import type { CSSProperties, VNodeChild, PropType } from 'vue'; import type { VueTypeValidableDef, VueTypesInterface } from 'vue-types'; import type { RouteComponent, RouteRecordRaw } from 'vue-router'; import { createTypes } from 'vue-types'; type VueNode = VNodeChild | JSX.Element; const propTypes = createTypes({ func: undefined, bool: undefined, string: undefined, number: undefined, array: undefined, object: undefined, integer: undefined, }); // // propTypes.extend([ // { // name: 'looseBool', // getter: true, // type: Boolean, // default: undefined, // }, // { // name: 'style', // getter: true, // type: [String, Object], // default: undefined, // }, // { // name: 'VNodeChild', // getter: true, // type: undefined, // }, // ]); // // function withUndefined(type: T): T { type.default = undefined; return type; } const PropTypes = propTypes as VueTypesInterface & { readonly looseBool: VueTypeValidableDef; readonly style: VueTypeValidableDef; readonly VNodeChild: VueTypeValidableDef; }; // export const tuple = (...args: T) => args; export const tupleNum = (...args: T) => args; /** * * Extract the type of an element of an array/tuple without performing indexing */ export type ElementOf = T extends (infer E)[] ? E : T extends readonly (infer F)[] ? F : never; /** * */ export type LiteralUnion = T | (U & {}); type DefaultFactory = (props: Data) => T | null | undefined; export interface PropOptions { type?: PropType | true | null; required?: boolean; default?: D | DefaultFactory | null | undefined | object; validator?(value: unknown): boolean; } interface RouteMeta { title: string; // 标题 icon?: string; // 图标 requiresAuth?: boolean; hideChildren?: boolean; // 是否不显示孩子菜单 } declare type Lazy = () => Promise; interface NsRouteRecordRaw extends Omit, 'meta'> { name: string; meta: RouteMeta; component?: Lazy; children?: NsRouteRecordRaw[]; props?: Recordable; } export { VueNode, PropTypes, NsRouteRecordRaw, withUndefined };