import type { ViteMockOptions, MockMethod, Recordable, RespThisType } from './types'; import path from 'node:path'; import fs from 'node:fs'; import chokidar from 'chokidar'; import colors from 'picocolors'; import url from 'url'; import fg from 'fast-glob'; import Mock from 'mockjs'; import { pathToRegexp, match } from 'path-to-regexp'; import { isArray, isFunction, sleep, isRegExp, isAbsPath } from './utils'; import { IncomingMessage, NextHandleFunction } from 'connect'; import { bundleRequire } from 'bundle-require'; import type { ResolvedConfig } from 'vite'; export let mockData: MockMethod[] = []; export async function createMockServer( opt: ViteMockOptions = { mockPath: 'mock', configPath: 'vite.mock.config' }, config: ResolvedConfig, ) { opt = { mockPath: 'mock', watchFiles: true, configPath: 'vite.mock.config.ts', logger: true, ...opt, }; if (mockData.length > 0) return; mockData = await getMockConfig(opt, config); await createWatch(opt, config); } // request match export async function requestMiddleware(opt: ViteMockOptions) { const { logger = true } = opt; const middleware: NextHandleFunction = async (req, res, next) => { let queryParams: { query?: { [key: string]: any; }; pathname?: string | null; } = {}; if (req.url) { queryParams = url.parse(req.url, true); } const reqUrl = queryParams.pathname; const matchRequest = mockData.find((item) => { if (!reqUrl || !item || !item.url) { return false; } if (item.method && item.method.toUpperCase() !== req.method) { return false; } return pathToRegexp(item.url).test(reqUrl); }); if (matchRequest) { const isGet = req.method && req.method.toUpperCase() === 'GET'; const { response, rawResponse, timeout, statusCode, url } = matchRequest; if (timeout) { await sleep(timeout); } const urlMatch = match(url, { decode: decodeURIComponent }); let query = queryParams.query as any; if (reqUrl) { if ((isGet && JSON.stringify(query) === '{}') || !isGet) { const params = (urlMatch(reqUrl) as any).params; if (JSON.stringify(params) !== '{}') { query = (urlMatch(reqUrl) as any).params || {}; } else { query = queryParams.query || {}; } } } const self: RespThisType = { req, res, parseJson: parseJson.bind(null, req) }; if (isFunction(rawResponse)) { await rawResponse.bind(self)(req, res); } else { const body = await parseJson(req); res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); res.statusCode = statusCode || 200; const mockResponse = isFunction(response) ? response.bind(self)({ url: req.url as any, body, query, headers: req.headers }) : response; res.end(JSON.stringify(Mock.mock(mockResponse))); } logger && loggerOutput('request invoke', req.url!); return; } next(); }; return middleware; } // create watch mock function createWatch(opt: ViteMockOptions, config: ResolvedConfig) { const { configPath, logger, watchFiles } = opt; if (!watchFiles) { return; } const { absConfigPath, absMockPath } = getPath(opt); if (process.env.VITE_DISABLED_WATCH_MOCK === 'true') { return; } const watchDir = []; const exitsConfigPath = fs.existsSync(absConfigPath); exitsConfigPath && configPath ? watchDir.push(absConfigPath) : watchDir.push(absMockPath); const watcher =, { ignored: opt.ignore || /.mjs$/, ignoreInitial: true, }); watcher.on('all', async (event, file) => { logger && loggerOutput(`mock file ${event}`, file); mockData = await getMockConfig(opt, config); }); } // clear cache function cleanRequireCache(opt: ViteMockOptions) { if (!require.cache) { return; } const { absConfigPath, absMockPath } = getPath(opt); Object.keys(require.cache).forEach((file) => { if (file === absConfigPath || file.indexOf(absMockPath) > -1) { delete require.cache[file]; } }); } function parseJson(req: IncomingMessage): Promise { return new Promise((resolve) => { let body = ''; let jsonStr = ''; req.on('data', function (chunk) { body += chunk; }); req.on('end', function () { try { jsonStr = JSON.parse(body); } catch (err) { jsonStr = ''; } resolve(jsonStr as any); return; }); }); } // load mock .ts files and watch async function getMockConfig(opt: ViteMockOptions, config: ResolvedConfig) { cleanRequireCache(opt); const { absConfigPath, absMockPath } = getPath(opt); const { ignore, configPath, logger } = opt; let ret: MockMethod[] = []; if (configPath && fs.existsSync(absConfigPath)) { logger && loggerOutput(`load mock data from`, absConfigPath); ret = await resolveModule(absConfigPath, config); return ret; } const mockFiles = fg .sync(`**/*.{ts,mjs,js}`, { cwd: absMockPath, }) .filter((item) => { if (!ignore) { return true; } if (isFunction(ignore)) { return ignore(item); } if (isRegExp(ignore)) { return !ignore.test(path.basename(item)); } return true; }); try { ret = []; const resolveModulePromiseList = []; for (let index = 0; index < mockFiles.length; index++) { const mockFile = mockFiles[index]; resolveModulePromiseList.push(resolveModule(path.join(absMockPath, mockFile), config)); } const loadAllResult = await Promise.all(resolveModulePromiseList); for (const resultModule of loadAllResult) { let mod = resultModule; if (!isArray(mod)) { mod = [mod]; } ret = [...ret, ...mod]; } } catch (error: any) { loggerOutput(`mock reload error`, error); ret = []; } return ret; } // Inspired by vite // support mock .ts files async function resolveModule(p: string, config: ResolvedConfig): Promise { const mockData = await bundleRequire({ filepath: p, }); let mod = mockData.mod.default || mockData.mod; if (isFunction(mod)) { mod = await mod({ env: config.env, mode: config.mode, command: config.command }); } return mod; } // get custom config file path and mock dir path function getPath(opt: ViteMockOptions) { const { mockPath, configPath } = opt; const cwd = process.cwd(); const absMockPath = isAbsPath(mockPath) ? mockPath! : path.join(cwd, mockPath || ''); const absConfigPath = path.join(cwd, configPath || ''); return { absMockPath, absConfigPath, }; } function loggerOutput(title: string, msg: string, type: 'info' | 'error' = 'info') { const tag = type === 'info' ? colors.cyan(`[vite:mock]`) :`[vite:mock-server]`); return console.log( `${colors.dim(new Date().toLocaleTimeString())} ${tag} ${} ${colors.dim( msg, )}`, ); }