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import type { App, Plugin } from 'vue';
import { isFunction } from 'lodash-es';
import * as commonComponents from '/nerv-lib/component'; // 基础组件
import * as serviceComponents from './component'; // 业务基础组件
import * as serviceView from './view'; //业务组件
const components: Recordable<Plugin> = {
export function registerGlobalComponent(app: App) {
// const list = [
// // 'NsApplication',
// 'NsViewAddForm',
// // 'NsViewConfig',
// // 'NsContent',
// 'NsViewDetail',
// 'NsViewForm',
// 'NsViewListTable',
// 'NsViewMenuManage',
// 'NsViewRoleType',
// 'NsViewRoleTypeAddOrEdit',
// 'NsViewSetRolePerson',
// 'NsViewUserAdd',
// 'NsViewUserDetail',
// 'NsViewUserEdit',
// 'NsViewUserList',
// ];
Object.keys(components).forEach((key) => {
const component = components[key];
if (component.install || isFunction(component)) {
//if (!list.includes( {
// }