', field: 'deviceName',
label: '设备名称', label: '设备名称',
component: 'NsInput', component: 'nsSelectApi',
componentProps: { componentProps: {
placeholder: '请输入设备名称', api: device.queryDevicePage,
params: {
orgId: orgId.value,
pageNum: 1,
pageSize: 99,
placeholder: '请选择设备名称',
resultField: 'data.records',
labelField: 'deviceName',
valueField: 'id',
autoAddLink: true, //
}, },
}, },
{ {
field: 'provider', field: 'devicePoint',
label: '设备点位', label: '设备点位',
component: 'nsSelectApi', component: 'nsSelectApi',
componentProps: { dynamicParams: {
api: '/api/community/objs/DictItem', id: 'deviceName', //
params: {
pageSize: 100,
code: 'MZ',
}, },
placeholder: '请选择设备点位', componentProps: {
api: device.queryDevicePoint,
resultField: 'data', resultField: 'data',
labelField: 'dictName', placeholder: '请选择设备点位',
valueField: 'dictValue', labelField: 'code',
immediate: true, valueField: 'id',
autoSelectFirst: false, dependency: 'deviceName',
}, },
}, },
{ {
@ -249,10 +262,11 @@
}; };
}; };
return { return {
configureDeviceAlarmsData, configureEnergyAlarmsData,
show, show,
clickSwitch, clickSwitch,
doWnload, doWnload,
tableConfig, tableConfig,
editConfigureEnergyAlarms, editConfigureEnergyAlarms,
setconfigureDeviceAlarmsData, setconfigureDeviceAlarmsData,


@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
:footer-style="{ textAlign: 'right' }" :footer-style="{ textAlign: 'right' }"
:ok="btnClick" :ok="btnClick"
:cancel="handleClose" :cancel="handleClose"
placement="right"> placement="right">
<div style="padding: 18px; width: 100%; overflow: hidden"> <div style="padding: 18px; width: 100%; overflow: hidden">
<a-form ref="formRef" :model="infoObject" :rules="rules"> <a-form ref="formRef" :model="infoObject" :rules="rules">
@ -18,57 +19,70 @@
placeholder="请选择站点" placeholder="请选择站点"
allow-clear allow-clear
tree-default-expand-all tree-default-expand-all
:tree-data="zdTreeData" :tree-data="siteDataTree"
tree-node-filter-prop="label"> :field-names="{
<!-- 特殊处理情况 --> children: 'linkList',
<!-- <template #title="{ value: val, label }"> label: 'orgName',
<b v-if="val === 'parent 1-1'" style="color: #08c">sss</b> value: 'orgId',
<template v-else>{{ label }}</template> }"
</template> --> tree-node-filter-prop="orgName" />
</a-form-item> </a-form-item>
<a-form-item label="数据来源" name="sbtype"> <a-form-item label="数据来源" name="sbtype">
<a-cascader <a-cascader
v-model:value="infoObject.sbtype" v-model:value="infoObject.sbtype"
:options="sbOptions" :options="deviceTypeTreeData"
:show-search="{ filter }" :field-names="{
children: 'children',
label: 'cnValue',
value: 'id',
:show-search="{ filterDeviceType }"
placeholder="请选择数据来源" /> placeholder="请选择数据来源" />
</a-form-item> </a-form-item>
<a-form-item label="设备节点" name="jdDevice"> <a-form-item label="设备/节点" name="deviceNode">
<a-tree-select <a-tree-select
v-model:value="infoObject.jdDevice" v-model:value="infoObject.deviceNode"
style="width: 100%" style="width: 100%"
placeholder="请选择设备节点" placeholder="请选择设备节点"
:tree-line="true && { showLeafIcon: false }" :tree-line="true && { showLeafIcon: false }"
:tree-data="jdTreeData" /> :tree-data="jdTreeData"
children: 'children',
label: infoObject.sbtype && infoObject.sbtype[1] === 1 ? 'deviceName' : 'pointName',
value: 'id',
}" />
</a-form-item> </a-form-item>
<a-form-item label="启用规则" name="delivery"> <a-form-item label="启用规则" name="enableRules">
<a-switch <a-switch
v-model:checked="" :checked="infoObject.enableRules === 1 ? true : false"
:class="{ :class="{
'blue-background':, 'blue-background': infoObject.enableRules === 1 ? true : false,
'grey-background': !, 'grey-background': infoObject.enableRules === 1 ? false : true,
}" /> }"
@click="clickSwitch" />
</a-form-item> </a-form-item>
<a-form-item label="异常描述" name="desc"> <a-form-item label="异常描述" name="abnormalDescription">
<a-textarea <a-textarea
v-model:value="infoObject.desc" v-model:value="infoObject.abnormalDescription"
style="height: 32px" style="height: 32px"
:autoSize="{ minRows: 1, maxRows: 1 }" :autoSize="{ minRows: 1, maxRows: 1 }"
show-count show-count
:maxlength="30" /> :maxlength="30" />
</a-form-item> </a-form-item>
<a-form-item label="规则类型" name="resource"> <a-form-item label="规则类型" name="ruleType">
<a-radio-group v-model:value="infoObject.resource"> <a-radio-group v-model:value="infoObject.ruleType">
<a-radio value="1"> (and) </a-radio> <a-radio value="1"> (and) </a-radio>
<a-radio value="2"> (or) </a-radio> <a-radio value="2"> (or) </a-radio>
</a-radio-group> </a-radio-group>
</a-form-item> </a-form-item>
<a-form-item label="对比类型1" name="qzType"> <a-form-item label="对比类型" name="comparisonType">
<a-cascader <a-cascader
v-model:value="infoObject.sbtype" v-model:value="infoObject.comparisonType"
:options="sbOptions" :options="comparisonTypeData"
placeholder="请选择数据来源" /> :showSearch="false"
placeholder="请选择对比类型" />
</a-form-item> </a-form-item>
<template v-for="index in infoObject.alarmList?.length" :key="index"> <template v-for="index in infoObject.alarmList?.length" :key="index">
<div style="width: 100%; display: flex; margin-left: 42px; padding: 12px"> <div style="width: 100%; display: flex; margin-left: 42px; padding: 12px">
@ -76,8 +90,7 @@
<a-select <a-select
v-model:value="infoObject.alarmList[index - 1].logic" v-model:value="infoObject.alarmList[index - 1].logic"
style="width: 70px; margin-left: 12px" style="width: 70px; margin-left: 12px"
:options="ljOptions" :options="ljOptions" />
@change="handleQzChange" />
<span style="line-height: 32px; margin-left: 32px">{{ `数值${index}:` }}</span> <span style="line-height: 32px; margin-left: 32px">{{ `数值${index}:` }}</span>
<a-input <a-input
style="width: 65px; margin-left: 6px" style="width: 65px; margin-left: 6px"
@ -93,8 +106,8 @@
</div> </div>
<div <div
v-if=" v-if="
infoObject.alarmList[index - 1].num === null || infoObject.alarmList[index - 1]?.num === null ||
infoObject.alarmList[index - 1].logic === null infoObject.alarmList[index - 1]?.logic === null
" "
style="width: 100%; color: #ff4d4f; text-align: center; margin-bottom: 5px"> style="width: 100%; color: #ff4d4f; text-align: center; margin-bottom: 5px">
请选择正确的逻辑{{ index }} 输入正确的数值{{ index }} 请选择正确的逻辑{{ index }} 输入正确的数值{{ index }}
@ -114,212 +127,231 @@
</template> </template>
<script lang="ts" setup> <script lang="ts" setup>
import { NsMessage } from '/nerv-lib/component'; import { NsMessage } from '/nerv-lib/component';
import { ref, toRaw } from 'vue'; import { ref } from 'vue';
import type { CascaderProps, TreeSelectProps, SelectProps } from 'ant-design-vue'; import type { SelectProps } from 'ant-design-vue';
import type { ShowSearchType } from 'ant-design-vue/es/cascader'; import type { ShowSearchType } from 'ant-design-vue/es/cascader';
import { device } from '/@/api/deviceManage'; import { device, group } from '/@/api/deviceManage';
import { energyAlarms } from '/@/api/alarmSettings/energyAlarm';
import { http } from '/nerv-lib/util'; import { http } from '/nerv-lib/util';
import { dict } from '/@/api';
import { async } from '@antv/x6/lib/registry/marker/async';
import type { Rule } from 'ant-design-vue/es/form'; // import type { Rule } from 'ant-design-vue/es/form';
const visible = ref(false); const visible = ref(false);
const energyAlarm = ref({});
const orgId = ref('');
const result = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('ORGID')!);
orgId.value = result;
// //
const infoObject = ref({ const infoObject = ref({
id: null, id: null,
site: null, site: null,
jdDevice: null, deviceNode: null,
resource: null, ruleType: null,
desc: null, abnormalDescription: null,
sbtype: null, sbtype: null,
delivery: null, enableRules: 0,
alarmList: [{ logic: null, num: null }], alarmList: [{ id: null, logic: null, num: null, isDelete: 0 }],
}); });
// //
const delAlarmList = ref([]); const delAlarmList = ref([]);
const formRef = ref(); //
// const comparisonTypeData = ref([
const zdTreeData = ref<TreeSelectProps['treeData']>([
{ {
label: '铁路总局(T01)', value: '1',
value: 'T01', label: '数值',
children: [ children: [
{ {
label: '济阳站(T0101)', value: '1',
value: 'T0101', label: '输入数值',
}, },
const sbOptions: CascaderProps['options'] = [
{ {
value: '3', value: '2',
label: '3.电梯', label: '同比',
children: [
value: '301',
label: '301.扶梯',
}, },
{ {
value: '302', value: '3',
label: '301.直梯', label: '环比',
}, },
{ {
value: '4', value: '4',
label: '4.冷热源', label: '对比基准',
children: [
value: '401',
label: '402.冷水机组',
value: '402',
label: '403.热泵机组',
value: '403',
label: '403.锅炉',
value: '404',
label: '404.水处理机组',
value: '405',
label: '405.板式热交换机组',
}, },
], ],
}, },
const jdTreeData = ref([
title: 'parent 1',
value: 'parent 1',
children: [
{ {
title: 'parent 1-0', value: '2',
value: 'parent 1-0', label: '比例',
children: [ children: [
{ {
title: 'my leaf', value: '1',
value: 'leaf1', label: '输入比例',
}, },
{ {
title: 'your leaf', value: '2',
value: 'leaf2', label: '同比',
}, },
], {
value: '3',
label: '环比',
}, },
{ {
title: 'parent 1-1', value: '4',
value: 'parent 1-1', label: '对比基准',
}, },
], ],
}, },
]); ]);
// const formRef = ref();
const dwOptions = ref<SelectProps['options']>([ //
{ value: '电压 (U)', label: '电压 (U)', code: '1' }, const siteDataTree = ref([]);
{ value: '电流 (I)', label: '电流 (I)', code: '2' }, //
{ value: '电流 (I)', label: 'a相电流 (Ia)', code: '3' }, let deviceTypeTreeData = ref([]);
]); //
const filter: ShowSearchType['filter'] = (inputValue: any, path: any) => { const jdTreeData = ref([]);
const selectDeviceType = async (value: any, selectedOptions: any) => {
if (! {
infoObject.value.deviceNode = null;
if (value[value.length - 1] === 1) {
await http
.post(device.queryDevicePage, {
pageNum: 1,
pageSize: 999,
energyType: selectedOptions[0].cnValue,
orgId: orgId.value,
.then((res) => {
jdTreeData.value =;
} else {
await http
.post(group.queryDeviceGroupTree, {
pageNum: 1,
pageSize: 999,
energyType: selectedOptions[0].cnValue,
orgId: orgId.value,
.then((res) => {
jdTreeData.value =;
const filterDeviceType: ShowSearchType['filter'] = (inputValue: any, path: any) => {
return path.some( return path.some(
(option: any) => option.label.toLowerCase().indexOf(inputValue.toLowerCase()) > -1, (option: any) => option.cnValue.toLowerCase().indexOf(inputValue.toLowerCase()) > -1,
); );
}; };
const qzOptions = ref<SelectProps['options']>([
{ value: '实时值', label: '实时值', code: '1' },
{ value: '平均值', label: '平均值', code: '2' },
// //
const ljOptions = ref<SelectProps['options']>([ const ljOptions = ref<SelectProps['options']>([
{ value: '1', label: '≥' }, { value: 0, label: '≥' },
{ value: '2', label: '>' }, { value: 1, label: '>' },
{ value: '3', label: '≤' }, { value: 2, label: '≤' },
{ value: '4', label: '<' }, { value: 3, label: '<' },
{ value: '5', label: '=' }, { value: 4, label: '=' },
]); ]);
// //
const filterOption = (input: string, option: any) => { const clickSwitch = () => {
console.log('搜索', option.value); if (infoObject.value.enableRules === 1) {
return option.value.toLowerCase().indexOf(input.toLowerCase()) >= 0; infoObject.value.enableRules = 0;
}; } else {
const handleFocus = () => { infoObject.value.enableRules = 1;
const handleChange = (value: string) => {
console.log(`selected ${value}`);
console.log('选择', infoObject.value.sbAdress);
dwOptions.value.forEach((item) => {
if (item.value === value) {
console.log('符合', item.code);
const handleQzChange = (value: string) => {
qzOptions.value.forEach((item) => {
if (item.value === value) {
console.log('符合', item.code);
} }
}; };
const emit = defineEmits(['editObject']);
// //
const toggle = (value: any) => { const toggle = async (value: any, info: any) => {
// //, null).then((res) => { let energyType = await dict({ params: { dicKey: 'ENERGY_TYPE' } });
console.log(res, '请求出来的数据'); any) => {
NsMessage.success('操作成功'); item.children = [
id: 1,
cnValue: '设备',
id: 2,
cnValue: '节点',
deviceTypeTreeData.value =;
energyAlarm.value = info;
//'/carbon-smart/user/login/logInInfo', {}).then((res) => {
if (res.msg === 'success') {
siteDataTree.value =;
}); });
// //
if (value) { if (value) {
value.ruleType = value.ruleType + '';
value.comparisonType = value.comparisonType.split(',');
value.sbtype = [value.dataSourcesType, value.dataSourcesWay];
delete value.dataSourcesType;
delete value.dataSourcesWay;
infoObject.value = value; infoObject.value = value;
deviceTypeTreeData.value.forEach((item: any) => {
if ( === infoObject.value.sbtype[0]) {
selectDeviceType(infoObject.value.sbtype, [{ ...item }]);
} else { } else {
infoObject.value = { infoObject.value = {
id: null, id: null,
site: null, site: null,
jdDevice: null, deviceNode: null,
resource: null, ruleType: null,
desc: null, abnormalDescription: null,
sbtype: null, sbtype: null,
delivery: null, enableRules: 0,
alarmList: [{ logic: null, num: null }], alarmList: [{ id: null, logic: null, num: null, isDelete: 0 }],
}; };
} }
visible.value = !visible.value; visible.value = !visible.value;
}; };
// //
const rules: Record<string, Rule[]> = { const rules = {
site: [{ required: true, message: '请选择站点', trigger: 'change' }], site: [{ required: true, message: '请选择站点', trigger: 'change' }],
sbtype: [{ required: true, message: '请选择设备类型', trigger: 'change' }], sbtype: [{ required: true, message: '请选择设备类型', trigger: 'change' }],
delivery: [{ required: true, message: '请选择启用规则', trigger: 'change' }], enableRules: [{ required: true, message: '请选择启用规则', trigger: 'change' }],
jdDevice: [{ required: true, message: '请选择设备名称', trigger: 'change' }], deviceNode: [{ required: true, message: '请选择设备名称', trigger: 'change' }],
sbAdress: [{ required: true, message: '请选择设备点位', trigger: 'change' }], sbAdress: [{ required: true, message: '请选择设备点位', trigger: 'change' }],
qzType: [{ required: true, message: '请选择取值类型', trigger: 'change' }], comparisonType: [{ required: true, message: '请选择对比类型', trigger: 'change' }],
resource: [{ required: true, message: '请选择规则类型', trigger: 'change' }], ruleType: [{ required: true, message: '请选择规则类型', trigger: 'change' }],
desc: [{ required: true, message: '请输入异常描述', trigger: 'blur' }], abnormalDescription: [
alarm: [{ required: true, message: '请选择逻辑', trigger: 'blur' }], {
number: [{ required: true, message: '请输入数值', trigger: 'blur' }], required: true,
}; message: '请输入异常描述',
// trigger: 'blur',
const changeSwitch = () => { validator: (rules: any, abnormalDescription: any, cbfn: any) => {
console.log(infoObject.value.selectSwitch, '开关'); if (abnormalDescription.trim() !== '') {
} else {
logic: [{ required: true, message: '请选择逻辑', trigger: 'blur' }],
num: [{ required: true, message: '请输入数值', trigger: 'blur' }],
}; };
// //
const btnClick = () => { const btnClick = () => {
console.log(infoObject.value, '数据'); console.log(infoObject.value, '数据');
infoObject.value.alarmList.forEach((item) => { infoObject.value.alarmList.forEach((item) => {
if (item.logic === null || item.num === null) { if (item.logic === null || item.num === null) {
// NsMessage.error('');
return; return;
} }
}); });
@ -329,21 +361,46 @@
} }
// //
formRef.value.validate().then(() => { formRef.value.validate().then(() => {
console.log('values', infoObject, toRaw(infoObject)); console.log(energyAlarm.value, '数据');
delAlarmList.value = [];
let data = { ...infoObject.value };
data.equipmentAlarmId =;
data.errorCode = energyAlarm.value.errorCode;
data.dataSourcesType = data.sbtype[0];
data.dataSourcesWay = data.sbtype[1];
data.hxAlarmRuleLogicList = [...infoObject.value.alarmList, ...delAlarmList.value];
data.comparisonType = data.comparisonType.toString;
data.hxAlarmRuleLogicList.forEach((item) => {
const num = Number(item.num);
if (!isNaN(num)) {
item.num = Number(num.toFixed(2));
} else {
item.num = 0; // 0
}); });
// data.ruleType = Number(data.ruleType);
delete data.alarmList;
// http // http
// .post(props.api, data) // .post(energyAlarms.configAddOrUpNewData, data)
// .then(() => { // .then((res) => {
// isLoading.value = false; // if (res.msg === 'success') {
// NsMessage.success('', 1, () => { // //
// navigateBack(); // if ( {
// }); // NsMessage.success('');
// } else {
// NsMessage.success('');
// }
// emit('editObject', null);
// handleClose();
// }
// }) // })
// .catch(() => { // .catch((error) => {
// isLoading.value = false; // //
// console.error('', error);
// }); // });
}; };
// //
const handleClose = () => { const handleClose = () => {
@ -353,11 +410,12 @@
infoObject.value = { infoObject.value = {
id: null, id: null,
site: null, site: null,
resource: null, ruleType: null,
desc: null, deviceNode: null,
abnormalDescription: null,
sbtype: null, sbtype: null,
delivery: null, enableRules: 0,
alarmList: [{ alarm: null, number: null }], alarmList: [{ id: null, logic: null, num: null, isDelete: 0 }],
}; };
visible.value = false; visible.value = false;
delAlarmList.value = []; delAlarmList.value = [];
@ -365,22 +423,26 @@
// //
const addAlarmList = () => { const addAlarmList = () => {
if (infoObject.value.alarmList) { if (infoObject.value.alarmList) {
infoObject.value.alarmList.push({ logic: null, num: null }); infoObject.value.alarmList.push({ id: null, logic: null, num: null, isDelete: 0 });
} else { } else {
infoObject.value.alarmList = [{ logic: null, num: null }]; infoObject.value.alarmList = [{ id: null, logic: null, num: null, isDelete: 0 }];
} }
}; };
// //
const deleteAlarmList = (index: number) => { const deleteAlarmList = (index: number) => {
if (infoObject.value.alarmList[index]?.id) { if (index < infoObject.value.alarmList.length && index >= 0) {
delAlarmList.value.push(infoObject.value.alarmList[index]); const alarmItemToDelete = infoObject.value.alarmList[index];
if (alarmItemToDelete?.id) {
// delAlarmList
delAlarmList.value.push({ ...alarmItemToDelete, isDelete: 1 });
} }
// infoObject
infoObject.value.alarmList.splice(index, 1); infoObject.value.alarmList.splice(index, 1);
}; };
defineExpose({ defineExpose({
toggle, toggle,
handleClose, handleClose,
formRef, formRef,
}); });
</script> </script>


@ -2,11 +2,12 @@
<ns-drawer <ns-drawer
v-model:visible="visible" v-model:visible="visible"
width="520" width="520"
:title="infoObject?.id ? '修改能源告警' : '新增能源告警'" :title="' '"
:footer-style="{ textAlign: 'right' }" :footer-style="{ textAlign: 'right' }"
:ok="btnClick" :ok="btnClick"
:cancel="handleClose" :cancel="handleClose"
placement="right"> placement="right"
<ns-form ref="formRef" :schemas="schemas" :model="infoObject" formLayout="vertical" /> <ns-form ref="formRef" :schemas="schemas" :model="infoObject" formLayout="vertical" />
<div style="margin-left: 52px"> <div style="margin-left: 52px">
应用规则: 应用规则:
@ -25,13 +26,11 @@
import { ref } from 'vue'; import { ref } from 'vue';
import { NsMessage } from '/nerv-lib/component'; import { NsMessage } from '/nerv-lib/component';
import { http } from '/nerv-lib/util'; import { http } from '/nerv-lib/util';
// import { deviceAlarms } from '/@/api/alarmSettings/deviceAlarms'; import { energyAlarms } from '/@/api/alarmSettings/energyAlarm';
const visible = ref(false); const visible = ref(false);
// //
const infoObject = ref({ const infoObject = ref({
id: null,
accountNo: null,
enableRules: 0, enableRules: 0,
}); });
const formRef = ref(); const formRef = ref();
@ -42,8 +41,6 @@
infoObject.value = value; infoObject.value = value;
} else { } else {
infoObject.value = { infoObject.value = {
id: null,
accountNo: null,
enableRules: 0, enableRules: 0,
}; };
} }
@ -67,6 +64,13 @@
required: true, required: true,
message: '告警标题不能为空', message: '告警标题不能为空',
trigger: 'change', trigger: 'change',
validator: (rules: any, alarmTitle: any, cbfn: any) => {
if (alarmTitle && alarmTitle.trim() !== '') {
} else {
}, },
], ],
componentProps: { componentProps: {
@ -136,7 +140,7 @@
}, },
}, },
{ {
field: 'priority', field: 'monitorFrequency',
label: '监测频率', label: '监测频率',
component: 'NsSelect', component: 'NsSelect',
rules: [ rules: [
@ -148,20 +152,29 @@
], ],
componentProps: { componentProps: {
allowClear: true, allowClear: true,
placeholder: '请选择监测频率', placeholder: '请选择优先级',
componentProps: { options: [
api: '/api/community/objs/DictItem', {
params: { label: '小时',
pageSize: 100, value: 1,
code: 'MZ',
}, },
placeholder: '请选择设备点位', {
resultField: 'data', label: '每日',
labelField: 'dictName', value: 2,
valueField: 'dictValue',
immediate: true,
autoSelectFirst: false,
}, },
label: '每周',
value: 3,
label: '月度',
value: 4,
label: '年度',
value: 5,
}, },
}, },
], ],
@ -183,19 +196,24 @@
// //
formRef.value.triggerSubmit().then(() => { formRef.value.triggerSubmit().then(() => {
// //
//, infoObject.value).then(() => {, infoObject.value).then(() => {
// NsMessage.success(''); emit('editObject', null);
// visible.value = false; if ( {
// emit('editObject', null); NsMessage.success('告警编辑成功');
// }); } else {
}); });
}; };
const handleClose = () => { const handleClose = () => {
// //
formRef.value.formElRef.clearValidate(); formRef.value.formElRef.clearValidate();
console.log(infoObject.value); infoObject.value = {
enableRules: 0,
visible.value = false; visible.value = false;
}; };
defineExpose({ defineExpose({
toggle, toggle,


@ -11,26 +11,19 @@
}" }"
@click="clickSwitch({ enableRules: record.enableRules, record: record })" /> @click="clickSwitch({ enableRules: record.enableRules, record: record })" />
</template> </template>
<template v-if="column.dataIndex === 'equipmentInfo'">
? record.enableRules + '>' + record.deviceType + '>' + record.deviceName
: '-'
</template> </template>
</ns-view-list-table> </ns-view-list-table>
<!-- 新增or编辑界面 --> <!-- 新增or编辑界面 -->
<editConfigureDeviceAlarm ref="editConfigureDeviceAlarms" /> <editConfigureDeviceAlarm ref="editConfigureDeviceAlarms" @editObject="editObject" />
</template> </template>
<script lang="ts"> <script lang="ts">
import { ref, createVNode } from 'vue'; import { ref, createVNode } from 'vue';
import { http } from '/nerv-lib/util'; import { http } from '/nerv-lib/util';
import data from '../notificationManagementMock.json';
import { NsMessage, NsModal } from '/nerv-lib/component'; import { NsMessage, NsModal } from '/nerv-lib/component';
import editConfigureDeviceAlarm from '../equipmentAlarm/editConfigureDeviceAlarm.vue'; import editConfigureDeviceAlarm from '../equipmentAlarm/editConfigureDeviceAlarm.vue';
import { deviceAlarms } from '/@/api/alarmSettings/deviceAlarms'; import { deviceAlarms } from '/@/api/alarmSettings/deviceAlarms';
import { ExclamationCircleOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons-vue'; import { ExclamationCircleOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons-vue';
import { device } from '/@/api/deviceManage';
export default { export default {
components: { editConfigureDeviceAlarm }, components: { editConfigureDeviceAlarm },
@ -42,25 +35,32 @@
const tableConfig = ref({}); const tableConfig = ref({});
const mainRef = ref({}); const mainRef = ref({});
const editConfigureDeviceAlarms = ref({}); const editConfigureDeviceAlarms = ref({});
const mockData = ref(data.listData); //
const orgId = ref('');
const result = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('ORGID')!);
orgId.value = result;
const clickSwitch = (data: any) => { const clickSwitch = (data: any) => {
NsModal.confirm({ NsModal.confirm({
title: '启用状态', title: '启用状态',
icon: createVNode(ExclamationCircleOutlined), icon: createVNode(ExclamationCircleOutlined),
content: '确定' + (data.record.enableRules === 1 ? '关闭' : '启用') + '吗?', content: '确定' + (data.record.enableRules === 1 ? '关闭' : '启用') + '规则吗?',
onOk: () => { onOk: () => {
http http
.post(deviceAlarms.addOrUpNewData, { .post(deviceAlarms.configAddOrUpNewData, {
id:, id:,
enableRules: data.record.enableRules === 1 ? 0 : 1, enableRules: data.record.enableRules === 1 ? 0 : 1,
}) })
.then(() => { .then(() => {
NsMessage.success('操作成功'); NsMessage.success(data.record.enableRules === 1 ? '规则已关闭' : '规则已启用');
mainRef.value?.nsTableRef.reload(); mainRef.value?.nsTableRef.reload();
}); });
}, },
}); });
}; };
const editObject = () => {
const doWnload = (url: any) => { const doWnload = (url: any) => {
const a = document.createElement('a'); const a = document.createElement('a');
document.body.appendChild(a); document.body.appendChild(a);
@ -75,15 +75,14 @@
show.value = true; show.value = true;
tableConfig.value = { tableConfig.value = {
title: '告警规则', title: '告警规则',
api: deviceAlarms.getTableList, api: deviceAlarms.configGetTableList,
value: mockData.value,
headerActions: [ headerActions: [
{ {
label: '新增', label: '新增',
name: 'RoleTypeAdd', name: 'RoleTypeAdd',
type: 'primary', type: 'primary',
handle: () => { handle: () => {
editConfigureDeviceAlarms.value.toggle(); editConfigureDeviceAlarms.value.toggle(null, configureDeviceAlarmsData.value);
}, },
}, },
{ {
@ -113,16 +112,26 @@
}, },
{ {
label: '批量删除', label: '批量删除',
name: 'groupTemDownload',
type: 'primary', type: 'primary',
name: 'userBatchDel', confirm: true,
dynamicDisabled: (data: any) => { dynamicDisabled: (data: any) => {
return data.list.length === 0; return data.list.length === 0;
}, },
confirm: true, handle: (data: any) => {
isReload: true, let ids = [];
isClearCheck: true, data.list.forEach((item) => {
// api: origanizemanage.batchDel, ids.push(;
dynamicParams: { userIds: 'userId[]' }, });
data.list = [];, { ids: ids.toString() }).then(() => {
}, },
], ],
columns: [ columns: [
@ -139,20 +148,19 @@
}, },
{ {
title: '设备信息', title: '设备信息',
dataIndex: 'equipmentInfo', dataIndex: 'deviceInfo',
}, },
{ {
title: '告警点位', title: '告警点位',
dataIndex: 'devicePoint', dataIndex: 'devicePointName',
}, },
{ {
title: '判断条件', title: '判断条件',
dataIndex: 'ruleType', dataIndex: 'conditionalJudgment',
}, },
{ {
title: '取值类型', title: '取值类型',
dataIndex: 'valueType', dataIndex: 'valueType',
textEllipsis: true,
}, },
{ {
title: '异常描述', title: '异常描述',
@ -172,7 +180,7 @@
name: 'FeedBackDetail', name: 'FeedBackDetail',
dynamicParams: ['uuid', 'appealType'], dynamicParams: ['uuid', 'appealType'],
handle: (data: any) => { handle: (data: any) => {
editConfigureDeviceAlarms.value.toggle(data); editConfigureDeviceAlarms.value.toggle(data, configureDeviceAlarmsData);
}, },
}, },
{ {
@ -181,8 +189,10 @@
dynamicParams: ['uuid', 'appealType'], dynamicParams: ['uuid', 'appealType'],
confirm: true, confirm: true,
handle: () => { handle: () => {
// mockData.value.splice(0, 1);, { ids: }).then(() => {
console.log(data, 'xxxxxxx'); NsMessage.success('规则删除成功');
}, },
}, },
], ],
@ -191,60 +201,73 @@
title: value.errorCode, title: value.errorCode,
schemas: [ schemas: [
{ {
field: 'provider', field: 'deviceName',
label: '设备名称', label: '设备名称',
component: 'NsInput', component: 'nsSelectApi',
componentProps: { componentProps: {
placeholder: '请输入设备名称', api: device.queryDevicePage,
allowClear: true,
params: {
orgId: orgId.value,
pageNum: 1,
pageSize: 99,
placeholder: '请选择设备点位',
resultField: 'data.records',
labelField: 'deviceName',
valueField: 'id',
autoAddLink: true, //
}, },
}, },
{ {
field: 'provider', field: 'devicePoint',
label: '设备点位', label: '设备点位',
component: 'nsSelectApi', component: 'nsSelectApi',
componentProps: { dynamicParams: {
api: '/api/community/objs/DictItem', id: 'deviceName', //
params: {
pageSize: 100,
code: 'MZ',
}, },
placeholder: '请选择设备点位', componentProps: {
api: device.queryDevicePoint,
allowClear: true,
resultField: 'data', resultField: 'data',
labelField: 'dictName', placeholder: '请选择设备点位',
valueField: 'dictValue', labelField: 'code',
immediate: true, valueField: 'id',
autoSelectFirst: false, dependency: 'deviceName',
}, },
}, },
{ {
field: 'payWay', field: 'enableRules',
label: '启用状态', label: '启用状态',
component: 'NsSelect', component: 'NsSelect',
componentProps: { componentProps: {
placeholder: '请选择启用状态', placeholder: '请选择启用状态',
allowClear: true,
options: [ options: [
{ {
label: '启用', label: '启用',
value: '1', value: 1,
}, },
{ {
label: '关闭', label: '关闭',
value: '0', value: 0,
}, },
], ],
}, },
}, },
{ {
field: 'provider', field: 'abnormalDescription',
label: '异常描述', label: '异常描述',
component: 'NsInput', component: 'NsInput',
componentProps: { componentProps: {
allowClear: true,
placeholder: '请输入异常描述关键字', placeholder: '请输入异常描述关键字',
}, },
}, },
], ],
}, },
params: { id: }, params: { equipmentAlarmId: },
// pagination: { pageSizeOptions: false }, // pagination: { pageSizeOptions: false },
rowKey: 'id', rowKey: 'id',
}; };
@ -255,6 +278,9 @@
clickSwitch, clickSwitch,
doWnload, doWnload,
tableConfig, tableConfig,
editConfigureDeviceAlarms, editConfigureDeviceAlarms,
setconfigureDeviceAlarmsData, setconfigureDeviceAlarmsData,
}; };


@ -6,7 +6,8 @@
:footer-style="{ textAlign: 'right' }" :footer-style="{ textAlign: 'right' }"
:ok="btnClick" :ok="btnClick"
:cancel="handleClose" :cancel="handleClose"
placement="right"> placement="right"
<div style="padding: 18px; width: 100%; overflow: hidden"> <div style="padding: 18px; width: 100%; overflow: hidden">
<a-form ref="formRef" :model="infoObject" :rules="rules"> <a-form ref="formRef" :model="infoObject" :rules="rules">
<a-form-item ref="site" label="站点" name="site"> <a-form-item ref="site" label="站点" name="site">
@ -18,8 +19,13 @@
placeholder="请选择站点" placeholder="请选择站点"
allow-clear allow-clear
tree-default-expand-all tree-default-expand-all
:tree-data="zdTreeData" :field-names="{
tree-node-filter-prop="label" /> children: 'linkList',
label: 'orgName',
value: 'orgId',
tree-node-filter-prop="orgName" />
</a-form-item> </a-form-item>
<a-form-item label="设备类型" name="deviceType"> <a-form-item label="设备类型" name="deviceType">
<a-cascader <a-cascader
@ -30,7 +36,7 @@
label: 'deviceType', label: 'deviceType',
value: 'id', value: 'id',
}" }"
:show-search="{ filter }" :show-search="{ filterDeviceType }"
@change="selectDeviceType" @change="selectDeviceType"
placeholder="请选择设备类型" /> placeholder="请选择设备类型" />
</a-form-item> </a-form-item>
@ -54,14 +60,12 @@
v-model:value="infoObject.devicePoint" v-model:value="infoObject.devicePoint"
show-search show-search
placeholder="请选择设备点位" placeholder="请选择设备点位"
style="width: 100%" style="width: 100%"
:options="dwOptions" :disabled="!infoObject?.deviceName"
:filter-option="filterOption" :options="devicePointData"
@focus="handleFocus" :filter-option="filterDevicePoint" />
@change="handleChange" />
</a-form-item> </a-form-item>
<a-form-item label="启用规则" name="enableRules"> <a-form-item label="启用规则">
<a-switch <a-switch
:checked="infoObject.enableRules === 1 ? true : false" :checked="infoObject.enableRules === 1 ? true : false"
:class="{ :class="{
@ -73,12 +77,9 @@
<a-form-item label="取值类型" name="valueType"> <a-form-item label="取值类型" name="valueType">
<a-select <a-select
v-model:value="infoObject.valueType" v-model:value="infoObject.valueType"
placeholder="请选择取值类型" placeholder="请选择取值类型"
style="width: 100%" style="width: 100%"
:options="qzOptions" :options="qzOptions" />
@change="handleQzChange" />
</a-form-item> </a-form-item>
<a-form-item label="异常描述" name="abnormalDescription"> <a-form-item label="异常描述" name="abnormalDescription">
<a-textarea <a-textarea
@ -107,8 +108,7 @@
<a-select <a-select
v-model:value="infoObject.alarmList[index - 1].logic" v-model:value="infoObject.alarmList[index - 1].logic"
style="width: 70px; margin-left: 12px" style="width: 70px; margin-left: 12px"
:options="ljOptions" :options="ljOptions" />
@change="handleQzChange" />
<span style="line-height: 32px; margin-left: 32px">{{ `数值${index}:` }}</span> <span style="line-height: 32px; margin-left: 32px">{{ `数值${index}:` }}</span>
<a-input <a-input
style="width: 65px; margin-left: 6px" style="width: 65px; margin-left: 6px"
@ -124,8 +124,8 @@
</div> </div>
<div <div
v-if=" v-if="
infoObject.alarmList[index - 1].num === null || infoObject.alarmList[index - 1]?.num === null ||
infoObject.alarmList[index - 1].logic === null infoObject.alarmList[index - 1]?.logic === null
" "
style="width: 100%; color: #ff4d4f; text-align: center; margin-bottom: 5px"> style="width: 100%; color: #ff4d4f; text-align: center; margin-bottom: 5px">
请选择正确的逻辑{{ index }} 输入正确的数值{{ index }} 请选择正确的逻辑{{ index }} 输入正确的数值{{ index }}
@ -145,19 +145,22 @@
</template> </template>
<script lang="ts" setup> <script lang="ts" setup>
import { NsMessage } from '/nerv-lib/component'; import { NsMessage } from '/nerv-lib/component';
import { ref, toRaw, watch } from 'vue'; import { ref, toRaw } from 'vue';
import type { CascaderProps, TreeSelectProps, SelectProps } from 'ant-design-vue'; import type { SelectProps } from 'ant-design-vue';
import type { ShowSearchType } from 'ant-design-vue/es/cascader'; import type { ShowSearchType } from 'ant-design-vue/es/cascader';
import { device } from '/@/api/deviceManage'; import { device } from '/@/api/deviceManage';
import { deviceAlarms } from '/@/api/alarmSettings/deviceAlarms';
import { http } from '/nerv-lib/util'; import { http } from '/nerv-lib/util';
import type { Rule } from 'ant-design-vue/es/form'; import type { Rule } from 'ant-design-vue/es/form';
import { async } from '@antv/x6/lib/registry/marker/async'; import { async } from '@antv/x6/lib/registry/marker/async';
const visible = ref(false); const visible = ref(false);
const equipmentAlarm = ref({});
// //
const infoObject = ref({ const infoObject = ref({
id: null,
site: null, site: null,
ruleType: null, ruleType: null,
abnormalDescription: null, abnormalDescription: null,
@ -166,7 +169,7 @@
valueType: null, valueType: null,
deviceName: null, deviceName: null,
enableRules: 0, enableRules: 0,
alarmList: [{ id: null, alarm: null, number: null, isDelete: '0' }], alarmList: [{ logic: null, num: null, isDelete: 0 }],
}); });
// //
const delAlarmList = ref([]); const delAlarmList = ref([]);
@ -176,18 +179,8 @@
const result = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('ORGID')!); const result = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('ORGID')!);
orgId.value = result; orgId.value = result;
// //
const zdTreeData = ref<TreeSelectProps['treeData']>([ const siteDataTree = ref([]);
label: '铁路总局(T01)',
value: 'T01',
children: [
label: '济阳站(T0101)',
value: 'T0101',
// //
let deviceTypeTreeData = ref([]); let deviceTypeTreeData = ref([]);
// //
@ -216,62 +209,44 @@
}; };
// //
const getDevicePoint = (value: any) => { const getDevicePoint = (value: any) => {
devicePointData.value = [];, value).then((res) => {, value).then((res) => {
if (res.msg === 'success') { if (res.msg === 'success') {
console.log(res, '数据'); any) => {
label: item.code + ' ( ' + item.unit + ' ) ',
} }
}); });
}; };
// //
const dwOptions = ref<SelectProps['options']>([ const devicePointData = ref([]);
{ value: '电压 (U)', label: '电压 (U)', code: '1' }, //
{ value: '电流 (I)', label: '电流 (I)', code: '2' }, const filterDevicePoint = (input: string, option: any) => {
{ value: '电流 (I)', label: 'a相电流 (Ia)', code: '3' }, return option.label.toLowerCase().indexOf(input.toLowerCase()) >= 0;
]); };
const filter: ShowSearchType['filter'] = (inputValue: any, path: any) => { //
const filterDeviceType: ShowSearchType['filter'] = (inputValue: any, path: any) => {
return path.some( return path.some(
(option: any) => option.label.toLowerCase().indexOf(inputValue.toLowerCase()) > -1, (option: any) => option.deviceType.toLowerCase().indexOf(inputValue.toLowerCase()) > -1,
); );
}; };
// //
const qzOptions = ref<SelectProps['options']>([ const qzOptions = ref<SelectProps['options']>([
{ value: '实时值', label: '实时值', code: '1' }, { value: 1, label: '实时值', code: '1' },
{ value: '平均值', label: '平均值', code: '2' }, { value: 2, label: '平均值', code: '2' },
]); ]);
// //
const ljOptions = ref<SelectProps['options']>([ const ljOptions = ref<SelectProps['options']>([
{ value: '1', label: '≥' }, { value: 0, label: '≥' },
{ value: '2', label: '>' }, { value: 1, label: '>' },
{ value: '3', label: '≤' }, { value: 2, label: '≤' },
{ value: '4', label: '<' }, { value: 3, label: '<' },
{ value: '5', label: '=' }, { value: 4, label: '=' },
]); ]);
const filterOption = (input: string, option: any) => {
console.log('搜索', option.value);
return option.value.toLowerCase().indexOf(input.toLowerCase()) >= 0;
const handleFocus = () => {
const handleChange = (value: string) => {
console.log(`selected ${value}`);
console.log('选择', infoObject.value.devicePoint);
dwOptions.value.forEach((item) => {
if (item.value === value) {
console.log('符合', item.code);
const handleQzChange = (value: string) => {
qzOptions.value.forEach((item) => {
if (item.value === value) {
console.log('符合', item.code);
// //
const clickSwitch = () => { const clickSwitch = () => {
if (infoObject.value.enableRules === 1) { if (infoObject.value.enableRules === 1) {
@ -313,7 +288,9 @@
return null; // null return null; // null
}; };
// //
const toggle = async (value: any) => { const toggle = async (value: any, info: any) => {
equipmentAlarm.value = info;
// //
await http await http
.post(device.queryDeviceTree, { orgId: orgId.value, pageNum: 1, pageSize: 10 }) .post(device.queryDeviceTree, { orgId: orgId.value, pageNum: 1, pageSize: 10 })
@ -322,21 +299,36 @@
deviceTypeTreeData.value =; deviceTypeTreeData.value =;
} }
}); });
//'/carbon-smart/user/login/logInInfo', {}).then((res) => {
if (res.msg === 'success') {
siteDataTree.value =;
// //
if (value) { if (value) {
infoObject.value = value; //
await, { id: }).then((res) => {
if (res.msg === 'success') {
infoObject.value =;
// //
let selectDevice = ref([value.deviceType]); let selectDevice = ref([Number(infoObject.value.deviceType)]);
findNodeById(deviceTypeTreeData.value, value.deviceType); findNodeById(deviceTypeTreeData.value, Number(infoObject.value.deviceType));
// //
getDevicePoint({ id: 1 }); getDevicePoint({ id: infoObject.value.deviceName });
// //
findParentIds(deviceTypeTreeData.value, value.deviceType, selectDevice.value); findParentIds(deviceTypeTreeData.value, infoObject.value.deviceType, selectDevice.value);
infoObject.value.deviceType = selectDevice.value; infoObject.value.alarmList = infoObject.value.hxAlarmRuleLogicList || [];
delete infoObject.value.hxAlarmRuleLogicList;
infoObject.value.deviceType = selectDevice;
infoObject.value.ruleType = infoObject.value.ruleType + '';
console.log(infoObject.value, '数据');
} else { } else {
// //
infoObject.value = { infoObject.value = {
id: null,
site: null, site: null,
ruleType: null, ruleType: null,
abnormalDescription: null, abnormalDescription: null,
@ -345,14 +337,14 @@
valueType: null, valueType: null,
deviceName: null, deviceName: null,
enableRules: 0, enableRules: 0,
alarmList: [{ id: null, alarm: null, number: null, isDelete: '0' }], alarmList: [{ logic: null, num: null, isDelete: 0 }],
}; };
} }
visible.value = !visible.value; visible.value = !visible.value;
}; };
// //
const rules: infoObject<string, Rule[]> = { const rules = {
site: [{ required: true, message: '请选择站点', trigger: 'change' }], site: [{ required: true, message: '请选择站点', trigger: 'change' }],
deviceType: [{ required: true, message: '请选择设备类型', trigger: 'change' }], deviceType: [{ required: true, message: '请选择设备类型', trigger: 'change' }],
enableRules: [{ required: true, message: '请选择启用规则', trigger: 'change' }], enableRules: [{ required: true, message: '请选择启用规则', trigger: 'change' }],
@ -360,20 +352,27 @@
devicePoint: [{ required: true, message: '请选择设备点位', trigger: 'change' }], devicePoint: [{ required: true, message: '请选择设备点位', trigger: 'change' }],
valueType: [{ required: true, message: '请选择取值类型', trigger: 'change' }], valueType: [{ required: true, message: '请选择取值类型', trigger: 'change' }],
ruleType: [{ required: true, message: '请选择规则类型', trigger: 'change' }], ruleType: [{ required: true, message: '请选择规则类型', trigger: 'change' }],
abnormalDescription: [{ required: true, message: '请输入异常描述', trigger: 'blur' }], abnormalDescription: [
required: true,
message: '请输入异常描述',
trigger: 'blur',
validator: (rules: any, abnormalDescription: any, cbfn: any) => {
if (abnormalDescription.trim() !== '') {
} else {
alarm: [{ required: true, message: '请选择逻辑', trigger: 'blur' }], alarm: [{ required: true, message: '请选择逻辑', trigger: 'blur' }],
number: [{ required: true, message: '请输入数值', trigger: 'blur' }], number: [{ required: true, message: '请输入数值', trigger: 'blur' }],
}; };
const changeSwitch = () => {
console.log(infoObject.value.selectSwitch, '开关');
// //
const btnClick = () => { const btnClick = () => {
console.log(infoObject.value, '数据');
infoObject.value.alarmList.forEach((item) => { infoObject.value.alarmList.forEach((item) => {
if (item.logic === null || item.num === null) { if (item.logic === null || item.num === null) {
// NsMessage.error('');
return; return;
} }
}); });
@ -383,51 +382,70 @@
} }
// //
formRef.value.validate().then(() => { formRef.value.validate().then(() => {
console.log('values', infoObject.value); let data = { ...infoObject.value };
let data = toRaw(infoObject); // id
data.equipmentAlarmId =;
// //
data.alarmList = [...infoObject.value.alarmList, ...delAlarmList.value]; data.hxAlarmRuleLogicList = [...infoObject.value.alarmList, ...delAlarmList.value];
data.hxAlarmRuleLogicList.forEach((item) => {
const num = Number(item.num);
if (!isNaN(num)) {
item.num = Number(num.toFixed(2));
} else {
item.num = 0; // 0
// id // id
data.deviceType = infoObject.value.deviceType[infoObject.value.deviceType.length - 1]; data.deviceType = infoObject.value.deviceType[infoObject.value.deviceType.length - 1];
delAlarmList.value = []; data.ruleType = Number(data.ruleType);
data.errorCode = equipmentAlarm.value.errorCode;
delete data.alarmList;
.post(deviceAlarms.configAddOrUpNewData, data)
.then((res) => {
if (res.msg === 'success') {
if ( {
} else {
emit('editObject', null);
.catch((error) => {
console.error('请求失败:', error);
}); });
// http
// .post(props.api, data)
// .then(() => {
// isLoading.value = false;
// NsMessage.success('', 1, () => {
// navigateBack();
// });
// })
// .catch(() => {
// isLoading.value = false;
// });
}; };
// //
const handleClose = () => { const handleClose = () => {
// //
formRef.value.resetFields(); formRef.value.resetFields();
siteDataTree.value = [];
// //
infoObject.value = { infoObject.value = {
id: null,
site: null, site: null,
ruleType: null, ruleType: null,
abnormalDescription: null, abnormalDescription: null,
deviceType: [], deviceType: [],
devicePoint: null, devicePoint: null,
enableRules: 0, enableRules: 0,
alarmList: [{ id: null, alarm: null, number: null, isDelete: '0' }], alarmList: [{ logic: null, num: null, isDelete: 0 }],
}; };
visible.value = false; visible.value = false;
delAlarmList.value = []; delAlarmList.value = [];
}; };
// //
const addAlarmList = () => { const addAlarmList = () => {
if (infoObject.value.alarmList) { if (infoObject.value.alarmList) {
infoObject.value.alarmList.push({ logic: null, num: null }); infoObject.value.alarmList.push({ logic: null, num: null, isDelete: 0 });
} else { } else {
infoObject.value.alarmList = [{ logic: null, num: null }]; infoObject.value.alarmList = [{ logic: null, num: null, isDelete: 0 }];
} }
}; };
// //
@ -437,18 +455,15 @@
const alarmItemToDelete = infoObject.value.alarmList[index]; const alarmItemToDelete = infoObject.value.alarmList[index];
if (alarmItemToDelete?.id) { if (alarmItemToDelete?.id) {
// delAlarmList // delAlarmList
delAlarmList.value.push({ ...alarmItemToDelete, isDelete: '1' }); delAlarmList.value.push({ ...alarmItemToDelete, isDelete: 1 });
} }
// infoObject // infoObject
infoObject.value.alarmList.splice(index, 1); infoObject.value.alarmList.splice(index, 1);
} else {
console.error('Invalid index: ', index);
} }
}; };
defineExpose({ defineExpose({
toggle, toggle,
handleClose, handleClose,
formRef, formRef,
}); });
</script> </script>


@ -2,11 +2,12 @@
<ns-drawer <ns-drawer
v-model:visible="visible" v-model:visible="visible"
width="520" width="520"
:title="infoObject?.id ? '修改设备告警' : '新增设备告警'" :title="infoObject?.id ? '编辑告警' : '新增告警'"
:footer-style="{ textAlign: 'right' }" :footer-style="{ textAlign: 'right' }"
:ok="btnClick" :ok="btnClick"
:cancel="handleClose" :cancel="handleClose"
placement="right"> placement="right"
<ns-form ref="formRef" :schemas="schemas" :model="infoObject" formLayout="vertical" /> <ns-form ref="formRef" :schemas="schemas" :model="infoObject" formLayout="vertical" />
<div style="margin-left: 52px"> <div style="margin-left: 52px">
应用规则: 应用规则:
@ -67,6 +68,13 @@
required: true, required: true,
message: '告警标题不能为空', message: '告警标题不能为空',
trigger: 'change', trigger: 'change',
validator: (rules: any, alarmTitle: any, cbfn: any) => {
if (alarmTitle && alarmTitle.trim() !== '') {
} else {
}, },
], ],
componentProps: { componentProps: {
@ -207,7 +215,11 @@
formRef.value.triggerSubmit().then(() => { formRef.value.triggerSubmit().then(() => {
// //, infoObject.value).then(() => {, infoObject.value).then(() => {
NsMessage.success('操作成功'); if ( {
} else {
visible.value = false; visible.value = false;
emit('editObject', null); emit('editObject', null);
}); });
@ -216,9 +228,7 @@
const handleClose = () => { const handleClose = () => {
// //
formRef.value.formElRef.clearValidate(); formRef.value.formElRef.clearValidate();
visible.value = false; visible.value = false;
}; };
defineExpose({ defineExpose({
toggle, toggle,


@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<template> <template>
<div class="box"> <div class="box">
<a-tabs default-active-key="1" @change="callback"> <a-tabs default-active-key="1">
<a-tab-pane key="1" tab="通知管理"> <a-tab-pane key="1" tab="通知管理">
<ns-view-list-table v-bind="notificationConfig" ref="mainRef"> <ns-view-list-table v-bind="notificationConfig" ref="mainRef">
<template #bodyCell="{ record, column }"> <template #bodyCell="{ record, column }">
@ -11,11 +11,14 @@
'blue-background': record.enableRules === 1 ? true : false, 'blue-background': record.enableRules === 1 ? true : false,
'grey-background': record.enableRules === 1 ? false : true, 'grey-background': record.enableRules === 1 ? false : true,
}" }"
@change="clickSwitch({ enableRules: record.enableRules, record: record })" /> @change="
clickSwitch({ type: 1, enableRules: record.enableRules, record: record })
" />
</template> </template>
</template> </template>
</ns-view-list-table> </ns-view-list-table>
<!-- 联系方式 --> <!-- 联系方式 -->
<notificationManagement ref="notificationManagements" @editObject="editObject" />
</a-tab-pane> </a-tab-pane>
<a-tab-pane key="2" tab="设备告警" force-render> <a-tab-pane key="2" tab="设备告警" force-render>
<ns-view-list-table <ns-view-list-table
@ -31,12 +34,14 @@
'blue-background': record.enableRules === 1 ? true : false, 'blue-background': record.enableRules === 1 ? true : false,
'grey-background': record.enableRules === 1 ? false : true, 'grey-background': record.enableRules === 1 ? false : true,
}" }"
@change="clickSwitch({ enableRules: record.enableRules, record: record })" /> @change="
clickSwitch({ type: 2, enableRules: record.enableRules, record: record })
" />
</template> </template>
<template v-if="column.dataIndex === 'monitor'"> <template v-if="column.dataIndex === 'monitor'">
{{ {{
record?.monitorTime && record?.monitorTimeUnit record?.monitorTime && record?.monitorTimeUnit
? record?.monitorTime + record?.monitorTimeUnit ? record?.monitorTime + '' + record?.monitorTimeUnit
: '-' : '-'
}} }}
</template> </template>
@ -45,7 +50,7 @@
<a-button <a-button
v-if="!equipmentAlarm" v-if="!equipmentAlarm"
type="primary" type="primary"
style="position: absolute; right: 130px; z-index: 99; top: 80px; height: 30px" style="position: absolute; right: 130px; z-index: 3; top: 80px; height: 30px"
@click="backequipmentAlarm" @click="backequipmentAlarm"
>返回</a-button >返回</a-button
> >
@ -68,19 +73,21 @@
'blue-background': record.enableRules === 1 ? true : false, 'blue-background': record.enableRules === 1 ? true : false,
'grey-background': record.enableRules === 1 ? false : true, 'grey-background': record.enableRules === 1 ? false : true,
}" }"
@click="clickSwitch({ enableRules: record.enableRules, record: record })" /> @click="
clickSwitch({ type: 3, enableRules: record.enableRules, record: record })
" />
</template> </template>
</template> </template>
</ns-view-list-table> </ns-view-list-table>
<a-button <a-button
v-if="!energyAlarm" v-if="!energyAlarm"
type="primary" type="primary"
style="position: absolute; right: 130px; z-index: 99; top: 80px; height: 30px" style="position: absolute; right: 130px; z-index: 3; top: 80px; height: 30px"
@click="backenergyAlarm" @click="backenergyAlarm"
>返回</a-button >返回</a-button
> >
<!-- 新增 编辑 能源告警 --> <!-- 新增 编辑 能源告警 -->
<editeEnergyAlarm ref="editeEnergyAlarm" @editObject="editObject" /> <editeEnergyAlarm ref="editeEnergyAlarm" @editObject="editeEnergyAlarmInfo" />
<!-- 配置能源告警--> <!-- 配置能源告警-->
<configureEnergyAlarms v-show="!energyAlarm" ref="configureEnergyAlarms" /> <configureEnergyAlarms v-show="!energyAlarm" ref="configureEnergyAlarms" />
</a-tab-pane> </a-tab-pane>
@ -96,9 +103,11 @@
import { NsMessage, NsModal } from '/nerv-lib/component'; import { NsMessage, NsModal } from '/nerv-lib/component';
import editeEquipmentAlarm from './equipmentAlarm/editeEquipmentAlarm.vue'; import editeEquipmentAlarm from './equipmentAlarm/editeEquipmentAlarm.vue';
import editeEnergyAlarm from './energyAlarm/editeEnergyAlarm.vue'; import editeEnergyAlarm from './energyAlarm/editeEnergyAlarm.vue';
import notificationManagement from './notificationManagement/index.vue';
import configureEnergyAlarms from './energyAlarm/configureEnergyAlarms.vue'; import configureEnergyAlarms from './energyAlarm/configureEnergyAlarms.vue';
import configureDeviceAlarms from './equipmentAlarm/configureDeviceAlarms.vue'; import configureDeviceAlarms from './equipmentAlarm/configureDeviceAlarms.vue';
import { deviceAlarms } from '/@/api/alarmSettings/deviceAlarms'; import { deviceAlarms } from '/@/api/alarmSettings/deviceAlarms';
import { energyAlarms } from '/@/api/alarmSettings/energyAlarm';
import { ExclamationCircleOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons-vue'; import { ExclamationCircleOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons-vue';
export default { export default {
@ -107,6 +116,7 @@
editeEquipmentAlarm, editeEquipmentAlarm,
configureDeviceAlarms, configureDeviceAlarms,
configureEnergyAlarms, configureEnergyAlarms,
editeEnergyAlarm, editeEnergyAlarm,
}, },
setup() { setup() {
@ -114,16 +124,17 @@
const mainRefEquipmentAlarm = ref(); const mainRefEquipmentAlarm = ref();
const mainEnergyAlarmConfig = ref(); const mainEnergyAlarmConfig = ref();
const editEquipmentAlarm = ref(); const editEquipmentAlarm = ref();
const notificationManagements = ref();
const editeEnergyAlarm = ref(); const editeEnergyAlarm = ref();
const configureDeviceAlarms = ref(); const configureDeviceAlarms = ref();
const configureEnergyAlarms = ref(); const configureEnergyAlarms = ref();
const equipmentAlarm = ref(true); const equipmentAlarm = ref(true);
const energyAlarm = ref(true); const energyAlarm = ref(true);
const notificationConfig = notificationtableConfig(null, mainEnergyAlarmConfig, null); const notificationConfig = notificationtableConfig(notificationManagements);
// //
const energyAlarmConfig = energyAlarmConfigs( const energyAlarmConfig = energyAlarmConfigs(
editeEnergyAlarm, editeEnergyAlarm,
mainRefEquipmentAlarm, mainEnergyAlarmConfig,
energyAlarm, energyAlarm,
configureEnergyAlarms, configureEnergyAlarms,
); );
@ -134,9 +145,6 @@
equipmentAlarm, equipmentAlarm,
configureDeviceAlarms, configureDeviceAlarms,
); );
const callback = (key: any) => {
// //
const backequipmentAlarm = () => { const backequipmentAlarm = () => {
equipmentAlarm.value = !equipmentAlarm.value; equipmentAlarm.value = !equipmentAlarm.value;
@ -147,38 +155,72 @@ = false; = false;
}; };
const clickSwitch = (data: any) => { const clickSwitch = (data: any) => {
console.log(data.record.enableRules === 1 ? '关闭' : '启用');
NsModal.confirm({ NsModal.confirm({
title: '启用状态', title: '启用状态',
icon: createVNode(ExclamationCircleOutlined), icon: createVNode(ExclamationCircleOutlined),
content: '确定' + (data.record.enableRules === 1 ? '关闭' : '启用') + '吗?', content:
'确定' +
(data.record.enableRules === 1 ? '关闭' : '启用') +
(data.type === 1 ? '通知' : '告警') +
onOk: () => { onOk: () => {
if (data.type === 1) {
.post(deviceAlarms.addOrUpNewData, {
enableRules: data.record.enableRules === 1 ? 0 : 1,
.then(() => {
NsMessage.success(data.record.enableRules === 1 ? '通知已关闭' : '通知已启用');
if (data.type === 2) {
http http
.post(deviceAlarms.addOrUpNewData, { .post(deviceAlarms.addOrUpNewData, {
id:, id:,
enableRules: data.record.enableRules === 1 ? 0 : 1, enableRules: data.record.enableRules === 1 ? 0 : 1,
}) })
.then(() => { .then(() => {
NsMessage.success('操作成功'); NsMessage.success(data.record.enableRules === 1 ? '告警已关闭' : '告警已启用');
mainRefEquipmentAlarm.value?.nsTableRef.reload(); mainRefEquipmentAlarm.value?.nsTableRef.reload();
}); });
if (data.type === 3) {
.post(energyAlarms.addOrUpNewData, {
enableRules: data.record.enableRules === 1 ? 0 : 1,
.then(() => {
NsMessage.success(data.record.enableRules === 1 ? '告警已关闭' : '告警已启用');
}, },
}); });
}; };
// //
const editObject = () => { const editObject = () => {
mainRefEquipmentAlarm.value?.nsTableRef.reload(); mainRefEquipmentAlarm.value?.nsTableRef.reload();
// console.log(newList.value.formFinish, ''); };
const editeEnergyAlarmInfo = () => {
}; };
return { return {
notificationConfig, notificationConfig,
energyAlarmConfig, energyAlarmConfig,
equipmentAlarmConfig, equipmentAlarmConfig,
editObject, editObject,
clickSwitch, clickSwitch,
editEquipmentAlarm, editEquipmentAlarm,
editeEnergyAlarm, notificationManagements,
configureDeviceAlarms, configureDeviceAlarms,
configureEnergyAlarms, configureEnergyAlarms,
equipmentAlarm, equipmentAlarm,


@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
:title="' '"
:footer-style="{ textAlign: 'right' }"
<div style="padding: 18px; width: 100%; overflow: hidden">
<a-form ref="formRef" :model="infoObject" :rules="rules">
<a-form-item ref="notification" label="通知方式" name="notification">
style="width: 100%"
:filter-option="filterDevicePoint" />
<a-form-item label="启用规则" name="enableRules">
:checked="infoObject.enableRules === 1 ? true : false"
'blue-background': infoObject.enableRules === 1 ? true : false,
'grey-background': infoObject.enableRules === 1 ? false : true,
@click="clickSwitch" />
<a-form-item label="通知用户" name="user">
style="width: 100%"
:show-checked-strategy="Cascader.SHOW_CHILD" />
<a-table :dataSource="dataSource" :columns="columns" :pagination="false" />
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';
import { Cascader } from 'ant-design-vue';
import { NsMessage } from '/nerv-lib/component';
import { http } from '/nerv-lib/util';
// import { deviceAlarms } from '/@/api/alarmSettings/deviceAlarms';
const columns = [
title: '序号',
dataIndex: 'address',
customRender: (text: any) => {
return text.index + 1;
title: '通知名单',
dataIndex: 'name',
key: 'name',
const dataSource = [
name: '运维>运维1部>张三',
name: '运维>运维1部>李四',
const visible = ref(false);
const infoObject = ref({
enableRules: 0,
const filterDevicePoint = (input: string, option: any) => {
return option.label.toLowerCase().indexOf(input.toLowerCase()) >= 0;
const clickSwitch = () => {
if (infoObject.value.enableRules === 1) {
infoObject.value.enableRules = 0;
} else {
infoObject.value.enableRules = 1;
const devicePointData = ref([
{ label: '站内信息', value: 1 },
{ label: '邮件', value: 2 },
const options = ref([
value: 1,
label: 'Zhejiang',
isLeaf: false,
value: 2,
label: 'Jiangsu',
isLeaf: false,
const loadData = (selectedOptions: any) => {
const targetOption = selectedOptions[selectedOptions.length - 1];
targetOption.loading = true;
// load options lazily
setTimeout(() => {
targetOption.loading = false;
console.log(targetOption, '数据');
targetOption.children = [
label: `${targetOption.label} Dynamic 1`,
value: 3,
isLeaf: false,
label: `${targetOption.label} Dynamic 2`,
value: 4,
isLeaf: false,
options.value = [...options.value];
}, 1000);
const rules = {
notification: [{ required: true, message: '请选择站点', trigger: 'change' }],
enableRules: [{ required: true, message: '请选择启用规则', trigger: 'change' }],
user: [{ required: true, message: '请选择通知人', trigger: 'change' }],
abnormalDescription: [
required: true,
message: '请输入异常描述',
trigger: 'blur',
validator: (rules: any, abnormalDescription: any, cbfn: any) => {
if (abnormalDescription.trim() !== '') {
} else {
alarm: [{ required: true, message: '请选择逻辑', trigger: 'blur' }],
number: [{ required: true, message: '请输入数值', trigger: 'blur' }],
const formRef = ref();
const emit = defineEmits(['editObject']);
const toggle = (value: any) => {
if (value) {
// infoObject.value = value;
infoObject.value = {};
} else {
infoObject.value = {
enableRules: 0,
visible.value = !visible.value;
const btnClick = () => {
formRef.value.validate().then(() => {
//, infoObject.value).then(() => {
// NsMessage.success('');
// visible.value = false;
// emit('editObject', null);
// });
const handleClose = () => {
visible.value = false;
options.value = [
value: 'zhejiang',
label: 'Zhejiang',
isLeaf: false,
value: 'jiangsu',
label: 'Jiangsu',
isLeaf: false,
<style scoped lang="less">
.drawerContainer {
height: 100%;
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
.blue-background.ant-switch-checked {
background-color: linear-gradient(
rgba(1, 206, 255, 1) 0%,
rgba(0, 150, 229, 1) 100%
) !important;
.grey-background.ant-switch {
background-color: grey !important;
.blue-background.ant-switch-checked .ant-switch-handle {
background-color: linear-gradient(
rgba(1, 206, 255, 1) 0%,
rgba(0, 150, 229, 1) 100%
) !important;
.grey-background.ant-switch .ant-switch-handle {
background-color: grey !important;
/deep/ .ant-form-item-label {
z-index: 20;
text-align: right;
width: 23%;


@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
import data from '../notificationManagementMock.json';
import { http } from '/nerv-lib/util'; import { http } from '/nerv-lib/util';
import { NsMessage } from '/nerv-lib/component'; import { NsMessage } from '/nerv-lib/component';
import { deviceAlarms } from '/@/api/alarmSettings/deviceAlarms'; import { energyAlarms } from '/@/api/alarmSettings/energyAlarm';
import { ref } from 'vue';
const tableKeyMap = [ const tableKeyMap = [
{ {
title: '序号', title: '序号',
@ -31,14 +29,13 @@ const tableKeyMap = [
}, },
{ {
title: '监测时长', title: '监测时长',
dataIndex: 'monitor', dataIndex: 'monitorFrequency',
}, },
{ {
title: '是否启用', title: '是否启用',
dataIndex: 'enableRules', dataIndex: 'enableRules',
}, },
]; ];
const mockData = ref(data.listData);
const doWnload = (url: any) => { const doWnload = (url: any) => {
const a = document.createElement('a'); const a = document.createElement('a');
document.body.appendChild(a); document.body.appendChild(a);
@ -51,14 +48,13 @@ const doWnload = (url: any) => {
export const energyAlarmConfigs = ( export const energyAlarmConfigs = (
editeEnergyAlarm: any, editeEnergyAlarm: any,
mainRefEquipmentAlarm: any, mainEnergyAlarmConfig: any,
energyAlarm: any, energyAlarm: any,
configureDeviceAlarms: any, configureDeviceAlarms: any,
) => { ) => {
return { return {
title: '告警规则', title: '告警规则',
api: deviceAlarms.getTableList, api: energyAlarms.getTableList,
value: mockData.value,
headerActions: [ headerActions: [
{ {
label: '新增', label: '新增',
@ -73,7 +69,6 @@ export const energyAlarmConfigs = (
name: 'groupImport', name: 'groupImport',
type: 'primary', type: 'primary',
extra: { extra: {
// api: props.postImportApi, // 导入接口名
title: '设备信息', // 弹窗title title: '设备信息', // 弹窗title
templateName: 'whiteListUser', // 所使用的文件名称 templateName: 'whiteListUser', // 所使用的文件名称
indexName: '设备id', // 匹配类型字段 indexName: '设备id', // 匹配类型字段
@ -122,9 +117,9 @@ export const energyAlarmConfigs = (
dynamicParams: ['uuid', 'appealType'], dynamicParams: ['uuid', 'appealType'],
confirm: true, confirm: true,
handle: (data: any) => { handle: (data: any) => {, { id: }).then(() => {, { id: }).then(() => {
NsMessage.success('操作成功'); NsMessage.success('操作成功');
mainRefEquipmentAlarm.value?.nsTableRef.reload(); mainEnergyAlarmConfig.value?.nsTableRef.reload();
}); });
}, },
}, },
@ -139,6 +134,7 @@ export const energyAlarmConfigs = (
component: 'NsSelect', component: 'NsSelect',
componentProps: { componentProps: {
placeholder: '请选择告警优先级', placeholder: '请选择告警优先级',
allowClear: true,
options: [ options: [
{ {
label: '紧急', label: '紧急',
@ -160,6 +156,7 @@ export const energyAlarmConfigs = (
label: '告警标题', label: '告警标题',
component: 'NsInput', component: 'NsInput',
componentProps: { componentProps: {
allowClear: true,
placeholder: '请输入告警标题关键字', placeholder: '请输入告警标题关键字',
}, },
}, },
@ -168,6 +165,7 @@ export const energyAlarmConfigs = (
label: '错误码', label: '错误码',
component: 'NsInput', component: 'NsInput',
componentProps: { componentProps: {
allowClear: true,
placeholder: '请输入告警错误码', placeholder: '请输入告警错误码',
}, },
}, },
@ -176,6 +174,7 @@ export const energyAlarmConfigs = (
label: '启用状态', label: '启用状态',
component: 'NsSelect', component: 'NsSelect',
componentProps: { componentProps: {
allowClear: true,
placeholder: '请选择启用状态', placeholder: '请选择启用状态',
options: [ options: [
{ {


@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ export const equipmentAlarmTableConfig = (
confirm: true, confirm: true,
handle: (data: any) => { handle: (data: any) => {, { id: }).then(() => {, { id: }).then(() => {
NsMessage.success('操作成功'); NsMessage.success('告警删除成功');
mainRefEquipmentAlarm.value?.nsTableRef.reload(); mainRefEquipmentAlarm.value?.nsTableRef.reload();
}); });
}, },
@ -139,6 +139,7 @@ export const equipmentAlarmTableConfig = (
component: 'NsSelect', component: 'NsSelect',
componentProps: { componentProps: {
placeholder: '请选择告警优先级', placeholder: '请选择告警优先级',
allowClear: true,
options: [ options: [
{ {
label: '紧急', label: '紧急',
@ -160,6 +161,7 @@ export const equipmentAlarmTableConfig = (
label: '告警标题', label: '告警标题',
component: 'NsInput', component: 'NsInput',
componentProps: { componentProps: {
allowClear: true,
placeholder: '请输入告警标题关键字', placeholder: '请输入告警标题关键字',
}, },
}, },
@ -168,6 +170,7 @@ export const equipmentAlarmTableConfig = (
label: '错误码', label: '错误码',
component: 'NsInput', component: 'NsInput',
componentProps: { componentProps: {
allowClear: true,
placeholder: '请输入错误码关键字', placeholder: '请输入错误码关键字',
}, },
}, },
@ -177,6 +180,7 @@ export const equipmentAlarmTableConfig = (
component: 'NsSelect', component: 'NsSelect',
componentProps: { componentProps: {
placeholder: '请选择启用状态', placeholder: '请选择启用状态',
allowClear: true,
options: [ options: [
{ {
label: '启用', label: '启用',


@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ const tableKeyMap = [
}, },
]; ];
const mockData = ref(data.listData); const mockData = ref(data.listData);
export const notificationtableConfig = (el) => { export const notificationtableConfig = (notificationManagements: any) => {
return { return {
title: '告警规则', title: '告警规则',
// api: '/carbon_emission/device/getDeviceList', // api: '/carbon_emission/device/getDeviceList',
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ export const notificationtableConfig = (el) => {
name: 'FeedBackDetail', name: 'FeedBackDetail',
dynamicParams: ['uuid', 'appealType'], dynamicParams: ['uuid', 'appealType'],
handle: (data: any) => { handle: (data: any) => {
console.log(data, '联系方式'); notificationManagements.value.toggle(data);
}, },
}, },
], ],


@ -82,7 +82,6 @@
@close="onClose"> @close="onClose">
<ns-form <ns-form
ref="formRef" ref="formRef"
:model="formData" :model="formData"
class="form" class="form"
:wrapperCol="{ span: 20 }" :wrapperCol="{ span: 20 }"
@ -135,7 +134,9 @@ import { log } from 'node:console';
const casData = ref([]); const casData = ref([]);
const treeData = ref([]); const treeData = ref([]);
const userAuthList = ref([]); const userAuthList = ref([]);
const orgId = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem(import.meta.env.VITE_PUBLIC_PATH)).orgId; const orgId = ref('');
const result = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('ORGID')!);
orgId.value = result;
const dynamicDisabled = computed(() => { const dynamicDisabled = computed(() => {
return formRef.value?.validateResult && userAuthList.value?.length; return formRef.value?.validateResult && userAuthList.value?.length;
}); });
@ -493,7 +494,7 @@ import { log } from 'node:console';
isReload: true, isReload: true,
isClearCheck: true, isClearCheck: true,
api: carbonEmissionFactorLibrary.del, api: carbonEmissionFactorLibrary.del,
dynamicParams: { id: 'id[]' }, dynamicParams: { ids: 'id[]' },
}, },
], ],
columns: [ columns: [
@ -573,7 +574,7 @@ import { log } from 'node:console';
{ {
label: '删除', label: '删除',
name: 'userDelete', name: 'userDelete',
dynamicParams: 'id', dynamicParams: { ids: 'id[]' },
confirm: true, confirm: true,
isReload: true, isReload: true,
api: carbonEmissionFactorLibrary.del, api: carbonEmissionFactorLibrary.del,
@ -617,11 +618,27 @@ import { log } from 'node:console';
options: [ options: [
{ {
label: 'CO2', label: 'CO2',
value: 0, value: 'CO2',
}, },
{ {
label: 'CO2e', label: 'CO2e',
value: 1, value: 'CO2e',
label: 'SF6',
label: 'CH4',
value: 'CH4',
label: 'PFCs',
value: 'PFCs',
label: 'HFCs',
value: 'HFCs',
}, },
], ],
}, },

hx-ai-intelligent/src/view/carbonEmissionManage/carbonEmissionStatistics/carbonEmissions/index copy.vue

@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
<a-table :columns="columns" :data-source="data" bordered />
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent, watch, ref, onMounted } from 'vue';
import type { TableColumnType } from 'ant-design-vue';
import { inject } from 'vue';
// let data: any[] = [];
export default defineComponent({
name: 'EnvironmentTable',
setup() {
let data = ref<any[]>([]);
let columns = ref<TableColumnType[]>([]);
interface PageData {
tableList: any[];
tableColumns: any[];
graphList: any[];
const pageData = inject<PageData>('pageData');
if (!pageData) {
throw new Error('pageData is not provided');
// pageData
() => pageData as PageData,
(_newValue, _oldValue) => {
data.value = pageData.tableList;
let columnA: any[] = [...column];
columns.value = columnA;
// pageData.graphList;
{ deep: true },
const getRowSpan = (dataIndex: string, record: any, data: any, dependents: string[] = []) => {
let rowSpan = 1;
for (let i = data.indexOf(record) + 1; i < data.length; i++) {
let shouldMerge = true;
for (const dependent of dependents) {
if (data[i][dependent] !== record[dependent]) {
shouldMerge = false;
if (shouldMerge && data[i][dataIndex] === record[dataIndex]) {
} else {
return rowSpan;
const column: TableColumnType[] = [
title: '序号',
dataIndex: 'key',
customCell: (record, rowIndex) => {
if (rowIndex == undefined) {
return {
rowSpan: 0,
colSpan: 0,
const rowSpan = getRowSpan('name', record, data.value);
if (rowIndex != 0 && data.value[rowIndex - 1].key == record.key) {
return {
rowSpan: 0,
colSpan: 0,
return {
rowSpan: rowSpan,
title: '设备名称',
dataIndex: 'name',
customCell: (record, rowIndex) => {
if (rowIndex == undefined) {
return {
rowSpan: 0,
colSpan: 0,
const rowSpan = getRowSpan('name', record, data.value);
if (rowIndex != 0 && data.value[rowIndex - 1].name == {
return {
rowSpan: 0,
colSpan: 0,
return {
rowSpan: rowSpan,
title: '设备点位',
dataIndex: 'position',
customCell: (record, rowIndex) => {
if (rowIndex == undefined) {
return {
rowSpan: 0,
colSpan: 0,
const rowSpan = getRowSpan('position', record, data.value, ['name']);
if (
rowIndex != 0 &&
data.value[rowIndex - 1].name == &&
data.value[rowIndex - 1].position == record.position
) {
return {
rowSpan: 0,
colSpan: 0,
return {
rowSpan: rowSpan,
title: '计量单位',
dataIndex: 'unit',
customCell: (record, rowIndex) => {
if (rowIndex == undefined) {
return {
rowSpan: 0,
colSpan: 0,
const rowSpan = getRowSpan('unit', record, data.value, ['name', 'position']);
if (
rowIndex != 0 &&
data.value[rowIndex - 1].name == &&
data.value[rowIndex - 1].position == record.position &&
data.value[rowIndex - 1].unit == record.unit
) {
return {
rowSpan: 0,
colSpan: 0,
return {
rowSpan: rowSpan,
onMounted(() => {
data.value = pageData.tableList;
let columnA: any[] = [...column];
columns.value = columnA;
return {
<style lang="less" scoped></style>


@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
:scroll="{ x: 2000 }">
<template #title>
<a-date-picker v-model:value="selectYear" picker="year" @change="changeYearData" />
style="display: flex;justify-content: center;margin-top: 16px;"
@change="onChange" />
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';
import { http } from '/nerv-lib/util/http';
import { Pagination } from 'ant-design-vue';
import { tableColumns } from '../config';
import { energyConsumption } from '/@/api/carbonEmissionFactorLibrary';
energyType: 'CarbonEmissions', // name
components: {
'a-pagination': Pagination,
const data = ref([]);
const selectYear = ref<Dayjs>();
const total = ref<number>()
const queryParams = ref({
pageNum: 1,
pageSize: 10,
const orgId = ref('');
const result = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('ORGID')!);
orgId.value = result;
const fetch = (api, params = { orgId } ) => {
return, params);
const changeYearData = () => {
queryParams.value.year = selectYear.value.format('YYYY')
const getTableList = () => {
fetch(energyConsumption.pageList , queryParams.value).then((res) => {
data.value =
total.value =
const onChange = (pageNumber: number,size: number) => {
queryParams.value.pageNum = pageNumber;
queryParams.value.pageSize = size;
<style scoped lang="less">
::v-deep .ant-table-title{
display: flex;
::v-deep .ant-table-container{
padding: 0px 16px;
<style scoped>
td.column-money {
text-align: right !important;


@ -7,64 +7,70 @@ export const tableColumns = [
}, },
{ {
title: '能源种类', title: '能源种类',
dataIndex: 'money', dataIndex: 'energyType',
}, },
{ {
title: '计量单位', title: '计量单位',
className: 'column-money', className: 'unit',
dataIndex: 'money', dataIndex: 'unit',
}, },
{ {
title: '全年', title: '全年',
dataIndex: 'address', dataIndex: 'yearly',
}, },
{ {
title: '1月', title: '1月',
dataIndex: 'address', dataIndex: 'jan',
// customRender: ({ text, record }) => ({
// children: text,
// attrs: {
// style: record.janFlag === 1 ? 'color: red' : 'color: blue'
// }
// })
}, },
{ {
title: '2月', title: '2月',
dataIndex: 'address', dataIndex: 'feb',
}, },
{ {
title: '3月', title: '3月',
dataIndex: 'address', dataIndex: 'mar',
}, },
{ {
title: '4月', title: '4月',
dataIndex: 'address', dataIndex: 'apr',
}, },
{ {
title: '5月', title: '5月',
dataIndex: 'address', dataIndex: 'may',
}, },
{ {
title: '6月', title: '6月',
dataIndex: 'address', dataIndex: 'jun',
}, },
{ {
title: '7月', title: '7月',
dataIndex: 'address', dataIndex: 'jul',
}, },
{ {
title: '8月', title: '8月',
dataIndex: 'address', dataIndex: 'aug',
}, },
{ {
title: '9月', title: '9月',
dataIndex: 'address', dataIndex: 'sep',
}, },
{ {
title: '10月', title: '10月',
dataIndex: 'address', dataIndex: 'oct',
}, },
{ {
title: '11月', title: '11月',
dataIndex: 'address', dataIndex: 'nov',
}, },
{ {
title: '12月', title: '12月',
dataIndex: 'address', dataIndex: 'dec',
}, },
{ {
title: '操作', title: '操作',


@ -6,32 +6,35 @@
bordered bordered
:pagination="false" :pagination="false"
:scroll="{ x: 2000 }"> :scroll="{ x: 2000 }">
<template #bodyCell="{ column, text }"> <template #bodyCell="{ column, text, record }">
<template v-if="column.key === 'action'"> <template v-if="column.key === 'action'">
<span> <span>
<a>编辑</a> <a @click="editData(record)">编辑</a>
<a-divider type="vertical" /> <a-divider type="vertical" />
<a>删除</a> <a @click="delData(record)">删除</a>
</span> </span>
</template> </template>
</template> </template>
<template #title> <template #title>
<a-date-picker v-model:value="selectYear" picker="year" /> <a-date-picker v-model:value="selectYear" picker="year" @change="changeYearData" />
<div class="buttonGroup"> <div class="buttonGroup">
<a-button type="primary" @click="addNewData">新增</a-button> <a-button type="primary" @click="addNewData">新增</a-button>
<a-button type="primary">导入</a-button> <a-button type="primary">导入</a-button>
<a-button type="primary">导出</a-button> <a-button type="primary">导出</a-button>
<a-button type="primary">模板下载</a-button> <a-button type="primary">模板下载</a-button>
<a-button type="primary">上传凭证</a-button> <a-button type="primary" @click="uploadVoucher">上传凭证</a-button>
<a-button type="primary">凭证下载</a-button> <a-button type="primary">凭证下载</a-button>
</div> </div>
</template> </template>
</a-table> </a-table>
<a-pagination <a-pagination
:current="current" :current="queryParams.pageNum"
:page-size="pageSize" :total="total"
:total="0" :page-size="queryParams.pageSize"
:show-total="(total, range) => `${range[0]}-${range[1]} of ${total} items`" /> style="display: flex;justify-content: center;margin-top: 16px;"
@change="onChange" />
<!-- 新增数据库数据 --> <!-- 新增数据库数据 -->
<a-drawer <a-drawer
:width="500" :width="500"
@ -47,94 +50,171 @@
:label-col="labelCol" :label-col="labelCol"
:wrapper-col="wrapperCol" :wrapper-col="wrapperCol"
> >
<a-form-item ref="name" label="能源种类" name="name"> <a-form-item ref="name" label="能源种类" name="energyType">
<a-input v-model:value="" /> <a-input v-model:value="formState.energyType" placeholder="请输入能源种类" />
</a-form-item> </a-form-item>
<a-form-item label="计量单位"> <a-form-item label="计量单位" name="unit">
<a-cascader v-model:value="value" :options="options" placeholder="Please select" /> <a-cascader v-model:value="formState.unit" :options="options" />
</a-form-item> </a-form-item>
<a-form-item label="自动采集节点"> <a-form-item label="自动采集节点" name="collectionNode">
<a-tree-select <a-tree-select
v-model:value="treeValue" v-model:value="formState.collectionNode"
style="width: 300px"
placeholder="Please select"
:tree-line="true" :tree-line="true"
:tree-data="treeData" :tree-data="treeData"
tree-node-filter-prop="title" tree-node-filter-prop="title"
> >
<template #title="{ value: val, title }">
<b v-if="val === 'parent 1-1'" style="color: #08c">sss</b>
<template v-else>{{ title }}</template>
</a-tree-select> </a-tree-select>
</a-form-item> </a-form-item>
<a-form-item label="计算碳排" name="resource"> <a-form-item label="计算碳排" name="isComputeCarbon">
<a-radio-group v-model:value="formState.resource"> <a-radio-group v-model:value="formState.isComputeCarbon" @change="changeRadio">
<a-radio value="1"></a-radio> <a-radio :value="0"></a-radio>
<a-radio value="2"></a-radio> <a-radio :value="1"></a-radio>
</a-radio-group> </a-radio-group>
</a-form-item> </a-form-item>
<a-form-item label="排放类型" name="region"> <a-form-item label="排放类型" name="emissionType" :required="isRequired">
<a-select v-model:value="formState.region" placeholder="请选择排放类型"> <a-select v-model:value="formState.emissionType" placeholder="请选择排放类型">
<a-select-option value="shanghai">Zone one</a-select-option> <a-select-option v-for="(item, index) in emissionTypeDic" :key="index" :value="item.cnValue">
<a-select-option value="beijing">Zone two</a-select-option> {{ item.cnValue }}
</a-select> </a-select>
</a-form-item> </a-form-item>
<a-form-item label="1月" name="delivery"> <a-row>
<a-switch v-model:checked="" /> <a-col :span="24" style="display:flex;justify-content: space-around;">
<a-form-item label="1月" name="janFlag" :label-col="switchLabelCol" :wrapper-col="switchWrapperCol">
<a-switch v-model:checked="formState.janFlag" :checked-value="1" :unCheckedValue="0" />
<a-form-item label="2月" name="febFlag" :label-col="switchLabelCol" :wrapper-col="switchWrapperCol">
<a-switch v-model:checked="formState.febFlag" :checked-value="1" :unCheckedValue="0" />
<a-form-item label="3月" name="marFlag" :label-col="switchLabelCol" :wrapper-col="switchWrapperCol">
<a-switch v-model:checked="formState.marFlag" :checked-value="1" :unCheckedValue="0" />
<a-col :span="24" style="display:flex;justify-content: space-around;">
<a-form-item label="4月" name="aprFlag" :label-col="switchLabelCol" :wrapper-col="switchWrapperCol">
<a-switch v-model:checked="formState.aprFlag" :checked-value="1" :unCheckedValue="0" />
<a-form-item label="5月" name="mayFlag" :label-col="switchLabelCol" :wrapper-col="switchWrapperCol">
<a-switch v-model:checked="formState.mayFlag" :checked-value="1" :unCheckedValue="0" />
<a-form-item label="6月" name="junFlag" :label-col="switchLabelCol" :wrapper-col="switchWrapperCol">
<a-switch v-model:checked="formState.junFlag" :checked-value="1" :unCheckedValue="0" />
<a-col :span="24" style="display:flex;justify-content: space-around;">
<a-form-item label="7月" name="julFlag" :label-col="switchLabelCol" :wrapper-col="switchWrapperCol">
<a-switch v-model:checked="formState.julFlag" :checked-value="1" :unCheckedValue="0" />
</a-form-item> </a-form-item>
<a-form-item label="8月" name="augFlag" :label-col="switchLabelCol" :wrapper-col="switchWrapperCol">
<a-switch v-model:checked="formState.augFlag" :checked-value="1" :unCheckedValue="0" />
<a-form-item label="9月" name="sepFlag" :label-col="switchLabelCol" :wrapper-col="switchWrapperCol">
<a-switch v-model:checked="formState.sepFlag" :checked-value="1" :unCheckedValue="0" />
<a-col :span="24" style="display:flex;justify-content: space-around;">
<a-form-item label="10月" name="octFlag" :label-col="switchLabelCol" :wrapper-col="switchWrapperCol">
<a-switch v-model:checked="formState.octFlag" :checked-value="1" :unCheckedValue="0" />
<a-form-item label="11月" name="novFlag" :label-col="switchLabelCol" :wrapper-col="switchWrapperCol">
<a-switch v-model:checked="formState.novFlag" :checked-value="1" :unCheckedValue="0" />
<a-form-item label="12月" name="decFlag" :label-col="switchLabelCol" :wrapper-col="switchWrapperCol">
<a-switch v-model:checked="formState.decFlag" :checked-value="1" :unCheckedValue="0" />
</a-form> </a-form>
<template #footer> <template #footer>
<a-button style="margin-right: 8px" @click="onClose">取消</a-button> <a-button style="margin-right: 8px" @click="onClose">取消</a-button>
<a-button type="primary" @click="onSubmit">确定</a-button> <a-button type="primary" @click="onSubmit">确定</a-button>
</template> </template>
</a-drawer> </a-drawer>
<!-- 上传凭证弹窗 -->
<a-modal :visible="openUpload" title="凭证上传" @ok="handleOk" @cancel="closeOpenUpload">
<p class="ant-upload-drag-icon">
<p class="ant-upload-hint" style="display: flex;flex-direction: column;">
</div> </div>
</template> </template>
<script lang="ts" setup> <script lang="ts" setup>
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import type { UnwrapRef } from 'vue'; import type { UnwrapRef } from 'vue';
import type { Rule } from 'ant-design-vue/es/form'; import type { Rule } from 'ant-design-vue/es/form';
import type { CascaderProps,TreeSelectProps } from 'ant-design-vue'; import { Pagination,message,Modal } from 'ant-design-vue';
import { InboxOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons-vue';
import type { CascaderProps,TreeSelectProps,UploadChangeParam } from 'ant-design-vue';
import type { Dayjs } from 'dayjs'; import type { Dayjs } from 'dayjs';
import { http } from '/nerv-lib/util/http'; import { http } from '/nerv-lib/util/http';
import { tableColumns } from '../config'; import { tableColumns } from '../config';
import { energyConsumption } from '/@/api/carbonEmissionFactorLibrary'; import { energyConsumption } from '/@/api/carbonEmissionFactorLibrary';
import { dict } from '/@/api';
defineOptions({ defineOptions({
name: 'EnergyConsumption', // name energyType: 'EnergyConsumption', // name
components: {
'a-pagination': Pagination,
}); });
const orgId = ref('');
const orgId = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem(import.meta.env.VITE_PUBLIC_PATH)).orgId; const result = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('ORGID')!);
orgId.value = result;
const fetch = (api, params = { orgId } ) => { const fetch = (api, params = { orgId } ) => {
return, params); return, params);
}; };
const selectYear = ref<Dayjs>(); const selectYear = ref<Dayjs>();
const current = ref<number>(1); const total = ref<number>()
const pageSize = ref<number>(10); const queryParams = ref({
pageNum: 1,
pageSize: 10,
const isRequired = ref(false);
const visible = ref(false); const visible = ref(false);
const value = ref<string[]>([]); const openUpload = ref<boolean>(false);
const data = ref([]); const data = ref([]);
interface FormState { interface FormState {
name: string; energyType: string;
region: string | undefined; unit: string;
delivery: boolean; collectionNode: string;
resource: string; emissionType: string | undefined;
isComputeCarbon: string;
janFlag: string;
febFlag: string;
marFlag: string;
aprFlag: string;
mayFlag: string;
junFlag: string;
julFlag: string;
augFlag: string;
sepFlag: string;
octFlag: string;
novFlag: string;
decFlag: string;
} }
const formRef = ref(); const formRef = ref();
const labelCol = { span: 5 }; const labelCol = { span: 5 };
const wrapperCol = { span: 13 }; const wrapperCol = { span: 19 };
const formState: UnwrapRef<FormState> = reactive({ const switchLabelCol = { span: 10 };
name: '', const switchWrapperCol = { span: 14 };
region: undefined, const formState = ref({})
delivery: false,
resource: '',
// form // form
const rules: Record<string, Rule[]> = { const rules: Record<string, Rule[]> = {
name: [ energyType: [{ required: true, message: '请输入能源种类', trigger: 'change' }],
{ required: true, message: '请输入能源种类', trigger: 'change' }, isComputeCarbon: [{ required: true, message: '请选择是否计算碳排', trigger: 'change' }]
resource: [{ required: true, message: 'Please select activity resource', trigger: 'change' }],
}; };
// //
const options: CascaderProps['options'] = [ const options: CascaderProps['options'] = [
@ -171,8 +251,10 @@
], ],
}, },
]; ];
// const options = ref([])
const emissionTypeDic = ref()
// //
const treeValue = ref<string>();
const treeData = ref<TreeSelectProps['treeData']>([ const treeData = ref<TreeSelectProps['treeData']>([
{ {
title: 'parent 1', title: 'parent 1',
@ -199,34 +281,137 @@
], ],
}, },
]); ]);
const changeYearData = () => {
queryParams.value.year = selectYear.value.format('YYYY')
// //
const getTableList = () => { const getTableList = () => {
fetch(energyConsumption.pageList).then((res) => { fetch(energyConsumption.pageList , queryParams.value).then((res) => {
console.log(res,'aaaaaa'); data.value =
total.value =
}); });
}; };
getTableList() getTableList()
const onChange = (pageNumber: number,size: number) => {
queryParams.value.pageNum = pageNumber;
queryParams.value.pageSize = size;
const changeRadio = (e) => {
if( === 0){
isRequired.value = true
isRequired.value = false
// //
const onSubmit = () => { const onSubmit = () => {
formRef.value formRef.value
.validate() .validate()
.then(() => { .then(() => {
console.log('values', formState, toRaw(formState)); console.log('values', formState, toRaw(formState));
formState.value.unit = formState.value.unit.join(',')
fetch(energyConsumption.update , formState.value).then((res) => {
visible.value = false
fetch(energyConsumption.creat , formState.value).then((res) => {
visible.value = false
}) })
.catch(error => { .catch(error => {
console.log('error', error); console.log('error', error);
}); });
}; };
const resetForm = () => { //
formRef.value.resetFields(); const getDictList = () => {
}; fetch(energyConsumption.getDicList , {grp: 'EMISSION_TYPE'}).then((res) => {
emissionTypeDic.value =
// fetch(energyConsumption.getDicList , {grp: 'MEASUREMENT_UNIT'}).then((res) => {
// options.value =
// });
// //
const addNewData = () => { const addNewData = () => {
visible.value = true visible.value = true
} }
const editData = (record) =>{
visible.value = true
fetch(energyConsumption.findById , {id : }).then((res) => {
if({ =',')
formState.value =
const delData = (record) => {
title: '警告',
content: '确定要删除吗?',
okText: '确定',
okType: 'primary',
cancelText: '取消',
onOk() {
fetch(energyConsumption.del , {id : }).then((res) => {
onCancel() {
// //
const onClose = () => { const onClose = () => {
visible.value = false; visible.value = false;
const uploadVoucher = () => {
openUpload.value = true;
const handleOk = (e: MouseEvent) => {
openUpload.value = false;
const fileList = ref([]);
const handleChange = (info: UploadChangeParam) => {
const status = info.file.status;
if (status !== 'uploading') {
console.log(info.file, info.fileList);
if (status === 'done') {
message.success(`${} 文件上传成功`);
} else if (status === 'error') {
message.error(`${} 文件上传失败`);
function handleDrop(e: DragEvent) {
const closeOpenUpload = () =>{
openUpload.value = false;
}; };
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<style scoped lang="less"> <style scoped lang="less">


@ -1,18 +1,34 @@
<template> <template>
<a-tabs v-model:activeKey="activeKey"> <a-tabs v-model:activeKey="activeKey" @change="handleTabChange">
<a-tab-pane key="1" tab="能耗统计"> <a-tab-pane key="1" tab="能耗统计">
<energyConsumption ref="energyConsumptionRef" /> <energyConsumption ref="energyConsumptionRef" />
</a-tab-pane> </a-tab-pane>
<a-tab-pane key="2" tab="碳排统计" force-render>Content of Tab Pane 2</a-tab-pane> <a-tab-pane key="2" tab="碳排统计" force-render>
<a-tab-pane key="3" tab="碳排速算">Content of Tab Pane 3</a-tab-pane> <carbonEmissions ref="carbonEmissionsRef" />
<a-tab-pane key="3" tab="碳排速算">
<quickCalculation ref="quickCalculationRef" />
</a-tabs> </a-tabs>
</template> </template>
<script lang="ts" setup> <script lang="ts" setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'; import { ref } from 'vue';
import energyConsumption from './energyConsumption/index.vue'; import energyConsumption from './energyConsumption/index.vue';
import carbonEmissions from './carbonEmissions/index.vue';
import quickCalculation from './quickCalculation/index.vue';
defineOptions({ defineOptions({
name: 'CarbonEmissionStatisticsIndex', // name name: 'CarbonEmissionStatisticsIndex', // name
}); });
const activeKey = ref('1'); const activeKey = ref('1');
// tab
const handleTabChange = (key) => {
console.log('Tab changed:', key);
// if(key==='1'){
// if (energyConsumptionRef.value) {
// energyConsumptionRef.value.getTableList(); //
// }
// }
</script> </script>


@ -0,0 +1,583 @@
<!-- @format -->
<div class="main">
<div class="left">
<div class="top">
<a-form style="width: 100%;margin: 0 auto;">
<div class="ns-form-title"><span>排放分类</span></div>
<div style="padding: 0 16px !important;width: 100%;">
<a-col :span="24" style="margin-bottom: 16px;">
v-if="gData && gData.length > 0"
style="padding: 0 16px !important;"
<template #title="{ emissionName }">
<span v-if="emissionName && selectTreeDataValue && emissionName.indexOf(selectTreeDataValue) > -1">
{{ emissionName.substring(0, emissionName.indexOf(selectTreeDataValue)) }}
<span style="color: #f50">{{ selectTreeDataValue }}</span>
{{ emissionName.substring(emissionName.indexOf(selectTreeDataValue) + selectTreeDataValue.length) }}
<span v-else>{{ emissionName }}</span>
<div class="right">
<ns-view-list-table v-bind="tableConfig" :model="data" ref="mainRef" :scroll="{ x: 2000}"/>
<!-- 新增树节点 -->
<ns-modal :visible="treeNodeAdd" :title="operationTree" @ok="handleOk" @cancel="handleCancel">
<!-- 新增数据库数据 -->
:body-style="{ paddingBottom: '80px' }"
:footer-style="{ textAlign: 'right' }"
:wrapperCol="{ span: 20 }"
formLayout="vertical" />
<template #footer>
<a-button style="margin-right: 8px" @click="onClose">取消</a-button>
<a-button type="primary" @click="onEdit">确定</a-button>
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { Modal } from 'ant-design-vue';
import { computed, createVNode, defineComponent, reactive, ref, watchEffect,watch } from 'vue';
import { http } from '/nerv-lib/util/http';
import { NsMessage, NsModal } from '/nerv-lib/component';
import { carbonEmissionFactorLibrary } from '/@/api/carbonEmissionFactorLibrary';
import type {
} from 'ant-design-vue/es/tree';
import { log } from 'node:console';
defineOptions({ name: 'QuickCalculation' });
const selectTreeDataValue = ref<string>('');
const mainRef = ref();
const data = reactive({});
let formData = ref({});
const formRef = ref();
const visible = ref(false);
const searchValue = ref<string>('');
const searchValue2 = ref<string>('');
const disabled = ref(false);
const treeNodeAdd = ref<boolean>(false);
const operationTree = ref<string>('新增');
const opMap: any = ref({
type: 'add',
fuc: () => {},
record: {},
watchEffect(() => {
disabled.value = opMap.value.type === 'edit';
const casData = ref([]);
const treeData = ref([]);
const userAuthList = ref([]);
const orgId = ref('');
const result = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('ORGID')!);
orgId.value = result;
const dynamicDisabled = computed(() => {
return formRef.value?.validateResult && userAuthList.value?.length;
const fetch = (api, params = { orgId }) => {
return, params);
const x = 3;
const y = 2;
const z = 1;
const genData: TreeProps['treeData'] = [];
const checkedTreeNodeKeys = ref<string[]>(['0-0']);
const generateData = (_level: number, _preKey?: string, _tns?: TreeProps['treeData']) => {
const preKey = _preKey || '0';
const tns = _tns || genData;
const children = [];
for (let i = 0; i < x; i++) {
const key = `${preKey}-${i}`;
tns.push({ title: key, key });
if (i < y) {
if (_level < 0) {
return tns;
const level = _level - 1;
children.forEach((key, index) => {
tns[index].children = [];
return generateData(level, key, tns[index].children);
type TreeDataItem = TreeProps['treeData'][number];
const gData = ref<TreeProps['treeData']>(genData);
const onDragEnter = (info: AntTreeNodeDragEnterEvent) => {
// expandedKeys
// expandedKeys.value = info.expandedKeys;
const onDrop = (info: AntTreeNodeDropEvent) => {
const dropKey = info.node.key;
const dragKey = info.dragNode.key;
const dropPos = info.node.pos.split('-');
const dropPosition = info.dropPosition - Number(dropPos[dropPos.length - 1]);
const loop = (data: TreeProps['treeData'], key: string | number, callback: any) => {
data.forEach((item, index) => {
if (item.key === key) {
return callback(item, index, data);
if (item.children) {
return loop(item.children, key, callback);
const data = [...gData.value];
// Find dragObject
let dragObj: TreeDataItem;
loop(data, dragKey, (item: TreeDataItem, index: number, arr: TreeProps['treeData']) => {
arr.splice(index, 1);
dragObj = item;
if (!info.dropToGap) {
// Drop on the content
loop(data, dropKey, (item: TreeDataItem) => {
item.children = item.children || [];
/// where to insert
} else if (
(info.node.children || []).length > 0 && // Has children
info.node.expanded && // Is expanded
dropPosition === 1 // On the bottom gap
) {
loop(data, dropKey, (item: TreeDataItem) => {
item.children = item.children || [];
// where to insert
} else {
let ar: TreeProps['treeData'] = [];
let i = 0;
loop(data, dropKey, (_item: TreeDataItem, index: number, arr: TreeProps['treeData']) => {
ar = arr;
i = index;
if (dropPosition === -1) {
ar.splice(i, 0, dragObj);
} else {
ar.splice(i + 1, 0, dragObj);
gData.value = data;
const dataList: TreeProps['treeData'] = [];
const generateList = (data: TreeProps['treeData']) => {
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
const node = data[i];
const key = node.key;
dataList.push({ key, title: key });
if (node.children) {
const getParentKey = (
key: string | number,
tree: TreeProps['treeData'],
): string | number | undefined => {
let parentKey;
for (let i = 0; i < tree.length; i++) {
const node = tree[i];
if (node.children) {
if (node.children.some(item => item.key === key)) {
parentKey = node.key;
} else if (getParentKey(key, node.children)) {
parentKey = getParentKey(key, node.children);
return parentKey;
const expandedKeys = ref<(string | number)[]>([]);
const autoExpandParent = ref<boolean>(true);
const onExpand = (keys: string[]) => {
expandedKeys.value = keys;
autoExpandParent.value = false;
watch(selectTreeDataValue, value => {
const expanded = dataList
.map((item: TreeProps['treeData'][number]) => {
if (item.title.indexOf(value) > -1) {
return getParentKey(item.key, gData.value);
return null;
.filter((item, i, self) => item && self.indexOf(item) === i);
expandedKeys.value = expanded;
selectTreeDataValue.value = value;
autoExpandParent.value = true;
const onSearchTreeData = (selectTreeDataValue: string) => {
console.log('use value', selectTreeDataValue);
console.log('or use this.value', value.value);
const checkedIds = ref([])
const emissionType = ref()
const checkTreeNode = (checkedKeys, info) => {
checkedTreeNodeKeys.value = checkedKeys
checkedIds.value = []
sessionStorage.setItem('checkedTreeNode', checkedIds.value);
emissionType.value = checkedIds.value.join(',')
// /
const addTreeNode =ref()
const handleOk = (e: MouseEvent) => {
editTreeNode.value.emissionName = addTreeNode.value,editTreeNode.value).then(() => {
addTreeNode.value = ''
treeNodeAdd.value = false;
const handleCancel = () => {
addTreeNode.value = ''
treeNodeAdd.value = false;
const getOrgTree = (params?) => {
fetch(carbonEmissionFactorLibrary.getCarbonFactorTree, params).then((res) => {
gData.value =
const selectedNodes = [];
checkedTreeNodeKeys.value.forEach(key => {
const [parentId, childId] = key.split('-').map(Number);
if (parentId >= 0 && childId >= 0 && gData.value[parentId]?.children?.[childId]) {
// id
const defaultIds = ref([])
const getDefaultIds = (selectedNodes) => {
selectedNodes.forEach(items => {
emissionType.value = defaultIds.value.join(',')
checkedIds.value = defaultIds.value
sessionStorage.setItem('checkedTreeNode', checkedIds.value);
const editTreeNode = ref({})
const onSelect = (selectedKeys: string[], info: any) => {
editTreeNode.value = {
const onSearch = () => {
getOrgTree({ orgName: searchValue.value, orgId });
const tableFetch = (params) => {
console.log(params, 'sdfasfasdfasdfasdf');
tableConfig.value.params = {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 100);
const handleSelect = (selectedKeys: any, info: any) => {
fetch(carbonEmissionFactorLibrary.queryDeptTree, { orgId: info.node?.orgInfo.orgId }).then((res) => {
treeData2.value =;
tableFetch({ orgId: info.node?.orgInfo.orgId });
const onClose = () => {
visible.value = false;
formData.value = {};
const onEdit = () => {
formRef.value?.triggerSubmit().then(() => {
console.log(formData.value, 'formData.value');
// if (!userAuthList.value.length) {
// NsMessage.error('');
// return;
// }
opMap.value.fuc &&
opMap.value.fuc({ ...formData.value });
const tableConfig = ref({
title: '数据库',
api: carbonEmissionFactorLibrary.getTableList,
params: {
headerActions: [
label: '新增',
name: 'userAdd',
type: 'primary',
handle: () => {
opMap.value.type = 'add';
setTimeout(() => {
formData.value = {
opMap.value.fuc = (formData: any) => {
formData.emissionType = formData.emissionType[formData.emissionType.length - 1]
return, formData).then(() => {
visible.value = false;
visible.value = true;
label: '导入',
type: 'primary',
name: 'userImport',
handle: () => {},
label: '导出',
type: 'primary',
name: 'userExports',
label: '批量删除',
type: 'primary',
name: 'userBatchDel',
dynamicDisabled: (data: any) => {
return data.list.length === 0;
confirm: true,
isReload: true,
isClearCheck: true,
api: carbonEmissionFactorLibrary.del,
dynamicParams: { ids: 'id[]' },
columns: [
title: 'id',
customRender: (text: any) => {
return text.index + 1;
title: '排放源',
dataIndex: 'emissionSources',
title: '排放类型',
dataIndex: 'emissionTypeColumn',
title: '排放气体',
dataIndex: 'emissionGas',
title: '排放环节',
dataIndex: 'emissionProcess',
title: '排放因子',
dataIndex: 'emissionFactors',
title: '排放因子单位',
dataIndex: 'emissionFactorUnits',
title: '数据来源',
dataIndex: 'dataSources',
title: '数据库',
dataIndex: 'carbonDatabase',
title: '参考文献',
dataIndex: 'reference',
title: '引用数量',
dataIndex: 'numberOfReferences',
columnActions: {
title: '操作',
actions: [
label: '编辑',
name: 'userEdit',
handle: (record: any) => {
setTimeout(() => {
console.log(;,{ id: } ).then((res) => {
formData.value =;
}, 10);
opMap.value.type = 'edit';
opMap.value.fuc = (formData: any) => {
return, formData).then(() => {
visible.value = false;
visible.value = true;
label: '删除',
name: 'userDelete',
dynamicParams: { ids: 'id[]' },
confirm: true,
isReload: true,
api: carbonEmissionFactorLibrary.del,
rowKey: 'id',
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@ -4,24 +4,6 @@
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// 照明设备功能总容器 // 照明设备功能总容器
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position: relative; position: relative;
@ -88,9 +70,9 @@
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@ -125,20 +107,21 @@
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@ -152,8 +135,22 @@
justify-content: center; justify-content: center;
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@ -9,73 +9,156 @@
</div> </div>
<!-- 楼层区域 --> <!-- 楼层区域 -->
<div class="area"> <div class="area">
<div class="area-item area1" :class="{ 'isActive': area === 1 }" @click="getArea(1)"> <div
<div class="light-group"> v-for="(item, index) in treeData"
<div class="group-shadow group-shadow1" @click.stop="getArea(1.1)"></div> :class="computedClass("
</div> @click="getArea("
<div class="light-group"> :key="index">
<div class="group-shadow group-shadow1" @click.stop="getArea(1.2)"></div> <div v-for="(v, i) in item.children" :key="i" class="light-group">
</div> <div class="group-shadow group-shadow1" :class="computedClass(" @click.stop="getArea("></div>
<div class="area-item area2" @click="getArea(2)">
<div class="light-group">
<div class="group-shadow group-shadow2" @click.stop="getArea(2.1)"></div>
<div class="light-group">
<div class="group-shadow group-shadow2" @click.stop="getArea(2.2)"></div>
<div class="area-item area3" @click="getArea(3)">
<div class="light-group">
<div class="group-shadow group-shadow3" @click.stop="getArea(3.1)"></div>
<div class="area-item area4" @click="getArea(4)">
<div class="light-group">
<div class="group-shadow group-shadow4" @click.stop="getArea(4.1)"></div>
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
<!-- 照明设备 --> <!-- 照明设备 -->
<div class="lights"> <div class="lights">
<light :styleObject="{left: '190px', bottom: '200px'}" :type="1"></light> <light v-for="(item, index) in bulbs" :key="index" :styleObject="item.styleText" :type="item.type" :visible="item.visible"></light>
<light :styleObject="{left: '245px', bottom: '125px'}" :type="2"></light>
<light :styleObject="{left: '355px', bottom: '160px'}" :type="3"></light>
<light :styleObject="{left: '295px', bottom: '230px'}" :type="3"></light>
<light :styleObject="{left: '460px', bottom: '230px'}" :type="3"></light>
<light :styleObject="{left: '510px', bottom: '190px'}" :type="3"></light>
<light :styleObject="{left: '415px', bottom: '275px'}" :type="1"></light>
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
<!-- 右侧抽屉的触发按钮 --> <!-- 右侧抽屉的触发按钮 -->
<div class="drawer-box" v-if="!visible"> <div class="drawer-box-in" v-if="!visible" @click="toggleDrawer">
<double-left-outlined class="drawer-icon" style="color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)" /> <double-left-outlined class="drawer-icon" style="color: white" />
</div> </div>
</div> <!-- 左侧抽屉的关闭按钮 -->
<div class="drawer-box-out" v-if="visible" @click="toggleDrawer">
<double-right-outlined class="drawer-icon" style="color: white;" />
<!-- 右侧抽屉 -->
:body-style="{ background: 'rgba(0, 0, 0)', opacity: 0.8 }"
:maskStyle="{ 'background-color': 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)' }">
<a-tabs v-model:activeKey="activeKey">
<a-tab-pane key="1" tab="控制面板">
<tabs1 @changeArea="getArea" :treeData="treeData"></tabs1>
<a-tab-pane key="2" tab="计划列表" force-render>
<a-tab-pane key="3" tab="日志"></a-tab-pane>
</template> </template>
<script setup lang="ts"> <script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue'; import { ref } from 'vue';
import { treeData } from './treeData'
import light from './light.vue'; import light from './light.vue';
import tabs1 from './tabs1.vue'
import { import {
DoubleLeftOutlined, DoubleLeftOutlined,
DoubleRightOutlined DoubleRightOutlined
} from '@ant-design/icons-vue'; } from '@ant-design/icons-vue';
let area = ref(1) // - -
let visible = ref(false) let area = ref(['1'])
// -
const bulbs = ref([
styleText: { left: '190px', bottom: '200px' },
area: 1,
type: 1,
visible: true
styleText: { left: '245px', bottom: '125px' },
area: 1,
type: 2,
visible: true
styleText: { left: '355px', bottom: '160px' },
area: 1,
type: 3,
visible: true
styleText: { left: '295px', bottom: '230px' },
area: 1,
type: 3,
visible: true
styleText: { left: '425px', bottom: '230px' },
area: 2,
type: 3,
visible: true
styleText: { left: '470px', bottom: '190px' },
area: 2,
type: 3,
visible: true
styleText: { left: '380px', bottom: '275px' },
area: 2,
type: 3,
visible: true
styleText: { left: '700px', bottom: '320px' },
area: 3,
type: 1,
visible: true
// -
const getArea = (result: any) => {
if (Array.isArray(result)) {
area.value = result
} else {
area.value.length = 0
area.value[0] = String(result)
// -
// -
const computedClass = (number: number) => {
if (area.value.indexOf(number) != -1) {
return `isActive area-item area${number}`
} else {
return `area-item area${number}`
const getArea = (number: any) => { // - tab
alert(number) let activeKey = ref('1');
// -
let visible = ref(false);
// -
const toggleDrawer = () => {
visible.value = !visible.value;
}; };
</script> </script>
<style lang="less" scoped> <style lang="less" scoped>
@import "./indexs.less"; @import "./indexs.less";
.isActive { .isActive {
border: 2px solid white !important; border: 3px solid white !important;
:deep(.ant-tabs-tab-btn) {
color: white;
} }
</style> </style>


@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
</template> </template>
<div class="icon-box" :style="styleObject"> <div class="icon-box" :style="styleObject" v-show="visible">
<img v-if="type == 1" class="icon-item" src="/asset/image/bulbLogo/22394.png" alt=""> <img v-if="type == 1" class="icon-item" src="/asset/image/bulbLogo/22394.png" alt="">
<img v-if="type == 2" class="icon-item" src="/asset/image/bulbLogo/22396.png" alt=""> <img v-if="type == 2" class="icon-item" src="/asset/image/bulbLogo/22396.png" alt="">
<img v-if="type == 3" class="icon-item" src="/asset/image/bulbLogo/22400.png" alt=""> <img v-if="type == 3" class="icon-item" src="/asset/image/bulbLogo/22400.png" alt="">
@ -43,9 +43,14 @@
<script setup lang="ts"> <script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue'; import { ref } from 'vue';
defineProps({ defineProps({
styleObject: Object, styleObject: Object,
type: Number type: Number,
visible: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
}); });
const result = ref({ const result = ref({


File diff suppressed because it is too large


@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
import { ref } from 'vue';
export const treeData = ref([
label: '站厅',
id: '1',
// 前端遍历后添加,属前端属性
selected: false,
children: [{
label: '站厅1区',
id: '1-1',
// 前端属性
selected: false,
// 后端属性(表示禁用了一个设备)
stop: false,
// 当前的控制模式
type: 3
label: '站厅2区',
id: '1-2',
selected: false,
stop: false,
type: 1
label: '站台',
id: '2',
selected: false,
children: [{
label: '站台1区',
id: '2-1',
selected: false,
stop: false,
type: 1
label: '站台2区',
id: '2-2',
selected: false,
stop: false,
type: 2
label: '站台3区',
id: '2-3',
selected: false,
stop: false,
type: 3
label: '站台4区',
id: '2-4',
selected: false,
stop: false,
type: 1
label: '办公室',
id: '3',
selected: false,
children: [{
label: '办公室1区',
id: '3-1',
selected: false,
stop: false,
type: 2
label: '楼道',
id: '4',
selected: false,
children: [{
label: '楼道1区',
id: '4-1',
selected: false,
stop: false,
type: 3
export const controlType = ref([{
name: '托管',
type: 1,
name: 'AI',
type: 2,
name: '手动',
type: 3,


@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
<a-row type="flex" style="height: 92%">
<a-col :span="8">
style="padding-bottom: 10px; width: 40%; height: 4%; padding-left: 30px; padding-top: 10px">
<a-radio-button value="1" style="width: 50%; text-align: center"> 同比 </a-radio-button>
<a-radio-button value="2" style="width: 50%; text-align: center"> 环比 </a-radio-button>
<div ref="analysisGraphchart" style="width: 100%; height: 95%"></div>
<a-col :span="16" />
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent, onMounted, ref, inject, watch } from 'vue';
import * as echarts from 'echarts';
export default defineComponent({
name: 'AnalysisGraph',
setup() {
const mode = ref<String>('1');
let data = ref<any[]>([]);
interface PageData {
graphTableList: any[];
graphTableColumns: any[];
graphGraphList: any[];
analysisTableList: any[];
analysisGraphList: any[];
const pageData = inject<PageData>('pageData');
if (!pageData) {
throw new Error('pageData is not provided');
// pageData
() => pageData as PageData,
(_newValue, _oldValue) => {
{ deep: true },
const changeMode = () => {};
const analysisGraphchart = ref(null);
let chartInstance: echarts.ECharts | null = null;
const draw = () => {
data.value = pageData.analysisGraphList;
if (data.value && data.value.length > 0) {
if (chartInstance) {
chartInstance = echarts.init(analysisGraphchart.value);
var seriesdata = [];
var dateX = [];
// var legendList: string | any[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < data.value.length; i++) {
seriesdata.push({ value: data.value[i].value, label: data.value[i].labelRight });
var seriesList = [
name: data.value[0].energyType,
data: seriesdata,
type: 'bar',
label: {
show: true,
formatter: '{b}',
const option = {
// tooltip: {
// trigger: 'axis',
// formatter: (params: any) => {
// const date = params[0].name;
// const values = params
// .map((param: any) => {
// const unit = data.value.find((d) => === date)?.unit || '';
// return `<tr>
// <td>${param.marker}${param.seriesName}</td>
// <td style="text-align: right;">${param.value} ${unit}</td>
// </tr>`;
// })
// .join('');
// return `<div>${date}</div><table style="width: 100%;">${values}</table>`;
// },
// },
yAxis: {
type: 'category',
axisLine: { show: false },
axisLabel: { show: false },
axisTick: { show: false },
splitLine: { show: false },
data: dateX,
xAxis: {
type: 'value',
position: 'top',
splitLine: {
lineStyle: {
type: 'dashed',
series: seriesList,
chartInstance = echarts.init(analysisGraphchart.value);
onMounted(() => {
const downloadChart = () => {
if (chartInstance) {
const base64 = chartInstance.getDataURL({
type: 'png',
backgroundColor: '#fff',
const link = document.createElement('a');
link.href = base64; = 'chart.png';;
return {
<style lang="less" scoped></style>


@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
<a-table :columns="columns" :data-source="data" bordered />
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent, ref, inject, watch, onMounted } from 'vue';
export default defineComponent({
name: 'AnalysisTable',
setup() {
const columns = [
title: '设备/节点',
dataIndex: 'key',
title: '统计值',
dataIndex: 'name',
title: '同比',
children: [
title: '△差值',
dataIndex: 'position',
title: '增长率',
dataIndex: 'unit',
title: '环比',
children: [
title: '△差值',
dataIndex: 'position',
title: '增长率',
dataIndex: 'unit',
title: '纵向对比',
children: [
title: '△差值',
dataIndex: 'position',
title: '增长率',
dataIndex: 'unit',
title: '操作',
dataIndex: 'date',
let data = ref<any[]>([]);
interface PageData {
graphTableList: any[];
graphTableColumns: any[];
graphGraphList: any[];
analysisTableList: any[];
analysisGraphList: any[];
const pageData = inject<PageData>('pageData');
if (!pageData) {
throw new Error('pageData is not provided');
// pageData
() => pageData as PageData,
(_newValue, _oldValue) => {
data.value = pageData.analysisTableList;
{ deep: true },
onMounted(() => {
data.value = pageData.analysisTableList;
return {
<style lang="less" scoped></style>


@ -11,9 +11,16 @@
setup() { setup() {
let data = ref<any[]>([]); let data = ref<any[]>([]);
interface PageData { interface PageData {
graphTableList: any[]; graphTableList: any[];
graphTableColumns: any[]; graphTableColumns: any[];
graphGraphList: any[]; graphGraphList: any[];
analysisTableList: any[];
analysisGraphList: any[];
} }
const pageData = inject<PageData>('pageData'); const pageData = inject<PageData>('pageData');


@ -13,9 +13,16 @@
let columns = ref<TableColumnType[]>([]); let columns = ref<TableColumnType[]>([]);
interface PageData { interface PageData {
graphTableList: any[]; graphTableList: any[];
graphTableColumns: any[]; graphTableColumns: any[];
graphGraphList: any[]; graphGraphList: any[];
analysisTableList: any[];
analysisGraphList: any[];
} }
const pageData = inject<PageData>('pageData'); const pageData = inject<PageData>('pageData');


@ -9,9 +9,16 @@
// //
const pageData = reactive({ const pageData = reactive({
graphTableList: [], graphTableList: [],
graphTableColumns: [], graphTableColumns: [],
graphGraphList: [], graphGraphList: [],
analysisTableList: [],
analysisGraphList: [],
}); });
// 使 provide // 使 provide


@ -23,6 +23,10 @@
<graph-graph ref="graphRef" v-if="isGraph" /> <graph-graph ref="graphRef" v-if="isGraph" />
<environment-table ref="tableRef" v-else /> <environment-table ref="tableRef" v-else />
</div> </div>
<div v-else style="height: 90%">
<analysis-graph ref="graphRef" v-if="isGraph" />
<analysis-table ref="analysisTableRef" v-else />
</div> </div>
</a-col> </a-col>
</a-row> </a-row>
@ -33,12 +37,15 @@
import tree from './tree/index.vue'; import tree from './tree/index.vue';
import graphGraph from './graphGraph/index.vue'; import graphGraph from './graphGraph/index.vue';
import environmentTable from './graphTable/index.vue'; import environmentTable from './graphTable/index.vue';
import analysisTable from './analysisTable/index.vue';
import analysisGraph from './analysisGraph/index.vue';
const iconName = ref('biaoge'); const iconName = ref('biaoge');
const treeRef = ref(); const treeRef = ref();
const graphRef = ref(); const graphRef = ref();
const tableRef = ref(); const tableRef = ref();
const analysisTableRef = ref();
let isGraph = ref(true); let isGraph = ref(true);
const activeKey = ref('1'); const activeKey = ref('1');


@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
<a-table :columns="columns" :data-source="data" bordered />
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent } from 'vue';
import type { TableColumnType } from 'ant-design-vue';
const data = [
key: '1',
name: 'AC_002(暖通电表)',
position: 'A 相电压',
unit: 'V',
date: '2023-12-01',
'1:00': '3626',
key: '1',
name: 'AC_002(暖通电表)',
position: 'A 相电压',
unit: 'V',
date: '2023-12-01',
'1:00': '3626',
key: '2',
name: 'AC_003(照明电表)',
position: 'A 相电压',
unit: 'V',
date: '2023-12-01',
'1:00': '3626',
key: '2',
name: 'AC_003(照明电表)',
position: 'A 相电压',
unit: 'V',
date: '2023-12-01',
'1:00': '3626',
key: '3',
name: 'AC_004(给排水电表)',
position: 'A 相电压',
unit: 'V',
date: '2023-12-01',
'1:00': '3626',
export default defineComponent({
name: 'EnvironmentTable',
setup() {
const getRowSpan = (dataIndex: string, record, data, dependents: string[] = []) => {
let rowSpan = 1;
for (let i = data.indexOf(record) + 1; i < data.length; i++) {
let shouldMerge = true;
for (const dependent of dependents) {
if (data[i][dependent] !== record[dependent]) {
shouldMerge = false;
if (shouldMerge && data[i][dataIndex] === record[dataIndex]) {
} else {
return rowSpan;
const columns: TableColumnType[] = [
title: '序号',
dataIndex: 'key',
customCell: (record, rowIndex) => {
const rowSpan = getRowSpan('name', record, data);
if (rowIndex != 0 && data[rowIndex - 1].key == record.key) {
return {
rowSpan: 0,
colSpan: 0,
return {
rowSpan: rowSpan,
title: '设备名称',
dataIndex: 'name',
customCell: (record, rowIndex) => {
const rowSpan = getRowSpan('name', record, data);
if (rowIndex != 0 && data[rowIndex - 1].name == {
return {
rowSpan: 0,
colSpan: 0,
return {
rowSpan: rowSpan,
title: '设备点位',
dataIndex: 'position',
customCell: (record, rowIndex) => {
const rowSpan = getRowSpan('position', record, data, ['name']);
if (
rowIndex != 0 &&
data[rowIndex - 1].name == &&
data[rowIndex - 1].position == record.position
) {
return {
rowSpan: 0,
colSpan: 0,
return {
rowSpan: rowSpan,
title: '计量单位',
dataIndex: 'unit',
customCell: (record, rowIndex) => {
const rowSpan = getRowSpan('unit', record, data, ['name', 'position']);
if (
rowIndex != 0 &&
data[rowIndex - 1].name == &&
data[rowIndex - 1].position == record.position &&
data[rowIndex - 1].unit == record.unit
) {
return {
rowSpan: 0,
colSpan: 0,
return {
rowSpan: rowSpan,
title: '日期',
dataIndex: 'date',
title: '1:00',
dataIndex: '1:00',
return {
<style lang="less" scoped></style>


@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
v-model:value="mode" v-model:value="mode"
@change="changeMode" @change="changeMode"
style="padding-bottom: 10px; width: 100%"> style="padding-bottom: 10px; width: 100%">
<a-radio-button value="1" style="width: 50%; text-align: center" :disabled="shebei" <a-radio-button value="1" style="width: 50%; text-align: center" :disabled="shebei">
>设备</a-radio-button 设备
> </a-radio-button>
<a-radio-button value="2" style="width: 50%; text-align: center">节点</a-radio-button> <a-radio-button value="2" style="width: 50%; text-align: center">节点</a-radio-button>
</a-radio-group> </a-radio-group>
<a-input <a-input
@ -130,9 +130,16 @@
]; ];
}; };
interface PageData { interface PageData {
graphTableList: any[]; graphTableList: any[];
graphTableColumns: any[]; graphTableColumns: any[];
graphGraphList: any[]; graphGraphList: any[];
analysisTableList: any[];
analysisGraphList: any[];
} }
const pageData = inject<PageData>('pageData'); const pageData = inject<PageData>('pageData');
if (!pageData) { if (!pageData) {
@ -289,6 +296,72 @@
], ],
}, },
]; ];
pageData.analysisTableList = [
key: '1',
name: 'AC_002(暖通电表)',
position: 'A 相电压',
unit: 'V',
date: '2023-12-01',
key: '1',
name: 'AC_002(暖通电表)',
position: 'A 相电压',
unit: 'V',
date: '2023-12-01',
key: '2',
name: 'AC_003(照明电表)',
position: 'A 相电压',
unit: 'V',
date: '2023-12-01',
key: '2',
name: 'AC_003(照明电表)',
position: 'A 相电压',
unit: 'V',
date: '2023-12-01',
key: '3',
name: 'AC_004(给排水电表)',
position: 'A 相电压',
unit: 'V',
date: '2023-12-01',
pageData.analysisGraphList = [
name: 'AC_002(暖通电表)',
value: -21,
energyType: selectedValue.value,
unit: 'V',
labelRight: {
position: 'right',
name: 'AC_003(照明电表)',
value: 36,
energyType: selectedValue.value,
unit: 'V',
labelRight: {
position: 'insideLeft',
name: 'AC_004(给排水电表)',
value: -5,
energyType: selectedValue.value,
unit: 'V',
labelRight: {
position: 'right',
}; };
const getSelect11 = () => { const getSelect11 = () => {
pageData.graphTableList = [ pageData.graphTableList = [
