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20 lines
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* Skipped minification because the original files appears to be already minified.
* Original file: /npm/@json-editor/json-editor@2.9.0-beta.0/dist/jsoneditor.js
* Do NOT use SRI with dynamically generated files! More information:
* /**
* * @name JSON Editor
* * @description JSON Schema Based Editor
* * This library is the continuation of jdorn's great work (see also
* * @version "2.9.0-beta.0"
* * @author Jeremy Dorn
* * @see
* * @see
* * @license MIT
* * @example see and docs/ for requirements, examples and usage info
* * /
!function (t, e) { if ("object" == typeof exports && "object" == typeof module) module.exports = e(); else if ("function" == typeof define && define.amd) define([], e); else { var n = e(); for (var r in n) ("object" == typeof exports ? exports : t)[r] = n[r] } }(window, (function () { return function (t) { var e = {}; function n(r) { if (e[r]) return e[r].exports; var i = e[r] = { i: r, l: !1, exports: {} }; return t[r].call(i.exports, i, i.exports, n), i.l = !0, i.exports } return n.m = t, n.c = e, n.d = function (t, e, r) { n.o(t, e) || Object.defineProperty(t, e, { enumerable: !0, get: r }) }, n.r = function (t) { "undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.toStringTag && Object.defineProperty(t, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" }), Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }) }, n.t = function (t, e) { if (1 & e && (t = n(t)), 8 & e) return t; if (4 & e && "object" == typeof t && t && t.__esModule) return t; var r = Object.create(null); if (n.r(r), Object.defineProperty(r, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: t }), 2 & e && "string" != typeof t) for (var i in t) n.d(r, i, function (e) { return t[e] }.bind(null, i)); return r }, n.n = function (t) { var e = t && t.__esModule ? function () { return t.default } : function () { return t }; return n.d(e, "a", e), e }, n.o = function (t, e) { return, e) }, n.p = "/dist/", n(n.s = 186) }([function (t, e, n) { var r = n(36), i = n(103), o = n(71), a = n(55), s = n(138), c = a.set, l = a.getterFor("Array Iterator"); t.exports = s(Array, "Array", (function (t, e) { c(this, { type: "Array Iterator", target: r(t), index: 0, kind: e }) }), (function () { var t = l(this), e =, n = t.kind, r = t.index++; return !e || r >= e.length ? ( = void 0, { value: void 0, done: !0 }) : "keys" == n ? { value: r, done: !1 } : "values" == n ? { value: e[r], done: !1 } : { value: [r, e[r]], done: !1 } }), "values"), o.Arguments = o.Array, i("keys"), i("values"), i("entries") }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(95), i = n(34), o = n(156); r || i(Object.prototype, "toString", o, { unsafe: !0 }) }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(12), i = n(15), o = n(50), a = n(56), s = n(21), c = n(96), l = n(115), u = n(16), h = n(28), p = n(68), d = n(23), f = n(22), y = n(30), m = n(36), v = n(62), b = n(63), g = n(58), _ = n(67), w = n(66), k = n(170), x = n(101), j = n(44), O = n(27), C = n(78), E = n(39), S = n(34), P = n(75), R = n(74), L = n(76), T = n(94), A = n(17), I = n(136), B = n(137), N = n(84), F = n(55), V = n(53).forEach, D = R("hidden"), M = A("toPrimitive"), H = F.set, z = F.getterFor("Symbol"), q = Object.prototype, U = i.Symbol, G = o("JSON", "stringify"), $ = j.f, J = O.f, W = k.f, Z = C.f, Y = P("symbols"), Q = P("op-symbols"), K = P("string-to-symbol-registry"), X = P("symbol-to-string-registry"), tt = P("wks"), et = i.QObject, nt = !et || !et.prototype || !et.prototype.findChild, rt = s && u((function () { return 7 != g(J({}, "a", { get: function () { return J(this, "a", { value: 7 }).a } })).a })) ? function (t, e, n) { var r = $(q, e); r && delete q[e], J(t, e, n), r && t !== q && J(q, e, r) } : J, it = function (t, e) { var n = Y[t] = g(U.prototype); return H(n, { type: "Symbol", tag: t, description: e }), s || (n.description = e), n }, ot = l ? function (t) { return "symbol" == typeof t } : function (t) { return Object(t) instanceof U }, at = function (t, e, n) { t === q && at(Q, e, n), f(t); var r = v(e, !0); return f(n), h(Y, r) ? (n.enumerable ? (h(t, D) && t[D][r] && (t[D][r] = !1), n = g(n, { enumerable: b(0, !1) })) : (h(t, D) || J(t, D, b(1, {})), t[D][r] = !0), rt(t, r, n)) : J(t, r, n) }, st = function (t, e) { f(t); var n = m(e), r = _(n).concat(ht(n)); return V(r, (function (e) { s && !, e) || at(t, e, n[e]) })), t }, ct = function (t) { var e = v(t, !0), n =, e); return !(this === q && h(Y, e) && !h(Q, e)) && (!(n || !h(this, e) || !h(Y, e) || h(this, D) && this[D][e]) || n) }, lt = function (t, e) { var n = m(t), r = v(e, !0); if (n !== q || !h(Y, r) || h(Q, r)) { var i = $(n, r); return !i || !h(Y, r) || h(n, D) && n[D][r] || (i.enumerable = !0), i } }, ut = function (t) { var e = W(m(t)), n = []; return V(e, (function (t) { h(Y, t) || h(L, t) || n.push(t) })), n }, ht = function (t) { var e = t === q, n = W(e ? Q : m(t)), r = []; return V(n, (function (t) { !h(Y, t) || e && !h(q, t) || r.push(Y[t]) })), r }; (c || (S((U = function () { if (this instanceof U) throw TypeError("Symbol is not a constructor"); var t = arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? String(arguments[0]) : void 0, e = T(t), n = function (t) { this === q &&, t), h(this, D) && h(this[D], e) && (this[D][e] = !1), rt(this, e, b(1, t)) }; return s && nt && rt(q, e, { configurable: !0, set: n }), it(e, t) }).prototype, "toString", (function () { return z(this).tag })), S(U, "withoutSetter", (function (t) { return it(T(t), t) })), C.f = ct, O.f = at, j.f = lt, w.f = k.f = ut, x.f = ht, I.f = function (t) { return it(A(t), t) }, s && (J(U.prototype, "description", { configurable: !0, get: function () { return z(this).description } }), a || S(q, "propertyIsEnumerable", ct, { unsafe: !0 }))), r({ global: !0, wrap: !0, forced: !c, sham: !c }, { Symbol: U }), V(_(tt), (function (t) { B(t) })), r({ target: "Symbol", stat: !0, forced: !c }, { for: function (t) { var e = String(t); if (h(K, e)) return K[e]; var n = U(e); return K[e] = n, X[n] = e, n }, keyFor: function (t) { if (!ot(t)) throw TypeError(t + " is not a symbol"); if (h(X, t)) return X[t] }, useSetter: function () { nt = !0 }, useSimple: function () { nt = !1 } }), r({ target: "Object", stat: !0, forced: !c, sham: !s }, { create: function (t, e) { return void 0 === e ? g(t) : st(g(t), e) }, defineProperty: at, defineProperties: st, getOwnPropertyDescriptor: lt }), r({ target: "Object", stat: !0, forced: !c }, { getOwnPropertyNames: ut, getOwnPropertySymbols: ht }), r({ target: "Object", stat: !0, forced: u((function () { x.f(1) })) }, { getOwnPropertySymbols: function (t) { return x.f(y(t)) } }), G) && r({ target: "JSON", stat: !0, forced: !c || u((function () { var t = U(); return "[null]" != G([t]) || "{}" != G({ a: t }) || "{}" != G(Object(t)) })) }, { stringify: function (t, e, n) { for (var r, i = [t], o = 1; arguments.length > o;)i.push(arguments[o++]); if (r = e, (d(e) || void 0 !== t) && !ot(t)) return p(e) || (e = function (t, e) { if ("function" == typeof r && (e =, t, e)), !ot(e)) return e }), i[1] = e, G.apply(null, i) } }); U.prototype[M] || E(U.prototype, M, U.prototype.valueOf), N(U, "Symbol"), L[D] = !0 }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(12), i = n(21), o = n(15), a = n(28), s = n(23), c = n(27).f, l = n(117), u = o.Symbol; if (i && "function" == typeof u && (!("description" in u.prototype) || void 0 !== u().description)) { var h = {}, p = function () { var t = arguments.length < 1 || void 0 === arguments[0] ? void 0 : String(arguments[0]), e = this instanceof p ? new u(t) : void 0 === t ? u() : u(t); return "" === t && (h[e] = !0), e }; l(p, u); var d = p.prototype = u.prototype; d.constructor = p; var f = d.toString, y = "Symbol(test)" == String(u("test")), m = /^Symbol\((.*)\)[^)]+$/; c(d, "description", { configurable: !0, get: function () { var t = s(this) ? this.valueOf() : this, e =; if (a(h, t)) return ""; var n = y ? e.slice(7, -1) : e.replace(m, "$1"); return "" === n ? void 0 : n } }), r({ global: !0, forced: !0 }, { Symbol: p }) } }, function (t, e, n) { n(137)("iterator") }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(141).charAt, i = n(55), o = n(138), a = i.set, s = i.getterFor("String Iterator"); o(String, "String", (function (t) { a(this, { type: "String Iterator", string: String(t), index: 0 }) }), (function () { var t, e = s(this), n = e.string, i = e.index; return i >= n.length ? { value: void 0, done: !0 } : (t = r(n, i), e.index += t.length, { value: t, done: !1 }) })) }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(15), i = n(124), o = n(0), a = n(39), s = n(17), c = s("iterator"), l = s("toStringTag"), u = o.values; for (var h in i) { var p = r[h], d = p && p.prototype; if (d) { if (d[c] !== u) try { a(d, c, u) } catch (t) { d[c] = u } if (d[l] || a(d, l, h), i[h]) for (var f in o) if (d[f] !== o[f]) try { a(d, f, o[f]) } catch (t) { d[f] = o[f] } } } }, function (t, e, n) { n(12)({ target: "Object", stat: !0 }, { setPrototypeOf: n(83) }) }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(12), i = n(16), o = n(30), a = n(85), s = n(140); r({ target: "Object", stat: !0, forced: i((function () { a(1) })), sham: !s }, { getPrototypeOf: function (t) { return a(o(t)) } }) }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(12), i = n(50), o = n(48), a = n(22), s = n(23), c = n(58), l = n(148), u = n(16), h = i("Reflect", "construct"), p = u((function () { function t() { } return !(h((function () { }), [], t) instanceof t) })), d = !u((function () { h((function () { })) })), f = p || d; r({ target: "Reflect", stat: !0, forced: f, sham: f }, { construct: function (t, e) { o(t), a(e); var n = arguments.length < 3 ? t : o(arguments[2]); if (d && !p) return h(t, e, n); if (t == n) { switch (e.length) { case 0: return new t; case 1: return new t(e[0]); case 2: return new t(e[0], e[1]); case 3: return new t(e[0], e[1], e[2]); case 4: return new t(e[0], e[1], e[2], e[3]) }var r = [null]; return r.push.apply(r, e), new (l.apply(t, r)) } var i = n.prototype, u = c(s(i) ? i : Object.prototype), f =, u, e); return s(f) ? f : u } }) }, function (t, e, n) { n(12)({ target: "Object", stat: !0, sham: !n(21) }, { create: n(58) }) }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(12), i = n(21); r({ target: "Object", stat: !0, forced: !i, sham: !i }, { defineProperty: n(27).f }) }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(15), i = n(44).f, o = n(39), a = n(34), s = n(91), c = n(117), l = n(79); t.exports = function (t, e) { var n, u, h, p, d, f =, y =, m = t.stat; if (n = y ? r : m ? r[f] || s(f, {}) : (r[f] || {}).prototype) for (u in e) { if (p = e[u], h = t.noTargetGet ? (d = i(n, u)) && d.value : n[u], !l(y ? u : f + (m ? "." : "#") + u, t.forced) && void 0 !== h) { if (typeof p == typeof h) continue; c(p, h) } (t.sham || h && h.sham) && o(p, "sham", !0), a(n, u, p, t) } } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(12), i = n(16), o = n(36), a = n(44).f, s = n(21), c = i((function () { a(1) })); r({ target: "Object", stat: !0, forced: !s || c, sham: !s }, { getOwnPropertyDescriptor: function (t, e) { return a(o(t), e) } }) }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(12), i = n(23), o = n(22), a = n(28), s = n(44), c = n(85); r({ target: "Reflect", stat: !0 }, { get: function t(e, n) { var r, l, u = arguments.length < 3 ? e : arguments[2]; return o(e) === u ? e[n] : (r = s.f(e, n)) ? a(r, "value") ? r.value : void 0 === r.get ? void 0 : : i(l = c(e)) ? t(l, n, u) : void 0 } }) }, function (t, e, n) { (function (e) { var n = function (t) { return t && t.Math == Math && t }; t.exports = n("object" == typeof globalThis && globalThis) || n("object" == typeof window && window) || n("object" == typeof self && self) || n("object" == typeof e && e) || function () { return this }() || Function("return this")() }).call(this, n(154)) }, function (t, e) { t.exports = function (t) { try { return !!t() } catch (t) { return !0 } } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(15), i = n(75), o = n(28), a = n(94), s = n(96), c = n(115), l = i("wks"), u = r.Symbol, h = c ? u : u && u.withoutSetter || a; t.exports = function (t) { return o(l, t) && (s || "string" == typeof l[t]) || (s && o(u, t) ? l[t] = u[t] : l[t] = h("Symbol." + t)), l[t] } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(12), i = n(16), o = n(68), a = n(23), s = n(30), c = n(31), l = n(69), u = n(102), h = n(70), p = n(17), d = n(64), f = p("isConcatSpreadable"), y = d >= 51 || !i((function () { var t = []; return t[f] = !1, t.concat()[0] !== t })), m = h("concat"), v = function (t) { if (!a(t)) return !1; var e = t[f]; return void 0 !== e ? !!e : o(t) }; r({ target: "Array", proto: !0, forced: !y || !m }, { concat: function (t) { var e, n, r, i, o, a = s(this), h = u(a, 0), p = 0; for (e = -1, r = arguments.length; e < r; e++)if (v(o = -1 === e ? a : arguments[e])) { if (p + (i = c(o.length)) > 9007199254740991) throw TypeError("Maximum allowed index exceeded"); for (n = 0; n < i; n++, p++)n in o && l(h, p, o[n]) } else { if (p >= 9007199254740991) throw TypeError("Maximum allowed index exceeded"); l(h, p++, o) } return h.length = p, h } }) }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(12), i = n(123); r({ target: "Array", proto: !0, forced: [].forEach != i }, { forEach: i }) }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(15), i = n(124), o = n(123), a = n(39); for (var s in i) { var c = r[s], l = c && c.prototype; if (l && l.forEach !== o) try { a(l, "forEach", o) } catch (t) { l.forEach = o } } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(16); t.exports = !r((function () { return 7 != Object.defineProperty({}, 1, { get: function () { return 7 } })[1] })) }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(23); t.exports = function (t) { if (!r(t)) throw TypeError(String(t) + " is not an object"); return t } }, function (t, e) { t.exports = function (t) { return "object" == typeof t ? null !== t : "function" == typeof t } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(12), i = n(86); r({ target: "RegExp", proto: !0, forced: /./.exec !== i }, { exec: i }) }, function (t, e, n) { n(12)({ target: "Array", stat: !0 }, { isArray: n(68) }) }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(12), i = n(98).includes, o = n(103); r({ target: "Array", proto: !0 }, { includes: function (t) { return i(this, t, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0) } }), o("includes") }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(21), i = n(113), o = n(22), a = n(62), s = Object.defineProperty; e.f = r ? s : function (t, e, n) { if (o(t), e = a(e, !0), o(n), i) try { return s(t, e, n) } catch (t) { } if ("get" in n || "set" in n) throw TypeError("Accessors not supported"); return "value" in n && (t[e] = n.value), t } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(30), i = {}.hasOwnProperty; t.exports = function (t, e) { return, e) } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(12), i = n(23), o = n(68), a = n(99), s = n(31), c = n(36), l = n(69), u = n(17), h = n(70)("slice"), p = u("species"), d = [].slice, f = Math.max; r({ target: "Array", proto: !0, forced: !h }, { slice: function (t, e) { var n, r, u, h = c(this), y = s(h.length), m = a(t, y), v = a(void 0 === e ? y : e, y); if (o(h) && ("function" != typeof (n = h.constructor) || n !== Array && !o(n.prototype) ? i(n) && null === (n = n[p]) && (n = void 0) : n = void 0, n === Array || void 0 === n)) return, m, v); for (r = new (void 0 === n ? Array : n)(f(v - m, 0)), u = 0; m < v; m++, u++)m in h && l(r, u, h[m]); return r.length = u, r } }) }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(35); t.exports = function (t) { return Object(r(t)) } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(51), i = Math.min; t.exports = function (t) { return t > 0 ? i(r(t), 9007199254740991) : 0 } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(21), i = n(27).f, o = Function.prototype, a = o.toString, s = /^\s*function ([^ (]*)/; r && !("name" in o) && i(o, "name", { configurable: !0, get: function () { try { return[1] } catch (t) { return "" } } }) }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(12), i = n(145), o = n(35); r({ target: "String", proto: !0, forced: !n(146)("includes") }, { includes: function (t) { return !!~String(o(this)).indexOf(i(t), arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0) } }) }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(15), i = n(39), o = n(28), a = n(91), s = n(92), c = n(55), l = c.get, u = c.enforce, h = String(String).split("String"); (t.exports = function (t, e, n, s) { var c, l = !!s && !!s.unsafe, p = !!s && !!s.enumerable, d = !!s && !!s.noTargetGet; "function" == typeof n && ("string" != typeof e || o(n, "name") || i(n, "name", e), (c = u(n)).source || (c.source = h.join("string" == typeof e ? e : ""))), t !== r ? (l ? !d && t[e] && (p = !0) : delete t[e], p ? t[e] = n : i(t, e, n)) : p ? t[e] = n : a(e, n) })(Function.prototype, "toString", (function () { return "function" == typeof this && l(this).source || s(this) })) }, function (t, e) { t.exports = function (t) { if (null == t) throw TypeError("Can't call method on " + t); return t } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(65), i = n(35); t.exports = function (t) { return r(i(t)) } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(12), i = n(30), o = n(67); r({ target: "Object", stat: !0, forced: n(16)((function () { o(1) })) }, { keys: function (t) { return o(i(t)) } }) }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(12), i = n(172); r({ target: "Array", stat: !0, forced: !n(131)((function (t) { Array.from(t) })) }, { from: i }) }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(21), i = n(27), o = n(63); t.exports = r ? function (t, e, n) { return i.f(t, e, o(1, n)) } : function (t, e, n) { return t[e] = n, t } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(12), i = n(157).left, o = n(52), a = n(64), s = n(80); r({ target: "Array", proto: !0, forced: !o("reduce") || !s && a > 79 && a < 83 }, { reduce: function (t) { return i(this, t, arguments.length, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0) } }) }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(105), i = n(22), o = n(31), a = n(51), s = n(35), c = n(106), l = n(174), u = n(107), h = Math.max, p = Math.min; r("replace", 2, (function (t, e, n, r) { var d = r.REGEXP_REPLACE_SUBSTITUTES_UNDEFINED_CAPTURE, f = r.REPLACE_KEEPS_$0, y = d ? "$" : "$0"; return [function (n, r) { var i = s(this), o = null == n ? void 0 : n[t]; return void 0 !== o ?, i, r) :, n, r) }, function (t, r) { if (!d && f || "string" == typeof r && -1 === r.indexOf(y)) { var s = n(e, t, this, r); if (s.done) return s.value } var m = i(t), v = String(this), b = "function" == typeof r; b || (r = String(r)); var g =; if (g) { var _ = m.unicode; m.lastIndex = 0 } for (var w = []; ;) { var k = u(m, v); if (null === k) break; if (w.push(k), !g) break; "" === String(k[0]) && (m.lastIndex = c(v, o(m.lastIndex), _)) } for (var x, j = "", O = 0, C = 0; C < w.length; C++) { k = w[C]; for (var E = String(k[0]), S = h(p(a(k.index), v.length), 0), P = [], R = 1; R < k.length; R++)P.push(void 0 === (x = k[R]) ? x : String(x)); var L = k.groups; if (b) { var T = [E].concat(P, S, v); void 0 !== L && T.push(L); var A = String(r.apply(void 0, T)) } else A = l(E, v, S, P, L, r); S >= O && (j += v.slice(O, S) + A, O = S + E.length) } return j + v.slice(O) }] })) }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(12), i = n(53).map; r({ target: "Array", proto: !0, forced: !n(70)("map") }, { map: function (t) { return i(this, t, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0) } }) }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(34), i = n(22), o = n(16), a = n(97), s = RegExp.prototype, c = s.toString, l = o((function () { return "/a/b" !={ source: "a", flags: "b" }) })), u = "toString" !=; (l || u) && r(RegExp.prototype, "toString", (function () { var t = i(this), e = String(t.source), n = t.flags; return "/" + e + "/" + String(void 0 === n && t instanceof RegExp && !("flags" in s) ? : n) }), { unsafe: !0 }) }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(21), i = n(78), o = n(63), a = n(36), s = n(62), c = n(28), l = n(113), u = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; e.f = r ? u : function (t, e) { if (t = a(t), e = s(e, !0), l) try { return u(t, e) } catch (t) { } if (c(t, e)) return o(!, e), t[e]) } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(105), i = n(22), o = n(31), a = n(35), s = n(106), c = n(107); r("match", 1, (function (t, e, n) { return [function (e) { var n = a(this), r = null == e ? void 0 : e[t]; return void 0 !== r ?, n) : new RegExp(e)[t](String(n)) }, function (t) { var r = n(e, t, this); if (r.done) return r.value; var a = i(t), l = String(this); if (! return c(a, l); var u = a.unicode; a.lastIndex = 0; for (var h, p = [], d = 0; null !== (h = c(a, l));) { var f = String(h[0]); p[d] = f, "" === f && (a.lastIndex = s(l, o(a.lastIndex), u)), d++ } return 0 === d ? null : p }] })) }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(34), i = Date.prototype, o = i.toString, a = i.getTime; new Date(NaN) + "" != "Invalid Date" && r(i, "toString", (function () { var t =; return t == t ? : "Invalid Date" })) }, function (t, e) { var n = {}.toString; t.exports = function (t) { return, -1) } }, function (t, e) { t.exports = function (t) { if ("function" != typeof t) throw TypeError(String(t) + " is not a function"); return t } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(12), i = n(65), o = n(36), a = n(52), s = [].join, c = i != Object, l = a("join", ","); r({ target: "Array", proto: !0, forced: c || !l }, { join: function (t) { return, void 0 === t ? "," : t) } }) }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(114), i = n(15), o = function (t) { return "function" == typeof t ? t : void 0 }; t.exports = function (t, e) { return arguments.length < 2 ? o(r[t]) || o(i[t]) : r[t] && r[t][e] || i[t] && i[t][e] } }, function (t, e) { var n = Math.ceil, r = Math.floor; t.exports = function (t) { return isNaN(t = +t) ? 0 : (t > 0 ? r : n)(t) } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(16); t.exports = function (t, e) { var n = [][t]; return !!n && r((function () {, e || function () { throw 1 }, 1) })) } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(82), i = n(65), o = n(30), a = n(31), s = n(102), c = [].push, l = function (t) { var e = 1 == t, n = 2 == t, l = 3 == t, u = 4 == t, h = 6 == t, p = 7 == t, d = 5 == t || h; return function (f, y, m, v) { for (var b, g, _ = o(f), w = i(_), k = r(y, m, 3), x = a(w.length), j = 0, O = v || s, C = e ? O(f, x) : n || p ? O(f, 0) : void 0; x > j; j++)if ((d || j in w) && (g = k(b = w[j], j, _), t)) if (e) C[j] = g; else if (g) switch (t) { case 3: return !0; case 5: return b; case 6: return j; case 2:, b) } else switch (t) { case 4: return !1; case 7:, b) }return h ? -1 : l || u ? u : C } }; t.exports = { forEach: l(0), map: l(1), filter: l(2), some: l(3), every: l(4), find: l(5), findIndex: l(6), filterOut: l(7) } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(105), i = n(108), o = n(22), a = n(35), s = n(132), c = n(106), l = n(31), u = n(107), h = n(86), p = n(104).UNSUPPORTED_Y, d = [].push, f = Math.min; r("split", 2, (function (t, e, n) { var r; return r = "c" == "abbc".split(/(b)*/)[1] || 4 != "test".split(/(?:)/, -1).length || 2 != "ab".split(/(?:ab)*/).length || 4 != ".".split(/(.?)(.?)/).length || ".".split(/()()/).length > 1 || "".split(/.?/).length ? function (t, n) { var r = String(a(this)), o = void 0 === n ? 4294967295 : n >>> 0; if (0 === o) return []; if (void 0 === t) return [r]; if (!i(t)) return, t, o); for (var s, c, l, u = [], p = (t.ignoreCase ? "i" : "") + (t.multiline ? "m" : "") + (t.unicode ? "u" : "") + (t.sticky ? "y" : ""), f = 0, y = new RegExp(t.source, p + "g"); (s =, r)) && !((c = y.lastIndex) > f && (u.push(r.slice(f, s.index)), s.length > 1 && s.index < r.length && d.apply(u, s.slice(1)), l = s[0].length, f = c, u.length >= o));)y.lastIndex === s.index && y.lastIndex++; return f === r.length ? !l && y.test("") || u.push("") : u.push(r.slice(f)), u.length > o ? u.slice(0, o) : u } : "0".split(void 0, 0).length ? function (t, n) { return void 0 === t && 0 === n ? [] :, t, n) } : e, [function (e, n) { var i = a(this), o = null == e ? void 0 : e[t]; return void 0 !== o ?, i, n) :, e, n) }, function (t, i) { var a = n(r, t, this, i, r !== e); if (a.done) return a.value; var h = o(t), d = String(this), y = s(h, RegExp), m = h.unicode, v = (h.ignoreCase ? "i" : "") + (h.multiline ? "m" : "") + (h.unicode ? "u" : "") + (p ? "g" : "y"), b = new y(p ? "^(?:" + h.source + ")" : h, v), g = void 0 === i ? 4294967295 : i >>> 0; if (0 === g) return []; if (0 === d.length) return null === u(b, d) ? [d] : []; for (var _ = 0, w = 0, k = []; w < d.length;) { b.lastIndex = p ? 0 : w; var x, j = u(b, p ? d.slice(w) : d); if (null === j || (x = f(l(b.lastIndex + (p ? w : 0)), d.length)) === _) w = c(d, w, m); else { if (k.push(d.slice(_, w)), k.length === g) return k; for (var O = 1; O <= j.length - 1; O++)if (k.push(j[O]), k.length === g) return k; w = _ = x } } return k.push(d.slice(_)), k }] }), p) }, function (t, e, n) { var r, i, o, a = n(155), s = n(15), c = n(23), l = n(39), u = n(28), h = n(93), p = n(74), d = n(76), f = s.WeakMap; if (a || h.state) { var y = h.state || (h.state = new f), m = y.get, v = y.has, b = y.set; r = function (t, e) { if (, t)) throw new TypeError("Object already initialized"); return e.facade = t,, t, e), e }, i = function (t) { return, t) || {} }, o = function (t) { return, t) } } else { var g = p("state"); d[g] = !0, r = function (t, e) { if (u(t, g)) throw new TypeError("Object already initialized"); return e.facade = t, l(t, g, e), e }, i = function (t) { return u(t, g) ? t[g] : {} }, o = function (t) { return u(t, g) } } t.exports = { set: r, get: i, has: o, enforce: function (t) { return o(t) ? i(t) : r(t, {}) }, getterFor: function (t) { return function (e) { var n; if (!c(e) || (n = i(e)).type !== t) throw TypeError("Incompatible receiver, " + t + " required"); return n } } } }, function (t, e) { t.exports = !1 }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(12), i = n(120).values; r({ target: "Object", stat: !0 }, { values: function (t) { return i(t) } }) }, function (t, e, n) { var r, i = n(22), o = n(121), a = n(100), s = n(76), c = n(122), l = n(90), u = n(74), h = u("IE_PROTO"), p = function () { }, d = function (t) { return "<script>" + t + "<\/script>" }, f = function () { try { r = document.domain && new ActiveXObject("htmlfile") } catch (t) { } var t, e; f = r ? function (t) { t.write(d("")), t.close(); var e = t.parentWindow.Object; return t = null, e }(r) : ((e = l("iframe")).style.display = "none", c.appendChild(e), e.src = String("javascript:"), (t = e.contentWindow.document).open(), t.write(d("document.F=Object")), t.close(), t.F); for (var n = a.length; n--;)delete f.prototype[a[n]]; return f() }; s[h] = !0, t.exports = Object.create || function (t, e) { var n; return null !== t ? (p.prototype = i(t), n = new p, p.prototype = null, n[h] = t) : n = f(), void 0 === e ? n : o(n, e) } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(12), i = n(120).entries; r({ target: "Object", stat: !0 }, { entries: function (t) { return i(t) } }) }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(21), i = n(15), o = n(79), a = n(142), s = n(27).f, c = n(66).f, l = n(108), u = n(97), h = n(104), p = n(34), d = n(16), f = n(55).enforce, y = n(127), m = n(17)("match"), v = i.RegExp, b = v.prototype, g = /a/g, _ = /a/g, w = new v(g) !== g, k = h.UNSUPPORTED_Y; if (r && o("RegExp", !w || k || d((function () { return _[m] = !1, v(g) != g || v(_) == _ || "/a/i" != v(g, "i") })))) { for (var x = function (t, e) { var n, r = this instanceof x, i = l(t), o = void 0 === e; if (!r && i && t.constructor === x && o) return t; w ? i && !o && (t = t.source) : t instanceof x && (o && (e =, t = t.source), k && (n = !!e && e.indexOf("y") > -1) && (e = e.replace(/y/g, "")); var s = a(w ? new v(t, e) : v(t, e), r ? this : b, x); k && n && (f(s).sticky = !0); return s }, j = function (t) { t in x || s(x, t, { configurable: !0, get: function () { return v[t] }, set: function (e) { v[t] = e } }) }, O = c(v), C = 0; O.length > C;)j(O[C++]); b.constructor = x, x.prototype = b, p(i, "RegExp", x) } y("RegExp") }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(12), i = n(53).filter; r({ target: "Array", proto: !0, forced: !n(70)("filter") }, { filter: function (t) { return i(this, t, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0) } }) }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(23); t.exports = function (t, e) { if (!r(t)) return t; var n, i; if (e && "function" == typeof (n = t.toString) && !r(i = return i; if ("function" == typeof (n = t.valueOf) && !r(i = return i; if (!e && "function" == typeof (n = t.toString) && !r(i = return i; throw TypeError("Can't convert object to primitive value") } }, function (t, e) { t.exports = function (t, e) { return { enumerable: !(1 & t), configurable: !(2 & t), writable: !(4 & t), value: e } } }, function (t, e, n) { var r, i, o = n(15), a = n(77), s = o.process, c = s && s.versions, l = c && c.v8; l ? i = (r = l.split("."))[0] < 4 ? 1 : r[0] + r[1] : a && (!(r = a.match(/Edge\/(\d+)/)) || r[1] >= 74) && (r = a.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)/)) && (i = r[1]), t.exports = i && +i }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(16), i = n(47), o = "".split; t.exports = r((function () { return !Object("z").propertyIsEnumerable(0) })) ? function (t) { return "String" == i(t) ?, "") : Object(t) } : Object }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(119), i = n(100).concat("length", "prototype"); e.f = Object.getOwnPropertyNames || function (t) { return r(t, i) } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(119), i = n(100); t.exports = Object.keys || function (t) { return r(t, i) } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(47); t.exports = Array.isArray || function (t) { return "Array" == r(t) } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(62), i = n(27), o = n(63); t.exports = function (t, e, n) { var a = r(e); a in t ? i.f(t, a, o(0, n)) : t[a] = n } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(16), i = n(17), o = n(64), a = i("species"); t.exports = function (t) { return o >= 51 || !r((function () { var e = []; return (e.constructor = {})[a] = function () { return { foo: 1 } }, 1 !== e[t](Boolean).foo })) } }, function (t, e) { t.exports = {} }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(12), i = n(176); r({ global: !0, forced: parseInt != i }, { parseInt: i }) }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(12), i = n(98).indexOf, o = n(52), a = [].indexOf, s = !!a && 1 / [1].indexOf(1, -0) < 0, c = o("indexOf"); r({ target: "Array", proto: !0, forced: s || !c }, { indexOf: function (t) { return s ? a.apply(this, arguments) || 0 : i(this, t, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0) } }) }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(75), i = n(94), o = r("keys"); t.exports = function (t) { return o[t] || (o[t] = i(t)) } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(56), i = n(93); (t.exports = function (t, e) { return i[t] || (i[t] = void 0 !== e ? e : {}) })("versions", []).push({ version: "3.12.1", mode: r ? "pure" : "global", copyright: "© 2021 Denis Pushkarev (" }) }, function (t, e) { t.exports = {} }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(50); t.exports = r("navigator", "userAgent") || "" }, function (t, e, n) { var r = {}.propertyIsEnumerable, i = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor, o = i && !{ 1: 2 }, 1); e.f = o ? function (t) { var e = i(this, t); return !!e && e.enumerable } : r }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(16), i = /#|\.prototype\./, o = function (t, e) { var n = s[a(t)]; return n == l || n != c && ("function" == typeof e ? r(e) : !!e) }, a = o.normalize = function (t) { return String(t).replace(i, ".").toLowerCase() }, s = = {}, c = o.NATIVE = "N", l = o.POLYFILL = "P"; t.exports = o }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(47), i = n(15); t.exports = "process" == r(i.process) }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(12), i = n(53).find, o = n(103), a = !0; "find" in [] && Array(1).find((function () { a = !1 })), r({ target: "Array", proto: !0, forced: a }, { find: function (t) { return i(this, t, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0) } }), o("find") }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(48); t.exports = function (t, e, n) { if (r(t), void 0 === e) return t; switch (n) { case 0: return function () { return }; case 1: return function (n) { return, n) }; case 2: return function (n, r) { return, n, r) }; case 3: return function (n, r, i) { return, n, r, i) } }return function () { return t.apply(e, arguments) } } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(22), i = n(161); t.exports = Object.setPrototypeOf || ("__proto__" in {} ? function () { var t, e = !1, n = {}; try { (t = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Object.prototype, "__proto__").set).call(n, []), e = n instanceof Array } catch (t) { } return function (n, o) { return r(n), i(o), e ?, o) : n.__proto__ = o, n } }() : void 0) }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(27).f, i = n(28), o = n(17)("toStringTag"); t.exports = function (t, e, n) { t && !i(t = n ? t : t.prototype, o) && r(t, o, { configurable: !0, value: e }) } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(28), i = n(30), o = n(74), a = n(140), s = o("IE_PROTO"), c = Object.prototype; t.exports = a ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function (t) { return t = i(t), r(t, s) ? t[s] : "function" == typeof t.constructor && t instanceof t.constructor ? t.constructor.prototype : t instanceof Object ? c : null } }, function (t, e, n) { var r, i, o = n(97), a = n(104), s = n(75), c = RegExp.prototype.exec, l = s("native-string-replace", String.prototype.replace), u = c, h = (r = /a/, i = /b*/g,, "a"),, "a"), 0 !== r.lastIndex || 0 !== i.lastIndex), p = a.UNSUPPORTED_Y || a.BROKEN_CARET, d = void 0 !== /()??/.exec("")[1]; (h || d || p) && (u = function (t) { var e, n, r, i, a = this, s = p && a.sticky, u =, f = a.source, y = 0, m = t; return s && (-1 === (u = u.replace("y", "")).indexOf("g") && (u += "g"), m = String(t).slice(a.lastIndex), a.lastIndex > 0 && (!a.multiline || a.multiline && "\n" !== t[a.lastIndex - 1]) && (f = "(?: " + f + ")", m = " " + m, y++), n = new RegExp("^(?:" + f + ")", u)), d && (n = new RegExp("^" + f + "$(?!\\s)", u)), h && (e = a.lastIndex), r = ? n : a, m), s ? r ? (r.input = r.input.slice(y), r[0] = r[0].slice(y), r.index = a.lastIndex, a.lastIndex += r[0].length) : a.lastIndex = 0 : h && r && (a.lastIndex = ? r.index + r[0].length : e), d && r && r.length > 1 &&[0], n, (function () { for (i = 1; i < arguments.length - 2; i++)void 0 === arguments[i] && (r[i] = void 0) })), r }), t.exports = u }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(12), i = n(53).some; r({ target: "Array", proto: !0, forced: !n(52)("some") }, { some: function (t) { return i(this, t, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0) } }) }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(35), i = "[" + n(89) + "]", o = RegExp("^" + i + i + "*"), a = RegExp(i + i + "*$"), s = function (t) { return function (e) { var n = String(r(e)); return 1 & t && (n = n.replace(o, "")), 2 & t && (n = n.replace(a, "")), n } }; t.exports = { start: s(1), end: s(2), trim: s(3) } }, function (t, e) { t.exports = "\t\n\v\f\r                 \u2028\u2029\ufeff" }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(15), i = n(23), o = r.document, a = i(o) && i(o.createElement); t.exports = function (t) { return a ? o.createElement(t) : {} } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(15), i = n(39); t.exports = function (t, e) { try { i(r, t, e) } catch (n) { r[t] = e } return e } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(93), i = Function.toString; "function" != typeof r.inspectSource && (r.inspectSource = function (t) { return }), t.exports = r.inspectSource }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(15), i = n(91), o = r["__core-js_shared__"] || i("__core-js_shared__", {}); t.exports = o }, function (t, e) { var n = 0, r = Math.random(); t.exports = function (t) { return "Symbol(" + String(void 0 === t ? "" : t) + ")_" + (++n + r).toString(36) } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = {}; r[n(17)("toStringTag")] = "z", t.exports = "[object z]" === String(r) }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(64), i = n(16); t.exports = !!Object.getOwnPropertySymbols && !i((function () { return !String(Symbol()) || !Symbol.sham && r && r < 41 })) }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(22); t.exports = function () { var t = r(this), e = ""; return && (e += "g"), t.ignoreCase && (e += "i"), t.multiline && (e += "m"), t.dotAll && (e += "s"), t.unicode && (e += "u"), t.sticky && (e += "y"), e } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(36), i = n(31), o = n(99), a = function (t) { return function (e, n, a) { var s, c = r(e), l = i(c.length), u = o(a, l); if (t && n != n) { for (; l > u;)if ((s = c[u++]) != s) return !0 } else for (; l > u; u++)if ((t || u in c) && c[u] === n) return t || u || 0; return !t && -1 } }; t.exports = { includes: a(!0), indexOf: a(!1) } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(51), i = Math.max, o = Math.min; t.exports = function (t, e) { var n = r(t); return n < 0 ? i(n + e, 0) : o(n, e) } }, function (t, e) { t.exports = ["constructor", "hasOwnProperty", "isPrototypeOf", "propertyIsEnumerable", "toLocaleString", "toString", "valueOf"] }, function (t, e) { e.f = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(23), i = n(68), o = n(17)("species"); t.exports = function (t, e) { var n; return i(t) && ("function" != typeof (n = t.constructor) || n !== Array && !i(n.prototype) ? r(n) && null === (n = n[o]) && (n = void 0) : n = void 0), new (void 0 === n ? Array : n)(0 === e ? 0 : e) } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(17), i = n(58), o = n(27), a = r("unscopables"), s = Array.prototype; null == s[a] && o.f(s, a, { configurable: !0, value: i(null) }), t.exports = function (t) { s[a][t] = !0 } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(16); function i(t, e) { return RegExp(t, e) } e.UNSUPPORTED_Y = r((function () { var t = i("a", "y"); return t.lastIndex = 2, null != t.exec("abcd") })), e.BROKEN_CARET = r((function () { var t = i("^r", "gy"); return t.lastIndex = 2, null != t.exec("str") })) }, function (t, e, n) { n(24); var r = n(34), i = n(86), o = n(16), a = n(17), s = n(39), c = a("species"), l = RegExp.prototype, u = !o((function () { var t = /./; return t.exec = function () { var t = []; return t.groups = { a: "7" }, t }, "7" !== "".replace(t, "$<a>") })), h = "$0" === "a".replace(/./, "$0"), p = a("replace"), d = !!/./[p] && "" === /./[p]("a", "$0"), f = !o((function () { var t = /(?:)/, e = t.exec; t.exec = function () { return e.apply(this, arguments) }; var n = "ab".split(t); return 2 !== n.length || "a" !== n[0] || "b" !== n[1] })); t.exports = function (t, e, n, p) { var y = a(t), m = !o((function () { var e = {}; return e[y] = function () { return 7 }, 7 != ""[t](e) })), v = m && !o((function () { var e = !1, n = /a/; return "split" === t && ((n = {}).constructor = {}, n.constructor[c] = function () { return n }, n.flags = "", n[y] = /./[y]), n.exec = function () { return e = !0, null }, n[y](""), !e })); if (!m || !v || "replace" === t && (!u || !h || d) || "split" === t && !f) { var b = /./[y], g = n(y, ""[t], (function (t, e, n, r, o) { var a = e.exec; return a === i || a === l.exec ? m && !o ? { done: !0, value:, n, r) } : { done: !0, value:, e, r) } : { done: !1 } }), { REPLACE_KEEPS_$0: h, REGEXP_REPLACE_SUBSTITUTES_UNDEFINED_CAPTURE: d }), _ = g[0], w = g[1]; r(String.prototype, t, _), r(l, y, 2 == e ? function (t, e) { return, this, e) } : function (t) { return, this) }) } p && s(l[y], "sham", !0) } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(141).charAt; t.exports = function (t, e, n) { return e + (n ? r(t, e).length : 1) } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(47), i = n(86); t.exports = function (t, e) { var n = t.exec; if ("function" == typeof n) { var o =, e); if ("object" != typeof o) throw TypeError("RegExp exec method returned something other than an Object or null"); return o } if ("RegExp" !== r(t)) throw TypeError("RegExp#exec called on incompatible receiver"); return, e) } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(23), i = n(47), o = n(17)("match"); t.exports = function (t) { var e; return r(t) && (void 0 !== (e = t[o]) ? !!e : "RegExp" == i(t)) } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(12), i = n(177); r({ global: !0, forced: parseFloat != i }, { parseFloat: i }) }, function (t, e, n) { var r, i = n(12), o = n(44).f, a = n(31), s = n(145), c = n(35), l = n(146), u = n(56), h = "".startsWith, p = Math.min, d = l("startsWith"); i({ target: "String", proto: !0, forced: !!(u || d || (r = o(String.prototype, "startsWith"), !r || r.writable)) && !d }, { startsWith: function (t) { var e = String(c(this)); s(t); var n = a(p(arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0, e.length)), r = String(t); return h ?, r, n) : e.slice(n, n + r.length) === r } }) }, function (t, e, n) { n(12)({ target: "Function", proto: !0 }, { bind: n(148) }) }, function (t, e, n) { var r = function (t) { "use strict"; var e = Object.prototype, n = e.hasOwnProperty, r = "function" == typeof Symbol ? Symbol : {}, i = r.iterator || "@@iterator", o = r.asyncIterator || "@@asyncIterator", a = r.toStringTag || "@@toStringTag"; function s(t, e, n) { return Object.defineProperty(t, e, { value: n, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }), t[e] } try { s({}, "") } catch (t) { s = function (t, e, n) { return t[e] = n } } function c(t, e, n, r) { var i = e && e.prototype instanceof h ? e : h, o = Object.create(i.prototype), a = new x(r || []); return o._invoke = function (t, e, n) { var r = "suspendedStart"; return function (i, o) { if ("executing" === r) throw new Error("Generator is already running"); if ("completed" === r) { if ("throw" === i) throw o; return O() } for (n.method = i, n.arg = o; ;) { var a = n.delegate; if (a) { var s = _(a, n); if (s) { if (s === u) continue; return s } } if ("next" === n.method) n.sent = n._sent = n.arg; else if ("throw" === n.method) { if ("suspendedStart" === r) throw r = "completed", n.arg; n.dispatchException(n.arg) } else "return" === n.method && n.abrupt("return", n.arg); r = "executing"; var c = l(t, e, n); if ("normal" === c.type) { if (r = n.done ? "completed" : "suspendedYield", c.arg === u) continue; return { value: c.arg, done: n.done } } "throw" === c.type && (r = "completed", n.method = "throw", n.arg = c.arg) } } }(t, n, a), o } function l(t, e, n) { try { return { type: "normal", arg:, n) } } catch (t) { return { type: "throw", arg: t } } } t.wrap = c; var u = {}; function h() { } function p() { } function d() { } var f = {}; f[i] = function () { return this }; var y = Object.getPrototypeOf, m = y && y(y(j([]))); m && m !== e &&, i) && (f = m); var v = d.prototype = h.prototype = Object.create(f); function b(t) { ["next", "throw", "return"].forEach((function (e) { s(t, e, (function (t) { return this._invoke(e, t) })) })) } function g(t, e) { var r; this._invoke = function (i, o) { function a() { return new e((function (r, a) { !function r(i, o, a, s) { var c = l(t[i], t, o); if ("throw" !== c.type) { var u = c.arg, h = u.value; return h && "object" == typeof h &&, "__await") ? e.resolve(h.__await).then((function (t) { r("next", t, a, s) }), (function (t) { r("throw", t, a, s) })) : e.resolve(h).then((function (t) { u.value = t, a(u) }), (function (t) { return r("throw", t, a, s) })) } s(c.arg) }(i, o, r, a) })) } return r = r ? r.then(a, a) : a() } } function _(t, e) { var n = t.iterator[e.method]; if (void 0 === n) { if (e.delegate = null, "throw" === e.method) { if (t.iterator.return && (e.method = "return", e.arg = void 0, _(t, e), "throw" === e.method)) return u; e.method = "throw", e.arg = new TypeError("The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method") } return u } var r = l(n, t.iterator, e.arg); if ("throw" === r.type) return e.method = "throw", e.arg = r.arg, e.delegate = null, u; var i = r.arg; return i ? i.done ? (e[t.resultName] = i.value, = t.nextLoc, "return" !== e.method && (e.method = "next", e.arg = void 0), e.delegate = null, u) : i : (e.method = "throw", e.arg = new TypeError("iterator result is not an object"), e.delegate = null, u) } function w(t) { var e = { tryLoc: t[0] }; 1 in t && (e.catchLoc = t[1]), 2 in t && (e.finallyLoc = t[2], e.afterLoc = t[3]), this.tryEntries.push(e) } function k(t) { var e = t.completion || {}; e.type = "normal", delete e.arg, t.completion = e } function x(t) { this.tryEntries = [{ tryLoc: "root" }], t.forEach(w, this), this.reset(!0) } function j(t) { if (t) { var e = t[i]; if (e) return; if ("function" == typeof return t; if (!isNaN(t.length)) { var r = -1, o = function e() { for (; ++r < t.length;)if (, r)) return e.value = t[r], e.done = !1, e; return e.value = void 0, e.done = !0, e }; return = o } } return { next: O } } function O() { return { value: void 0, done: !0 } } return p.prototype = v.constructor = d, d.constructor = p, p.displayName = s(d, a, "GeneratorFunction"), t.isGeneratorFunction = function (t) { var e = "function" == typeof t && t.constructor; return !!e && (e === p || "GeneratorFunction" === (e.displayName || }, t.mark = function (t) { return Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(t, d) : (t.__proto__ = d, s(t, a, "GeneratorFunction")), t.prototype = Object.create(v), t }, t.awrap = function (t) { return { __await: t } }, b(g.prototype), g.prototype[o] = function () { return this }, t.AsyncIterator = g, t.async = function (e, n, r, i, o) { void 0 === o && (o = Promise); var a = new g(c(e, n, r, i), o); return t.isGeneratorFunction(n) ? a : (t) { return t.done ? t.value : })) }, b(v), s(v, a, "Generator"), v[i] = function () { return this }, v.toString = function () { return "[object Generator]" }, t.keys = function (t) { var e = []; for (var n in t) e.push(n); return e.reverse(), function n() { for (; e.length;) { var r = e.pop(); if (r in t) return n.value = r, n.done = !1, n } return n.done = !0, n } }, t.values = j, x.prototype = { constructor: x, reset: function (t) { if (this.prev = 0, = 0, this.sent = this._sent = void 0, this.done = !1, this.delegate = null, this.method = "next", this.arg = void 0, this.tryEntries.forEach(k), !t) for (var e in this) "t" === e.charAt(0) &&, e) && !isNaN(+e.slice(1)) && (this[e] = void 0) }, stop: function () { this.done = !0; var t = this.tryEntries[0].completion; if ("throw" === t.type) throw t.arg; return this.rval }, dispatchException: function (t) { if (this.done) throw t; var e = this; function r(n, r) { return a.type = "throw", a.arg = t, = n, r && (e.method = "next", e.arg = void 0), !!r } for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var o = this.tryEntries[i], a = o.completion; if ("root" === o.tryLoc) return r("end"); if (o.tryLoc <= this.prev) { var s =, "catchLoc"), c =, "finallyLoc"); if (s && c) { if (this.prev < o.catchLoc) return r(o.catchLoc, !0); if (this.prev < o.finallyLoc) return r(o.finallyLoc) } else if (s) { if (this.prev < o.catchLoc) return r(o.catchLoc, !0) } else { if (!c) throw new Error("try statement without catch or finally"); if (this.prev < o.finallyLoc) return r(o.finallyLoc) } } } }, abrupt: function (t, e) { for (var r = this.tryEntries.length - 1; r >= 0; --r) { var i = this.tryEntries[r]; if (i.tryLoc <= this.prev &&, "finallyLoc") && this.prev < i.finallyLoc) { var o = i; break } } o && ("break" === t || "continue" === t) && o.tryLoc <= e && e <= o.finallyLoc && (o = null); var a = o ? o.completion : {}; return a.type = t, a.arg = e, o ? (this.method = "next", = o.finallyLoc, u) : this.complete(a) }, complete: function (t, e) { if ("throw" === t.type) throw t.arg; return "break" === t.type || "continue" === t.type ? = t.arg : "return" === t.type ? (this.rval = this.arg = t.arg, this.method = "return", = "end") : "normal" === t.type && e && ( = e), u }, finish: function (t) { for (var e = this.tryEntries.length - 1; e >= 0; --e) { var n = this.tryEntries[e]; if (n.finallyLoc === t) return this.complete(n.completion, n.afterLoc), k(n), u } }, catch: function (t) { for (var e = this.tryEntries.length - 1; e >= 0; --e) { var n = this.tryEntries[e]; if (n.tryLoc === t) { var r = n.completion; if ("throw" === r.type) { var i = r.arg; k(n) } return i } } throw new Error("illegal catch attempt") }, delegateYield: function (t, e, n) { return this.delegate = { iterator: j(t), resultName: e, nextLoc: n }, "next" === this.method && (this.arg = void 0), u } }, t }(t.exports); try { regeneratorRuntime = r } catch (t) { Function("r", "regeneratorRuntime = r")(r) } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(21), i = n(16), o = n(90); t.exports = !r && !i((function () { return 7 != Object.defineProperty(o("div"), "a", { get: function () { return 7 } }).a })) }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(15); t.exports = r }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(96); t.exports = r && !Symbol.sham && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(95), i = n(47), o = n(17)("toStringTag"), a = "Arguments" == i(function () { return arguments }()); t.exports = r ? i : function (t) { var e, n, r; return void 0 === t ? "Undefined" : null === t ? "Null" : "string" == typeof (n = function (t, e) { try { return t[e] } catch (t) { } }(e = Object(t), o)) ? n : a ? i(e) : "Object" == (r = i(e)) && "function" == typeof e.callee ? "Arguments" : r } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(28), i = n(118), o = n(44), a = n(27); t.exports = function (t, e) { for (var n = i(e), s = a.f, c = o.f, l = 0; l < n.length; l++) { var u = n[l]; r(t, u) || s(t, u, c(e, u)) } } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(50), i = n(66), o = n(101), a = n(22); t.exports = r("Reflect", "ownKeys") || function (t) { var e = i.f(a(t)), n = o.f; return n ? e.concat(n(t)) : e } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(28), i = n(36), o = n(98).indexOf, a = n(76); t.exports = function (t, e) { var n, s = i(t), c = 0, l = []; for (n in s) !r(a, n) && r(s, n) && l.push(n); for (; e.length > c;)r(s, n = e[c++]) && (~o(l, n) || l.push(n)); return l } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(21), i = n(67), o = n(36), a = n(78).f, s = function (t) { return function (e) { for (var n, s = o(e), c = i(s), l = c.length, u = 0, h = []; l > u;)n = c[u++], r && !, n) || h.push(t ? [n, s[n]] : s[n]); return h } }; t.exports = { entries: s(!0), values: s(!1) } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(21), i = n(27), o = n(22), a = n(67); t.exports = r ? Object.defineProperties : function (t, e) { o(t); for (var n, r = a(e), s = r.length, c = 0; s > c;)i.f(t, n = r[c++], e[n]); return t } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(50); t.exports = r("document", "documentElement") }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(53).forEach, i = n(52)("forEach"); t.exports = i ? [].forEach : function (t) { return r(this, t, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0) } }, function (t, e) { t.exports = { CSSRuleList: 0, CSSStyleDeclaration: 0, CSSValueList: 0, ClientRectList: 0, DOMRectList: 0, DOMStringList: 0, DOMTokenList: 1, DataTransferItemList: 0, FileList: 0, HTMLAllCollection: 0, HTMLCollection: 0, HTMLFormElement: 0, HTMLSelectElement: 0, MediaList: 0, MimeTypeArray: 0, NamedNodeMap: 0, NodeList: 1, PaintRequestList: 0, Plugin: 0, PluginArray: 0, SVGLengthList: 0, SVGNumberList: 0, SVGPathSegList: 0, SVGPointList: 0, SVGStringList: 0, SVGTransformList: 0, SourceBufferList: 0, StyleSheetList: 0, TextTrackCueList: 0, TextTrackList: 0, TouchList: 0 } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(12), i = n(158); r({ target: "Object", stat: !0, forced: Object.assign !== i }, { assign: i }) }, function (t, e, n) { var r, i, o, a, s = n(12), c = n(56), l = n(15), u = n(50), h = n(159), p = n(34), d = n(160), f = n(83), y = n(84), m = n(127), v = n(23), b = n(48), g = n(162), _ = n(92), w = n(163), k = n(131), x = n(132), j = n(133).set, O = n(164), C = n(166), E = n(167), S = n(135), P = n(168), R = n(55), L = n(79), T = n(17), A = n(169), I = n(80), B = n(64), N = T("species"), F = "Promise", V = R.get, D = R.set, M = R.getterFor(F), H = h && h.prototype, z = h, q = H, U = l.TypeError, G = l.document, $ = l.process, J = S.f, W = J, Z = !!(G && G.createEvent && l.dispatchEvent), Y = "function" == typeof PromiseRejectionEvent, Q = !1, K = L(F, (function () { var t = _(z) !== String(z); if (!t && 66 === B) return !0; if (c && !q.finally) return !0; if (B >= 51 && /native code/.test(z)) return !1; var e = new z((function (t) { t(1) })), n = function (t) { t((function () { }), (function () { })) }; return (e.constructor = {})[N] = n, !(Q = e.then((function () { })) instanceof n) || !t && A && !Y })), X = K || !k((function (t) { z.all(t).catch((function () { })) })), tt = function (t) { var e; return !(!v(t) || "function" != typeof (e = t.then)) && e }, et = function (t, e) { if (!t.notified) { t.notified = !0; var n = t.reactions; O((function () { for (var r = t.value, i = 1 == t.state, o = 0; n.length > o;) { var a, s, c, l = n[o++], u = i ? l.ok :, h = l.resolve, p = l.reject, d = l.domain; try { u ? (i || (2 === t.rejection && ot(t), t.rejection = 1), !0 === u ? a = r : (d && d.enter(), a = u(r), d && (d.exit(), c = !0)), a === l.promise ? p(U("Promise-chain cycle")) : (s = tt(a)) ?, h, p) : h(a)) : p(r) } catch (t) { d && !c && d.exit(), p(t) } } t.reactions = [], t.notified = !1, e && !t.rejection && rt(t) })) } }, nt = function (t, e, n) { var r, i; Z ? ((r = G.createEvent("Event")).promise = e, r.reason = n, r.initEvent(t, !1, !0), l.dispatchEvent(r)) : r = { promise: e, reason: n }, !Y && (i = l["on" + t]) ? i(r) : "unhandledrejection" === t && E("Unhandled promise rejection", n) }, rt = function (t) {, (function () { var e, n = t.facade, r = t.value; if (it(t) && (e = P((function () { I ? $.emit("unhandledRejection", r, n) : nt("unhandledrejection", n, r) })), t.rejection = I || it(t) ? 2 : 1, e.error)) throw e.value })) }, it = function (t) { return 1 !== t.rejection && !t.parent }, ot = function (t) {, (function () { var e = t.facade; I ? $.emit("rejectionHandled", e) : nt("rejectionhandled", e, t.value) })) }, at = function (t, e, n) { return function (r) { t(e, r, n) } }, st = function (t, e, n) { t.done || (t.done = !0, n && (t = n), t.value = e, t.state = 2, et(t, !0)) }, ct = function (t, e, n) { if (!t.done) { t.done = !0, n && (t = n); try { if (t.facade === e) throw U("Promise can't be resolved itself"); var r = tt(e); r ? O((function () { var n = { done: !1 }; try {, at(ct, n, t), at(st, n, t)) } catch (e) { st(n, e, t) } })) : (t.value = e, t.state = 1, et(t, !1)) } catch (e) { st({ done: !1 }, e, t) } } }; if (K && (q = (z = function (t) { g(this, z, F), b(t),; var e = V(this); try { t(at(ct, e), at(st, e)) } catch (t) { st(e, t) } }).prototype, (r = function (t) { D(this, { type: F, done: !1, notified: !1, parent: !1, reactions: [], rejection: !1, state: 0, value: void 0 }) }).prototype = d(q, { then: function (t, e) { var n = M(this), r = J(x(this, z)); return r.ok = "function" != typeof t || t, = "function" == typeof e && e, r.domain = I ? $.domain : void 0, n.parent = !0, n.reactions.push(r), 0 != n.state && et(n, !1), r.promise }, catch: function (t) { return this.then(void 0, t) } }), i = function () { var t = new r, e = V(t); this.promise = t, this.resolve = at(ct, e), this.reject = at(st, e) }, S.f = J = function (t) { return t === z || t === o ? new i(t) : W(t) }, !c && "function" == typeof h && H !== Object.prototype)) { a = H.then, Q || (p(H, "then", (function (t, e) { var n = this; return new z((function (t, e) {, t, e) })).then(t, e) }), { unsafe: !0 }), p(H, "catch", q.catch, { unsafe: !0 })); try { delete H.constructor } catch (t) { } f && f(H, q) } s({ global: !0, wrap: !0, forced: K }, { Promise: z }), y(z, F, !1, !0), m(F), o = u(F), s({ target: F, stat: !0, forced: K }, { reject: function (t) { var e = J(this); return 0, t), e.promise } }), s({ target: F, stat: !0, forced: c || K }, { resolve: function (t) { return C(c && this === o ? z : this, t) } }), s({ target: F, stat: !0, forced: X }, { all: function (t) { var e = this, n = J(e), r = n.resolve, i = n.reject, o = P((function () { var n = b(e.resolve), o = [], a = 0, s = 1; w(t, (function (t) { var c = a++, l = !1; o.push(void 0), s++,, t).then((function (t) { l || (l = !0, o[c] = t, --s || r(o)) }), i) })), --s || r(o) })); return o.error && i(o.value), n.promise }, race: function (t) { var e = this, n = J(e), r = n.reject, i = P((function () { var i = b(e.resolve); w(t, (function (t) {, t).then(n.resolve, r) })) })); return i.error && r(i.value), n.promise } }) }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(50), i = n(27), o = n(17), a = n(21), s = o("species"); t.exports = function (t) { var e = r(t), n = i.f; a && e && !e[s] && n(e, s, { configurable: !0, get: function () { return this } }) } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(17), i = n(71), o = r("iterator"), a = Array.prototype; t.exports = function (t) { return void 0 !== t && (i.Array === t || a[o] === t) } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(116), i = n(71), o = n(17)("iterator"); t.exports = function (t) { if (null != t) return t[o] || t["@@iterator"] || i[r(t)] } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(22); t.exports = function (t) { var e = t.return; if (void 0 !== e) return r( } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(17)("iterator"), i = !1; try { var o = 0, a = { next: function () { return { done: !!o++ } }, return: function () { i = !0 } }; a[r] = function () { return this }, Array.from(a, (function () { throw 2 })) } catch (t) { } t.exports = function (t, e) { if (!e && !i) return !1; var n = !1; try { var o = {}; o[r] = function () { return { next: function () { return { done: n = !0 } } } }, t(o) } catch (t) { } return n } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(22), i = n(48), o = n(17)("species"); t.exports = function (t, e) { var n, a = r(t).constructor; return void 0 === a || null == (n = r(a)[o]) ? e : i(n) } }, function (t, e, n) { var r, i, o, a = n(15), s = n(16), c = n(82), l = n(122), u = n(90), h = n(134), p = n(80), d = a.location, f = a.setImmediate, y = a.clearImmediate, m = a.process, v = a.MessageChannel, b = a.Dispatch, g = 0, _ = {}, w = function (t) { if (_.hasOwnProperty(t)) { var e = _[t]; delete _[t], e() } }, k = function (t) { return function () { w(t) } }, x = function (t) { w( }, j = function (t) { a.postMessage(t + "", d.protocol + "//" + }; f && y || (f = function (t) { for (var e = [], n = 1; arguments.length > n;)e.push(arguments[n++]); return _[++g] = function () { ("function" == typeof t ? t : Function(t)).apply(void 0, e) }, r(g), g }, y = function (t) { delete _[t] }, p ? r = function (t) { m.nextTick(k(t)) } : b && ? r = function (t) { } : v && !h ? (o = (i = new v).port2, i.port1.onmessage = x, r = c(o.postMessage, o, 1)) : a.addEventListener && "function" == typeof postMessage && !a.importScripts && d && "file:" !== d.protocol && !s(j) ? (r = j, a.addEventListener("message", x, !1)) : r = "onreadystatechange" in u("script") ? function (t) { l.appendChild(u("script")).onreadystatechange = function () { l.removeChild(this), w(t) } } : function (t) { setTimeout(k(t), 0) }), t.exports = { set: f, clear: y } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(77); t.exports = /(?:iphone|ipod|ipad).*applewebkit/i.test(r) }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(48), i = function (t) { var e, n; this.promise = new t((function (t, r) { if (void 0 !== e || void 0 !== n) throw TypeError("Bad Promise constructor"); e = t, n = r })), this.resolve = r(e), this.reject = r(n) }; t.exports.f = function (t) { return new i(t) } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(17); e.f = r }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(114), i = n(28), o = n(136), a = n(27).f; t.exports = function (t) { var e = r.Symbol || (r.Symbol = {}); i(e, t) || a(e, t, { value: o.f(t) }) } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(12), i = n(171), o = n(85), a = n(83), s = n(84), c = n(39), l = n(34), u = n(17), h = n(56), p = n(71), d = n(139), f = d.IteratorPrototype, y = d.BUGGY_SAFARI_ITERATORS, m = u("iterator"), v = function () { return this }; t.exports = function (t, e, n, u, d, b, g) { i(n, e, u); var _, w, k, x = function (t) { if (t === d && S) return S; if (!y && t in C) return C[t]; switch (t) { case "keys": case "values": case "entries": return function () { return new n(this, t) } }return function () { return new n(this) } }, j = e + " Iterator", O = !1, C = t.prototype, E = C[m] || C["@@iterator"] || d && C[d], S = !y && E || x(d), P = "Array" == e && C.entries || E; if (P && (_ = o( t)), f !== Object.prototype && && (h || o(_) === f || (a ? a(_, f) : "function" != typeof _[m] && c(_, m, v)), s(_, j, !0, !0), h && (p[j] = v))), "values" == d && E && "values" !== && (O = !0, S = function () { return }), h && !g || C[m] === S || c(C, m, S), p[e] = S, d) if (w = { values: x("values"), keys: b ? S : x("keys"), entries: x("entries") }, g) for (k in w) (y || O || !(k in C)) && l(C, k, w[k]); else r({ target: e, proto: !0, forced: y || O }, w); return w } }, function (t, e, n) { var r, i, o, a = n(16), s = n(85), c = n(39), l = n(28), u = n(17), h = n(56), p = u("iterator"), d = !1;[].keys && ("next" in (o = [].keys()) ? (i = s(s(o))) !== Object.prototype && (r = i) : d = !0); var f = null == r || a((function () { var t = {}; return r[p].call(t) !== t })); f && (r = {}), h && !f || l(r, p) || c(r, p, (function () { return this })), t.exports = { IteratorPrototype: r, BUGGY_SAFARI_ITERATORS: d } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(16); t.exports = !r((function () { function t() { } return t.prototype.constructor = null, Object.getPrototypeOf(new t) !== t.prototype })) }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(51), i = n(35), o = function (t) { return function (e, n) { var o, a, s = String(i(e)), c = r(n), l = s.length; return c < 0 || c >= l ? t ? "" : void 0 : (o = s.charCodeAt(c)) < 55296 || o > 56319 || c + 1 === l || (a = s.charCodeAt(c + 1)) < 56320 || a > 57343 ? t ? s.charAt(c) : o : t ? s.slice(c, c + 2) : a - 56320 + (o - 55296 << 10) + 65536 } }; t.exports = { codeAt: o(!1), charAt: o(!0) } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(23), i = n(83); t.exports = function (t, e, n) { var o, a; return i && "function" == typeof (o = e.constructor) && o !== n && r(a = o.prototype) && a !== n.prototype && i(t, a), t } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(12), i = n(21), o = n(118), a = n(36), s = n(44), c = n(69); r({ target: "Object", stat: !0, sham: !i }, { getOwnPropertyDescriptors: function (t) { for (var e, n, r = a(t), i = s.f, l = o(r), u = {}, h = 0; l.length > h;)void 0 !== (n = i(r, e = l[h++])) && c(u, e, n); return u } }) }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(12), i = n(21); r({ target: "Object", stat: !0, forced: !i, sham: !i }, { defineProperties: n(121) }) }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(108); t.exports = function (t) { if (r(t)) throw TypeError("The method doesn't accept regular expressions"); return t } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(17)("match"); t.exports = function (t) { var e = /./; try { "/./"[t](e) } catch (n) { try { return e[r] = !1, "/./"[t](e) } catch (t) { } } return !1 } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(51), i = n(35); t.exports = function (t) { var e = String(i(this)), n = "", o = r(t); if (o < 0 || o == 1 / 0) throw RangeError("Wrong number of repetitions"); for (; o > 0; (o >>>= 1) && (e += e))1 & o && (n += e); return n } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(48), i = n(23), o = [].slice, a = {}, s = function (t, e, n) { if (!(e in a)) { for (var r = [], i = 0; i < e; i++)r[i] = "a[" + i + "]"; a[e] = Function("C,a", "return new C(" + r.join(",") + ")") } return a[e](t, n) }; t.exports = Function.bind || function (t) { var e = r(this), n =, 1), a = function () { var r = n.concat(; return this instanceof a ? s(e, r.length, r) : e.apply(t, r) }; return i(e.prototype) && (a.prototype = e.prototype), a } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(12), i = n(99), o = n(51), a = n(31), s = n(30), c = n(102), l = n(69), u = n(70)("splice"), h = Math.max, p = Math.min; r({ target: "Array", proto: !0, forced: !u }, { splice: function (t, e) { var n, r, u, d, f, y, m = s(this), v = a(m.length), b = i(t, v), g = arguments.length; if (0 === g ? n = r = 0 : 1 === g ? (n = 0, r = v - b) : (n = g - 2, r = p(h(o(e), 0), v - b)), v + n - r > 9007199254740991) throw TypeError("Maximum allowed length exceeded"); for (u = c(m, r), d = 0; d < r; d++)(f = b + d) in m && l(u, d, m[f]); if (u.length = r, n < r) { for (d = b; d < v - r; d++)y = d + n, (f = d + r) in m ? m[y] = m[f] : delete m[y]; for (d = v; d > v - r + n; d--)delete m[d - 1] } else if (n > r) for (d = v - r; d > b; d--)y = d + n - 1, (f = d + r - 1) in m ? m[y] = m[f] : delete m[y]; for (d = 0; d < n; d++)m[d + b] = arguments[d + 2]; return m.length = v - r + n, u } }) }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(12), i = n(48), o = n(30), a = n(16), s = n(52), c = [], l = c.sort, u = a((function () { c.sort(void 0) })), h = a((function () { c.sort(null) })), p = s("sort"); r({ target: "Array", proto: !0, forced: u || !h || !p }, { sort: function (t) { return void 0 === t ? :, i(t)) } }) }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(12), i = n(51), o = n(182), a = n(147), s = n(16), c = 1..toFixed, l = Math.floor, u = function (t, e, n) { return 0 === e ? n : e % 2 == 1 ? u(t, e - 1, n * t) : u(t * t, e / 2, n) }, h = function (t, e, n) { for (var r = -1, i = n; ++r < 6;)i += e * t[r], t[r] = i % 1e7, i = l(i / 1e7) }, p = function (t, e) { for (var n = 6, r = 0; --n >= 0;)r += t[n], t[n] = l(r / e), r = r % e * 1e7 }, d = function (t) { for (var e = 6, n = ""; --e >= 0;)if ("" !== n || 0 === e || 0 !== t[e]) { var r = String(t[e]); n = "" === n ? r : n +"0", 7 - r.length) + r } return n }; r({ target: "Number", proto: !0, forced: c && ("0.000" !== 8e-5.toFixed(3) || "1" !== .9.toFixed(0) || "1.25" !== 1.255.toFixed(2) || "1000000000000000128" !== (0xde0b6b3a7640080).toFixed(0)) || !s((function () {{}) })) }, { toFixed: function (t) { var e, n, r, s, c = o(this), l = i(t), f = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], y = "", m = "0"; if (l < 0 || l > 20) throw RangeError("Incorrect fraction digits"); if (c != c) return "NaN"; if (c <= -1e21 || c >= 1e21) return String(c); if (c < 0 && (y = "-", c = -c), c > 1e-21) if (n = (e = function (t) { for (var e = 0, n = t; n >= 4096;)e += 12, n /= 4096; for (; n >= 2;)e += 1, n /= 2; return e }(c * u(2, 69, 1)) - 69) < 0 ? c * u(2, -e, 1) : c / u(2, e, 1), n *= 4503599627370496, (e = 52 - e) > 0) { for (h(f, 0, n), r = l; r >= 7;)h(f, 1e7, 0), r -= 7; for (h(f, u(10, r, 1), 0), r = e - 1; r >= 23;)p(f, 1 << 23), r -= 23; p(f, 1 << r), h(f, 1, 1), p(f, 2), m = d(f) } else h(f, 0, n), h(f, 1 << -e, 0), m = d(f) +"0", l); return m = l > 0 ? y + ((s = m.length) <= l ? "0." +"0", l - s) + m : m.slice(0, s - l) + "." + m.slice(s - l)) : y + m } }) }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(21), i = n(15), o = n(79), a = n(34), s = n(28), c = n(47), l = n(142), u = n(62), h = n(16), p = n(58), d = n(66).f, f = n(44).f, y = n(27).f, m = n(88).trim, v = i.Number, b = v.prototype, g = "Number" == c(p(b)), _ = function (t) { var e, n, r, i, o, a, s, c, l = u(t, !1); if ("string" == typeof l && l.length > 2) if (43 === (e = (l = m(l)).charCodeAt(0)) || 45 === e) { if (88 === (n = l.charCodeAt(2)) || 120 === n) return NaN } else if (48 === e) { switch (l.charCodeAt(1)) { case 66: case 98: r = 2, i = 49; break; case 79: case 111: r = 8, i = 55; break; default: return +l }for (a = (o = l.slice(2)).length, s = 0; s < a; s++)if ((c = o.charCodeAt(s)) < 48 || c > i) return NaN; return parseInt(o, r) } return +l }; if (o("Number", !v(" 0o1") || !v("0b1") || v("+0x1"))) { for (var w, k = function (t) { var e = arguments.length < 1 ? 0 : t, n = this; return n instanceof k && (g ? h((function () { })) : "Number" != c(n)) ? l(new v(_(e)), n, k) : _(e) }, x = r ? d(v) : "MAX_VALUE,MIN_VALUE,NaN,NEGATIVE_INFINITY,POSITIVE_INFINITY,EPSILON,isFinite,isInteger,isNaN,isSafeInteger,MAX_SAFE_INTEGER,MIN_SAFE_INTEGER,parseFloat,parseInt,isInteger,fromString,range".split(","), j = 0; x.length > j; j++)s(v, w = x[j]) && !s(k, w) && y(k, w, f(v, w)); k.prototype = b, b.constructor = k, a(i, "Number", k) } }, function (t, e) { }, function (t, e) { var n; n = function () { return this }(); try { n = n || new Function("return this")() } catch (t) { "object" == typeof window && (n = window) } t.exports = n }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(15), i = n(92), o = r.WeakMap; t.exports = "function" == typeof o && /native code/.test(i(o)) }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(95), i = n(116); t.exports = r ? {}.toString : function () { return "[object " + i(this) + "]" } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(48), i = n(30), o = n(65), a = n(31), s = function (t) { return function (e, n, s, c) { r(n); var l = i(e), u = o(l), h = a(l.length), p = t ? h - 1 : 0, d = t ? -1 : 1; if (s < 2) for (; ;) { if (p in u) { c = u[p], p += d; break } if (p += d, t ? p < 0 : h <= p) throw TypeError("Reduce of empty array with no initial value") } for (; t ? p >= 0 : h > p; p += d)p in u && (c = n(c, u[p], p, l)); return c } }; t.exports = { left: s(!1), right: s(!0) } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(21), i = n(16), o = n(67), a = n(101), s = n(78), c = n(30), l = n(65), u = Object.assign, h = Object.defineProperty; t.exports = !u || i((function () { if (r && 1 !== u({ b: 1 }, u(h({}, "a", { enumerable: !0, get: function () { h(this, "b", { value: 3, enumerable: !1 }) } }), { b: 2 })).b) return !0; var t = {}, e = {}, n = Symbol(); return t[n] = 7, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst".split("").forEach((function (t) { e[t] = t })), 7 != u({}, t)[n] || "abcdefghijklmnopqrst" != o(u({}, e)).join("") })) ? function (t, e) { for (var n = c(t), i = arguments.length, u = 1, h = a.f, p = s.f; i > u;)for (var d, f = l(arguments[u++]), y = h ? o(f).concat(h(f)) : o(f), m = y.length, v = 0; m > v;)d = y[v++], r && !, d) || (n[d] = f[d]); return n } : u }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(15); t.exports = r.Promise }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(34); t.exports = function (t, e, n) { for (var i in e) r(t, i, e[i], n); return t } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(23); t.exports = function (t) { if (!r(t) && null !== t) throw TypeError("Can't set " + String(t) + " as a prototype"); return t } }, function (t, e) { t.exports = function (t, e, n) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw TypeError("Incorrect " + (n ? n + " " : "") + "invocation"); return t } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(22), i = n(128), o = n(31), a = n(82), s = n(129), c = n(130), l = function (t, e) { this.stopped = t, this.result = e }; t.exports = function (t, e, n) { var u, h, p, d, f, y, m, v = n && n.that, b = !(!n || !n.AS_ENTRIES), g = !(!n || !n.IS_ITERATOR), _ = !(!n || !n.INTERRUPTED), w = a(e, v, 1 + b + _), k = function (t) { return u && c(u), new l(!0, t) }, x = function (t) { return b ? (r(t), _ ? w(t[0], t[1], k) : w(t[0], t[1])) : _ ? w(t, k) : w(t) }; if (g) u = t; else { if ("function" != typeof (h = s(t))) throw TypeError("Target is not iterable"); if (i(h)) { for (p = 0, d = o(t.length); d > p; p++)if ((f = x(t[p])) && f instanceof l) return f; return new l(!1) } u = } for (y =; !(m =;) { try { f = x(m.value) } catch (t) { throw c(u), t } if ("object" == typeof f && f && f instanceof l) return f } return new l(!1) } }, function (t, e, n) { var r, i, o, a, s, c, l, u, h = n(15), p = n(44).f, d = n(133).set, f = n(134), y = n(165), m = n(80), v = h.MutationObserver || h.WebKitMutationObserver, b = h.document, g = h.process, _ = h.Promise, w = p(h, "queueMicrotask"), k = w && w.value; k || (r = function () { var t, e; for (m && (t = g.domain) && t.exit(); i;) { e = i.fn, i =; try { e() } catch (t) { throw i ? a() : o = void 0, t } } o = void 0, t && t.enter() }, f || m || y || !v || !b ? _ && _.resolve ? ((l = _.resolve(void 0)).constructor = _, u = l.then, a = function () {, r) }) : a = m ? function () { g.nextTick(r) } : function () {, r) } : (s = !0, c = b.createTextNode(""), new v(r).observe(c, { characterData: !0 }), a = function () { = s = !s })), t.exports = k || function (t) { var e = { fn: t, next: void 0 }; o && ( = e), i || (i = e, a()), o = e } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(77); t.exports = /web0s(?!.*chrome)/i.test(r) }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(22), i = n(23), o = n(135); t.exports = function (t, e) { if (r(t), i(e) && e.constructor === t) return e; var n = o.f(t); return (0, n.resolve)(e), n.promise } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(15); t.exports = function (t, e) { var n = r.console; n && n.error && (1 === arguments.length ? n.error(t) : n.error(t, e)) } }, function (t, e) { t.exports = function (t) { try { return { error: !1, value: t() } } catch (t) { return { error: !0, value: t } } } }, function (t, e) { t.exports = "object" == typeof window }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(36), i = n(66).f, o = {}.toString, a = "object" == typeof window && window && Object.getOwnPropertyNames ? Object.getOwnPropertyNames(window) : []; t.exports.f = function (t) { return a && "[object Window]" == ? function (t) { try { return i(t) } catch (t) { return a.slice() } }(t) : i(r(t)) } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(139).IteratorPrototype, i = n(58), o = n(63), a = n(84), s = n(71), c = function () { return this }; t.exports = function (t, e, n) { var l = e + " Iterator"; return t.prototype = i(r, { next: o(1, n) }), a(t, l, !1, !0), s[l] = c, t } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(82), i = n(30), o = n(173), a = n(128), s = n(31), c = n(69), l = n(129); t.exports = function (t) { var e, n, u, h, p, d, f = i(t), y = "function" == typeof this ? this : Array, m = arguments.length, v = m > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0, b = void 0 !== v, g = l(f), _ = 0; if (b && (v = r(v, m > 2 ? arguments[2] : void 0, 2)), null == g || y == Array && a(g)) for (n = new y(e = s(f.length)); e > _; _++)d = b ? v(f[_], _) : f[_], c(n, _, d); else for (p = (h =, n = new y; !(u =; _++)d = b ? o(h, v, [u.value, _], !0) : u.value, c(n, _, d); return n.length = _, n } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(22), i = n(130); t.exports = function (t, e, n, o) { try { return o ? e(r(n)[0], n[1]) : e(n) } catch (e) { throw i(t), e } } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(30), i = Math.floor, o = "".replace, a = /\$([$&'`]|\d{1,2}|<[^>]*>)/g, s = /\$([$&'`]|\d{1,2})/g; t.exports = function (t, e, n, c, l, u) { var h = n + t.length, p = c.length, d = s; return void 0 !== l && (l = r(l), d = a),, d, (function (r, o) { var a; switch (o.charAt(0)) { case "$": return "$"; case "&": return t; case "`": return e.slice(0, n); case "'": return e.slice(h); case "<": a = l[o.slice(1, -1)]; break; default: var s = +o; if (0 === s) return r; if (s > p) { var u = i(s / 10); return 0 === u ? r : u <= p ? void 0 === c[u - 1] ? o.charAt(1) : c[u - 1] + o.charAt(1) : r } a = c[s - 1] }return void 0 === a ? "" : a })) } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(12), i = n(53).every; r({ target: "Array", proto: !0, forced: !n(52)("every") }, { every: function (t) { return i(this, t, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0) } }) }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(15), i = n(88).trim, o = n(89), a = r.parseInt, s = /^[+-]?0[Xx]/, c = 8 !== a(o + "08") || 22 !== a(o + "0x16"); t.exports = c ? function (t, e) { var n = i(String(t)); return a(n, e >>> 0 || (s.test(n) ? 16 : 10)) } : a }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(15), i = n(88).trim, o = n(89), a = r.parseFloat, s = 1 / a(o + "-0") != -1 / 0; t.exports = s ? function (t) { var e = i(String(t)), n = a(e); return 0 === n && "-" == e.charAt(0) ? -0 : n } : a }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(12), i = n(179); r({ target: "Date", proto: !0, forced: Date.prototype.toISOString !== i }, { toISOString: i }) }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(16), i = n(180).start, o = Math.abs, a = Date.prototype, s = a.getTime, c = a.toISOString; t.exports = r((function () { return "0385-07-25T07:06:39.999Z" != Date(-50000000000001)) })) || !r((function () { Date(NaN)) })) ? function () { if (!isFinite( throw RangeError("Invalid time value"); var t = this.getUTCFullYear(), e = this.getUTCMilliseconds(), n = t < 0 ? "-" : t > 9999 ? "+" : ""; return n + i(o(t), n ? 6 : 4, 0) + "-" + i(this.getUTCMonth() + 1, 2, 0) + "-" + i(this.getUTCDate(), 2, 0) + "T" + i(this.getUTCHours(), 2, 0) + ":" + i(this.getUTCMinutes(), 2, 0) + ":" + i(this.getUTCSeconds(), 2, 0) + "." + i(e, 3, 0) + "Z" } : c }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(31), i = n(147), o = n(35), a = Math.ceil, s = function (t) { return function (e, n, s) { var c, l, u = String(o(e)), h = u.length, p = void 0 === s ? " " : String(s), d = r(n); return d <= h || "" == p ? u : (c = d - h, (l =, a(c / p.length))).length > c && (l = l.slice(0, c)), t ? u + l : l + u) } }; t.exports = { start: s(!1), end: s(!0) } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(12), i = n(15), o = n(77), a = [].slice, s = function (t) { return function (e, n) { var r = arguments.length > 2, i = r ?, 2) : void 0; return t(r ? function () { ("function" == typeof e ? e : Function(e)).apply(this, i) } : e, n) } }; r({ global: !0, bind: !0, forced: /MSIE .\./.test(o) }, { setTimeout: s(i.setTimeout), setInterval: s(i.setInterval) }) }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(47); t.exports = function (t) { if ("number" != typeof t && "Number" != r(t)) throw TypeError("Incorrect invocation"); return +t } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(12), i = n(88).trim; r({ target: "String", proto: !0, forced: n(184)("trim") }, { trim: function () { return i(this) } }) }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(16), i = n(89); t.exports = function (t) { return r((function () { return !!i[t]() || "​…᠎" != "​…᠎"[t]() || i[t].name !== t })) } }, function (t, e, n) { n(12)({ target: "Date", stat: !0 }, { now: function () { return (new Date).getTime() } }) }, function (t, e, n) { n.r(e), n.d(e, "JSONEditor", (function () { return vc })); n(112), n(46), n(1), n(43), n(40), n(57), n(81), n(19), n(20), n(37), n(18), n(125), n(11), n(126), n(25), n(2), n(3), n(4), n(0), n(5), n(6), n(38), n(29), n(32), n(59), n(24), n(41), n(60), n(26); var r = ["actionscript", "batchfile", "c", "c++", "cpp", "coffee", "csharp", "css", "dart", "django", "ejs", "erlang", "golang", "groovy", "handlebars", "haskell", "haxe", "html", "ini", "jade", "java", "javascript", "json", "less", "lisp", "lua", "makefile", "matlab", "mysql", "objectivec", "pascal", "perl", "pgsql", "php", "python", "r", "ruby", "sass", "scala", "scss", "smarty", "sql", "sqlserver", "stylus", "svg", "twig", "vbscript", "xml", "yaml"], i = [function (t) { return "string" === t.type && "color" === t.format && "colorpicker" }, function (t) { return "string" === t.type && ["ip", "ipv4", "ipv6", "hostname"].includes(t.format) && "ip" }, function (t) { return "string" === t.type && r.includes(t.format) && "ace" }, function (t) { return "string" === t.type && ["xhtml", "bbcode"].includes(t.format) && "sceditor" }, function (t) { return "string" === t.type && "markdown" === t.format && "simplemde" }, function (t) { return "string" === t.type && "jodit" === t.format && "jodit" }, function (t) { return "string" === t.type && "autocomplete" === t.format && "autocomplete" }, function (t) { return "string" === t.type && "uuid" === t.format && "uuid" }, function (t) { return "info" === t.format && "info" }, function (t) { return "button" === t.format && "button" }, function (t) { if (("integer" === t.type || "number" === t.type) && "stepper" === t.format) return "stepper" }, function (t) { if (t.links) for (var e = 0; e < t.links.length; e++)if (t.links[e].rel && "describedby" === t.links[e].rel.toLowerCase()) return "describedBy" }, function (t) { return ["string", "integer"].includes(t.type) && ["starrating", "rating"].includes(t.format) && "starrating" }, function (t) { return ["string", "integer"].includes(t.type) && ["date", "time", "datetime-local"].includes(t.format) && "datetime" }, function (t) { return (t.oneOf || t.anyOf) && "multiple" }, function (t) { if ("array" === t.type && t.items && !Array.isArray(t.items) && ["string", "number", "integer"].includes(t.items.type)) { if ("choices" === t.format) return "arrayChoices"; if (t.uniqueItems) { if ("selectize" === t.format) return "arraySelectize"; if ("select2" === t.format) return "arraySelect2"; if (t.items.enum) return "multiselect" } } }, function (t) { if (t.enum) { if ("array" === t.type || "object" === t.type) return "enum"; if ("number" === t.type || "integer" === t.type || "string" === t.type) return "radio" === t.format ? "radio" : "select2" === t.format ? "select2" : "selectize" === t.format ? "selectize" : "choices" === t.format ? "choices" : "select" } }, function (t) { if (t.enumSource) return "radio" === t.format ? "radio" : "select2" === t.format ? "select2" : "selectize" === t.format ? "selectize" : "choices" === t.format ? "choices" : "select" }, function (t) { return "array" === t.type && "table" === t.format && "table" }, function (t) { return "string" === t.type && "url" === t.format && window.FileReader && t.options && t.options.upload === Object(t.options.upload) && "upload" }, function (t) { return "string" === t.type && && "base64" === && "base64" }, function (t) { return "any" === t.type && "multiple" }, function (t) { if ("boolean" === t.type) return "checkbox" === t.format || t.options && t.options.checkbox ? "checkbox" : "select2" === t.format ? "select2" : "selectize" === t.format ? "selectize" : "choices" === t.format ? "choices" : "select" }, function (t) { return "string" === t.type && "signature" === t.format && "signature" }, function (t) { return "string" == typeof t.type && t.type }, function (t) { return !t.type && && "object" }, function (t) { return "string" != typeof t.type && "multiple" }]; function o(t, e) { return function (t) { if (Array.isArray(t)) return t }(t) || function (t, e) { var n = t && ("undefined" != typeof Symbol && t[Symbol.iterator] || t["@@iterator"]); if (null == n) return; var r, i, o = [], a = !0, s = !1; try { for (n =; !(a = (r = && (o.push(r.value), !e || o.length !== e); a = !0); } catch (t) { s = !0, i = t } finally { try { a || null == n.return || n.return() } finally { if (s) throw i } } return o }(t, e) || function (t, e) { if (!t) return; if ("string" == typeof t) return a(t, e); var n =, -1); "Object" === n && t.constructor && (n =; if ("Map" === n || "Set" === n) return Array.from(t); if ("Arguments" === n || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return a(t, e) }(t, e) || function () { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.") }() } function a(t, e) { (null == e || e > t.length) && (e = t.length); for (var n = 0, r = new Array(e); n < e; n++)r[n] = t[n]; return r } var s = {}, c = {}; c.en = { error_notset: "Property must be set", error_notempty: "Value required", error_enum: "Value must be one of the enumerated values", error_const: "Value must be the constant value", error_anyOf: "Value must validate against at least one of the provided schemas", error_oneOf: "Value must validate against exactly one of the provided schemas. It currently validates against {{0}} of the schemas.", error_not: "Value must not validate against the provided schema", error_type_union: "Value must be one of the provided types", error_type: "Value must be of type {{0}}", error_disallow_union: "Value must not be one of the provided disallowed types", error_disallow: "Value must not be of type {{0}}", error_multipleOf: "Value must be a multiple of {{0}}", error_maximum_excl: "Value must be less than {{0}}", error_maximum_incl: "Value must be at most {{0}}", error_minimum_excl: "Value must be greater than {{0}}", error_minimum_incl: "Value must be at least {{0}}", error_maxLength: "Value must be at most {{0}} characters long", error_minLength: "Value must be at least {{0}} characters long", error_pattern: "Value must match the pattern {{0}}", error_additionalItems: "No additional items allowed in this array", error_maxItems: "Value must have at most {{0}} items", error_minItems: "Value must have at least {{0}} items", error_uniqueItems: "Array must have unique items", error_maxProperties: "Object must have at most {{0}} properties", error_minProperties: "Object must have at least {{0}} properties", error_required: "Object is missing the required property '{{0}}'", error_additional_properties: "No additional properties allowed, but property {{0}} is set", error_property_names_exceeds_maxlength: "Property name {{0}} exceeds maxLength", error_property_names_enum_mismatch: "Property name {{0}} does not match any enum values", error_property_names_const_mismatch: "Property name {{0}} does not match the const value", error_property_names_pattern_mismatch: "Property name {{0}} does not match pattern", error_property_names_false: "Property name {{0}} fails when propertyName is false", error_property_names_maxlength: "Property name {{0}} cannot match invalid maxLength", error_property_names_enum: "Property name {{0}} cannot match invalid enum", error_property_names_pattern: "Property name {{0}} cannot match invalid pattern", error_property_names_unsupported: "Unsupported propertyName {{0}}", error_dependency: "Must have property {{0}}", error_date: "Date must be in the format {{0}}", error_time: "Time must be in the format {{0}}", error_datetime_local: "Datetime must be in the format {{0}}", error_invalid_epoch: "Date must be greater than 1 January 1970", error_ipv4: "Value must be a valid IPv4 address in the form of 4 numbers between 0 and 255, separated by dots", error_ipv6: "Value must be a valid IPv6 address", error_hostname: "The hostname has the wrong format", button_save: "Save", button_copy: "Copy", button_cancel: "Cancel", button_add: "Add", button_delete_all: "All", button_delete_all_title: "Delete All", button_delete_last: "Last {{0}}", button_delete_last_title: "Delete Last {{0}}", button_add_row_title: "Add {{0}}", button_move_down_title: "Move down", button_move_up_title: "Move up", button_properties: "Properties", button_object_properties: "Object Properties", button_copy_row_title: "Copy {{0}}", button_delete_row_title: "Delete {{0}}", button_delete_row_title_short: "Delete", button_copy_row_title_short: "Copy", button_collapse: "Collapse", button_expand: "Expand", button_edit_json: "Edit JSON", button_upload: "Upload", flatpickr_toggle_button: "Toggle", flatpickr_clear_button: "Clear", choices_placeholder_text: "Start typing to add value", default_array_item_title: "item", button_delete_node_warning: "Are you sure you want to remove this node?" }, Object.entries(s).forEach((function (t) { var e = o(t, 2), n = e[0], r = e[1]; s[n].options = r.options || {} })); var l = { options: { upload: function (t, e, n) { console.log("Upload handler required for upload editor") }, use_name_attributes: !0, prompt_before_delete: !0, use_default_values: !0, max_depth: 0 }, theme: "html", template: "default", themes: {}, callbacks: {}, templates: {}, iconlibs: {}, editors: s, languages: c, resolvers: i, custom_validators: [], default_language: "en", language: "en", translate: function (t, e, n) { var r = {}; n && n.options && n.options.error_messages && n.options.error_messages[l.language] && (r = n.options.error_messages[l.language]); var i = l.languages[l.language]; if (!i) throw new Error("Unknown language ".concat(l.language)); var o = r[t] || i[t] || l.languages.en[t] || t; if (e) for (var a = 0; a < e.length; a++)o = o.replace(new RegExp("\\{\\{".concat(a, "}}"), "g"), e[a]); return o }, translateProperty: function (t, e) { return t } }; n(87), n(175), n(45), n(72), n(42), n(49), n(61), n(13), n(143), n(144), n(54); function u(t, e, n, r) { try { switch (t.format) { case "ipv4": !function (t) { var e = t.split("."); if (4 !== e.length) throw new Error("error_ipv4"); e.forEach((function (t) { if (isNaN(+t) || +t < 0 || +t > 255) throw new Error("error_ipv4") })) }(e); break; case "ipv6": !function (t) { if (!t.match("^(?:(?:(?:[a-fA-F0-9]{1,4}:){6}|(?=(?:[a-fA-F0-9]{0,4}:){2,6}(?:[0-9]{1,3}.){3}[0-9]{1,3}$)(([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,5}|:)((:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,5}:|:)|::(?:[a-fA-F0-9]{1,4}:){5})(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9]?[0-9]).){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9]?[0-9])|(?:[a-fA-F0-9]{1,4}:){7}[a-fA-F0-9]{1,4}|(?=(?:[a-fA-F0-9]{0,4}:){0,7}[a-fA-F0-9]{0,4}$)(([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,7}|:)((:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,7}|:)|(?:[a-fA-F0-9]{1,4}:){7}:|:(:[a-fA-F0-9]{1,4}){7})$")) throw new Error("error_ipv6") }(e); break; case "hostname": !function (t) { if (!t.match("(?=^.{4,253}$)(^((?!-)[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,62}[a-zA-Z0-9].)+[a-zA-Z]{2,63}$)")) throw new Error("error_hostname") }(e) }return [] } catch (t) { return [{ path: n, property: "format", message: r(t.message) }] } } n(109); function h(t) { return (h = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) { return typeof t } : function (t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t })(t) } function p(t) { return null !== t && ("object" === h(t) && !t.nodeType && t !== t.window && !(t.constructor && !v(t.constructor.prototype, "isPrototypeOf"))) } function d(t) { return p(t) ? f({}, t) : Array.isArray(t) ? : t } function f(t) { for (var e = arguments.length, n = new Array(e > 1 ? e - 1 : 0), r = 1; r < e; r++)n[r - 1] = arguments[r]; return n.forEach((function (e) { e && Object.keys(e).forEach((function (n) { e[n] && p(e[n]) ? (v(t, n) || (t[n] = {}), f(t[n], e[n])) : Array.isArray(e[n]) ? t[n] = d(e[n]) : t[n] = e[n] })) })), t } function y(t, e) { var n = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents"); n.initEvent(e, !0, !0), t.dispatchEvent(n) } function m(t) { return t && ("[object ShadowRoot]" === t.toString() ? t : m(t.parentNode)) } function v(t, e) { return t &&, e) } var b = /^\s*(-|\+)?(\d+|(\d*(\.\d*)))([eE][+-]?\d+)?\s*$/; var g = /^\s*(-|\+)?(\d+)\s*$/; function _() { var t = (new Date).getTime(); return "undefined" != typeof performance && "function" == typeof && (t +=, "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx".replace(/[xy]/g, (function (e) { var n = (t + 16 * Math.random()) % 16 | 0; return t = Math.floor(t / 16), ("x" === e ? n : 3 & n | 8).toString(16) })) } function w(t, e) { var n = "undefined" != typeof Symbol && t[Symbol.iterator] || t["@@iterator"]; if (!n) { if (Array.isArray(t) || (n = E(t)) || e && t && "number" == typeof t.length) { n && (t = n); var r = 0, i = function () { }; return { s: i, n: function () { return r >= t.length ? { done: !0 } : { done: !1, value: t[r++] } }, e: function (t) { throw t }, f: i } } throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.") } var o, a = !0, s = !1; return { s: function () { n = }, n: function () { var t =; return a = t.done, t }, e: function (t) { s = !0, o = t }, f: function () { try { a || null == n.return || n.return() } finally { if (s) throw o } } } } function k(t, e) { var n = Object.keys(t); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var r = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(t); e && (r = r.filter((function (e) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, e).enumerable }))), n.push.apply(n, r) } return n } function x(t) { for (var e = 1; e < arguments.length; e++) { var n = null != arguments[e] ? arguments[e] : {}; e % 2 ? k(Object(n), !0).forEach((function (e) { j(t, e, n[e]) })) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(n)) : k(Object(n)).forEach((function (e) { Object.defineProperty(t, e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n, e)) })) } return t } function j(t, e, n) { return e in t ? Object.defineProperty(t, e, { value: n, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : t[e] = n, t } function O(t, e) { return function (t) { if (Array.isArray(t)) return t }(t) || function (t, e) { var n = t && ("undefined" != typeof Symbol && t[Symbol.iterator] || t["@@iterator"]); if (null == n) return; var r, i, o = [], a = !0, s = !1; try { for (n =; !(a = (r = && (o.push(r.value), !e || o.length !== e); a = !0); } catch (t) { s = !0, i = t } finally { try { a || null == n.return || n.return() } finally { if (s) throw i } } return o }(t, e) || E(t, e) || function () { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.") }() } function C(t) { return function (t) { if (Array.isArray(t)) return S(t) }(t) || function (t) { if ("undefined" != typeof Symbol && null != t[Symbol.iterator] || null != t["@@iterator"]) return Array.from(t) }(t) || E(t) || function () { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.") }() } function E(t, e) { if (t) { if ("string" == typeof t) return S(t, e); var n =, -1); return "Object" === n && t.constructor && (n =, "Map" === n || "Set" === n ? Array.from(t) : "Arguments" === n || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n) ? S(t, e) : void 0 } } function S(t, e) { (null == e || e > t.length) && (e = t.length); for (var n = 0, r = new Array(e); n < e; n++)r[n] = t[n]; return r } function P(t) { return (P = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) { return typeof t } : function (t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t })(t) } function R(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n]; r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1, r.configurable = !0, "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, r.key, r) } } var L = function () { function t(e, n, r, i) { !function (t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") }(this, t), this.jsoneditor = e, this.schema = n || this.jsoneditor.schema, this.options = r || {}, this.translate = this.jsoneditor.translate || i.translate, this.translateProperty = this.jsoneditor.translateProperty || i.translateProperty, this.defaults = i, this._validateSubSchema = { const: function (t, e, n) { return JSON.stringify(t.const) === JSON.stringify(e) && !(Array.isArray(e) || "object" === P(e)) ? [] : [{ path: n, property: "const", message: this.translate("error_const", null, t) }] }, enum: function (t, e, n) { var r = JSON.stringify(e); return t.enum.some((function (t) { return r === JSON.stringify(t) })) ? [] : [{ path: n, property: "enum", message: this.translate("error_enum", null, t) }] }, extends: function (t, e, n) { var r = this; return t.extends.reduce((function (t, i) { return t.push.apply(t, C(r._validateSchema(i, e, n))), t }), []) }, allOf: function (t, e, n) { var r = this; return t.allOf.reduce((function (t, i) { return t.push.apply(t, C(r._validateSchema(i, e, n))), t }), []) }, anyOf: function (t, e, n) { var r = this; return t.anyOf.some((function (t) { return !r._validateSchema(t, e, n).length })) ? [] : [{ path: n, property: "anyOf", message: this.translate("error_anyOf", null, t) }] }, oneOf: function (t, e, n) { var r = this, i = 0, o = []; t.oneOf.forEach((function (t, a) { var s = r._validateSchema(t, e, n); s.length || i++, s.forEach((function (t) { t.path = "".concat(n, ".oneOf[").concat(a, "]").concat(t.path.substr(n.length)) })), o.push.apply(o, C(s)) })); var a = []; return 1 !== i && (a.push({ path: n, property: "oneOf", message: this.translate("error_oneOf", [i], t) }), a.push.apply(a, o)), a }, not: function (t, e, n) { return this._validateSchema(t.not, e, n).length ? [] : [{ path: n, property: "not", message: this.translate("error_not", null, t) }] }, type: function (t, e, n) { var r = this; if (Array.isArray(t.type)) { if (!t.type.some((function (t) { return r._checkType(t, e) }))) return [{ path: n, property: "type", message: this.translate("error_type_union", null, t) }] } else if (["date", "time", "datetime-local"].includes(t.format) && "integer" === t.type) { if (!this._checkType("string", "".concat(e))) return [{ path: n, property: "type", message: this.translate("error_type", [t.format], t) }] } else if (!this._checkType(t.type, e)) return [{ path: n, property: "type", message: this.translate("error_type", [t.type], t) }]; return [] }, disallow: function (t, e, n) { var r = this; if (Array.isArray(t.disallow)) { if (t.disallow.some((function (t) { return r._checkType(t, e) }))) return [{ path: n, property: "disallow", message: this.translate("error_disallow_union", null, t) }] } else if (this._checkType(t.disallow, e)) return [{ path: n, property: "disallow", message: this.translate("error_disallow", [t.disallow], t) }]; return [] } }, this._validateNumberSubSchema = { multipleOf: function (t, e, n) { return this._validateNumberSubSchemaMultipleDivisible(t, e, n) }, divisibleBy: function (t, e, n) { return this._validateNumberSubSchemaMultipleDivisible(t, e, n) }, maximum: function (t, e, n) { var r = t.exclusiveMaximum ? e < t.maximum : e <= t.maximum; return window.math ? r = window.math[t.exclusiveMaximum ? "smaller" : "smallerEq"](window.math.bignumber(e), window.math.bignumber(t.maximum)) : window.Decimal && (r = new window.Decimal(e)[t.exclusiveMaximum ? "lt" : "lte"](new window.Decimal(t.maximum))), r ? [] : [{ path: n, property: "maximum", message: this.translate(t.exclusiveMaximum ? "error_maximum_excl" : "error_maximum_incl", [t.maximum], t) }] }, minimum: function (t, e, n) { var r = t.exclusiveMinimum ? e > t.minimum : e >= t.minimum; return window.math ? r = window.math[t.exclusiveMinimum ? "larger" : "largerEq"](window.math.bignumber(e), window.math.bignumber(t.minimum)) : window.Decimal && (r = new window.Decimal(e)[t.exclusiveMinimum ? "gt" : "gte"](new window.Decimal(t.minimum))), r ? [] : [{ path: n, property: "minimum", message: this.translate(t.exclusiveMinimum ? "error_minimum_excl" : "error_minimum_incl", [t.minimum], t) }] } }, this._validateStringSubSchema = { maxLength: function (t, e, n) { var r = []; return "".concat(e).length > t.maxLength && r.push({ path: n, property: "maxLength", message: this.translate("error_maxLength", [t.maxLength], t) }), r }, minLength: function (t, e, n) { return "".concat(e).length < t.minLength ? [{ path: n, property: "minLength", message: this.translate(1 === t.minLength ? "error_notempty" : "error_minLength", [t.minLength], t) }] : [] }, pattern: function (t, e, n) { return new RegExp(t.pattern).test(e) ? [] : [{ path: n, property: "pattern", message: t.options && t.options.patternmessage ? t.options.patternmessage : this.translate("error_pattern", [t.pattern], t) }] } }, this._validateArraySubSchema = { items: function (t, e, n) { var r = this, i = []; if (Array.isArray(t.items)) for (var o = 0; o < e.length; o++)if (t.items[o]) i.push.apply(i, C(this._validateSchema(t.items[o], e[o], "".concat(n, ".").concat(o)))); else { if (!0 === t.additionalItems) break; if (!t.additionalItems) { if (!1 === t.additionalItems) { i.push({ path: n, property: "additionalItems", message: this.translate("error_additionalItems", null, t) }); break } break } i.push.apply(i, C(this._validateSchema(t.additionalItems, e[o], "".concat(n, ".").concat(o)))) } else e.forEach((function (e, o) { i.push.apply(i, C(r._validateSchema(t.items, e, "".concat(n, ".").concat(o)))) })); return i }, maxItems: function (t, e, n) { return e.length > t.maxItems ? [{ path: n, property: "maxItems", message: this.translate("error_maxItems", [t.maxItems], t) }] : [] }, minItems: function (t, e, n) { return e.length < t.minItems ? [{ path: n, property: "minItems", message: this.translate("error_minItems", [t.minItems], t) }] : [] }, uniqueItems: function (t, e, n) { for (var r = {}, i = 0; i < e.length; i++) { var o = JSON.stringify(e[i]); if (r[o]) return [{ path: n, property: "uniqueItems", message: this.translate("error_uniqueItems", null, t) }]; r[o] = !0 } return [] } }, this._validateObjectSubSchema = { maxProperties: function (t, e, n) { return Object.keys(e).length > t.maxProperties ? [{ path: n, property: "maxProperties", message: this.translate("error_maxProperties", [t.maxProperties], t) }] : [] }, minProperties: function (t, e, n) { return Object.keys(e).length < t.minProperties ? [{ path: n, property: "minProperties", message: this.translate("error_minProperties", [t.minProperties], t) }] : [] }, required: function (t, e, n) { var r = this, i = []; return Array.isArray(t.required) && t.required.forEach((function (o) { if (void 0 === e[o]) { var a = r.jsoneditor.getEditor("".concat(n, ".").concat(o)); a && !1 === a.dependenciesFulfilled || a && ["button", "info"].includes(a.schema.format || a.schema.type) || i.push({ path: n, property: "required", message: r.translate("error_required", [t && &&[o] &&[o].title ?[o].title : o], t) }) } })), i }, properties: function (t, e, n, r) { var i = this, o = []; return Object.entries( (t) { var a = O(t, 2), s = a[0], c = a[1]; r[s] = !0, o.push.apply(o, C(i._validateSchema(c, e[s], "".concat(n, ".").concat(s)))) })), o }, patternProperties: function (t, e, n, r) { var i = this, o = []; return Object.entries(t.patternProperties).forEach((function (t) { var a = O(t, 2), s = a[0], c = a[1], l = new RegExp(s); Object.entries(e).forEach((function (t) { var e = O(t, 2), a = e[0], s = e[1]; l.test(a) && (r[a] = !0, o.push.apply(o, C(i._validateSchema(c, s, "".concat(n, ".").concat(a))))) })) })), o } }, this._validateObjectSubSchema2 = { propertyNames: function (t, e, n, r) { for (var i = this, o = [], a = Object.keys(e), s = null, c = function (e) { var r = ""; return s = a[e], "boolean" == typeof t.propertyNames ? !0 === t.propertyNames ? "continue" : (o.push({ path: n, property: "propertyNames", message: i.translate("error_property_names_false", [s], t) }), "break") : Object.entries(t.propertyNames).every((function (e) { var a = O(e, 2), c = a[0], l = a[1], u = !1; switch (c) { case "maxLength": if ("number" != typeof l) { r = "error_property_names_maxlength"; break } if (s.length > l) { r = "error_property_names_exceeds_maxlength"; break } return !0; case "const": if (l !== s) { r = "error_property_names_const_mismatch"; break } return !0; case "enum": if (!Array.isArray(l)) { r = "error_property_names_enum"; break } if (l.forEach((function (t) { t === s && (u = !0) })), !u) { r = "error_property_names_enum_mismatch"; break } return !0; case "pattern": if ("string" != typeof l) { r = "error_property_names_pattern"; break } if (!new RegExp(l).test(s)) { r = "error_property_names_pattern_mismatch"; break } return !0; default: return o.push({ path: n, property: "propertyNames", message: i.translate("error_property_names_unsupported", [c], t) }), !1 }return o.push({ path: n, property: "propertyNames", message: i.translate(r, [s], t) }), !1 })) ? void 0 : "break" }, l = 0; l < a.length; l++) { var u = c(l); if ("continue" !== u && "break" === u) break } return o }, additionalProperties: function (t, e, n, r) { for (var i = [], o = Object.keys(e), a = 0; a < o.length; a++) { var s = o[a]; if (!r[s]) { if (!t.additionalProperties) { i.push({ path: n, property: "additionalProperties", message: this.translate("error_additional_properties", [s], t) }); break } if (!0 === t.additionalProperties) break; i.push.apply(i, C(this._validateSchema(t.additionalProperties, e[s], "".concat(n, ".").concat(s)))) } } return i }, dependencies: function (t, e, n) { var r = this, i = []; return Object.entries(t.dependencies).forEach((function (o) { var a = O(o, 2), s = a[0], c = a[1]; void 0 !== e[s] && (Array.isArray(c) ? c.forEach((function (o) { void 0 === e[o] && i.push({ path: n, property: "dependencies", message: r.translate("error_dependency", [o], t) }) })) : i.push.apply(i, C(r._validateSchema(c, e, n)))) })), i } } } var e, n, r; return e = t, (n = [{ key: "fitTest", value: function (t, e) { var n = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : 1e7, r = { match: 0, extra: 0 }; if ("object" === P(t) && null !== t) { var i = this._getSchema(e); if (i.anyOf) { var o, a = x({}, r), s = w(i.anyOf); try { for (s.s(); !(o = s.n()).done;) { var c = o.value, l = this.fitTest(t, c, n); (l.match > a.match || l.match === a.match && l.extra < a.extra) && (a = l) } } catch (t) { s.e(t) } finally { s.f() } return a } var u = this._getSchema(e).properties; for (var h in u) if (v(u, h)) { if ("object" === P(t[h]) && "object" === P(u[h]) && "object" === P(u[h].properties)) { var p = this.fitTest(t[h], u[h], n / 100); r.match += p.match, r.extra += p.extra } void 0 !== t[h] && (r.match += n) } else r.extra += n } return r } }, { key: "_getSchema", value: function (t) { return void 0 === t ? f({}, this.jsoneditor.expandRefs(this.schema)) : t } }, { key: "validate", value: function (t) { return this._validateSchema(this.schema, t) } }, { key: "_validateSchema", value: function (t, e, n) { var r = this, i = []; return n = n || this.jsoneditor.root.formname, t = f({}, this.jsoneditor.expandRefs(t)), void 0 === e ? this._validateV3Required(t, e, n) : (Object.keys(t).forEach((function (o) { r._validateSubSchema[o] && i.push.apply(i, C(r._validateSubSchema[o].call(r, t, e, n))) })), i.push.apply(i, C(this._validateByValueType(t, e, n))), t.links && t.links.forEach((function (o, a) { o.rel && "describedby" === o.rel.toLowerCase() && (t = r._expandSchemaLink(t, a), i.push.apply(i, C(r._validateSchema(t, e, n, r.translate)))) })), ["date", "time", "datetime-local"].includes(t.format) && i.push.apply(i, C(this._validateDateTimeSubSchema(t, e, n))), ["uuid"].includes(t.format) && i.push.apply(i, C(this._validateUUIDSchema(t, e, n))), i.push.apply(i, C(this._validateCustomValidator(t, e, n))), this._removeDuplicateErrors(i)) } }, { key: "_expandSchemaLink", value: function (t, e) { var n = t.links[e].href, r = this.jsoneditor.root.getValue(), i = this.jsoneditor.compileTemplate(n, this.jsoneditor.template), o = document.location.origin + document.location.pathname + i(r); return t.links = t.links.slice(0, e).concat(t.links.slice(e + 1)), f({}, t, this.jsoneditor.refs[o]) } }, { key: "_validateV3Required", value: function (t, e, n) { return (void 0 !== t.required && !0 === t.required || void 0 === t.required && !0 === this.jsoneditor.options.required_by_default) && "info" !== t.type ? [{ path: n, property: "required", message: this.translate("error_notset", null, t) }] : [] } }, { key: "_validateByValueType", value: function (t, e, n) { var r = this, i = []; if (null === e) return i; if ("number" == typeof e) Object.keys(t).forEach((function (o) { r._validateNumberSubSchema[o] && i.push.apply(i, C(r._validateNumberSubSchema[o].call(r, t, e, n))) })); else if ("string" == typeof e) Object.keys(t).forEach((function (o) { r._validateStringSubSchema[o] && i.push.apply(i, C(r._validateStringSubSchema[o].call(r, t, e, n))) })); else if (Array.isArray(e)) Object.keys(t).forEach((function (o) { r._validateArraySubSchema[o] && i.push.apply(i, C(r._validateArraySubSchema[o].call(r, t, e, n))) })); else if ("object" === P(e)) { var o = {}; Object.keys(t).forEach((function (a) { r._validateObjectSubSchema[a] && i.push.apply(i, C(r._validateObjectSubSchema[a].call(r, t, e, n, o))) })), void 0 !== t.additionalProperties || !this.jsoneditor.options.no_additional_properties || t.oneOf || t.anyOf || t.allOf || (t.additionalProperties = !1), Object.keys(t).forEach((function (a) { void 0 !== r._validateObjectSubSchema2[a] && i.push.apply(i, C(r._validateObjectSubSchema2[a].call(r, t, e, n, o))) })) } return i } }, { key: "_validateUUIDSchema", value: function (t, e, n) { return /^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}$/i.test(e) ? [] : [{ path: n, property: "format", message: this.translate("error_pattern", ["^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-fA-F]{3}-[89abAB][0-9a-fA-F]{3}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$"], t) }] } }, { key: "_validateNumberSubSchemaMultipleDivisible", value: function (t, e, n) { var r = t.multipleOf || t.divisibleBy, i = e / r === Math.floor(e / r); return window.math ? i = window.math.mod(window.math.bignumber(e), window.math.bignumber(r)).equals(0) : window.Decimal && (i = new window.Decimal(e).mod(new window.Decimal(r)).equals(0)), i ? [] : [{ path: n, property: t.multipleOf ? "multipleOf" : "divisibleBy", message: this.translate("error_multipleOf", [r], t) }] } }, { key: "_validateDateTimeSubSchema", value: function (t, e, n) { var r = this, i = this.jsoneditor.getEditor(n), o = i && i.flatpickr ? i.flatpickr.config.dateFormat : { date: '"YYYY-MM-DD"', time: '"HH:MM"', "datetime-local": '"YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM"' }[t.format]; if ("integer" === t.type) return function (t, e, n) { return 1 * e < 1 ? [{ path: n, property: "format", message: r.translate("error_invalid_epoch", null, t) }] : e !== Math.abs(parseInt(e)) ? [{ path: n, property: "format", message: r.translate("error_".concat(t.format.replace(/-/g, "_")), [o], t) }] : [] }(t, e, n); if (i && i.flatpickr) { if (i) return function (t, e, n, i) { if ("" !== e) { var o; if ("single" !== i.flatpickr.config.mode) { var a = "range" === i.flatpickr.config.mode ? i.flatpickr.l10n.rangeSeparator : ", "; o = (t) { return i.flatpickr.formatDate(t, i.flatpickr.config.dateFormat) })).join(a) } try { if (o) { if (o !== e) throw new Error("".concat(i.flatpickr.config.mode, " mismatch")) } else if (i.flatpickr.formatDate(i.flatpickr.parseDate(e, i.flatpickr.config.dateFormat), i.flatpickr.config.dateFormat) !== e) throw new Error("mismatch") } catch (e) { var s = void 0 !== i.flatpickr.config.errorDateFormat ? i.flatpickr.config.errorDateFormat : i.flatpickr.config.dateFormat; return [{ path: n, property: "format", message: r.translate("error_".concat(i.format.replace(/-/g, "_")), [s], t) }] } } return [] }(t, e, n, i) } else if (!{ date: /^(\d{4}\D\d{2}\D\d{2})?$/, time: /^(\d{2}:\d{2}(?::\d{2})?)?$/, "datetime-local": /^(\d{4}\D\d{2}\D\d{2}[ T]\d{2}:\d{2}(?::\d{2})?)?$/ }[t.format].test(e)) return [{ path: n, property: "format", message: this.translate("error_".concat(t.format.replace(/-/g, "_")), [o], t) }]; return [] } }, { key: "_validateCustomValidator", value: function (t, e, n) { var r = this, i = []; i.push.apply(i, C(, t, e, n, this.translate))); var o = function (o) { i.push.apply(i, C(, t, e, n))) }; return this.defaults.custom_validators.forEach(o), this.options.custom_validators && this.options.custom_validators.forEach(o), i } }, { key: "_removeDuplicateErrors", value: function (t) { return t.reduce((function (t, e) { var n = !0; return t || (t = []), t.forEach((function (t) { t.message === e.message && t.path === e.path && === && (t.errorcount++, n = !1) })), n && (e.errorcount = 1, t.push(e)), t }), []) } }, { key: "_checkType", value: function (t, e) { var n = { string: function (t) { return "string" == typeof t }, number: function (t) { return "number" == typeof t }, integer: function (t) { return "number" == typeof t && t === Math.floor(t) }, boolean: function (t) { return "boolean" == typeof t }, array: function (t) { return Array.isArray(t) }, object: function (t) { return null !== t && !Array.isArray(t) && "object" === P(t) }, null: function (t) { return null === t } }; return "string" == typeof t ? !n[t] || n[t](e) : !this._validateSchema(t, e).length } }]) && R(e.prototype, n), r && R(e, r), t }(); n(110), n(73), n(33), n(178); function T(t, e, n, r, i, o, a) { try { var s = t[o](a), c = s.value } catch (t) { return void n(t) } s.done ? e(c) : Promise.resolve(c).then(r, i) } function A(t) { return function () { var e = this, n = arguments; return new Promise((function (r, i) { var o = t.apply(e, n); function a(t) { T(o, r, i, a, s, "next", t) } function s(t) { T(o, r, i, a, s, "throw", t) } a(void 0) })) } } function I(t, e) { return function (t) { if (Array.isArray(t)) return t }(t) || function (t, e) { var n = t && ("undefined" != typeof Symbol && t[Symbol.iterator] || t["@@iterator"]); if (null == n) return; var r, i, o = [], a = !0, s = !1; try { for (n =; !(a = (r = && (o.push(r.value), !e || o.length !== e); a = !0); } catch (t) { s = !0, i = t } finally { try { a || null == n.return || n.return() } finally { if (s) throw i } } return o }(t, e) || function (t, e) { if (!t) return; if ("string" == typeof t) return B(t, e); var n =, -1); "Object" === n && t.constructor && (n =; if ("Map" === n || "Set" === n) return Array.from(t); if ("Arguments" === n || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return B(t, e) }(t, e) || function () { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.") }() } function B(t, e) { (null == e || e > t.length) && (e = t.length); for (var n = 0, r = new Array(e); n < e; n++)r[n] = t[n]; return r } function N(t) { return (N = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) { return typeof t } : function (t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t })(t) } function F(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n]; r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1, r.configurable = !0, "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, r.key, r) } } var V = function () { function t(e) { !function (t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") }(this, t), this.options = e || {}, this.schema = {}, this.refs = this.options.refs || {}, this.refs_with_info = {}, this.refs_prefix = "#/counter/", this.refs_counter = 1, this._subSchema1 = { type: function (t) { "object" === N(t.type) && (t.type = this._expandSubSchema(t.type)) }, disallow: function (t) { "object" === N(t.disallow) && (t.disallow = this._expandSubSchema(t.disallow)) }, anyOf: function (t) { var e = this; Object.entries(t.anyOf).forEach((function (n) { var r = I(n, 2), i = r[0], o = r[1]; t.anyOf[i] = e.expandSchema(o) })) }, dependencies: function (t) { var e = this; Object.entries(t.dependencies).forEach((function (n) { var r = I(n, 2), i = r[0], o = r[1]; "object" !== N(o) || Array.isArray(o) || (t.dependencies[i] = e.expandSchema(o)) })) }, not: function (t) { t.not = this.expandSchema(t.not) } }, this._subSchema2 = { allOf: function (t, e) { var n = this, r = f({}, e); return Object.entries(t.allOf).forEach((function (e) { var i = I(e, 2), o = i[0], a = i[1]; t.allOf[o] = n.expandRefs(a, !0), r = n.extendSchemas(r, n.expandSchema(a)) })), delete r.allOf, r }, extends: function (t, e) { var n, r = this; return delete (n = Array.isArray(t.extends) ? t.extends.reduce((function (t, e, n) { return r.extendSchemas(t, r.expandSchema(e)) }), e) : this.extendSchemas(e, this.expandSchema(t.extends))).extends, n }, oneOf: function (t, e) { var n = this, r = f({}, e); return delete r.oneOf, t.oneOf.reduce((function (t, e, i) { return t.oneOf[i] = n.extendSchemas(n.expandSchema(e), r), t }), e), e } } } var e, n, r, i, o; return e = t, (n = [{ key: "load", value: (o = A(regeneratorRuntime.mark((function t(e, n, r) { return regeneratorRuntime.wrap((function (t) { for (; ;)switch (t.prev = { case 0: return this.schema = e, = 3, this._asyncloadExternalRefs(e, n, this._getFileBase(r), !0); case 3: return t.abrupt("return", this.expandRefs(e)); case 4: case "end": return t.stop() } }), t, this) }))), function (t, e, n) { return o.apply(this, arguments) }) }, { key: "expandRefs", value: function (t, e) { var n = this, r = f({}, t); if (!r.$ref) return r; var i = r.$ref.split("#"); if (2 === i.length && !this.refs_with_info[r.$ref]) { var o = this.expandRecursivePointer(this.schema, i[1]); return this.extendSchemas(r, this.expandSchema(o)) } var a = i.length > 2 ? this.refs_with_info["#" + i[1]] : this.refs_with_info[r.$ref]; delete r.$ref; var s = a.$ref.startsWith("#") ? a.fetchUrl : "", c = this._getRef(s, a); if (this.refs[c]) { if (e && v(this.refs[c], "allOf")) { var l = this.refs[c].allOf; Object.keys(l).forEach((function (t) { l[t] = n.expandRefs(l[t], !0) })) } } else console.warn("reference:'".concat(c, "' not found!")); return i.length > 2 ? this.extendSchemas(r, this.expandSchema(this.expandRecursivePointer(this.refs[c], i[2]))) : this.extendSchemas(r, this.expandSchema(this.refs[c])) } }, { key: "expandRecursivePointer", value: function (t, e) { var n = t; return e.split("/").slice(1).forEach((function (t) { n[t] && (n = n[t]) })), n.$refs && n.$refs.startsWith("#") ? this.expandRecursivePointer(t, n.$refs) : n } }, { key: "expandSchema", value: function (t) { var e = this; Object.entries(this._subSchema1).forEach((function (n) { var r = I(n, 2), i = r[0], o = r[1]; t[i] &&, t) })); var n = f({}, t); return Object.entries(this._subSchema2).forEach((function (r) { var i = I(r, 2), o = i[0], a = i[1]; t[o] && (n =, t, n)) })), this.expandRefs(n) } }, { key: "_getRef", value: function (t, e) { var n = t + e; return this.refs[n] ? n : t + decodeURIComponent(e.$ref) } }, { key: "_expandSubSchema", value: function (t) { var e = this; return Array.isArray(t) ? (t) { return "object" === N(t) ? e.expandSchema(t) : t })) : this.expandSchema(t) } }, { key: "_manageRecursivePointer", value: function (t, e) { Object.keys(t).forEach((function (n) { t[n].$ref && 0 === t[n].$ref.indexOf("#") && (t[n].$ref = e + t[n].$ref) })) } }, { key: "_getExternalRefs", value: function (t, e) { var n = this, r = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] && arguments[2]; r || this._manageRecursivePointer(t, e); var i = {}, o = function (t) { return Object.keys(t).forEach((function (t) { i[t] = !0 })) }; if (t.$ref && "object" !== N(t.$ref) && (0 !== t.$ref.indexOf("#") || !r)) { var a = t.$ref, s = ""; a.indexOf("#") > 0 && (a = a.substr(0, a.indexOf("#"))), a !== t.$ref && (s = t.$ref.substr(t.$ref.indexOf("#"))); var c = this.refs_prefix + this.refs_counter++, l = c + s; "#" === t.$ref.substr(0, 1) || this.refs[t.$ref] || (i[a] = !0), this.refs_with_info[c] = { fetchUrl: e, $ref: a }, t.$ref = l } return Object.values(t).forEach((function (t) { t && "object" === N(t) && (Array.isArray(t) ? Object.values(t).forEach((function (t) { t && "object" === N(t) && o(n._getExternalRefs(t, e, r)) })) : t.$ref && "string" == typeof t.$ref && t.$ref.startsWith("#") || o(n._getExternalRefs(t, e, r))) })), && "string" == typeof && "urn:" ===, 4) ? this.refs[] = t : t.$id && "string" == typeof t.$id && "urn:" === t.$id.substr(0, 4) && (this.refs[t.$id] = t), i } }, { key: "_getFileBase", value: function (t) { if (!t) return "/"; var e = this.options.ajaxBase; return void 0 === e ? this._getFileBaseFromFileLocation(t) : e } }, { key: "_getFileBaseFromFileLocation", value: function (t) { var e = t.split("/"); return e.pop(), "".concat(e.join("/"), "/") } }, { key: "_joinUrl", value: function (t, e) { var n = t; return "http://" !== t.substr(0, 7) && "https://" !== t.substr(0, 8) && "blob:" !== t.substr(0, 5) && "data:" !== t.substr(0, 5) && "#" !== t.substr(0, 1) && "/" !== t.substr(0, 1) && (n = e + t), n.indexOf("#") > 0 && (n = n.substr(0, n.indexOf("#"))), n } }, { key: "_isUniformResourceName", value: function (t) { return "urn:" === t.substr(0, 4) } }, { key: "_asyncloadExternalRefs", value: (i = A(regeneratorRuntime.mark((function t(e, n, r) { var i, o, a, s, c, l, u = this, h = arguments; return regeneratorRuntime.wrap((function (t) { for (; ;)switch (t.prev = { case 0: i = h.length > 3 && void 0 !== h[3] && h[3], o = this._getExternalRefs(e, n, i), a = 0, s = regeneratorRuntime.mark((function t() { var e, n, i, o, s, h, p, d, f, y, m; return regeneratorRuntime.wrap((function (t) { for (; ;)switch (t.prev = { case 0: if (void 0 !== (e = l[c])) { = 3; break } return t.abrupt("return", "continue"); case 3: if (!u.refs[e]) { = 5; break } return t.abrupt("return", "continue"); case 5: if (!u._isUniformResourceName(e)) { = 40; break } if (u.refs[e] = "loading", a++, n = u.options.urn_resolver, i = e, "function" == typeof n) { = 13; break } throw console.log('No "urn_resolver" callback defined to resolve "'.concat(i, '"')), new Error("Must set urn_resolver option to a callback to resolve ".concat(i)); case 13: return i.indexOf("#") > 0 && (i = i.substr(0, i.indexOf("#"))), t.prev = 14, = 17, n(i); case 17: o = t.sent, t.prev = 18, s = JSON.parse(o), = 26; break; case 22: throw t.prev = 22, t.t0 = t.catch(18), console.log(t.t0), new Error("Failed to parse external ref ".concat(i)); case 26: if (!("boolean" != typeof s && "object" !== N(s) || null === s || Array.isArray(s))) { = 28; break } throw new Error("External ref does not contain a valid schema - ".concat(i)); case 28: return u.refs[e] = s, = 31, u._asyncloadExternalRefs(s, e, r); case 31: = 37; break; case 33: throw t.prev = 33, t.t1 = t.catch(14), console.log(t.t1), new Error("Failed to parse external ref ".concat(i)); case 37: if ("boolean" != typeof o) { = 39; break } throw new Error("External ref does not contain a valid schema - ".concat(i)); case 39: return t.abrupt("return", "continue"); case 40: if (u.options.ajax) { = 42; break } throw new Error("Must set ajax option to true to load external ref ".concat(e)); case 42: if (a++, h = u._joinUrl(e, r), p = void 0, u.options.ajax_cache_responses && (d = u.cacheGet(h)) && (p = d), p) { = 61; break } return = 49, new Promise((function (t) { var e = new XMLHttpRequest; u.options.ajaxCredentials && (e.withCredentials = u.options.ajaxCredentials), e.overrideMimeType("application/json"),"GET", h, !0), e.onload = function () { t(e) }, e.onerror = function (e) { t(void 0) }, e.send() })); case 49: if (void 0 !== (f = t.sent)) { = 52; break } throw new Error("Failed to fetch ref via ajax - ".concat(e)); case 52: t.prev = 52, p = JSON.parse(f.responseText), u.options.ajax_cache_responses && u.cacheSet(h, p), = 61; break; case 57: throw t.prev = 57, t.t2 = t.catch(52), console.log(t.t2), new Error("Failed to parse external ref ".concat(h)); case 61: if (!("boolean" != typeof p && "object" !== N(p) || null === p || Array.isArray(p))) { = 63; break } throw new Error("External ref does not contain a valid schema - ".concat(h)); case 63: return u.refs[e] = p, y = u._getFileBaseFromFileLocation(h), h !== e && (m = h.split("/"), h = ("/" === e.substr(0, 1) ? "/" : "") + m.pop()), = 68, u._asyncloadExternalRefs(p, h, y); case 68: case "end": return t.stop() } }), t, null, [[14, 33], [18, 22], [52, 57]]) })), c = 0, l = Object.keys(o); case 5: if (!(c < l.length)) { = 13; break } return t.delegateYield(s(), "t0", 7); case 7: if ("continue" !== t.t0) { = 10; break } return t.abrupt("continue", 10); case 10: c++, = 5; break; case 13: if (a) { = 15; break } return t.abrupt("return", !0); case 15: case "end": return t.stop() } }), t, this) }))), function (t, e, n) { return i.apply(this, arguments) }) }, { key: "extendSchemas", value: function (t, e) { var n = this; t = f({}, t), e = f({}, e); var r = {}, i = function (t, i) { !function (t, e) { return ("required" === t || "defaultProperties" === t) && "object" === N(e) && Array.isArray(e) }(t, i) ? "type" !== t || "string" != typeof i && !Array.isArray(i) ? "object" !== N(i) || Array.isArray(i) || null === i ? r[t] = i : r[t] = n.extendSchemas(i, e[t]) : o(i) : r[t] = i.concat(e[t]).reduce((function (t, e) { return t.includes(e) || t.push(e), t }), []) }, o = function (t) { "string" == typeof t && (t = [t]), "string" == typeof e.type && (e.type = [e.type]), e.type && e.type.length ? r.type = t.filter((function (t) { return e.type.includes(t) })) : r.type = t, 1 === r.type.length && "string" == typeof r.type[0] ? r.type = r.type[0] : 0 === r.type.length && delete r.type }; return Object.entries(t).forEach((function (t) { var n = I(t, 2), o = n[0], a = n[1]; void 0 !== e[o] ? i(o, a) : r[o] = a })), Object.entries(e).forEach((function (e) { var n = I(e, 2), i = n[0], o = n[1]; void 0 === t[i] && (r[i] = o) })), r } }, { key: "getCacheKey", value: function (t) { return ["je-cache", t].join("::") } }, { key: "getCacheBuster", value: function () { return this.options.ajax_cache_buster || (new Date).toISOString().slice(0, 10) } }, { key: "cacheSet", value: function (t, e) { try { window.localStorage.setItem(this.getCacheKey(t), JSON.stringify({ cacheBuster: this.getCacheBuster(), schema: e })) } catch (t) { console.error(t) } } }, { key: "cacheGet", value: function (t) { try { var e = window.localStorage.getItem(this.getCacheKey(t)); if (e) { var n = JSON.parse(e); if (n.cacheBuster && n.schema && n.cacheBuster === this.getCacheBuster()) return n.schema; this.cacheDelete(t) } } catch (t) { console.error(t) } } }, { key: "cacheDelete", value: function (t) { window.localStorage.removeItem(this.getCacheKey(t)) } }]) && F(e.prototype, n), r && F(e, r), t }(); n(7), n(8), n(9), n(10), n(14), n(111); function D(t, e) { return function (t) { if (Array.isArray(t)) return t }(t) || function (t, e) { var n = t && ("undefined" != typeof Symbol && t[Symbol.iterator] || t["@@iterator"]); if (null == n) return; var r, i, o = [], a = !0, s = !1; try { for (n =; !(a = (r = && (o.push(r.value), !e || o.length !== e); a = !0); } catch (t) { s = !0, i = t } finally { try { a || null == n.return || n.return() } finally { if (s) throw i } } return o }(t, e) || function (t, e) { if (!t) return; if ("string" == typeof t) return M(t, e); var n =, -1); "Object" === n && t.constructor && (n =; if ("Map" === n || "Set" === n) return Array.from(t); if ("Arguments" === n || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return M(t, e) }(t, e) || function () { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.") }() } function M(t, e) { (null == e || e > t.length) && (e = t.length); for (var n = 0, r = new Array(e); n < e; n++)r[n] = t[n]; return r } function H(t) { return (H = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) { return typeof t } : function (t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t })(t) } function z(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n]; r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1, r.configurable = !0, "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, r.key, r) } } var q = function () { function t(e, n) { !function (t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") }(this, t), this.defaults = n, this.jsoneditor = e.jsoneditor, this.theme = this.jsoneditor.theme, this.template_engine = this.jsoneditor.template, this.iconlib = this.jsoneditor.iconlib, this.translate = this.jsoneditor.translate || this.defaults.translate, this.translateProperty = this.jsoneditor.translateProperty || this.defaults.translateProperty, this.original_schema = e.schema, this.schema = this.jsoneditor.expandSchema(this.original_schema), = !0, this.options = f({}, this.options || {}, this.schema.options || {}, e.schema.options || {}, e), this.formname = this.jsoneditor.options.form_name_root || "root", e.path || || ( = this.formname), this.path = e.path || this.formname, this.formname = e.formname || this.path.replace(/\.([^.]+)/g, "[$1]"), this.parent = e.parent, this.key = void 0 !== this.parent ? this.path.split(".").slice(this.parent.path.split(".").length).join(".") : this.path, this.link_watchers = [], this.watchLoop = !1, e.container && this.setContainer(e.container), this.registerDependencies() } var e, n, r; return e = t, (n = [{ key: "onChildEditorChange", value: function (t) { this.onChange(!0) } }, { key: "notify", value: function () { this.path && this.jsoneditor.notifyWatchers(this.path) } }, { key: "change", value: function () { this.parent ? this.parent.onChildEditorChange(this) : this.jsoneditor && this.jsoneditor.onChange() } }, { key: "onChange", value: function (t) { this.notify(), this.watch_listener && this.watch_listener(), t && this.change() } }, { key: "register", value: function () { this.jsoneditor.registerEditor(this), this.onChange() } }, { key: "unregister", value: function () { this.jsoneditor && this.jsoneditor.unregisterEditor(this) } }, { key: "getNumColumns", value: function () { return 12 } }, { key: "isActive", value: function () { return } }, { key: "activate", value: function () { = !0, this.optInCheckbox.checked = !0, this.enable(), this.change() } }, { key: "deactivate", value: function () { this.isRequired() || ( = !1, this.optInCheckbox.checked = !1, this.disable(), this.change()) } }, { key: "registerDependencies", value: function () { var t = this; this.dependenciesFulfilled = !0; var e = this.options.dependencies; e && Object.keys(e).forEach((function (e) { var n = t.path.split("."); n[n.length - 1] = e, n = n.join("."),, (function () { t.evaluateDependencies() })) })) } }, { key: "evaluateDependencies", value: function () { var t = this, e = this.container || this.control; if (e && null !== this.jsoneditor) { var n = this.options.dependencies; if (n) { var r = this.dependenciesFulfilled; this.dependenciesFulfilled = !0, Object.keys(n).forEach((function (e) { var r = t.path.split("."); r[r.length - 1] = e, r = r.join("."); var i = n[e]; t.checkDependency(r, i) })), this.dependenciesFulfilled !== r && this.notify(); var i = this.dependenciesFulfilled ? "block" : "none"; this.options.hidden && (i = "none"), "TD" === e.tagName ? Object.keys(e.childNodes).forEach((function (t) { return e.childNodes[t].style.display = i })) : = i } } } }, { key: "checkDependency", value: function (t, e) { var n = this; if (this.path !== t && null !== this.jsoneditor) { var r = this.jsoneditor.getEditor(t), i = r ? r.getValue() : void 0; r && r.dependenciesFulfilled ? Array.isArray(e) ? this.dependenciesFulfilled = e.some((function (t) { if (JSON.stringify(i) === JSON.stringify(t)) return !0 })) : "object" === H(e) ? "object" !== H(i) ? this.dependenciesFulfilled = e === i : Object.keys(e).some((function (t) { return !!v(e, t) && (v(i, t) && e[t] === i[t] ? void 0 : (n.dependenciesFulfilled = !1, !0)) })) : "string" == typeof e || "number" == typeof e ? this.dependenciesFulfilled = this.dependenciesFulfilled && i === e : "boolean" == typeof e && (this.dependenciesFulfilled = e ? this.dependenciesFulfilled && (i || i.length > 0) : this.dependenciesFulfilled && (!i || 0 === i.length)) : this.dependenciesFulfilled = !1 } } }, { key: "setContainer", value: function (t) { this.container = t, && this.container.setAttribute("data-schemaid",, this.schema.type && "string" == typeof this.schema.type && this.container.setAttribute("data-schematype", this.schema.type), this.container.setAttribute("data-schemapath", this.path) } }, { key: "setOptInCheckbox", value: function (t) { var e = this; this.optInCheckbox = document.createElement("input"), this.optInCheckbox.setAttribute("type", "checkbox"), this.optInCheckbox.setAttribute("style", "margin: 0 10px 0 0;"), this.optInCheckbox.classList.add("json-editor-opt-in"), this.optInCheckbox.addEventListener("click", (function () { e.isActive() ? e.deactivate() : e.activate() })); var n = this.jsoneditor.options.show_opt_in, r = void 0 !== this.parent.options.show_opt_in, i = r && !0 === this.parent.options.show_opt_in, o = r && !1 === this.parent.options.show_opt_in; (i || !o && n || !r && n) && this.parent && "object" === this.parent.schema.type && !this.isRequired() && this.header && (this.header.appendChild(this.optInCheckbox), this.header.insertBefore(this.optInCheckbox, this.header.firstChild)) } }, { key: "preBuild", value: function () { } }, { key: "build", value: function () { } }, { key: "postBuild", value: function () { this.setupWatchListeners(), this.addLinks(), this.setValue(this.getDefault(), !0), this.updateHeaderText(), this.register(), this.onWatchedFieldChange() } }, { key: "setupWatchListeners", value: function () { var t = this; if (this.watched = {}, this.schema.vars && ( = this.schema.vars), this.watched_values = {}, this.watch_listener = function () { t.refreshWatchedFieldValues() && t.onWatchedFieldChange() }, v(this.schema, "watch")) { var e, n, r, i, o, a = this.container.getAttribute("data-schemapath"); Object.keys( (s) { if (e =[s], Array.isArray(e)) { if (e.length < 2) return; n = [e[0]].concat(e[1].split(".")) } else n = e.split("."), t.theme.closest(t.container, '[data-schemaid="'.concat(n[0], '"]')) || n.unshift("#"); if ("#" === (r = n.shift()) && (r = || t.jsoneditor.root.formname), !(i = t.theme.closest(t.container, '[data-schemaid="'.concat(r, '"]')))) throw new Error("Could not find ancestor node with id ".concat(r)); o = "".concat(i.getAttribute("data-schemapath"), ".").concat(n.join(".")), a.startsWith(o) && (t.watchLoop = !0),, t.watch_listener), t.watched[s] = o })) } this.schema.headerTemplate && (this.header_template = this.jsoneditor.compileTemplate(this.schema.headerTemplate, this.template_engine)) } }, { key: "addLinks", value: function () { if (!this.no_link_holder && (this.link_holder = this.theme.getLinksHolder(), void 0 !== this.description ? this.description.parentNode.insertBefore(this.link_holder, this.description) : this.container.appendChild(this.link_holder), this.schema.links)) for (var t = 0; t < this.schema.links.length; t++)this.addLink(this.getLink(this.schema.links[t])) } }, { key: "onMove", value: function () { } }, { key: "getButton", value: function (t, e, n) { var r = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : [], i = "json-editor-btn-".concat(e); e = this.iconlib ? this.iconlib.getIcon(e) : null, t = this.translate(t, r), n = this.translate(n, r), !e && n && (t = n, n = null); var o = this.theme.getButton(t, e, n); return o.classList.add(i), o } }, { key: "setButtonText", value: function (t, e, n, r) { var i = arguments.length > 4 && void 0 !== arguments[4] ? arguments[4] : []; return n = this.iconlib ? this.iconlib.getIcon(n) : null, e = this.translate(e, i), r = this.translate(r, i), !n && r && (e = r, r = null), this.theme.setButtonText(t, e, n, r) } }, { key: "addLink", value: function (t) { this.link_holder && this.link_holder.appendChild(t) } }, { key: "getLink", value: function (t) { var e, n, r = (t.mediaType || "application/javascript").split("/")[0], i = this.jsoneditor.compileTemplate(t.href, this.template_engine), o = this.jsoneditor.compileTemplate(t.rel ? t.rel : t.href, this.template_engine), a = null; if ( && (a =, a && !0 !== a && (a = this.jsoneditor.compileTemplate(a, this.template_engine)), "image" === r) { e = this.theme.getBlockLinkHolder(), (n = document.createElement("a")).setAttribute("target", "_blank"); var s = document.createElement("img"); this.theme.createImageLink(e, n, s), this.link_watchers.push((function (t) { var e = i(t), r = o(t); n.setAttribute("href", e), n.setAttribute("title", r || e), s.setAttribute("src", e) })) } else if (["audio", "video"].includes(r)) { e = this.theme.getBlockLinkHolder(), (n = this.theme.getBlockLink()).setAttribute("target", "_blank"); var c = document.createElement(r); c.setAttribute("controls", "controls"), this.theme.createMediaLink(e, n, c), this.link_watchers.push((function (t) { var e = i(t), r = o(t); n.setAttribute("href", e), n.textContent = r || e, c.setAttribute("src", e) })) } else n = e = this.theme.getBlockLink(), e.setAttribute("target", "_blank"), e.textContent = t.rel, = "none", this.link_watchers.push((function (t) { var n = i(t), r = o(t); n && ( = ""), e.setAttribute("href", n), e.textContent = r || n })); return a && n && (!0 === a ? n.setAttribute("download", "") : this.link_watchers.push((function (t) { n.setAttribute("download", a(t)) }))), t.class && n.classList.add(t.class), e } }, { key: "refreshWatchedFieldValues", value: function () { var t = this; if (this.watched_values) { var e = {}, n = !1; return this.watched && Object.keys(this.watched).forEach((function (r) { var i = t.jsoneditor.getEditor(t.watched[r]), o = i ? i.getValue() : null; t.watched_values[r] !== o && (n = !0), e[r] = o })), e.self = this.getValue(), this.watched_values.self !== e.self && (n = !0), this.watched_values = e, n } } }, { key: "getWatchedFieldValues", value: function () { return this.watched_values } }, { key: "updateHeaderText", value: function () { if (this.header) { var t = this.getHeaderText(); if (this.header.children.length) { for (var e = 0; e < this.header.childNodes.length; e++)if (3 === this.header.childNodes[e].nodeType) { this.header.childNodes[e].nodeValue = this.cleanText(t); break } } else window.DOMPurify ? this.header.innerHTML = window.DOMPurify.sanitize(t) : this.header.textContent = this.cleanText(t) } } }, { key: "getHeaderText", value: function (t) { return this.header_text ? this.header_text : t ? this.translateProperty(this.schema.title) : this.getTitle() } }, { key: "getPathDepth", value: function () { return this.path.split(".").length } }, { key: "cleanText", value: function (t) { var e = document.createElement("div"); return e.innerHTML = t, e.textContent || e.innerText } }, { key: "onWatchedFieldChange", value: function () { var t; if (this.header_template) { t = f(this.getWatchedFieldValues(), { key: this.key, i: this.key, i0: 1 * this.key, i1: 1 * this.key + 1, title: this.getTitle() }); var e = this.header_template(t); e !== this.header_text && (this.header_text = e, this.updateHeaderText(), this.notify()) } if (this.link_watchers.length) { t = this.getWatchedFieldValues(); for (var n = 0; n < this.link_watchers.length; n++)this.link_watchers[n](t) } } }, { key: "setValue", value: function (t) { this.value = t } }, { key: "getValue", value: function () { if (this.dependenciesFulfilled) return this.value } }, { key: "refreshValue", value: function () { } }, { key: "getChildEditors", value: function () { return !1 } }, { key: "destroy", value: function () { var t = this; this.unregister(this), this.watched && Object.values(this.watched).forEach((function (e) { return t.jsoneditor.unwatch(e, t.watch_listener) })), this.watched = null, this.watched_values = null, this.watch_listener = null, this.header_text = null, this.header_template = null, this.value = null, this.container && this.container.parentNode && this.container.parentNode.removeChild(this.container), this.container = null, this.jsoneditor = null, this.schema = null, this.path = null, this.key = null, this.parent = null } }, { key: "isDefaultRequired", value: function () { return this.isRequired() || !!this.jsoneditor.options.use_default_values } }, { key: "getDefault", value: function () { if (void 0 !== this.schema.default) return this.schema.default; if (void 0 !== this.schema.enum) return this.schema.enum[0]; var t = this.schema.type || this.schema.oneOf; if (t && Array.isArray(t) && (t = t[0]), t && "object" === H(t) && (t = t.type), t && Array.isArray(t) && (t = t[0]), "string" == typeof t) { if ("number" === t) return this.isDefaultRequired() ? 0 : void 0; if ("boolean" === t) return !this.isDefaultRequired() && void 0; if ("integer" === t) return this.isDefaultRequired() ? 0 : void 0; if ("string" === t) return ""; if ("object" === t) return {}; if ("array" === t) return [] } return null } }, { key: "getTitle", value: function () { return this.translateProperty(this.schema.title || this.key) } }, { key: "enable", value: function () { this.disabled = !1 } }, { key: "disable", value: function () { this.disabled = !0 } }, { key: "isEnabled", value: function () { return !this.disabled } }, { key: "isRequired", value: function () { return "boolean" == typeof this.schema.required ? this.schema.required : this.parent && this.parent.schema && Array.isArray(this.parent.schema.required) ? this.parent.schema.required.includes(this.key) : !!this.jsoneditor.options.required_by_default } }, { key: "getDisplayText", value: function (t) { var e = [], n = {}; t.forEach((function (t) { t.title && (n[t.title] = n[t.title] || 0, n[t.title]++), t.description && (n[t.description] = n[t.description] || 0, n[t.description]++), t.format && (n[t.format] = n[t.format] || 0, n[t.format]++), t.type && (n[t.type] = n[t.type] || 0, n[t.type]++) })), t.forEach((function (t) { var r; r = "string" == typeof t ? t : t.title && n[t.title] <= 1 ? t.title : t.format && n[t.format] <= 1 ? t.format : t.type && n[t.type] <= 1 ? t.type : t.description && n[t.description] <= 1 ? t.descripton : t.title ? t.title : t.format ? t.format : t.type ? t.type : t.description ? t.description : JSON.stringify(t).length < 500 ? JSON.stringify(t) : "type", e.push(r) })); var r = {}; return e.forEach((function (t, i) { r[t] = r[t] || 0, r[t]++, n[t] > 1 && (e[i] = "".concat(t, " ").concat(r[t])) })), e } }, { key: "getValidId", value: function (t) { return (t = void 0 === t ? "" : t.toString()).replace(/\s+/g, "-") } }, { key: "setInputAttributes", value: function (t) { var e = this; if (this.schema.options && this.schema.options.inputAttributes) { var n = this.schema.options.inputAttributes, r = ["name", "type"].concat(t); Object.keys(n).forEach((function (t) { r.includes(t.toLowerCase()) || e.input.setAttribute(t, n[t]) })) } } }, { key: "expandCallbacks", value: function (t, e) { var n = this, r = this.defaults.callbacks[t]; return Object.entries(e).forEach((function (i) { var o = D(i, 2), a = o[0], s = o[1]; s === Object(s) ? e[a] = n.expandCallbacks(t, s) : "string" == typeof s && "object" === H(r) && "function" == typeof r[s] && (e[a] = r[s].bind(null, n)) })), e } }, { key: "showValidationErrors", value: function (t) { } }]) && z(e.prototype, n), r && z(e, r), t }(); function U(t) { return (U = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) { return typeof t } : function (t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t })(t) } function G(t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } function $(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n]; r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1, r.configurable = !0, "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, r.key, r) } } function J(t, e, n) { return (J = "undefined" != typeof Reflect && Reflect.get ? Reflect.get : function (t, e, n) { var r = function (t, e) { for (; !, e) && null !== (t = Q(t));); return t }(t, e); if (r) { var i = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r, e); return i.get ? : i.value } })(t, e, n || t) } function W(t, e) { return (W = Object.setPrototypeOf || function (t, e) { return t.__proto__ = e, t })(t, e) } function Z(t) { var e = function () { if ("undefined" == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ("function" == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return, [], (function () { }))), !0 } catch (t) { return !1 } }(); return function () { var n, r = Q(t); if (e) { var i = Q(this).constructor; n = Reflect.construct(r, arguments, i) } else n = r.apply(this, arguments); return Y(this, n) } } function Y(t, e) { return !e || "object" !== U(e) && "function" != typeof e ? function (t) { if (void 0 === t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return t }(t) : e } function Q(t) { return (Q = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function (t) { return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t) })(t) } var K = function (t) { !function (t, e) { if ("function" != typeof e && null !== e) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); t.prototype = Object.create(e && e.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), e && W(t, e) }(o, t); var e, n, r, i = Z(o); function o() { return G(this, o), i.apply(this, arguments) } return e = o, (n = [{ key: "register", value: function () { J(Q(o.prototype), "register", this).call(this), this.input && (this.jsoneditor.options.use_name_attributes && this.input.setAttribute("name", this.formname), this.input.setAttribute("aria-label", this.formname)) } }, { key: "unregister", value: function () { J(Q(o.prototype), "unregister", this).call(this), this.input && (this.input.removeAttribute("name"), this.input.removeAttribute("aria-label")) } }, { key: "setValue", value: function (t, e, n) { if ((!this.template || n) && (this.shouldBeUnset() || null != t ? "object" === U(t) ? t = JSON.stringify(t) : this.shouldBeUnset() || "string" == typeof t || (t = "".concat(t)) : t = "", t !== this.serialized)) { var r = this.sanitize(t); if (this.input.value !== r) { if (this.setValueToInputField(r), "range" === this.format) { var i = this.control.querySelector("output"); i && (i.value = r) } var o = n || this.getValue() !== t; return this.refreshValue(), e ? this.is_dirty = !1 : "change" === this.jsoneditor.options.show_errors && (this.is_dirty = !0), this.adjust_height && this.adjust_height(this.input), this.onChange(o), { changed: o, value: r } } } } }, { key: "setValueToInputField", value: function (t) { this.input.value = void 0 === t ? "" : t } }, { key: "getNumColumns", value: function () { var t, e = Math.ceil(Math.max(this.getTitle().length, this.schema.maxLength || 0, this.schema.minLength || 0) / 5); return t = "textarea" === this.input_type ? 6 : ["text", "email"].includes(this.input_type) ? 4 : 2, Math.min(12, Math.max(e, t)) } }, { key: "build", value: function () { var t = this; if (this.options.compact || (this.header = this.label = this.theme.getFormInputLabel(this.getTitle(), this.isRequired())), this.schema.description && (this.description = this.theme.getFormInputDescription(this.translateProperty(this.schema.description))), this.options.infoText && (this.infoButton = this.theme.getInfoButton(this.translateProperty(this.options.infoText))), this.format = this.schema.format, !this.format && && && (this.format =^(application|text)\/(x-)?(script\.)?)|(-source$)/g, "")), !this.format && this.options.default_format && (this.format = this.options.default_format), this.options.format && (this.format = this.options.format), this.format) if ("textarea" === this.format) this.input_type = "textarea", this.input = this.theme.getTextareaInput(); else if ("range" === this.format) { this.input_type = "range"; var e = this.schema.minimum || 0, n = this.schema.maximum || Math.max(100, e + 1), r = 1; this.schema.multipleOf && (e % this.schema.multipleOf && (e = Math.ceil(e / this.schema.multipleOf) * this.schema.multipleOf), n % this.schema.multipleOf && (n = Math.floor(n / this.schema.multipleOf) * this.schema.multipleOf), r = this.schema.multipleOf), this.input = this.theme.getRangeInput(e, n, r) } else this.input_type = "text", ["button", "checkbox", "color", "date", "datetime-local", "email", "file", "hidden", "image", "month", "number", "password", "radio", "reset", "search", "submit", "tel", "text", "time", "url", "week"].includes(this.format) && (this.input_type = this.format), this.input = this.theme.getFormInputField(this.input_type); else this.input_type = "text", this.input = this.theme.getFormInputField(this.input_type); void 0 !== this.schema.maxLength && this.input.setAttribute("maxlength", this.schema.maxLength), void 0 !== this.schema.pattern ? this.input.setAttribute("pattern", this.schema.pattern) : void 0 !== this.schema.minLength && this.input.setAttribute("pattern", ".{".concat(this.schema.minLength, ",}")), this.options.compact ? this.container.classList.add("compact") : this.options.input_width && ( = this.options.input_width), (this.schema.readOnly || this.schema.readonly || this.schema.template) && (this.disable(!0), this.input.setAttribute("readonly", "true")), this.setInputAttributes(["maxlength", "pattern", "readonly", "min", "max", "step"]), this.input.addEventListener("change", (function (e) { if (e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), t.schema.template) e.currentTarget.value = t.value; else { var n = e.currentTarget.value, r = t.sanitize(n); n !== r && (e.currentTarget.value = r), t.is_dirty = !0, t.refreshValue(), t.onChange(!0) } })), this.options.input_height && ( = this.options.input_height), this.options.expand_height && (this.adjust_height = function (t) { if (t) { var e, n = t.offsetHeight; if (t.offsetHeight < t.scrollHeight) for (e = 0; t.offsetHeight < t.scrollHeight + 3 && !(e > 100);)e++, n++, = "".concat(n, "px"); else { for (e = 0; t.offsetHeight >= t.scrollHeight + 3 && !(e > 100);)e++, n--, = "".concat(n, "px"); = "".concat(n + 1, "px") } } }, this.input.addEventListener("keyup", (function (e) { t.adjust_height(e.currentTarget) })), this.input.addEventListener("change", (function (e) { t.adjust_height(e.currentTarget) })), this.adjust_height()), this.format && this.input.setAttribute("data-schemaformat", this.format); var i = this.input; if ("range" === this.format && (i = this.theme.getRangeControl(this.input, this.theme.getRangeOutput(this.input, this.schema.default || Math.max(this.schema.minimum || 0, 0)))), this.control = this.theme.getFormControl(this.label, i, this.description, this.infoButton, this.formname), this.container.appendChild(this.control), window.requestAnimationFrame((function () { t.input.parentNode && t.afterInputReady(), t.adjust_height && t.adjust_height(t.input), "range" === t.format && (t.control.querySelector("output").value = t.input.value) })), this.schema.template) { var o = this.expandCallbacks("template", { template: this.schema.template }); "function" == typeof o.template ? this.template = o.template : this.template = this.jsoneditor.compileTemplate(this.schema.template, this.template_engine), this.refreshValue() } else this.refreshValue() } }, { key: "setupCleave", value: function (t) { var e = this.expandCallbacks("cleave", f({}, this.defaults.options.cleave || {}, this.options.cleave || {})); "object" === U(e) && Object.keys(e).length > 0 && (this.cleave_instance = new window.Cleave(t, e)) } }, { key: "setupImask", value: function (t) { var e = this.expandCallbacks("imask", f({}, this.defaults.options.imask || {}, this.options.imask || {})); "object" === U(e) && Object.keys(e).length > 0 && (this.imask_instance = window.IMask(t, this.ajustIMaskOptions(e))) } }, { key: "ajustIMaskOptions", value: function (t) { var e = this; return Object.keys(t).forEach((function (n) { if (t[n] === Object(t[n])) t[n] = e.ajustIMaskOptions(t[n]); else if ("mask" === n) if ("regex:" === t[n].substr(0, 6)) { var r = t[n].match(/^regex:\/(.*)\/([gimsuy]*)$/); if (null !== r) try { t[n] = new RegExp(r[1], r[2]) } catch (t) { } } else t[n] = e.getGlobalPropertyFromString(t[n]) })), t } }, { key: "getGlobalPropertyFromString", value: function (t) { if (t.includes(".")) { var e = t.split("."), n = e[0], r = e[1]; if (void 0 !== window[n] && void 0 !== window[n][r]) return window[n][r] } else if (void 0 !== window[t]) return window[t]; return t } }, { key: "shouldBeUnset", value: function () { return !this.jsoneditor.options.use_default_values && !this.is_dirty } }, { key: "getValue", value: function () { var t = !(!this.input || !this.input.value); if (!this.shouldBeUnset() || t) return this.imask_instance && this.dependenciesFulfilled && this.options.imask.returnUnmasked ? this.imask_instance.unmaskedValue : J(Q(o.prototype), "getValue", this).call(this) } }, { key: "enable", value: function () { this.always_disabled || (this.input.disabled = !1, J(Q(o.prototype), "enable", this).call(this)) } }, { key: "disable", value: function (t) { t && (this.always_disabled = !0), this.input.disabled = !0, J(Q(o.prototype), "disable", this).call(this) } }, { key: "afterInputReady", value: function () { this.theme.afterInputReady(this.input), window.Cleave && !this.cleave_instance ? this.setupCleave(this.input) : window.IMask && !this.imask_instance && this.setupImask(this.input) } }, { key: "refreshValue", value: function () { this.value = this.input.value, "string" == typeof this.value || this.shouldBeUnset() || (this.value = ""), this.serialized = this.value } }, { key: "destroy", value: function () { this.cleave_instance && this.cleave_instance.destroy(), this.imask_instance && this.imask_instance.destroy(), this.template = null, this.input && this.input.parentNode && this.input.parentNode.removeChild(this.input), this.label && this.label.parentNode && this.label.parentNode.removeChild(this.label), this.description && this.description.parentNode && this.description.parentNode.removeChild(this.description), J(Q(o.prototype), "destroy", this).call(this) } }, { key: "sanitize", value: function (t) { return t } }, { key: "onWatchedFieldChange", value: function () { var t; this.template && (t = this.getWatchedFieldValues(), this.setValue(this.template(t), !1, !0)), J(Q(o.prototype), "onWatchedFieldChange", this).call(this) } }, { key: "showValidationErrors", value: function (t) { var e = this; if ("always" === this.jsoneditor.options.show_errors); else if (!this.is_dirty && this.previous_error_setting === this.jsoneditor.options.show_errors) return; this.previous_error_setting = this.jsoneditor.options.show_errors; var n = t.reduce((function (t, n) { return n.path === e.path && t.push(n.message), t }), []); n.length ? this.theme.addInputError(this.input, "".concat(n.join(". "), ".")) : this.theme.removeInputError(this.input) } }]) && $(e.prototype, n), r && $(e, r), o }(q); function X(t) { return (X = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) { return typeof t } : function (t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t })(t) } function tt(t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } function et(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n]; r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1, r.configurable = !0, "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, r.key, r) } } function nt(t, e, n) { return (nt = "undefined" != typeof Reflect && Reflect.get ? Reflect.get : function (t, e, n) { var r = function (t, e) { for (; !, e) && null !== (t = at(t));); return t }(t, e); if (r) { var i = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r, e); return i.get ? : i.value } })(t, e, n || t) } function rt(t, e) { return (rt = Object.setPrototypeOf || function (t, e) { return t.__proto__ = e, t })(t, e) } function it(t) { var e = function () { if ("undefined" == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ("function" == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return, [], (function () { }))), !0 } catch (t) { return !1 } }(); return function () { var n, r = at(t); if (e) { var i = at(this).constructor; n = Reflect.construct(r, arguments, i) } else n = r.apply(this, arguments); return ot(this, n) } } function ot(t, e) { return !e || "object" !== X(e) && "function" != typeof e ? function (t) { if (void 0 === t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return t }(t) : e } function at(t) { return (at = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function (t) { return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t) })(t) } var st = function (t) { !function (t, e) { if ("function" != typeof e && null !== e) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); t.prototype = Object.create(e && e.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), e && rt(t, e) }(o, t); var e, n, r, i = it(o); function o() { return tt(this, o), i.apply(this, arguments) } return e = o, (n = [{ key: "setValue", value: function (t, e, n) { var r = nt(at(o.prototype), "setValue", this).call(this, t, e, n); void 0 !== r && r.changed && this.ace_editor_instance && (this.ace_editor_instance.setValue(r.value), this.ace_editor_instance.session.getSelection().clearSelection(), this.ace_editor_instance.resize()) } }, { key: "build", value: function () { this.options.format = "textarea", nt(at(o.prototype), "build", this).call(this), this.input_type = this.schema.format, this.input.setAttribute("data-schemaformat", this.input_type) } }, { key: "afterInputReady", value: function () { var t, e = this; if (window.ace) { var n = this.input_type; "cpp" !== n && "c++" !== n && "c" !== n || (n = "c_cpp"), t = this.expandCallbacks("ace", f({}, { selectionStyle: "text", minLines: 30, maxLines: 30 }, this.defaults.options.ace || {}, this.options.ace || {}, { mode: "ace/mode/".concat(n) })), this.ace_container = document.createElement("div"), = "100%", = "relative", this.input.parentNode.insertBefore(this.ace_container, this.input), = "none", this.ace_editor_instance = window.ace.edit(this.ace_container, t), this.ace_editor_instance.setValue(this.getValue()), this.ace_editor_instance.session.getSelection().clearSelection(), this.ace_editor_instance.resize(), (this.schema.readOnly || this.schema.readonly || this.schema.template) && this.ace_editor_instance.setReadOnly(!0), this.ace_editor_instance.on("change", (function () { e.input.value = e.ace_editor_instance.getValue(), e.refreshValue(), e.is_dirty = !0, e.onChange(!0) })), this.theme.afterInputReady(this.input) } else nt(at(o.prototype), "afterInputReady", this).call(this) } }, { key: "getNumColumns", value: function () { return 6 } }, { key: "enable", value: function () { !this.always_disabled && this.ace_editor_instance && this.ace_editor_instance.setReadOnly(!1), nt(at(o.prototype), "enable", this).call(this) } }, { key: "disable", value: function (t) { this.ace_editor_instance && this.ace_editor_instance.setReadOnly(!0), nt(at(o.prototype), "disable", this).call(this, t) } }, { key: "destroy", value: function () { this.ace_editor_instance && (this.ace_editor_instance.destroy(), this.ace_editor_instance = null), nt(at(o.prototype), "destroy", this).call(this) } }]) && et(e.prototype, n), r && et(e, r), o }(K); function ct(t) { return (ct = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) { return typeof t } : function (t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t })(t) } function lt(t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } function ut(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n]; r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1, r.configurable = !0, "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, r.key, r) } } function ht(t, e, n) { return (ht = "undefined" != typeof Reflect && Reflect.get ? Reflect.get : function (t, e, n) { var r = function (t, e) { for (; !, e) && null !== (t = yt(t));); return t }(t, e); if (r) { var i = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r, e); return i.get ? : i.value } })(t, e, n || t) } function pt(t, e) { return (pt = Object.setPrototypeOf || function (t, e) { return t.__proto__ = e, t })(t, e) } function dt(t) { var e = function () { if ("undefined" == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ("function" == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return, [], (function () { }))), !0 } catch (t) { return !1 } }(); return function () { var n, r = yt(t); if (e) { var i = yt(this).constructor; n = Reflect.construct(r, arguments, i) } else n = r.apply(this, arguments); return ft(this, n) } } function ft(t, e) { return !e || "object" !== ct(e) && "function" != typeof e ? function (t) { if (void 0 === t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return t }(t) : e } function yt(t) { return (yt = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function (t) { return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t) })(t) } var mt = function (t) { !function (t, e) { if ("function" != typeof e && null !== e) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); t.prototype = Object.create(e && e.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), e && pt(t, e) }(o, t); var e, n, r, i = dt(o); function o() { return lt(this, o), i.apply(this, arguments) } return e = o, (n = [{ key: "askConfirmation", value: function () { return !0 !== this.jsoneditor.options.prompt_before_delete || !1 !== window.confirm(this.translate("button_delete_node_warning")) } }, { key: "getDefault", value: function () { return this.schema.default || [] } }, { key: "register", value: function () { ht(yt(o.prototype), "register", this).call(this), this.rows && this.rows.forEach((function (t) { return t.register() })) } }, { key: "unregister", value: function () { ht(yt(o.prototype), "unregister", this).call(this), this.rows && this.rows.forEach((function (t) { return t.unregister() })) } }, { key: "getNumColumns", value: function () { var t = this.getItemInfo(0); return this.tabs_holder && "tabs-top" !== this.schema.format ? Math.max(Math.min(12, t.width + 2), 4) : t.width } }, { key: "enable", value: function () { var t = this; this.always_disabled || (this.setAvailability(this, !1), this.rows && this.rows.forEach((function (e) { e.enable(), t.setAvailability(e, !1) })), ht(yt(o.prototype), "enable", this).call(this)) } }, { key: "disable", value: function (t) { var e = this; t && (this.always_disabled = !0), this.setAvailability(this, !0), this.rows && this.rows.forEach((function (n) { n.disable(t), e.setAvailability(n, !0) })), ht(yt(o.prototype), "disable", this).call(this) } }, { key: "setAvailability", value: function (t, e) { t.add_row_button && (t.add_row_button.disabled = e), t.remove_all_rows_button && (t.remove_all_rows_button.disabled = e), t.delete_last_row_button && (t.delete_last_row_button.disabled = e), t.copy_button && (t.copy_button.disabled = e), t.delete_button && (t.delete_button.disabled = e), t.moveup_button && (t.moveup_button.disabled = e), t.movedown_button && (t.movedown_button.disabled = e) } }, { key: "preBuild", value: function () { ht(yt(o.prototype), "preBuild", this).call(this), this.rows = [], this.row_cache = [], this.hide_delete_buttons = this.options.disable_array_delete || this.jsoneditor.options.disable_array_delete, this.hide_delete_all_rows_buttons = this.hide_delete_buttons || this.options.disable_array_delete_all_rows || this.jsoneditor.options.disable_array_delete_all_rows, this.hide_delete_last_row_buttons = this.hide_delete_buttons || this.options.disable_array_delete_last_row || this.jsoneditor.options.disable_array_delete_last_row, this.hide_move_buttons = this.options.disable_array_reorder || this.jsoneditor.options.disable_array_reorder, this.hide_add_button = this.options.disable_array_add || this.jsoneditor.options.disable_array_add, this.show_copy_button = this.options.enable_array_copy || this.jsoneditor.options.enable_array_copy, this.array_controls_top = this.options.array_controls_top || this.jsoneditor.options.array_controls_top } }, { key: "build", value: function () { this.options.compact ? (this.title = this.theme.getHeader("", this.getPathDepth()), this.container.appendChild(this.title), this.panel = this.theme.getIndentedPanel(), this.container.appendChild(this.panel), this.title_controls = this.theme.getHeaderButtonHolder(), this.title.appendChild(this.title_controls), this.controls = this.theme.getHeaderButtonHolder(), this.title.appendChild(this.controls), this.row_holder = document.createElement("div"), this.panel.appendChild(this.row_holder)) : (this.header = document.createElement("label"), this.header.textContent = this.getTitle(), this.title = this.theme.getHeader(this.header, this.getPathDepth()), this.container.appendChild(this.title), this.options.infoText && (this.infoButton = this.theme.getInfoButton(this.translateProperty(this.options.infoText)), this.container.appendChild(this.infoButton)), this.title_controls = this.theme.getHeaderButtonHolder(), this.title.appendChild(this.title_controls), this.schema.description && (this.description = this.theme.getDescription(this.translateProperty(this.schema.description)), this.container.appendChild(this.description)), this.error_holder = document.createElement("div"), this.container.appendChild(this.error_holder), "tabs-top" === this.schema.format ? (this.controls = this.theme.getHeaderButtonHolder(), this.title.appendChild(this.controls), this.tabs_holder = this.theme.getTopTabHolder(this.getValidId(this.getItemTitle())), this.container.appendChild(this.tabs_holder), this.row_holder = this.theme.getTopTabContentHolder(this.tabs_holder), this.active_tab = null) : "tabs" === this.schema.format ? (this.controls = this.theme.getHeaderButtonHolder(), this.title.appendChild(this.controls), this.tabs_holder = this.theme.getTabHolder(this.getValidId(this.getItemTitle())), this.container.appendChild(this.tabs_holder), this.row_holder = this.theme.getTabContentHolder(this.tabs_holder), this.active_tab = null) : (this.panel = this.theme.getIndentedPanel(), this.container.appendChild(this.panel), this.row_holder = document.createElement("div"), this.panel.appendChild(this.row_holder), this.controls = this.theme.getButtonHolder(), this.array_controls_top ? this.title.appendChild(this.controls) : this.panel.appendChild(this.controls))), this.addControls() } }, { key: "onChildEditorChange", value: function (t) { this.refreshValue(), this.refreshTabs(!0), ht(yt(o.prototype), "onChildEditorChange", this).call(this, t) } }, { key: "getItemTitle", value: function () { if (!this.item_title) if (this.schema.items && !Array.isArray(this.schema.items)) { var t = this.jsoneditor.expandRefs(this.schema.items); this.item_title = this.translateProperty(t.title) || this.translate("default_array_item_title") } else this.item_title = this.translate("default_array_item_title"); return this.cleanText(this.item_title) } }, { key: "getItemSchema", value: function (t) { return Array.isArray(this.schema.items) ? t >= this.schema.items.length ? !0 === this.schema.additionalItems ? {} : this.schema.additionalItems ? f({}, this.schema.additionalItems) : void 0 : f({}, this.schema.items[t]) : this.schema.items ? f({}, this.schema.items) : {} } }, { key: "getItemInfo", value: function (t) { var e = this.getItemSchema(t); this.item_info = this.item_info || {}; var n = JSON.stringify(e); return void 0 !== this.item_info[n] || (e = this.jsoneditor.expandRefs(e), this.item_info[n] = { title: this.translateProperty(e.title) || this.translate("default_array_item_title"), default: e.default, width: 12, child_editors: || e.items }), this.item_info[n] } }, { key: "getElementEditor", value: function (t) { var e = this.getItemInfo(t), n = this.getItemSchema(t); (n = this.jsoneditor.expandRefs(n)).title = "".concat(e.title, " ").concat(t + 1); var r, i = this.jsoneditor.getEditorClass(n); this.tabs_holder ? (r = "tabs-top" === this.schema.format ? this.theme.getTopTabContent() : this.theme.getTabContent()).id = "".concat(this.path, ".").concat(t) : r = e.child_editors ? this.theme.getChildEditorHolder() : this.theme.getIndentedPanel(), this.row_holder.appendChild(r); var o = this.jsoneditor.createEditor(i, { jsoneditor: this.jsoneditor, schema: n, container: r, path: "".concat(this.path, ".").concat(t), parent: this, required: !0 }); return o.preBuild(),, o.postBuild(), o.title_controls || (o.array_controls = this.theme.getButtonHolder(), r.appendChild(o.array_controls)), o } }, { key: "checkParent", value: function (t) { return t && t.parentNode } }, { key: "destroy", value: function () { this.empty(!0), this.checkParent(this.title) && this.title.parentNode.removeChild(this.title), this.checkParent(this.description) && this.description.parentNode.removeChild(this.description), this.checkParent(this.row_holder) && this.row_holder.parentNode.removeChild(this.row_holder), this.checkParent(this.controls) && this.controls.parentNode.removeChild(this.controls), this.checkParent(this.panel) && this.panel.parentNode.removeChild(this.panel), this.rows = this.row_cache = this.title = this.description = this.row_holder = this.panel = this.controls = null, ht(yt(o.prototype), "destroy", this).call(this) } }, { key: "empty", value: function (t) { var e = this; this.rows && (this.rows.forEach((function (n, r) { t && (e.checkParent( &&, e.destroyRow(n, !0), e.row_cache[r] = null), e.rows[r] = null })), this.rows = [], t && (this.row_cache = [])) } }, { key: "destroyRow", value: function (t, e) { var n = t.container; e ? (t.destroy(), n.parentNode && n.parentNode.removeChild(n), this.checkParent( && : ( && ( = "none"), = "none", t.unregister()) } }, { key: "getMax", value: function () { return Array.isArray(this.schema.items) && !1 === this.schema.additionalItems ? Math.min(this.schema.items.length, this.schema.maxItems || 1 / 0) : this.schema.maxItems || 1 / 0 } }, { key: "refreshTabs", value: function (t) { var e = this; this.rows.forEach((function (n) { && (t ? n.tab_text.textContent = n.getHeaderText() : === e.active_tab ? e.theme.markTabActive(n) : e.theme.markTabInactive(n)) })) } }, { key: "ensureArraySize", value: function (t) { if (Array.isArray(t) || (t = [t]), this.schema.minItems) for (; t.length < this.schema.minItems;)t.push(this.getItemInfo(t.length).default); return this.getMax() && t.length > this.getMax() && (t = t.slice(0, this.getMax())), t } }, { key: "setValue", value: function () { var t = this, e = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : [], n = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0; e = this.ensureArraySize(e); var r = JSON.stringify(e); if (r !== this.serialized) { e.forEach((function (e, r) { if (t.rows[r]) t.rows[r].setValue(e, n); else if (t.row_cache[r]) t.rows[r] = t.row_cache[r], t.rows[r].setValue(e, n), t.rows[r] = "", t.rows[r].tab && (t.rows[r] = ""), t.rows[r].register(), t.jsoneditor.trigger("addRow", t.rows[r]); else { var i = t.addRow(e, n); t.jsoneditor.trigger("addRow", i) } })); for (var i = e.length; i < this.rows.length; i++)this.destroyRow(this.rows[i]), this.rows[i] = null; this.rows = this.rows.slice(0, e.length); var o = this.rows.find((function (e) { return === t.active_tab })), a = void 0 !== o ? : null; !a && this.rows.length && (a = this.rows[0].tab), this.active_tab = a, this.refreshValue(n), this.refreshTabs(!0), this.refreshTabs(), this.onChange() } } }, { key: "setVisibility", value: function (t, e) { = e ? "" : "none" } }, { key: "setupButtons", value: function (t) { var e = []; if (this.value.length) if (1 === this.value.length) { = "none"; var n = !(t || this.hide_delete_last_row_buttons); this.setVisibility(this.delete_last_row_button, n), e.push(n) } else { var r = !(t || this.hide_delete_last_row_buttons); this.setVisibility(this.delete_last_row_button, r), e.push(r); var i = !(t || this.hide_delete_all_rows_buttons); this.setVisibility(this.remove_all_rows_button, i), e.push(i) } else = "none", = "none"; var o = !(this.getMax() && this.getMax() <= this.rows.length || this.hide_add_button); return this.setVisibility(this.add_row_button, o), e.push(o), e.some((function (t) { return t })) } }, { key: "refreshValue", value: function (t) { var e = this, n = this.value ? this.value.length : 0; if (this.value = (t) { return t.getValue() })), n !== this.value.length || t) { var r = this.schema.minItems && this.schema.minItems >= this.rows.length; this.rows.forEach((function (t, n) { if (t.movedown_button) { var i = n !== e.rows.length - 1; e.setVisibility(t.movedown_button, i) } t.delete_button && e.setVisibility(t.delete_button, !r), e.value[n] = t.getValue() })), !this.collapsed && this.setupButtons(r) ? = "inline-block" : = "none" } this.serialized = JSON.stringify(this.value) } }, { key: "addRow", value: function (t, e) { var n = this, r = this.rows.length; this.rows[r] = this.getElementEditor(r), this.row_cache[r] = this.rows[r], this.tabs_holder && (this.rows[r].tab_text = document.createElement("span"), this.rows[r].tab_text.textContent = this.rows[r].getHeaderText(), "tabs-top" === this.schema.format ? (this.rows[r].tab = this.theme.getTopTab(this.rows[r].tab_text, this.getValidId(this.rows[r].path)), this.theme.addTopTab(this.tabs_holder, this.rows[r].tab)) : (this.rows[r].tab = this.theme.getTab(this.rows[r].tab_text, this.getValidId(this.rows[r].path)), this.theme.addTab(this.tabs_holder, this.rows[r].tab)), this.rows[r].tab.addEventListener("click", (function (t) { n.active_tab = n.rows[r].tab, n.refreshTabs(), t.preventDefault(), t.stopPropagation() }))); var i = this.rows[r].title_controls || this.rows[r].array_controls; return this.hide_delete_buttons || (this.rows[r].delete_button = this._createDeleteButton(r, i)), this.show_copy_button && (this.rows[r].copy_button = this._createCopyButton(r, i)), r && !this.hide_move_buttons && (this.rows[r].moveup_button = this._createMoveUpButton(r, i)), this.hide_move_buttons || (this.rows[r].movedown_button = this._createMoveDownButton(r, i)), void 0 !== t && this.rows[r].setValue(t, e), this.refreshTabs(), this.rows[r] } }, { key: "_createDeleteButton", value: function (t, e) { var n = this, r = this.getButton(this.getItemTitle(), "delete", "button_delete_row_title", [this.getItemTitle()]); return r.classList.add("delete", "json-editor-btntype-delete"), r.setAttribute("data-i", t), r.addEventListener("click", (function (t) { if (t.preventDefault(), t.stopPropagation(), !n.askConfirmation()) return !1; var e = 1 * t.currentTarget.getAttribute("data-i"), r = n.getValue().filter((function (t, n) { return n !== e })), i = null, o = n.rows[e]; n.setValue(r), n.rows[e] ? i = n.rows[e].tab : n.rows[e - 1] && (i = n.rows[e - 1].tab), i && (n.active_tab = i, n.refreshTabs()), n.onChange(!0), n.jsoneditor.trigger("deleteRow", o) })), e && e.appendChild(r), r } }, { key: "_createCopyButton", value: function (t, e) { var n = this, r = this.getButton(this.getItemTitle(), "copy", "button_copy_row_title", [this.getItemTitle()]), i = this.schema; return r.classList.add("copy", "json-editor-btntype-copy"), r.setAttribute("data-i", t), r.addEventListener("click", (function (t) { var e = n.getValue(); t.preventDefault(), t.stopPropagation(); var r = 1 * t.currentTarget.getAttribute("data-i"); e.forEach((function (t, n) { if (n === r) { if ("string" === i.items.type && "uuid" === i.items.format) t = _(); else if ("object" === i.items.type && for (var o = 0, a = Object.keys(t); o < a.length; o++) { var s = a[o]; &&[s] && "uuid" ===[s].format && (t[s] = _()) } e.push(t) } })), n.setValue(e), n.refreshValue(!0), n.onChange(!0) })), e.appendChild(r), r } }, { key: "_createMoveUpButton", value: function (t, e) { var n = this, r = this.getButton("", "tabs-top" === this.schema.format ? "moveleft" : "moveup", "button_move_up_title"); return r.classList.add("moveup", "json-editor-btntype-move"), r.setAttribute("data-i", t), r.addEventListener("click", (function (t) { t.preventDefault(), t.stopPropagation(); var e = 1 * t.currentTarget.getAttribute("data-i"); if (!(e <= 0)) { var r = n.getValue(), i = r[e - 1]; r[e - 1] = r[e], r[e] = i, n.setValue(r), n.active_tab = n.rows[e - 1].tab, n.refreshTabs(), n.onChange(!0), n.jsoneditor.trigger("moveRow", n.rows[e - 1]) } })), e && e.appendChild(r), r } }, { key: "_createMoveDownButton", value: function (t, e) { var n = this, r = this.getButton("", "tabs-top" === this.schema.format ? "moveright" : "movedown", "button_move_down_title"); return r.classList.add("movedown", "json-editor-btntype-move"), r.setAttribute("data-i", t), r.addEventListener("click", (function (t) { t.preventDefault(), t.stopPropagation(); var e = 1 * t.currentTarget.getAttribute("data-i"), r = n.getValue(); if (!(e >= r.length - 1)) { var i = r[e + 1]; r[e + 1] = r[e], r[e] = i, n.setValue(r), n.active_tab = n.rows[e + 1].tab, n.refreshTabs(), n.onChange(!0), n.jsoneditor.trigger("moveRow", n.rows[e + 1]) } })), e && e.appendChild(r), r } }, { key: "addControls", value: function () { this.collapsed = !1, this.toggle_button = this._createToggleButton(), this.options.collapsed && y(this.toggle_button, "click"), this.schema.options && void 0 !== this.schema.options.disable_collapse ? this.schema.options.disable_collapse && ( = "none") : this.jsoneditor.options.disable_collapse && ( = "none"), this.add_row_button = this._createAddRowButton(), this.delete_last_row_button = this._createDeleteLastRowButton(), this.remove_all_rows_button = this._createRemoveAllRowsButton(), this.tabs && (this.add_row_button.classList.add("je-array-control-btn"), this.delete_last_row_button.classList.add("je-array-control-btn"), this.remove_all_rows_button.classList.add("je-array-control-btn")) } }, { key: "_createToggleButton", value: function () { var t = this, e = this.getButton("", "collapse", "button_collapse"); e.classList.add("json-editor-btntype-toggle"), this.title.insertBefore(e, this.title.childNodes[0]); var n =, r =; return e.addEventListener("click", (function (e) { e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), t.panel && t.setVisibility(t.panel, t.collapsed), t.tabs_holder && t.setVisibility(t.tabs_holder, t.collapsed), t.collapsed ? (t.collapsed = !1, = n, = r, t.setButtonText(e.currentTarget, "", "collapse", "button_collapse")) : (t.collapsed = !0, = "none", = "none", t.setButtonText(e.currentTarget, "", "expand", "button_expand")) })), e } }, { key: "_createAddRowButton", value: function () { var t = this, e = this.getButton(this.getItemTitle(), "add", "button_add_row_title", [this.getItemTitle()]); return e.classList.add("json-editor-btntype-add"), e.addEventListener("click", (function (e) { e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(); var n, r = t.rows.length; t.row_cache[r] ? (n = t.rows[r] = t.row_cache[r], t.rows[r].setValue(t.rows[r].getDefault(), !0), t.rows[r] = "", t.rows[r].tab && (t.rows[r] = ""), t.rows[r].register()) : n = t.addRow(), t.active_tab = t.rows[r].tab, t.refreshTabs(), t.refreshValue(), t.onChange(!0), t.jsoneditor.trigger("addRow", n) })), this.controls.appendChild(e), e } }, { key: "_createDeleteLastRowButton", value: function () { var t = this, e = this.getButton("button_delete_last", "subtract", "button_delete_last_title", [this.getItemTitle()]); return e.classList.add("json-editor-btntype-deletelast"), e.addEventListener("click", (function (e) { if (e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), !t.askConfirmation()) return !1; var n = t.getValue(), r = null, i = n.pop(); t.setValue(n), t.rows[t.rows.length - 1] && (r = t.rows[t.rows.length - 1].tab), r && (t.active_tab = r, t.refreshTabs()), t.onChange(!0), t.jsoneditor.trigger("deleteRow", i) })), this.controls.appendChild(e), e } }, { key: "_createRemoveAllRowsButton", value: function () { var t = this, e = this.getButton("button_delete_all", "delete", "button_delete_all_title"); return e.classList.add("json-editor-btntype-deleteall"), e.addEventListener("click", (function (e) { if (e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), !t.askConfirmation()) return !1; t.empty(!0), t.setValue([]), t.onChange(!0), t.jsoneditor.trigger("deleteAllRows") })), this.controls.appendChild(e), e } }, { key: "showValidationErrors", value: function (t) { var e = this, n = [], r = []; t.forEach((function (t) { t.path === e.path ? n.push(t) : r.push(t) })), this.error_holder && (n.length ? (this.error_holder.innerHTML = "", = "", n.forEach((function (t) { e.error_holder.appendChild(e.theme.getErrorMessage(t.message)) }))) : = "none"), this.rows.forEach((function (t) { return t.showValidationErrors(r) })) } }]) && ut(e.prototype, n), r && ut(e, r), o }(q); function vt(t) { return (vt = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) { return typeof t } : function (t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t })(t) } function bt(t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } function gt(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n]; r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1, r.configurable = !0, "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, r.key, r) } } function _t(t, e, n) { return (_t = "undefined" != typeof Reflect && Reflect.get ? Reflect.get : function (t, e, n) { var r = function (t, e) { for (; !, e) && null !== (t = jt(t));); return t }(t, e); if (r) { var i = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r, e); return i.get ? : i.value } })(t, e, n || t) } function wt(t, e) { return (wt = Object.setPrototypeOf || function (t, e) { return t.__proto__ = e, t })(t, e) } function kt(t) { var e = function () { if ("undefined" == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ("function" == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return, [], (function () { }))), !0 } catch (t) { return !1 } }(); return function () { var n, r = jt(t); if (e) { var i = jt(this).constructor; n = Reflect.construct(r, arguments, i) } else n = r.apply(this, arguments); return xt(this, n) } } function xt(t, e) { return !e || "object" !== vt(e) && "function" != typeof e ? function (t) { if (void 0 === t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return t }(t) : e } function jt(t) { return (jt = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function (t) { return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t) })(t) } mt.rules = { ".json-editor-btntype-toggle": "margin:0%2010px%200%200", ".je-array-control-btn": "width:100%25;text-align:left;margin-bottom:3px" }; var Ot = function (t) { !function (t, e) { if ("function" != typeof e && null !== e) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); t.prototype = Object.create(e && e.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), e && wt(t, e) }(o, t); var e, n, r, i = kt(o); function o() { return bt(this, o), i.apply(this, arguments) } return e = o, (n = [{ key: "onInputChange", value: function () { this.value = this.input.value, this.onChange(!0) } }, { key: "register", value: function () { _t(jt(o.prototype), "register", this).call(this), this.input && this.jsoneditor.options.use_name_attributes && this.input.setAttribute("name", this.formname) } }, { key: "unregister", value: function () { _t(jt(o.prototype), "unregister", this).call(this), this.input && this.input.removeAttribute("name") } }, { key: "getNumColumns", value: function () { var t = this, e = this.getTitle().length; return Object.keys(this.select_values).forEach((function (n) { return e = Math.max(e, "".concat(t.select_values[n]).length + 4) })), Math.min(12, Math.max(e / 7, 2)) } }, { key: "preBuild", value: function () { var t; _t(jt(o.prototype), "preBuild", this).call(this), this.select_options = {}, this.select_values = {}, this.option_keys = [], this.option_enum = []; var e = this.jsoneditor.expandRefs(this.schema.items || {}), n = e.enum || [], r = e.options && e.options.enum || [], i = e.options && e.options.enum_titles || []; for (t = 0; t < n.length; t++)if (this.sanitize(n[t]) === n[t]) { var a = r[t] || {}; "title" in a || (a.title = "".concat(i[t] || n[t])), this.option_keys.push("".concat(n[t])), this.option_enum.push(a), this.select_values["".concat(n[t])] = n[t] } } }, { key: "build", value: function () { var t, e = this; if (this.options.compact || (this.header = this.label = this.theme.getFormInputLabel(this.getTitle(), this.isRequired())), this.schema.description && (this.description = this.theme.getFormInputDescription(this.translateProperty(this.schema.description))), this.options.infoText && (this.infoButton = this.theme.getInfoButton(this.translateProperty(this.options.infoText))), this.options.compact && this.container.classList.add("compact"), !this.schema.format && this.option_keys.length < 8 || "checkbox" === this.schema.format) { for (this.input_type = "checkboxes", this.inputs = {}, this.controls = {}, t = 0; t < this.option_keys.length; t++) { var n = this.formname + t.toString(); this.inputs[this.option_keys[t]] = this.theme.getCheckbox(), this.inputs[this.option_keys[t]].id = n, this.select_options[this.option_keys[t]] = this.inputs[this.option_keys[t]]; var r = this.theme.getCheckboxLabel(this.option_enum[t].title); if (r.htmlFor = n, this.option_enum[t].infoText) { var i = this.theme.getInfoButton(this.translateProperty(this.option_enum[t].infoText)); r.appendChild(i) } this.controls["_" + this.option_keys[t]] = this.theme.getFormControl(r, this.inputs[this.option_keys[t]]) } this.control = this.theme.getMultiCheckboxHolder(this.controls, this.label, this.description, this.infoButton), this.inputs.controlgroup = this.inputs.controls = this.control } else { for (this.input_type = "select", this.input = this.theme.getSelectInput(this.option_keys, !0), this.theme.setSelectOptions(this.input, this.option_keys, (t) { return t.title }))), this.input.setAttribute("multiple", "multiple"), this.input.size = Math.min(10, this.option_keys.length), t = 0; t < this.option_keys.length; t++)this.select_options[this.option_keys[t]] = this.input.children[t]; this.control = this.theme.getFormControl(this.label, this.input, this.description, this.infoButton) } (this.schema.readOnly || this.schema.readonly) && this.disable(!0), this.container.appendChild(this.control), this.multiselectChangeHandler = function (n) { var r = []; for (t = 0; t < e.option_keys.length; t++)e.select_options[e.option_keys[t]] && (e.select_options[e.option_keys[t]].selected || e.select_options[e.option_keys[t]].checked) && r.push(e.select_values[e.option_keys[t]]); e.updateValue(r), e.onChange(!0) }, this.control.addEventListener("change", this.multiselectChangeHandler, !1), window.requestAnimationFrame((function () { e.afterInputReady() })) } }, { key: "postBuild", value: function () { _t(jt(o.prototype), "postBuild", this).call(this) } }, { key: "afterInputReady", value: function () { this.theme.afterInputReady(this.input || this.inputs) } }, { key: "setValue", value: function (t, e) { var n = this; t = t || [], Array.isArray(t) || (t = [t]), t = (t) { return "".concat(t) })), Object.keys(this.select_options).forEach((function (e) { n.select_options[e]["select" === n.input_type ? "selected" : "checked"] = t.includes(e) })), this.updateValue(t), this.onChange(!0) } }, { key: "removeValue", value: function (t) { t = [].concat(t), this.setValue(this.getValue().filter((function (e) { return !t.includes(e) }))) } }, { key: "addValue", value: function (t) { this.setValue(this.getValue().concat(t)) } }, { key: "updateValue", value: function (t) { for (var e = !1, n = [], r = 0; r < t.length; r++)if (this.select_options["".concat(t[r])]) { var i = this.sanitize(this.select_values[t[r]]); n.push(i), i !== t[r] && (e = !0) } else e = !0; return this.value = n, e } }, { key: "sanitize", value: function (t) { return "boolean" === this.schema.items.type ? !!t : "number" === this.schema.items.type ? 1 * t || 0 : "integer" === this.schema.items.type ? Math.floor(1 * t || 0) : "".concat(t) } }, { key: "enable", value: function () { var t = this; this.always_disabled || (this.input ? this.input.disabled = !1 : this.inputs && Object.keys(this.inputs).forEach((function (e) { return t.inputs[e].disabled = !1 })), _t(jt(o.prototype), "enable", this).call(this)) } }, { key: "disable", value: function (t) { var e = this; t && (this.always_disabled = !0), this.input ? this.input.disabled = !0 : this.inputs && Object.keys(this.inputs).forEach((function (t) { return e.inputs[t].disabled = !0 })), _t(jt(o.prototype), "disable", this).call(this) } }, { key: "destroy", value: function () { _t(jt(o.prototype), "destroy", this).call(this) } }, { key: "escapeRegExp", value: function (t) { return t.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, "\\$&") } }, { key: "showValidationErrors", value: function (t) { var e = new RegExp("^".concat(this.escapeRegExp(this.path), "(\\.\\d+)?$")), n = t.reduce((function (t, n) { return n.path.match(e) && t.push(n.message), t }), []); n.length ? this.theme.addInputError(this.input || this.inputs, "".concat(n.join(". "), ".")) : this.theme.removeInputError(this.input || this.inputs) } }]) && gt(e.prototype, n), r && gt(e, r), o }(q); function Ct(t) { return (Ct = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) { return typeof t } : function (t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t })(t) } function Et(t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } function St(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n]; r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1, r.configurable = !0, "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, r.key, r) } } function Pt(t, e, n) { return (Pt = "undefined" != typeof Reflect && Reflect.get ? Reflect.get : function (t, e, n) { var r = function (t, e) { for (; !, e) && null !== (t = At(t));); return t }(t, e); if (r) { var i = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r, e); return i.get ? : i.value } })(t, e, n || t) } function Rt(t, e) { return (Rt = Object.setPrototypeOf || function (t, e) { return t.__proto__ = e, t })(t, e) } function Lt(t) { var e = function () { if ("undefined" == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ("function" == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return, [], (function () { }))), !0 } catch (t) { return !1 } }(); return function () { var n, r = At(t); if (e) { var i = At(this).constructor; n = Reflect.construct(r, arguments, i) } else n = r.apply(this, arguments); return Tt(this, n) } } function Tt(t, e) { return !e || "object" !== Ct(e) && "function" != typeof e ? function (t) { if (void 0 === t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return t }(t) : e } function At(t) { return (At = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function (t) { return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t) })(t) } var It = function (t) { !function (t, e) { if ("function" != typeof e && null !== e) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); t.prototype = Object.create(e && e.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), e && Rt(t, e) }(o, t); var e, n, r, i = Lt(o); function o() { return Et(this, o), i.apply(this, arguments) } return e = o, (n = [{ key: "setValue", value: function (t, e) { this.choices_instance ? (t = [].concat(t).map((function (t) { return "".concat(t) })), this.updateValue(t), this.choices_instance.removeActiveItems(), this.choices_instance.setChoiceByValue(this.value), this.onChange(!0)) : Pt(At(o.prototype), "setValue", this).call(this, t, e) } }, { key: "afterInputReady", value: function () { var t = this; if (window.Choices && !this.choices_instance) { var e = this.expandCallbacks("choices", f({}, { removeItems: !0, removeItemButton: !0 }, this.defaults.options.choices || {}, this.options.choices || {}, { addItems: !0, editItems: !1, duplicateItemsAllowed: !1 })); this.newEnumAllowed = !1, this.choices_instance = new window.Choices(this.input, e), this.control.removeEventListener("change", this.multiselectChangeHandler), this.multiselectChangeHandler = function (e) { var n = t.choices_instance.getValue(!0); t.updateValue(n), t.onChange(!0) }, this.control.addEventListener("change", this.multiselectChangeHandler, !1) } Pt(At(o.prototype), "afterInputReady", this).call(this) } }, { key: "updateValue", value: function (t) { t = [].concat(t); for (var e = !1, n = [], r = 0; r < t.length; r++) { if (!this.select_values["".concat(t[r])]) { if (e = !0, !this.newEnumAllowed) continue; if (!this.addNewOption(t[r])) continue } var i = this.sanitize(this.select_values[t[r]]); n.push(i), i !== t[r] && (e = !0) } return this.value = n, e } }, { key: "addNewOption", value: function (t) { return this.option_keys.push("".concat(t)), this.option_titles.push("".concat(t)), this.select_values["".concat(t)] = t, this.schema.items.enum.push(t), this.choices_instance.setChoices([{ value: "".concat(t), label: "".concat(t) }], "value", "label", !1), !0 } }, { key: "enable", value: function () { !this.always_disabled && this.choices_instance && this.choices_instance.enable(), Pt(At(o.prototype), "enable", this).call(this) } }, { key: "disable", value: function (t) { this.choices_instance && this.choices_instance.disable(), Pt(At(o.prototype), "disable", this).call(this, t) } }, { key: "destroy", value: function () { this.choices_instance && (this.choices_instance.destroy(), this.choices_instance = null), Pt(At(o.prototype), "destroy", this).call(this) } }]) && St(e.prototype, n), r && St(e, r), o }(Ot); function Bt(t) { return (Bt = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) { return typeof t } : function (t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t })(t) } function Nt(t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } function Ft(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n]; r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1, r.configurable = !0, "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, r.key, r) } } function Vt(t, e, n) { return (Vt = "undefined" != typeof Reflect && Reflect.get ? Reflect.get : function (t, e, n) { var r = function (t, e) { for (; !, e) && null !== (t = zt(t));); return t }(t, e); if (r) { var i = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r, e); return i.get ? : i.value } })(t, e, n || t) } function Dt(t, e) { return (Dt = Object.setPrototypeOf || function (t, e) { return t.__proto__ = e, t })(t, e) } function Mt(t) { var e = function () { if ("undefined" == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ("function" == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return, [], (function () { }))), !0 } catch (t) { return !1 } }(); return function () { var n, r = zt(t); if (e) { var i = zt(this).constructor; n = Reflect.construct(r, arguments, i) } else n = r.apply(this, arguments); return Ht(this, n) } } function Ht(t, e) { return !e || "object" !== Bt(e) && "function" != typeof e ? function (t) { if (void 0 === t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return t }(t) : e } function zt(t) { return (zt = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function (t) { return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t) })(t) } var qt = function (t) { !function (t, e) { if ("function" != typeof e && null !== e) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); t.prototype = Object.create(e && e.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), e && Dt(t, e) }(o, t); var e, n, r, i = Mt(o); function o() { return Nt(this, o), i.apply(this, arguments) } return e = o, (n = [{ key: "setValue", value: function (t, e) { this.select2_instance ? (t = [].concat(t).map((function (t) { return "".concat(t) })), this.updateValue(t), this.select2v4 ? this.select2_instance.val(this.value).change() : this.select2_instance.select2("val", this.value), this.onChange(!0)) : Vt(zt(o.prototype), "setValue", this).call(this, t, e) } }, { key: "afterInputReady", value: function () { var t, e = this; window.jQuery && window.jQuery.fn && window.jQuery.fn.select2 && !this.select2_instance && (t = this.expandCallbacks("select2", f({}, { tags: !0, width: "100%" }, this.defaults.options.select2 || {}, this.options.select2 || {})), this.newEnumAllowed = t.tags = !!t.tags && this.schema.items && "string" === this.schema.items.type, this.select2_instance = window.jQuery(this.input).select2(t), this.select2v4 = v(this.select2_instance.select2, "amd"), this.selectChangeHandler = function () { var t = e.select2v4 ? e.select2_instance.val() : e.select2_instance.select2("val"); e.updateValue(t), e.onChange(!0) }, this.select2_instance.on("select2-blur", this.selectChangeHandler), this.select2_instance.on("change", this.selectChangeHandler)), Vt(zt(o.prototype), "afterInputReady", this).call(this) } }, { key: "updateValue", value: function (t) { t = [].concat(t); for (var e = !1, n = [], r = 0; r < t.length; r++) { if (!this.select_values["".concat(t[r])]) { if (e = !0, !this.newEnumAllowed) continue; if (!this.addNewOption(t[r])) continue } var i = this.sanitize(this.select_values[t[r]]); n.push(i), i !== t[r] && (e = !0) } return this.value = n, e } }, { key: "addNewOption", value: function (t) { this.option_keys.push("".concat(t)), this.option_titles.push("".concat(t)), this.select_values["".concat(t)] = t, this.schema.items.enum.push(t); var e = this.input.querySelector('option[value="'.concat(t, '"]')); return e ? e.removeAttribute("data-select2-tag") : this.input.appendChild(new Option(t, t, !1, !1)).trigger("change"), !0 } }, { key: "enable", value: function () { !this.always_disabled && this.select2_instance && (this.select2v4 ? this.select2_instance.prop("disabled", !1) : this.select2_instance.select2("enable", !0)), Vt(zt(o.prototype), "enable", this).call(this) } }, { key: "disable", value: function (t) { this.select2_instance && (this.select2v4 ? this.select2_instance.prop("disabled", !0) : this.select2_instance.select2("enable", !1)), Vt(zt(o.prototype), "disable", this).call(this) } }, { key: "destroy", value: function () { this.select2_instance && (this.select2_instance.select2("destroy"), this.select2_instance = null), Vt(zt(o.prototype), "destroy", this).call(this) } }]) && Ft(e.prototype, n), r && Ft(e, r), o }(Ot); function Ut(t) { return (Ut = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) { return typeof t } : function (t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t })(t) } function Gt(t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } function $t(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n]; r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1, r.configurable = !0, "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, r.key, r) } } function Jt(t, e, n) { return (Jt = "undefined" != typeof Reflect && Reflect.get ? Reflect.get : function (t, e, n) { var r = function (t, e) { for (; !, e) && null !== (t = Qt(t));); return t }(t, e); if (r) { var i = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r, e); return i.get ? : i.value } })(t, e, n || t) } function Wt(t, e) { return (Wt = Object.setPrototypeOf || function (t, e) { return t.__proto__ = e, t })(t, e) } function Zt(t) { var e = function () { if ("undefined" == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ("function" == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return, [], (function () { }))), !0 } catch (t) { return !1 } }(); return function () { var n, r = Qt(t); if (e) { var i = Qt(this).constructor; n = Reflect.construct(r, arguments, i) } else n = r.apply(this, arguments); return Yt(this, n) } } function Yt(t, e) { return !e || "object" !== Ut(e) && "function" != typeof e ? function (t) { if (void 0 === t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return t }(t) : e } function Qt(t) { return (Qt = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function (t) { return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t) })(t) } var Kt = function (t) { !function (t, e) { if ("function" != typeof e && null !== e) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); t.prototype = Object.create(e && e.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), e && Wt(t, e) }(o, t); var e, n, r, i = Zt(o); function o() { return Gt(this, o), i.apply(this, arguments) } return e = o, (n = [{ key: "setValue", value: function (t, e) { this.selectize_instance ? (t = [].concat(t).map((function (t) { return "".concat(t) })), this.updateValue(t), this.selectize_instance.setValue(this.value), this.onChange(!0)) : Jt(Qt(o.prototype), "setValue", this).call(this, t, e) } }, { key: "afterInputReady", value: function () { var t, e = this; window.jQuery && window.jQuery.fn && window.jQuery.fn.selectize && !this.selectize_instance && (t = this.expandCallbacks("selectize", f({}, { plugins: ["remove_button"], delimiter: !1, createOnBlur: !0, create: !0 }, this.defaults.options.selectize || {}, this.options.selectize || {})), this.newEnumAllowed = t.create = !!t.create && this.schema.items && "string" === this.schema.items.type, this.selectize_instance = window.jQuery(this.input).selectize(t)[0].selectize, this.control.removeEventListener("change", this.multiselectChangeHandler), this.multiselectChangeHandler = function (t) { var n = e.selectize_instance.getValue(); e.updateValue(n), e.onChange(!0) }, this.selectize_instance.on("change", this.multiselectChangeHandler)), Jt(Qt(o.prototype), "afterInputReady", this).call(this) } }, { key: "updateValue", value: function (t) { t = [].concat(t); for (var e = !1, n = [], r = 0; r < t.length; r++) { if (!this.select_values["".concat(t[r])]) { if (e = !0, !this.newEnumAllowed) continue; if (!this.addNewOption(t[r])) continue } var i = this.sanitize(this.select_values[t[r]]); n.push(i), i !== t[r] && (e = !0) } return this.value = n, e } }, { key: "addNewOption", value: function (t) { return this.option_keys.push("".concat(t)), this.option_titles.push("".concat(t)), this.select_values["".concat(t)] = t, this.schema.items.enum.push(t), this.selectize_instance.addOption({ text: t, value: t }), !0 } }, { key: "enable", value: function () { !this.always_disabled && this.selectize_instance && this.selectize_instance.unlock(), Jt(Qt(o.prototype), "enable", this).call(this) } }, { key: "disable", value: function (t) { this.selectize_instance && this.selectize_instance.lock(), Jt(Qt(o.prototype), "disable", this).call(this, t) } }, { key: "destroy", value: function () { this.selectize_instance && (this.selectize_instance.destroy(), this.selectize_instance = null), Jt(Qt(o.prototype), "destroy", this).call(this) } }]) && $t(e.prototype, n), r && $t(e, r), o }(Ot); function Xt(t) { return (Xt = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) { return typeof t } : function (t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t })(t) } function te(t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } function ee(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n]; r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1, r.configurable = !0, "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, r.key, r) } } function ne(t, e, n) { return (ne = "undefined" != typeof Reflect && Reflect.get ? Reflect.get : function (t, e, n) { var r = function (t, e) { for (; !, e) && null !== (t = ae(t));); return t }(t, e); if (r) { var i = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r, e); return i.get ? : i.value } })(t, e, n || t) } function re(t, e) { return (re = Object.setPrototypeOf || function (t, e) { return t.__proto__ = e, t })(t, e) } function ie(t) { var e = function () { if ("undefined" == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ("function" == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return, [], (function () { }))), !0 } catch (t) { return !1 } }(); return function () { var n, r = ae(t); if (e) { var i = ae(this).constructor; n = Reflect.construct(r, arguments, i) } else n = r.apply(this, arguments); return oe(this, n) } } function oe(t, e) { return !e || "object" !== Xt(e) && "function" != typeof e ? function (t) { if (void 0 === t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return t }(t) : e } function ae(t) { return (ae = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function (t) { return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t) })(t) } var se = function (t) { !function (t, e) { if ("function" != typeof e && null !== e) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); t.prototype = Object.create(e && e.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), e && re(t, e) }(o, t); var e, n, r, i = ie(o); function o() { return te(this, o), i.apply(this, arguments) } return e = o, (n = [{ key: "postBuild", value: function () { window.Autocomplete && (this.autocomplete_wrapper = document.createElement("div"), this.input.parentNode.insertBefore(this.autocomplete_wrapper, this.input.nextSibling), this.autocomplete_wrapper.appendChild(this.input), this.autocomplete_dropdown = document.createElement("ul"), this.input.parentNode.insertBefore(this.autocomplete_dropdown, this.input.nextSibling)), ne(ae(o.prototype), "postBuild", this).call(this) } }, { key: "afterInputReady", value: function () { var t, e = this; window.Autocomplete && !this.autocomplete_instance && (t = this.expandCallbacks("autocomplete", f({}, { search: function (t) { return console.log('No "search" callback defined for autocomplete in property "'.concat(t.key, '"')), [] }, onSubmit: function () { e.input.blur() }, baseClass: "autocomplete" }, this.defaults.options.autocomplete || {}, this.options.autocomplete || {})), this.autocomplete_wrapper.classList.add(t.baseClass), this.autocomplete_dropdown.classList.add("".concat(t.baseClass, "-result-list")), this.autocomplete_instance = new window.Autocomplete(this.autocomplete_wrapper, t)), ne(ae(o.prototype), "afterInputReady", this).call(this) } }, { key: "destroy", value: function () { this.autocomplete_instance && (this.input && this.input.parentNode && this.input.parentNode.removeChild(this.input), this.autocomplete_dropdown && this.autocomplete_dropdown.parentNode && this.autocomplete_dropdown.parentNode.removeChild(this.autocomplete_dropdown), this.autocomplete_wrapper && this.autocomplete_wrapper.parentNode && this.autocomplete_wrapper.parentNode.removeChild(this.autocomplete_wrapper), this.autocomplete_instance = null), ne(ae(o.prototype), "destroy", this).call(this) } }]) && ee(e.prototype, n), r && ee(e, r), o }(K); n(149); function ce(t) { return (ce = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) { return typeof t } : function (t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t })(t) } function le(t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } function ue(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n]; r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1, r.configurable = !0, "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, r.key, r) } } function he(t, e, n) { return (he = "undefined" != typeof Reflect && Reflect.get ? Reflect.get : function (t, e, n) { var r = function (t, e) { for (; !, e) && null !== (t = ye(t));); return t }(t, e); if (r) { var i = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r, e); return i.get ? : i.value } })(t, e, n || t) } function pe(t, e) { return (pe = Object.setPrototypeOf || function (t, e) { return t.__proto__ = e, t })(t, e) } function de(t) { var e = function () { if ("undefined" == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ("function" == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return, [], (function () { }))), !0 } catch (t) { return !1 } }(); return function () { var n, r = ye(t); if (e) { var i = ye(this).constructor; n = Reflect.construct(r, arguments, i) } else n = r.apply(this, arguments); return fe(this, n) } } function fe(t, e) { return !e || "object" !== ce(e) && "function" != typeof e ? function (t) { if (void 0 === t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return t }(t) : e } function ye(t) { return (ye = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function (t) { return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t) })(t) } var me = function (t) { !function (t, e) { if ("function" != typeof e && null !== e) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); t.prototype = Object.create(e && e.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), e && pe(t, e) }(o, t); var e, n, r, i = de(o); function o() { return le(this, o), i.apply(this, arguments) } return e = o, (n = [{ key: "getNumColumns", value: function () { return 4 } }, { key: "setFileReaderListener", value: function (t) { var e = this; t.addEventListener("load", (function (t) { if (e.count === e.current_item_index) e.value[e.count][e.key] =; else { var n = {}; for (var r in n[r] = ""; n[e.key] =, e.value.splice(e.count, 0, n) } e.count += 1, e.count === + e.current_item_index && e.arrayEditor.setValue(e.value) })) } }, { key: "build", value: function () { var t = this; if (this.options.compact || (this.title = this.header = this.label = this.theme.getFormInputLabel(this.getTitle(), this.isRequired())), this.options.infoText && (this.infoButton = this.theme.getInfoButton(this.translateProperty(this.options.infoText))), this.input = this.theme.getFormInputField("hidden"), this.container.appendChild(this.input), !this.schema.readOnly && !this.schema.readonly) { if (!window.FileReader) throw new Error("FileReader required for base64 editor"); this.uploader = this.theme.getFormInputField("file"), this.schema.options && this.schema.options.multiple && !0 === this.schema.options.multiple && this.parent && "object" === this.parent.schema.type && this.parent.parent && "array" === this.parent.parent.schema.type && this.uploader.setAttribute("multiple", ""), this.uploader.addEventListener("change", (function (e) { if (e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), e.currentTarget.files && e.currentTarget.files.length) if (e.currentTarget.files.length > 1 && t.schema.options && t.schema.options.multiple && !0 === t.schema.options.multiple && t.parent && "object" === t.parent.schema.type && t.parent.parent && "array" === t.parent.parent.schema.type) { t.arrayEditor = t.jsoneditor.getEditor(t.parent.parent.path), t.value = t.arrayEditor.getValue(), = e.currentTarget.files.length, t.current_item_index = parseInt(t.parent.key), t.count = t.current_item_index; for (var n = 0; n <; n++) { var r = new FileReader; t.setFileReaderListener(r), r.readAsDataURL(e.currentTarget.files[n]) } } else { var i = new FileReader; i.onload = function (e) { t.value =, t.refreshPreview(), t.onChange(!0), i = null }, i.readAsDataURL(e.currentTarget.files[0]) } })) } this.preview = this.theme.getFormInputDescription(this.translateProperty(this.schema.description)), this.container.appendChild(this.preview), this.control = this.theme.getFormControl(this.label, this.uploader || this.input, this.preview, this.infoButton), this.container.appendChild(this.control) } }, { key: "refreshPreview", value: function () { if (this.last_preview !== this.value && (this.last_preview = this.value, this.preview.innerHTML = "", this.value)) { var t = this.value.match(/^data:([^;,]+)[;,]/); if (t && (t = t[1]), t) { if (this.preview.innerHTML = "<strong>Type:</strong> ".concat(t, ", <strong>Size:</strong> ").concat(Math.floor((this.value.length - this.value.split(",")[0].length - 1) / 1.33333), " bytes"), "image" === t.substr(0, 5)) { this.preview.innerHTML += "<br>"; var e = document.createElement("img"); = "100%", = "100px", e.src = this.value, this.preview.appendChild(e) } } else this.preview.innerHTML = "<em>Invalid data URI</em>" } } }, { key: "enable", value: function () { this.always_disabled || (this.uploader && (this.uploader.disabled = !1), he(ye(o.prototype), "enable", this).call(this)) } }, { key: "disable", value: function (t) { t && (this.always_disabled = !0), this.uploader && (this.uploader.disabled = !0), he(ye(o.prototype), "disable", this).call(this) } }, { key: "setValue", value: function (t) { this.value !== t && (this.schema.readOnly && this.schema.enum && !this.schema.enum.includes(t) ? this.value = this.schema.enum[0] : this.value = t, this.input.value = this.value, this.refreshPreview(), this.onChange()) } }, { key: "destroy", value: function () { this.preview && this.preview.parentNode && this.preview.parentNode.removeChild(this.preview), this.title && this.title.parentNode && this.title.parentNode.removeChild(this.title), this.input && this.input.parentNode && this.input.parentNode.removeChild(this.input), this.uploader && this.uploader.parentNode && this.uploader.parentNode.removeChild(this.uploader), he(ye(o.prototype), "destroy", this).call(this) } }]) && ue(e.prototype, n), r && ue(e, r), o }(q); function ve(t) { return (ve = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) { return typeof t } : function (t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t })(t) } function be(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n]; r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1, r.configurable = !0, "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, r.key, r) } } function ge(t, e, n) { return (ge = "undefined" != typeof Reflect && Reflect.get ? Reflect.get : function (t, e, n) { var r = function (t, e) { for (; !, e) && null !== (t = xe(t));); return t }(t, e); if (r) { var i = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r, e); return i.get ? : i.value } })(t, e, n || t) } function _e(t, e) { return (_e = Object.setPrototypeOf || function (t, e) { return t.__proto__ = e, t })(t, e) } function we(t) { var e = function () { if ("undefined" == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ("function" == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return, [], (function () { }))), !0 } catch (t) { return !1 } }(); return function () { var n, r = xe(t); if (e) { var i = xe(this).constructor; n = Reflect.construct(r, arguments, i) } else n = r.apply(this, arguments); return ke(this, n) } } function ke(t, e) { return !e || "object" !== ve(e) && "function" != typeof e ? function (t) { if (void 0 === t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return t }(t) : e } function xe(t) { return (xe = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function (t) { return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t) })(t) } var je = function (t) { !function (t, e) { if ("function" != typeof e && null !== e) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); t.prototype = Object.create(e && e.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), e && _e(t, e) }(o, t); var e, n, r, i = we(o); function o(t, e) { var n; return function (t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") }(this, o), (n =, t, e)).active = !1, n.parent && n.parent.schema && (Array.isArray(n.parent.schema.required) ? n.parent.schema.required.includes(n.key) || n.parent.schema.required.push(n.key) : n.parent.schema.required = [n.key]), n } return e = o, (n = [{ key: "build", value: function () { var t = this; this.options.compact = !0; var e = this.translateProperty(this.schema.title) || this.key, n = this.expandCallbacks("button", f({}, { icon: "", validated: !1, align: "left", action: function (t, e) { window.alert('No button action defined for "'.concat(t.path, '"')) } }, this.defaults.options.button || {}, this.options.button || {})); this.input = this.getButton(e, n.icon, e), this.input.addEventListener("click", n.action, !1), (this.schema.readOnly || this.schema.readonly || this.schema.template) && (this.disable(!0), this.input.setAttribute("readonly", "true")), this.setInputAttributes(["readonly"]), this.control = this.theme.getFormButtonHolder(n.align), this.control.appendChild(this.input), this.container.appendChild(this.control), this.changeHandler = function () { t.jsoneditor.validate(t.jsoneditor.getValue()).length > 0 ? t.disable() : t.enable() }, n.validated && this.jsoneditor.on("change", this.changeHandler) } }, { key: "enable", value: function () { this.always_disabled || (this.input.disabled = !1, ge(xe(o.prototype), "enable", this).call(this)) } }, { key: "disable", value: function (t) { t && (this.always_disabled = !0), this.input.disabled = !0, ge(xe(o.prototype), "disable", this).call(this) } }, { key: "getNumColumns", value: function () { return 2 } }, { key: "activate", value: function () { = !1, this.enable() } }, { key: "deactivate", value: function () { this.isRequired() || ( = !1, this.disable()) } }, { key: "destroy", value: function () {"change", this.changeHandler), this.changeHandler = null, ge(xe(o.prototype), "destroy", this).call(this) } }]) && be(e.prototype, n), r && be(e, r), o }(q); function Oe(t) { return (Oe = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) { return typeof t } : function (t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t })(t) } function Ce(t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } function Ee(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n]; r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1, r.configurable = !0, "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, r.key, r) } } function Se(t, e, n) { return (Se = "undefined" != typeof Reflect && Reflect.get ? Reflect.get : function (t, e, n) { var r = function (t, e) { for (; !, e) && null !== (t = Te(t));); return t }(t, e); if (r) { var i = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r, e); return i.get ? : i.value } })(t, e, n || t) } function Pe(t, e) { return (Pe = Object.setPrototypeOf || function (t, e) { return t.__proto__ = e, t })(t, e) } function Re(t) { var e = function () { if ("undefined" == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ("function" == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return, [], (function () { }))), !0 } catch (t) { return !1 } }(); return function () { var n, r = Te(t); if (e) { var i = Te(this).constructor; n = Reflect.construct(r, arguments, i) } else n = r.apply(this, arguments); return Le(this, n) } } function Le(t, e) { return !e || "object" !== Oe(e) && "function" != typeof e ? function (t) { if (void 0 === t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return t }(t) : e } function Te(t) { return (Te = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function (t) { return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t) })(t) } var Ae = function (t) { !function (t, e) { if ("function" != typeof e && null !== e) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); t.prototype = Object.create(e && e.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), e && Pe(t, e) }(o, t); var e, n, r, i = Re(o); function o() { return Ce(this, o), i.apply(this, arguments) } return e = o, (n = [{ key: "setValue", value: function (t, e) { t = !!t; var n = this.getValue() !== t; this.value = t, this.input.checked = this.value, this.onChange(n) } }, { key: "register", value: function () { Se(Te(o.prototype), "register", this).call(this), this.input && this.jsoneditor.options.use_name_attributes && this.input.setAttribute("name", this.formname) } }, { key: "unregister", value: function () { Se(Te(o.prototype), "unregister", this).call(this), this.input && this.input.removeAttribute("name") } }, { key: "getNumColumns", value: function () { return Math.min(12, Math.max(this.getTitle().length / 7, 2)) } }, { key: "build", value: function () { var t = this; this.parent.options.table_row || (this.label = this.header = this.theme.getCheckboxLabel(this.getTitle(), this.isRequired()), this.label.htmlFor = this.formname), this.schema.description && (this.description = this.theme.getFormInputDescription(this.translateProperty(this.schema.description))), this.options.infoText && !this.options.compact && (this.infoButton = this.theme.getInfoButton(this.translateProperty(this.options.infoText))), this.options.compact && this.container.classList.add("compact"), this.input = this.theme.getCheckbox(), = this.formname, this.control = this.theme.getFormControl(this.label, this.input, this.description, this.infoButton), (this.schema.readOnly || this.schema.readonly) && (this.disable(!0), this.input.disabled = !0), this.input.addEventListener("change", (function (e) { e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), t.value = e.currentTarget.checked, t.onChange(!0) })), this.container.appendChild(this.control) } }, { key: "enable", value: function () { this.always_disabled || (this.input.disabled = !1, Se(Te(o.prototype), "enable", this).call(this)) } }, { key: "disable", value: function (t) { t && (this.always_disabled = !0), this.input.disabled = !0, Se(Te(o.prototype), "disable", this).call(this) } }, { key: "destroy", value: function () { this.label && this.label.parentNode && this.label.parentNode.removeChild(this.label), this.description && this.description.parentNode && this.description.parentNode.removeChild(this.description), this.input && this.input.parentNode && this.input.parentNode.removeChild(this.input), Se(Te(o.prototype), "destroy", this).call(this) } }, { key: "showValidationErrors", value: function (t) { var e = this; this.previous_error_setting = this.jsoneditor.options.show_errors; var n = t.reduce((function (t, n) { return n.path === e.path && t.push(n.message), t }), []); this.input.controlgroup = this.control, n.length ? this.theme.addInputError(this.input, "".concat(n.join(". "), ".")) : this.theme.removeInputError(this.input) } }]) && Ee(e.prototype, n), r && Ee(e, r), o }(q); n(150); function Ie(t) { return (Ie = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) { return typeof t } : function (t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t })(t) } function Be(t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } function Ne(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n]; r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1, r.configurable = !0, "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, r.key, r) } } function Fe(t, e, n) { return (Fe = "undefined" != typeof Reflect && Reflect.get ? Reflect.get : function (t, e, n) { var r = function (t, e) { for (; !, e) && null !== (t = He(t));); return t }(t, e); if (r) { var i = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r, e); return i.get ? : i.value } })(t, e, n || t) } function Ve(t, e) { return (Ve = Object.setPrototypeOf || function (t, e) { return t.__proto__ = e, t })(t, e) } function De(t) { var e = function () { if ("undefined" == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ("function" == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return, [], (function () { }))), !0 } catch (t) { return !1 } }(); return function () { var n, r = He(t); if (e) { var i = He(this).constructor; n = Reflect.construct(r, arguments, i) } else n = r.apply(this, arguments); return Me(this, n) } } function Me(t, e) { return !e || "object" !== Ie(e) && "function" != typeof e ? function (t) { if (void 0 === t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return t }(t) : e } function He(t) { return (He = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function (t) { return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t) })(t) } var ze = function (t) { !function (t, e) { if ("function" != typeof e && null !== e) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); t.prototype = Object.create(e && e.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), e && Ve(t, e) }(o, t); var e, n, r, i = De(o); function o() { return Be(this, o), i.apply(this, arguments) } return e = o, (n = [{ key: "setValue", value: function (t, e) { var n = this.typecast(t), r = !!this.jsoneditor.options.use_default_values || void 0 !== this.schema.default; (this.enum_options.length > 0 && !this.enum_values.includes(n) || e && !this.isRequired() && !r) && (n = this.enum_values[0]), this.value !== n && (e ? this.is_dirty = !1 : "change" === this.jsoneditor.options.show_errors && (this.is_dirty = !0), this.input.value = this.enum_options[this.enum_values.indexOf(n)], this.value = n, this.onChange(), this.change()) } }, { key: "register", value: function () { Fe(He(o.prototype), "register", this).call(this), this.input && this.jsoneditor.options.use_name_attributes && this.input.setAttribute("name", this.formname) } }, { key: "unregister", value: function () { Fe(He(o.prototype), "unregister", this).call(this), this.input && this.input.removeAttribute("name") } }, { key: "getNumColumns", value: function () { if (!this.enum_options) return 3; for (var t = this.getTitle().length, e = 0; e < this.enum_options.length; e++)t = Math.max(t, this.enum_options[e].length + 4); return Math.min(12, Math.max(t / 7, 2)) } }, { key: "typecast", value: function (t) { return "boolean" === this.schema.type ? "undefined" === t || void 0 === t ? void 0 : !!t : "number" === this.schema.type ? 1 * t || 0 : "integer" === this.schema.type ? Math.floor(1 * t || 0) : this.schema.enum && void 0 === t ? void 0 : "".concat(t) } }, { key: "getValue", value: function () { if (this.dependenciesFulfilled) return this.typecast(this.value) } }, { key: "preBuild", value: function () { var t, e, n = this; if (this.input_type = "select", this.enum_options = [], this.enum_values = [], this.enum_display = [], this.schema.enum) { var r = this.schema.options && this.schema.options.enum_titles || []; this.schema.enum.forEach((function (t, e) { n.enum_options[e] = "".concat(t), n.enum_display[e] = "".concat(n.translateProperty(r[e]) || t), n.enum_values[e] = n.typecast(t) })), this.isRequired() || (this.enum_display.unshift(" "), this.enum_options.unshift("undefined"), this.enum_values.unshift(void 0)) } else if ("boolean" === this.schema.type) this.enum_display = this.schema.options && this.schema.options.enum_titles || ["true", "false"], this.enum_options = ["1", ""], this.enum_values = [!0, !1], this.isRequired() || (this.enum_display.unshift(" "), this.enum_options.unshift("undefined"), this.enum_values.unshift(void 0)); else { if (!this.schema.enumSource) throw new Error("'select' editor requires the enum property to be set."); if (this.enumSource = [], this.enum_display = [], this.enum_options = [], this.enum_values = [], Array.isArray(this.schema.enumSource)) for (t = 0; t < this.schema.enumSource.length; t++)"string" == typeof this.schema.enumSource[t] ? this.enumSource[t] = { source: this.schema.enumSource[t] } : Array.isArray(this.schema.enumSource[t]) ? this.enumSource[t] = this.schema.enumSource[t] : this.enumSource[t] = f({}, this.schema.enumSource[t]); else this.schema.enumValue ? this.enumSource = [{ source: this.schema.enumSource, value: this.schema.enumValue }] : this.enumSource = [{ source: this.schema.enumSource }]; for (t = 0; t < this.enumSource.length; t++)this.enumSource[t].value && ("function" == typeof (e = this.expandCallbacks("template", { template: this.enumSource[t].value })).template ? this.enumSource[t].value = e.template : this.enumSource[t].value = this.jsoneditor.compileTemplate(this.enumSource[t].value, this.template_engine)), this.enumSource[t].title && ("function" == typeof (e = this.expandCallbacks("template", { template: this.enumSource[t].title })).template ? this.enumSource[t].title = e.template : this.enumSource[t].title = this.jsoneditor.compileTemplate(this.enumSource[t].title, this.template_engine)), this.enumSource[t].filter && this.enumSource[t].value && ("function" == typeof (e = this.expandCallbacks("template", { template: this.enumSource[t].filter })).template ? this.enumSource[t].filter = e.template : this.enumSource[t].filter = this.jsoneditor.compileTemplate(this.enumSource[t].filter, this.template_engine)) } } }, { key: "build", value: function () { var t = this; this.options.compact || (this.header = this.label = this.theme.getFormInputLabel(this.getTitle(), this.isRequired())), this.schema.description && (this.description = this.theme.getFormInputDescription(this.translateProperty(this.schema.description))), this.options.infoText && (this.infoButton = this.theme.getInfoButton(this.translateProperty(this.options.infoText))), this.options.compact && this.container.classList.add("compact"), this.input = this.theme.getSelectInput(this.enum_options, !1), this.theme.setSelectOptions(this.input, this.enum_options, this.enum_display), (this.schema.readOnly || this.schema.readonly) && (this.disable(!0), this.input.disabled = !0), this.setInputAttributes([]), this.input.addEventListener("change", (function (e) { e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), t.onInputChange() })), this.control = this.theme.getFormControl(this.label, this.input, this.description, this.infoButton), this.container.appendChild(this.control), this.value = this.enum_values[0], window.requestAnimationFrame((function () { t.input.parentNode && t.afterInputReady() })) } }, { key: "afterInputReady", value: function () { this.theme.afterInputReady(this.input) } }, { key: "onInputChange", value: function () { var t, e = this.typecast(this.input.value); (t = this.enum_values.includes(e) ? this.enum_values[this.enum_values.indexOf(e)] : this.enum_values[0]) !== this.value && (this.is_dirty = !0, this.value = t, this.onChange(!0)) } }, { key: "onWatchedFieldChange", value: function () { var t, e, n = [], r = []; if (this.enumSource) { t = this.getWatchedFieldValues(); for (var i = 0; i < this.enumSource.length; i++)if (Array.isArray(this.enumSource[i])) n = n.concat(this.enumSource[i]), r = r.concat(this.enumSource[i]); else { var a = []; if (a = Array.isArray(this.enumSource[i].source) ? this.enumSource[i].source : t[this.enumSource[i].source]) { if (this.enumSource[i].slice && (a = Array.prototype.slice.apply(a, this.enumSource[i].slice)), this.enumSource[i].filter) { var s = []; for (e = 0; e < a.length; e++)this.enumSource[i].filter({ i: e, item: a[e], watched: t }) && s.push(a[e]); a = s } var c = [], l = []; for (e = 0; e < a.length; e++) { var u = a[e]; this.enumSource[i].value ? l[e] = this.typecast(this.enumSource[i].value({ i: e, item: u })) : l[e] = a[e], this.enumSource[i].title ? c[e] = this.enumSource[i].title({ i: e, item: u }) : c[e] = l[e] } this.enumSource[i].sort && function (t, e, n) { (t, n) { return { v: t, t: e[n] } })).sort((function (t, e) { return t.v < e.v ? -n : t.v === e.v ? 0 : n })).forEach((function (n, r) { t[r] = n.v, e[r] = n.t })) }.bind(null, l, c, "desc" === this.enumSource[i].sort ? 1 : -1)(), n = n.concat(l), r = r.concat(c) } } var h = this.value; this.theme.setSelectOptions(this.input, n, r), this.enum_options = n, this.enum_display = r, this.enum_values = n, n.includes(h) || !1 !== this.jsoneditor.options.enum_source_value_auto_select ? (this.input.value = h, this.value = h) : (this.input.value = n[0], this.value = this.typecast(n[0] || ""), this.parent && !this.watchLoop ? this.parent.onChildEditorChange(this) : this.jsoneditor.onChange(), this.jsoneditor.notifyWatchers(this.path)) } Fe(He(o.prototype), "onWatchedFieldChange", this).call(this) } }, { key: "enable", value: function () { this.always_disabled || (this.input.disabled = !1, Fe(He(o.prototype), "enable", this).call(this)) } }, { key: "disable", value: function (t) { t && (this.always_disabled = !0), this.input.disabled = !0, Fe(He(o.prototype), "disable", this).call(this, t) } }, { key: "destroy", value: function () { this.label && this.label.parentNode && this.label.parentNode.removeChild(this.label), this.description && this.description.parentNode && this.description.parentNode.removeChild(this.description), this.input && this.input.parentNode && this.input.parentNode.removeChild(this.input), Fe(He(o.prototype), "destroy", this).call(this) } }, { key: "showValidationErrors", value: function (t) { var e = this; this.previous_error_setting = this.jsoneditor.options.show_errors; var n = t.reduce((function (t, n) { return n.path === e.path && t.push(n.message), t }), []); n.length ? this.theme.addInputError(this.input, "".concat(n.join(". "), ".")) : this.theme.removeInputError(this.input) } }]) && Ne(e.prototype, n), r && Ne(e, r), o }(q); function qe(t) { return (qe = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) { return typeof t } : function (t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t })(t) } function Ue(t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } function Ge(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n]; r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1, r.configurable = !0, "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, r.key, r) } } function $e(t, e, n) { return ($e = "undefined" != typeof Reflect && Reflect.get ? Reflect.get : function (t, e, n) { var r = function (t, e) { for (; !, e) && null !== (t = Ye(t));); return t }(t, e); if (r) { var i = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r, e); return i.get ? : i.value } })(t, e, n || t) } function Je(t, e) { return (Je = Object.setPrototypeOf || function (t, e) { return t.__proto__ = e, t })(t, e) } function We(t) { var e = function () { if ("undefined" == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ("function" == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return, [], (function () { }))), !0 } catch (t) { return !1 } }(); return function () { var n, r = Ye(t); if (e) { var i = Ye(this).constructor; n = Reflect.construct(r, arguments, i) } else n = r.apply(this, arguments); return Ze(this, n) } } function Ze(t, e) { return !e || "object" !== qe(e) && "function" != typeof e ? function (t) { if (void 0 === t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return t }(t) : e } function Ye(t) { return (Ye = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function (t) { return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t) })(t) } var Qe = function (t) { !function (t, e) { if ("function" != typeof e && null !== e) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); t.prototype = Object.create(e && e.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), e && Je(t, e) }(o, t); var e, n, r, i = We(o); function o() { return Ue(this, o), i.apply(this, arguments) } return e = o, (n = [{ key: "setValue", value: function (t, e) { if (this.choices_instance) { var n = this.typecast(t || ""); if (this.enum_values.includes(n) || (n = this.enum_values[0]), this.value === n) return; e ? this.is_dirty = !1 : "change" === this.jsoneditor.options.show_errors && (this.is_dirty = !0), this.input.value = this.enum_options[this.enum_values.indexOf(n)], this.choices_instance.setChoiceByValue(this.input.value), this.value = n, this.onChange() } else $e(Ye(o.prototype), "setValue", this).call(this, t, e) } }, { key: "afterInputReady", value: function () { if (window.Choices && !this.choices_instance) { var t = this.expandCallbacks("choices", f({}, this.defaults.options.choices || {}, this.options.choices || {})); this.choices_instance = new window.Choices(this.input, t) } $e(Ye(o.prototype), "afterInputReady", this).call(this) } }, { key: "onWatchedFieldChange", value: function () { var t = this; if ($e(Ye(o.prototype), "onWatchedFieldChange", this).call(this), this.choices_instance) { var e = (e, n) { return { value: e, label: t.enum_display[n] } })); this.choices_instance.setChoices(e, "value", "label", !0), this.choices_instance.setChoiceByValue("".concat(this.value)) } } }, { key: "enable", value: function () { !this.always_disabled && this.choices_instance && this.choices_instance.enable(), $e(Ye(o.prototype), "enable", this).call(this) } }, { key: "disable", value: function (t) { this.choices_instance && this.choices_instance.disable(), $e(Ye(o.prototype), "disable", this).call(this, t) } }, { key: "destroy", value: function () { this.choices_instance && (this.choices_instance.destroy(), this.choices_instance = null), $e(Ye(o.prototype), "destroy", this).call(this) } }]) && Ge(e.prototype, n), r && Ge(e, r), o }(ze); function Ke(t) { return (Ke = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) { return typeof t } : function (t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t })(t) } function Xe(t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } function tn(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n]; r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1, r.configurable = !0, "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, r.key, r) } } function en(t, e, n) { return (en = "undefined" != typeof Reflect && Reflect.get ? Reflect.get : function (t, e, n) { var r = function (t, e) { for (; !, e) && null !== (t = an(t));); return t }(t, e); if (r) { var i = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r, e); return i.get ? : i.value } })(t, e, n || t) } function nn(t, e) { return (nn = Object.setPrototypeOf || function (t, e) { return t.__proto__ = e, t })(t, e) } function rn(t) { var e = function () { if ("undefined" == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ("function" == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return, [], (function () { }))), !0 } catch (t) { return !1 } }(); return function () { var n, r = an(t); if (e) { var i = an(this).constructor; n = Reflect.construct(r, arguments, i) } else n = r.apply(this, arguments); return on(this, n) } } function on(t, e) { return !e || "object" !== Ke(e) && "function" != typeof e ? function (t) { if (void 0 === t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return t }(t) : e } function an(t) { return (an = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function (t) { return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t) })(t) } Qe.rules = { ".choices > *": "box-sizing:border-box" }; var sn = function (t) { !function (t, e) { if ("function" != typeof e && null !== e) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); t.prototype = Object.create(e && e.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), e && nn(t, e) }(o, t); var e, n, r, i = rn(o); function o() { return Xe(this, o), i.apply(this, arguments) } return e = o, (n = [{ key: "build", value: function () { if (en(an(o.prototype), "build", this).call(this), this.input && (this.schema.max && "string" == typeof this.schema.max && this.input.setAttribute("max", this.schema.max), this.schema.min && "string" == typeof this.schema.max && this.input.setAttribute("min", this.schema.min), window.flatpickr && "object" === Ke(this.options.flatpickr))) { this.options.flatpickr.enableTime = "date" !== this.schema.format, this.options.flatpickr.noCalendar = "time" === this.schema.format, "integer" === this.schema.type && (this.options.flatpickr.mode = "single"), this.input.setAttribute("data-input", ""); var t = this.input; if (!0 === this.options.flatpickr.wrap) { var e = []; if (!1 !== this.options.flatpickr.showToggleButton) { var n = this.getButton("", "time" === this.schema.format ? "time" : "calendar", "flatpickr_toggle_button"); n.setAttribute("data-toggle", ""), e.push(n) } if (!1 !== this.options.flatpickr.showClearButton) { var r = this.getButton("", "clear", "flatpickr_clear_button"); r.setAttribute("data-clear", ""), e.push(r) } var i = this.input.parentNode, a = this.input.nextSibling, s = this.theme.getInputGroup(this.input, e); void 0 !== s ? (this.options.flatpickr.inline = !1, i.insertBefore(s, a), t = s) : this.options.flatpickr.wrap = !1 } this.flatpickr = window.flatpickr(t, this.options.flatpickr), !0 === this.options.flatpickr.inline && !0 === this.options.flatpickr.inlineHideInput && this.input.setAttribute("type", "hidden") } } }, { key: "getValue", value: function () { if (this.dependenciesFulfilled) { if ("string" === this.schema.type) return this.value; if ("" !== this.value && void 0 !== this.value) { var t = "time" === this.schema.format ? "1970-01-01 ".concat(this.value) : this.value; return parseInt(new Date(t).getTime() / 1e3) } } } }, { key: "setValue", value: function (t, e, n) { if ("string" === this.schema.type) en(an(o.prototype), "setValue", this).call(this, t, e, n), this.flatpickr && this.flatpickr.setDate(t); else if (t > 0) { var r = new Date(1e3 * t), i = r.getFullYear(), a = this.zeroPad(r.getMonth() + 1), s = this.zeroPad(r.getDate()), c = this.zeroPad(r.getHours()), l = this.zeroPad(r.getMinutes()), u = this.zeroPad(r.getSeconds()), h = [i, a, s].join("-"), p = [c, l, u].join(":"), d = "".concat(h, "T").concat(p); "date" === this.schema.format ? d = h : "time" === this.schema.format && (d = p), this.input.value = d, this.refreshValue(), this.flatpickr && this.flatpickr.setDate(d) } } }, { key: "destroy", value: function () { this.flatpickr && this.flatpickr.destroy(), this.flatpickr = null, en(an(o.prototype), "destroy", this).call(this) } }, { key: "zeroPad", value: function (t) { return "0".concat(t).slice(-2) } }]) && tn(e.prototype, n), r && tn(e, r), o }(K); function cn(t) { return (cn = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) { return typeof t } : function (t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t })(t) } function ln(t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } function un(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n]; r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1, r.configurable = !0, "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, r.key, r) } } function hn(t, e, n) { return (hn = "undefined" != typeof Reflect && Reflect.get ? Reflect.get : function (t, e, n) { var r = function (t, e) { for (; !, e) && null !== (t = yn(t));); return t }(t, e); if (r) { var i = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r, e); return i.get ? : i.value } })(t, e, n || t) } function pn(t, e) { return (pn = Object.setPrototypeOf || function (t, e) { return t.__proto__ = e, t })(t, e) } function dn(t) { var e = function () { if ("undefined" == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ("function" == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return, [], (function () { }))), !0 } catch (t) { return !1 } }(); return function () { var n, r = yn(t); if (e) { var i = yn(this).constructor; n = Reflect.construct(r, arguments, i) } else n = r.apply(this, arguments); return fn(this, n) } } function fn(t, e) { return !e || "object" !== cn(e) && "function" != typeof e ? function (t) { if (void 0 === t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return t }(t) : e } function yn(t) { return (yn = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function (t) { return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t) })(t) } var mn = function (t) { !function (t, e) { if ("function" != typeof e && null !== e) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); t.prototype = Object.create(e && e.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), e && pn(t, e) }(o, t); var e, n, r, i = dn(o); function o() { return ln(this, o), i.apply(this, arguments) } return e = o, (n = [{ key: "register", value: function () { if (this.editors) { for (var t = 0; t < this.editors.length; t++)this.editors[t] && this.editors[t].unregister(); this.editors[this.currentEditor] && this.editors[this.currentEditor].register() } hn(yn(o.prototype), "register", this).call(this) } }, { key: "unregister", value: function () { if (hn(yn(o.prototype), "unregister", this).call(this), this.editors) for (var t = 0; t < this.editors.length; t++)this.editors[t] && this.editors[t].unregister() } }, { key: "getNumColumns", value: function () { return this.editors[this.currentEditor] ? Math.max(this.editors[this.currentEditor].getNumColumns(), 4) : 4 } }, { key: "enable", value: function () { if (this.editors) for (var t = 0; t < this.editors.length; t++)this.editors[t] && this.editors[t].enable(); hn(yn(o.prototype), "enable", this).call(this) } }, { key: "disable", value: function () { if (this.editors) for (var t = 0; t < this.editors.length; t++)this.editors[t] && this.editors[t].disable(); hn(yn(o.prototype), "disable", this).call(this) } }, { key: "switchEditor", value: function () { var t = this, e = this.getWatchedFieldValues(); if (e) { var n = document.location.origin + document.location.pathname + this.template(e); this.editors[this.refs[n]] || this.buildChildEditor(n), this.currentEditor = this.refs[n], this.register(), this.editors.forEach((function (e, n) { e && (t.currentEditor === n ? = "" : = "none") })), this.refreshValue(), this.onChange(!0) } } }, { key: "buildChildEditor", value: function (t) { this.refs[t] = this.editors.length; var e = this.theme.getChildEditorHolder(); this.editor_holder.appendChild(e); var n = f({}, this.schema, this.jsoneditor.refs[t]), r = this.jsoneditor.getEditorClass(n, this.jsoneditor), i = this.jsoneditor.createEditor(r, { jsoneditor: this.jsoneditor, schema: n, container: e, path: this.path, parent: this, required: !0 }); this.editors.push(i), i.preBuild(),, i.postBuild() } }, { key: "preBuild", value: function () { var t; for (this.refs = {}, this.editors = [], this.currentEditor = "", t = 0; t < this.schema.links.length; t++)if ("describedby" === this.schema.links[t].rel.toLowerCase()) { this.template = this.jsoneditor.compileTemplate(this.schema.links[t].href, this.template_engine); break } this.schema.links = this.schema.links.slice(0, t).concat(this.schema.links.slice(t + 1)), 0 === this.schema.links.length && delete this.schema.links, this.baseSchema = f({}, this.schema) } }, { key: "build", value: function () { this.editor_holder = document.createElement("div"), this.container.appendChild(this.editor_holder), this.switchEditor() } }, { key: "onWatchedFieldChange", value: function () { this.switchEditor() } }, { key: "onChildEditorChange", value: function (t) { this.editors[this.currentEditor] && this.refreshValue(), hn(yn(o.prototype), "onChildEditorChange", this).call(this, t) } }, { key: "refreshValue", value: function () { this.editors[this.currentEditor] && (this.value = this.editors[this.currentEditor].getValue()) } }, { key: "setValue", value: function (t, e) { this.editors[this.currentEditor] && (this.editors[this.currentEditor].setValue(t, e), this.refreshValue(), this.onChange()) } }, { key: "destroy", value: function () { this.editors.forEach((function (t) { t && t.destroy() })), this.editor_holder && this.editor_holder.parentNode && this.editor_holder.parentNode.removeChild(this.editor_holder), hn(yn(o.prototype), "destroy", this).call(this) } }, { key: "showValidationErrors", value: function (t) { this.editors.forEach((function (e) { e && e.showValidationErrors(t) })) } }]) && un(e.prototype, n), r && un(e, r), o }(q); function vn(t) { return (vn = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) { return typeof t } : function (t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t })(t) } function bn(t, e) { return function (t) { if (Array.isArray(t)) return t }(t) || function (t, e) { var n = t && ("undefined" != typeof Symbol && t[Symbol.iterator] || t["@@iterator"]); if (null == n) return; var r, i, o = [], a = !0, s = !1; try { for (n =; !(a = (r = && (o.push(r.value), !e || o.length !== e); a = !0); } catch (t) { s = !0, i = t } finally { try { a || null == n.return || n.return() } finally { if (s) throw i } } return o }(t, e) || function (t, e) { if (!t) return; if ("string" == typeof t) return gn(t, e); var n =, -1); "Object" === n && t.constructor && (n =; if ("Map" === n || "Set" === n) return Array.from(t); if ("Arguments" === n || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return gn(t, e) }(t, e) || function () { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.") }() } function gn(t, e) { (null == e || e > t.length) && (e = t.length); for (var n = 0, r = new Array(e); n < e; n++)r[n] = t[n]; return r } function _n(t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } function wn(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n]; r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1, r.configurable = !0, "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, r.key, r) } } function kn(t, e, n) { return (kn = "undefined" != typeof Reflect && Reflect.get ? Reflect.get : function (t, e, n) { var r = function (t, e) { for (; !, e) && null !== (t = Cn(t));); return t }(t, e); if (r) { var i = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r, e); return i.get ? : i.value } })(t, e, n || t) } function xn(t, e) { return (xn = Object.setPrototypeOf || function (t, e) { return t.__proto__ = e, t })(t, e) } function jn(t) { var e = function () { if ("undefined" == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ("function" == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return, [], (function () { }))), !0 } catch (t) { return !1 } }(); return function () { var n, r = Cn(t); if (e) { var i = Cn(this).constructor; n = Reflect.construct(r, arguments, i) } else n = r.apply(this, arguments); return On(this, n) } } function On(t, e) { return !e || "object" !== vn(e) && "function" != typeof e ? function (t) { if (void 0 === t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return t }(t) : e } function Cn(t) { return (Cn = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function (t) { return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t) })(t) } var En = function (t) { !function (t, e) { if ("function" != typeof e && null !== e) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); t.prototype = Object.create(e && e.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), e && xn(t, e) }(o, t); var e, n, r, i = jn(o); function o() { return _n(this, o), i.apply(this, arguments) } return e = o, (n = [{ key: "getNumColumns", value: function () { return 4 } }, { key: "build", value: function () { var t = this; this.title = this.header = this.label = this.theme.getFormInputLabel(this.getTitle(), this.isRequired()), this.container.appendChild(this.title), this.options.enum_titles = this.options.enum_titles || [], this.enum = this.schema.enum, this.selected = 0, this.select_options = [], this.html_values = []; for (var e = 0; e < this.enum.length; e++)this.select_options[e] = this.options.enum_titles[e] || "Value ".concat(e + 1), this.html_values[e] = this.getHTML(this.enum[e]); this.switcher = this.theme.getSwitcher(this.select_options), this.container.appendChild(this.switcher), this.display_area = this.theme.getIndentedPanel(), this.container.appendChild(this.display_area), this.options.hide_display && ( = "none"), this.switcher.addEventListener("change", (function (e) { t.selected = t.select_options.indexOf(e.currentTarget.value), t.value = t.enum[t.selected], t.refreshValue(), t.onChange(!0) })), this.value = this.enum[0], this.refreshValue(), 1 === this.enum.length && ( = "none") } }, { key: "refreshValue", value: function () { var t = this; this.selected = -1; var e = JSON.stringify(this.value); this.enum.forEach((function (n, r) { if (e === JSON.stringify(n)) return t.selected = r, !1 })), this.selected < 0 ? this.setValue(this.enum[0]) : (this.switcher.value = this.select_options[this.selected], this.display_area.innerHTML = this.html_values[this.selected]) } }, { key: "enable", value: function () { this.always_disabled || (this.switcher.disabled = !1, kn(Cn(o.prototype), "enable", this).call(this)) } }, { key: "disable", value: function (t) { t && (this.always_disabled = !0), this.switcher.disabled = !0, kn(Cn(o.prototype), "disable", this).call(this) } }, { key: "getHTML", value: function (t) { var e = this; if (null === t) return "<em>null</em>"; if ("object" === vn(t)) { var n = ""; return function (t, e) { Array.isArray(t) || "number" == typeof t.length && t.length > 0 && t.length - 1 in t ? Array.from(t).forEach((function (t, n) { return e(n, t) })) : Object.entries(t).forEach((function (t) { var n = bn(t, 2), r = n[0], i = n[1]; return e(r, i) })) }(t, (function (r, i) { var o = e.getHTML(i); Array.isArray(t) || (o = "<div><em>".concat(r, "</em>: ").concat(o, "</div>")), n += "<li>".concat(o, "</li>") })), n = Array.isArray(t) ? "<ol>".concat(n, "</ol>") : "<ul style='margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;padding-top:0;padding-bottom:0;'>".concat(n, "</ul>") } return "boolean" == typeof t ? t ? "true" : "false" : "string" == typeof t ? t.replace(/&/g, "&amp;").replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;") : t } }, { key: "setValue", value: function (t) { this.value !== t && (this.value = t, this.refreshValue(), this.onChange()) } }, { key: "destroy", value: function () { this.display_area && this.display_area.parentNode && this.display_area.parentNode.removeChild(this.display_area), this.title && this.title.parentNode && this.title.parentNode.removeChild(this.title), this.switcher && this.switcher.parentNode && this.switcher.parentNode.removeChild(this.switcher), kn(Cn(o.prototype), "destroy", this).call(this) } }]) && wn(e.prototype, n), r && wn(e, r), o }(q); function Sn(t) { return (Sn = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) { return typeof t } : function (t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t })(t) } function Pn(t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } function Rn(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n]; r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1, r.configurable = !0, "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, r.key, r) } } function Ln(t, e, n) { return (Ln = "undefined" != typeof Reflect && Reflect.get ? Reflect.get : function (t, e, n) { var r = function (t, e) { for (; !, e) && null !== (t = Bn(t));); return t }(t, e); if (r) { var i = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r, e); return i.get ? : i.value } })(t, e, n || t) } function Tn(t, e) { return (Tn = Object.setPrototypeOf || function (t, e) { return t.__proto__ = e, t })(t, e) } function An(t) { var e = function () { if ("undefined" == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ("function" == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return, [], (function () { }))), !0 } catch (t) { return !1 } }(); return function () { var n, r = Bn(t); if (e) { var i = Bn(this).constructor; n = Reflect.construct(r, arguments, i) } else n = r.apply(this, arguments); return In(this, n) } } function In(t, e) { return !e || "object" !== Sn(e) && "function" != typeof e ? function (t) { if (void 0 === t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return t }(t) : e } function Bn(t) { return (Bn = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function (t) { return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t) })(t) } var Nn = function (t) { !function (t, e) { if ("function" != typeof e && null !== e) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); t.prototype = Object.create(e && e.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), e && Tn(t, e) }(o, t); var e, n, r, i = An(o); function o() { return Pn(this, o), i.apply(this, arguments) } return e = o, (n = [{ key: "register", value: function () { Ln(Bn(o.prototype), "register", this).call(this), this.input && this.jsoneditor.options.use_name_attributes && this.input.setAttribute("name", this.formname) } }, { key: "unregister", value: function () { Ln(Bn(o.prototype), "unregister", this).call(this), this.input && this.input.removeAttribute("name") } }, { key: "setValue", value: function (t, e, n) { if ((!this.template || n) && (null == t ? t = "" : "object" === Sn(t) ? t = JSON.stringify(t) : "string" != typeof t && (t = "".concat(t)), t !== this.serialized)) { var r = this.sanitize(t); if (this.input.value !== r) { this.input.value = r; var i = n || this.getValue() !== t; this.refreshValue(), e ? this.is_dirty = !1 : "change" === this.jsoneditor.options.show_errors && (this.is_dirty = !0), this.adjust_height && this.adjust_height(this.input), this.onChange(i) } } } }, { key: "getNumColumns", value: function () { return 2 } }, { key: "enable", value: function () { Ln(Bn(o.prototype), "enable", this).call(this) } }, { key: "disable", value: function () { Ln(Bn(o.prototype), "disable", this).call(this) } }, { key: "refreshValue", value: function () { this.value = this.input.value, "string" != typeof this.value && (this.value = ""), this.serialized = this.value } }, { key: "destroy", value: function () { this.template = null, this.input && this.input.parentNode && this.input.parentNode.removeChild(this.input), this.label && this.label.parentNode && this.label.parentNode.removeChild(this.label), this.description && this.description.parentNode && this.description.parentNode.removeChild(this.description), Ln(Bn(o.prototype), "destroy", this).call(this) } }, { key: "sanitize", value: function (t) { return t } }, { key: "onWatchedFieldChange", value: function () { var t; this.template && (t = this.getWatchedFieldValues(), this.setValue(this.template(t), !1, !0)), Ln(Bn(o.prototype), "onWatchedFieldChange", this).call(this) } }, { key: "build", value: function () { if (this.format = this.schema.format, !this.format && this.options.default_format && (this.format = this.options.default_format), this.options.format && (this.format = this.options.format), this.input_type = "hidden", this.input = this.theme.getFormInputField(this.input_type), this.format && this.input.setAttribute("data-schemaformat", this.format), this.container.appendChild(this.input), this.schema.template) { var t = this.expandCallbacks("template", { template: this.schema.template }); "function" == typeof t.template ? this.template = t.template : this.template = this.jsoneditor.compileTemplate(this.schema.template, this.template_engine), this.refreshValue() } else this.refreshValue() } }]) && Rn(e.prototype, n), r && Rn(e, r), o }(q); function Fn(t) { return (Fn = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) { return typeof t } : function (t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t })(t) } function Vn(t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } function Dn(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n]; r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1, r.configurable = !0, "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, r.key, r) } } function Mn(t, e) { return (Mn = Object.setPrototypeOf || function (t, e) { return t.__proto__ = e, t })(t, e) } function Hn(t) { var e = function () { if ("undefined" == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ("function" == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return, [], (function () { }))), !0 } catch (t) { return !1 } }(); return function () { var n, r = qn(t); if (e) { var i = qn(this).constructor; n = Reflect.construct(r, arguments, i) } else n = r.apply(this, arguments); return zn(this, n) } } function zn(t, e) { return !e || "object" !== Fn(e) && "function" != typeof e ? function (t) { if (void 0 === t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return t }(t) : e } function qn(t) { return (qn = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function (t) { return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t) })(t) } var Un = function (t) { !function (t, e) { if ("function" != typeof e && null !== e) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); t.prototype = Object.create(e && e.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), e && Mn(t, e) }(o, t); var e, n, r, i = Hn(o); function o() { return Vn(this, o), i.apply(this, arguments) } return e = o, (n = [{ key: "build", value: function () { this.options.compact = !1, this.header = this.label = this.theme.getFormInputLabel(this.getTitle()), this.description = this.theme.getDescription(this.schema.description || ""), this.control = this.theme.getFormControl(this.label, this.description, null), this.container.appendChild(this.control) } }, { key: "getTitle", value: function () { return this.translateProperty(this.schema.title) } }, { key: "getNumColumns", value: function () { return 12 } }]) && Dn(e.prototype, n), r && Dn(e, r), o }(je); function Gn(t) { return (Gn = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) { return typeof t } : function (t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t })(t) } function $n(t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } function Jn(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n]; r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1, r.configurable = !0, "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, r.key, r) } } function Wn(t, e, n) { return (Wn = "undefined" != typeof Reflect && Reflect.get ? Reflect.get : function (t, e, n) { var r = function (t, e) { for (; !, e) && null !== (t = Kn(t));); return t }(t, e); if (r) { var i = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r, e); return i.get ? : i.value } })(t, e, n || t) } function Zn(t, e) { return (Zn = Object.setPrototypeOf || function (t, e) { return t.__proto__ = e, t })(t, e) } function Yn(t) { var e = function () { if ("undefined" == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ("function" == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return, [], (function () { }))), !0 } catch (t) { return !1 } }(); return function () { var n, r = Kn(t); if (e) { var i = Kn(this).constructor; n = Reflect.construct(r, arguments, i) } else n = r.apply(this, arguments); return Qn(this, n) } } function Qn(t, e) { return !e || "object" !== Gn(e) && "function" != typeof e ? function (t) { if (void 0 === t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return t }(t) : e } function Kn(t) { return (Kn = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function (t) { return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t) })(t) } var Xn = function (t) { !function (t, e) { if ("function" != typeof e && null !== e) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); t.prototype = Object.create(e && e.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), e && Zn(t, e) }(o, t); var e, n, r, i = Yn(o); function o() { return $n(this, o), i.apply(this, arguments) } return e = o, (n = [{ key: "build", value: function () { if (Wn(Kn(o.prototype), "build", this).call(this), void 0 !== this.schema.minimum) { var t = this.schema.minimum; void 0 !== this.schema.exclusiveMinimum && (t += 1), this.input.setAttribute("min", t) } if (void 0 !== this.schema.maximum) { var e = this.schema.maximum; void 0 !== this.schema.exclusiveMaximum && (e -= 1), this.input.setAttribute("max", e) } if (void 0 !== this.schema.step) { var n = this.schema.step || 1; this.input.setAttribute("step", n) } this.setInputAttributes(["maxlength", "pattern", "readonly", "min", "max", "step"]) } }, { key: "getNumColumns", value: function () { return 2 } }, { key: "getValue", value: function () { if (this.dependenciesFulfilled) { var t = function (t) { if (null == t) return !1; var e = t.match(b), n = parseFloat(t); return null !== e && !isNaN(n) && isFinite(n) }(this.value) ? parseFloat(this.value) : this.value; if (this.jsoneditor.options.use_default_values || "" !== t) return t } } }]) && Jn(e.prototype, n), r && Jn(e, r), o }(K); function tr(t) { return (tr = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) { return typeof t } : function (t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t })(t) } function er(t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } function nr(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n]; r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1, r.configurable = !0, "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, r.key, r) } } function rr(t, e) { return (rr = Object.setPrototypeOf || function (t, e) { return t.__proto__ = e, t })(t, e) } function ir(t) { var e = function () { if ("undefined" == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ("function" == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return, [], (function () { }))), !0 } catch (t) { return !1 } }(); return function () { var n, r = ar(t); if (e) { var i = ar(this).constructor; n = Reflect.construct(r, arguments, i) } else n = r.apply(this, arguments); return or(this, n) } } function or(t, e) { return !e || "object" !== tr(e) && "function" != typeof e ? function (t) { if (void 0 === t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return t }(t) : e } function ar(t) { return (ar = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function (t) { return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t) })(t) } var sr = function (t) { !function (t, e) { if ("function" != typeof e && null !== e) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); t.prototype = Object.create(e && e.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), e && rr(t, e) }(o, t); var e, n, r, i = ir(o); function o() { return er(this, o), i.apply(this, arguments) } return e = o, (n = [{ key: "getNumColumns", value: function () { return 2 } }, { key: "getValue", value: function () { if (this.dependenciesFulfilled) { var t = function (t) { if (null == t) return !1; var e = t.match(g), n = parseInt(t); return null !== e && !isNaN(n) && isFinite(n) }(this.value) ? parseInt(this.value) : this.value; if (this.jsoneditor.options.use_default_values || "" !== t) return t } } }]) && nr(e.prototype, n), r && nr(e, r), o }(Xn); function cr(t) { return (cr = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) { return typeof t } : function (t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t })(t) } function lr(t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } function ur(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n]; r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1, r.configurable = !0, "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, r.key, r) } } function hr(t, e, n) { return (hr = "undefined" != typeof Reflect && Reflect.get ? Reflect.get : function (t, e, n) { var r = function (t, e) { for (; !, e) && null !== (t = yr(t));); return t }(t, e); if (r) { var i = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r, e); return i.get ? : i.value } })(t, e, n || t) } function pr(t, e) { return (pr = Object.setPrototypeOf || function (t, e) { return t.__proto__ = e, t })(t, e) } function dr(t) { var e = function () { if ("undefined" == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ("function" == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return, [], (function () { }))), !0 } catch (t) { return !1 } }(); return function () { var n, r = yr(t); if (e) { var i = yr(this).constructor; n = Reflect.construct(r, arguments, i) } else n = r.apply(this, arguments); return fr(this, n) } } function fr(t, e) { return !e || "object" !== cr(e) && "function" != typeof e ? function (t) { if (void 0 === t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return t }(t) : e } function yr(t) { return (yr = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function (t) { return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t) })(t) } var mr = function (t) { !function (t, e) { if ("function" != typeof e && null !== e) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); t.prototype = Object.create(e && e.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), e && pr(t, e) }(o, t); var e, n, r, i = dr(o); function o() { return lr(this, o), i.apply(this, arguments) } return e = o, (n = [{ key: "preBuild", value: function () { if (hr(yr(o.prototype), "preBuild", this).call(this), this.schema.options || (this.schema.options = {}), !this.schema.options.cleave) switch (this.format) { case "ipv6": this.schema.options.cleave = { delimiters: [":"], blocks: [4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4], uppercase: !0 }; break; case "ipv4": this.schema.options.cleave = { delimiters: ["."], blocks: [3, 3, 3, 3], numericOnly: !0 } }this.options = f(this.options, this.schema.options || {}) } }]) && ur(e.prototype, n), r && ur(e, r), o }(K); function vr(t) { return (vr = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) { return typeof t } : function (t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t })(t) } function br(t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } function gr(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n]; r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1, r.configurable = !0, "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, r.key, r) } } function _r(t, e, n) { return (_r = "undefined" != typeof Reflect && Reflect.get ? Reflect.get : function (t, e, n) { var r = function (t, e) { for (; !, e) && null !== (t = jr(t));); return t }(t, e); if (r) { var i = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r, e); return i.get ? : i.value } })(t, e, n || t) } function wr(t, e) { return (wr = Object.setPrototypeOf || function (t, e) { return t.__proto__ = e, t })(t, e) } function kr(t) { var e = function () { if ("undefined" == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ("function" == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return, [], (function () { }))), !0 } catch (t) { return !1 } }(); return function () { var n, r = jr(t); if (e) { var i = jr(this).constructor; n = Reflect.construct(r, arguments, i) } else n = r.apply(this, arguments); return xr(this, n) } } function xr(t, e) { return !e || "object" !== vr(e) && "function" != typeof e ? function (t) { if (void 0 === t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return t }(t) : e } function jr(t) { return (jr = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function (t) { return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t) })(t) } var Or = function (t) { !function (t, e) { if ("function" != typeof e && null !== e) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); t.prototype = Object.create(e && e.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), e && wr(t, e) }(o, t); var e, n, r, i = kr(o); function o() { return br(this, o), i.apply(this, arguments) } return e = o, (n = [{ key: "setValue", value: function (t, e, n) { var r = _r(jr(o.prototype), "setValue", this).call(this, t, e, n); void 0 !== r && r.changed && this.jodit_instance && this.jodit_instance.setEditorValue(r.value) } }, { key: "build", value: function () { this.options.format = "textarea", _r(jr(o.prototype), "build", this).call(this), this.input_type = this.schema.format, this.input.setAttribute("data-schemaformat", this.input_type) } }, { key: "afterInputReady", value: function () { var t, e = this; window.Jodit ? (t = this.expandCallbacks("jodit", f({}, { height: 300 }, this.defaults.options.jodit || {}, this.options.jodit || {})), this.jodit_instance = new window.Jodit(this.input, t), (this.schema.readOnly || this.schema.readonly || this.schema.template) && this.jodit_instance.setReadOnly(!0),"change", (function () { e.value = e.jodit_instance.getEditorValue(), e.is_dirty = !0, e.onChange(!0) })), this.theme.afterInputReady(this.input)) : _r(jr(o.prototype), "afterInputReady", this).call(this) } }, { key: "getNumColumns", value: function () { return 6 } }, { key: "enable", value: function () { !this.always_disabled && this.jodit_instance && this.jodit_instance.setReadOnly(!1), _r(jr(o.prototype), "enable", this).call(this) } }, { key: "disable", value: function (t) { this.jodit_instance && this.jodit_instance.setReadOnly(!0), _r(jr(o.prototype), "disable", this).call(this, t) } }, { key: "destroy", value: function () { this.jodit_instance && (this.jodit_instance.destruct(), this.jodit_instance = null), _r(jr(o.prototype), "destroy", this).call(this) } }]) && gr(e.prototype, n), r && gr(e, r), o }(K); function Cr(t) { return (Cr = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) { return typeof t } : function (t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t })(t) } function Er(t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } function Sr(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n]; r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1, r.configurable = !0, "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, r.key, r) } } function Pr(t, e, n) { return (Pr = "undefined" != typeof Reflect && Reflect.get ? Reflect.get : function (t, e, n) { var r = function (t, e) { for (; !, e) && null !== (t = Ar(t));); return t }(t, e); if (r) { var i = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r, e); return i.get ? : i.value } })(t, e, n || t) } function Rr(t, e) { return (Rr = Object.setPrototypeOf || function (t, e) { return t.__proto__ = e, t })(t, e) } function Lr(t) { var e = function () { if ("undefined" == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ("function" == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return, [], (function () { }))), !0 } catch (t) { return !1 } }(); return function () { var n, r = Ar(t); if (e) { var i = Ar(this).constructor; n = Reflect.construct(r, arguments, i) } else n = r.apply(this, arguments); return Tr(this, n) } } function Tr(t, e) { return !e || "object" !== Cr(e) && "function" != typeof e ? function (t) { if (void 0 === t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return t }(t) : e } function Ar(t) { return (Ar = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function (t) { return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t) })(t) } var Ir = function (t) { !function (t, e) { if ("function" != typeof e && null !== e) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); t.prototype = Object.create(e && e.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), e && Rr(t, e) }(o, t); var e, n, r, i = Lr(o); function o() { return Er(this, o), i.apply(this, arguments) } return e = o, (n = [{ key: "register", value: function () { if (this.editors) { for (var t = 0; t < this.editors.length; t++)this.editors[t] && this.editors[t].unregister(); this.editors[this.type] && this.editors[this.type].register() } Pr(Ar(o.prototype), "register", this).call(this) } }, { key: "unregister", value: function () { if (Pr(Ar(o.prototype), "unregister", this).call(this), this.editors) for (var t = 0; t < this.editors.length; t++)this.editors[t] && this.editors[t].unregister() } }, { key: "getNumColumns", value: function () { return this.editors[this.type] ? Math.max(this.editors[this.type].getNumColumns(), 4) : 4 } }, { key: "enable", value: function () { if (!this.always_disabled) { if (this.editors) for (var t = 0; t < this.editors.length; t++)this.editors[t] && this.editors[t].enable(); this.switcher.disabled = !1, Pr(Ar(o.prototype), "enable", this).call(this) } } }, { key: "disable", value: function (t) { if (t && (this.always_disabled = !0), this.editors) for (var e = 0; e < this.editors.length; e++)this.editors[e] && this.editors[e].disable(t); this.switcher.disabled = !0, Pr(Ar(o.prototype), "disable", this).call(this) } }, { key: "switchEditor", value: function (t) { var e = this; this.editors[t] || this.buildChildEditor(t); var n = this.getValue(); this.type = t, this.register(), this.editors.forEach((function (t, r) { t && (e.type === r ? (e.keep_values && t.setValue(n, !0), = "") : = "none") })), this.refreshValue(), this.refreshHeaderText() } }, { key: "buildChildEditor", value: function (t) { var e, n = this, r = this.types[t], i = this.theme.getChildEditorHolder(); this.editor_holder.appendChild(i), "string" == typeof r ? (e = f({}, this.schema)).type = r : (e = f({}, this.schema, r), e = this.jsoneditor.expandRefs(e), r && r.required && Array.isArray(r.required) && this.schema.required && Array.isArray(this.schema.required) && (e.required = this.schema.required.concat(r.required))); var o = this.jsoneditor.getEditorClass(e); this.editors[t] = this.jsoneditor.createEditor(o, { jsoneditor: this.jsoneditor, schema: e, container: i, path: this.path, parent: this, required: !0 }), this.editors[t].preBuild(), this.editors[t].build(), this.editors[t].postBuild(), this.editors[t].header && (this.editors[t] = "none"), this.editors[t].option = this.switcher_options[t], i.addEventListener("change_header_text", (function () { n.refreshHeaderText() })), t !== this.type && ( = "none") } }, { key: "preBuild", value: function () { if (this.types = [], this.type = 0, this.editors = [], this.validators = [], this.keep_values = !0, void 0 !== this.jsoneditor.options.keep_oneof_values && (this.keep_values = this.jsoneditor.options.keep_oneof_values), void 0 !== this.options.keep_oneof_values && (this.keep_values = this.options.keep_oneof_values), this.schema.oneOf) this.oneOf = !0, this.types = this.schema.oneOf, delete this.schema.oneOf; else if (this.schema.anyOf) this.anyOf = !0, this.types = this.schema.anyOf, delete this.schema.anyOf; else { if (this.schema.type && "any" !== this.schema.type) Array.isArray(this.schema.type) ? this.types = this.schema.type : this.types = [this.schema.type]; else if (this.types = ["string", "number", "integer", "boolean", "object", "array", "null"], this.schema.disallow) { var t = this.schema.disallow; "object" === Cr(t) && Array.isArray(t) || (t = [t]); var e = []; this.types.forEach((function (n) { t.includes(n) || e.push(n) })), this.types = e } delete this.schema.type } this.display_text = this.getDisplayText(this.types) } }, { key: "build", value: function () { var t = this, e = this.container; this.header = this.label = this.theme.getFormInputLabel(this.getTitle(), this.isRequired()), this.container.appendChild(this.header), this.switcher = this.theme.getSwitcher(this.display_text), e.appendChild(this.switcher), this.switcher.addEventListener("change", (function (e) { e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), t.switchEditor(t.display_text.indexOf(e.currentTarget.value)), t.onChange(!0) })), this.editor_holder = document.createElement("div"), e.appendChild(this.editor_holder); var n = {}; this.jsoneditor.options.custom_validators && (n.custom_validators = this.jsoneditor.options.custom_validators), this.switcher_options = this.theme.getSwitcherOptions(this.switcher), this.types.forEach((function (e, r) { var i; t.editors[r] = !1, "string" == typeof e ? (i = f({}, t.schema)).type = e : (i = f({}, t.schema, e), e.required && Array.isArray(e.required) && t.schema.required && Array.isArray(t.schema.required) && (i.required = t.schema.required.concat(e.required))), t.validators[r] = new L(t.jsoneditor, i, n, t.defaults) })), this.switchEditor(0) } }, { key: "onChildEditorChange", value: function (t) { this.editors[this.type] && (this.refreshValue(), this.refreshHeaderText()), Pr(Ar(o.prototype), "onChildEditorChange", this).call(this) } }, { key: "refreshHeaderText", value: function () { var t = this.getDisplayText(this.types); Array.from(this.switcher_options).forEach((function (e, n) { e.textContent = t[n] })) } }, { key: "refreshValue", value: function () { this.value = this.editors[this.type].getValue() } }, { key: "setValue", value: function (t, e) { var n = this, r = this.type, i = { match: 0, extra: 0, i: this.type }, o = { match: 0, i: null }; this.validators.forEach((function (e, r) { var a = null; void 0 !== n.anyOf && n.anyOf && (a = e.fitTest(t), (i.match < a.match || i.match === a.match && i.extra > a.extra) && ((i = a).i = r)), e.validate(t).length || null !== o.i ? i = o : (o.i = r, null !== a && (o.match = a.match)) })); var a = o.i; void 0 !== this.anyOf && this.anyOf && o.match < i.match && (a = i.i), null === a && (a = this.type), this.type = a, this.switcher.value = this.display_text[a]; var s = this.type !== r; s && this.switchEditor(this.type), this.editors[this.type].setValue(t, e), this.refreshValue(), this.onChange(s) } }, { key: "destroy", value: function () { this.editors.forEach((function (t) { t && t.destroy() })), this.editor_holder && this.editor_holder.parentNode && this.editor_holder.parentNode.removeChild(this.editor_holder), this.switcher && this.switcher.parentNode && this.switcher.parentNode.removeChild(this.switcher), Pr(Ar(o.prototype), "destroy", this).call(this) } }, { key: "showValidationErrors", value: function (t) { var e = this; if (this.oneOf || this.anyOf) { var n = this.oneOf ? "oneOf" : "anyOf"; this.editors.forEach((function (r, i) { if (r) { var o = "".concat(e.path, ".").concat(n, "[").concat(i, "]"); r.showValidationErrors(t.reduce((function (t, n) { if (n.path.startsWith(o) || n.path === o.substr(0, n.path.length)) { var r = f({}, n); n.path.startsWith(o) && (r.path = e.path + r.path.substr(o.length)), t.push(r) } return t }), [])) } })) } else this.editors.forEach((function (e) { e && e.showValidationErrors(t) })) } }, { key: "addLinks", value: function () { } }]) && Sr(e.prototype, n), r && Sr(e, r), o }(q); function Br(t) { return (Br = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) { return typeof t } : function (t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t })(t) } function Nr(t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } function Fr(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n]; r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1, r.configurable = !0, "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, r.key, r) } } function Vr(t, e) { return (Vr = Object.setPrototypeOf || function (t, e) { return t.__proto__ = e, t })(t, e) } function Dr(t) { var e = function () { if ("undefined" == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ("function" == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return, [], (function () { }))), !0 } catch (t) { return !1 } }(); return function () { var n, r = Hr(t); if (e) { var i = Hr(this).constructor; n = Reflect.construct(r, arguments, i) } else n = r.apply(this, arguments); return Mr(this, n) } } function Mr(t, e) { return !e || "object" !== Br(e) && "function" != typeof e ? function (t) { if (void 0 === t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return t }(t) : e } function Hr(t) { return (Hr = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function (t) { return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t) })(t) } var zr = function (t) { !function (t, e) { if ("function" != typeof e && null !== e) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); t.prototype = Object.create(e && e.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), e && Vr(t, e) }(o, t); var e, n, r, i = Dr(o); function o() { return Nr(this, o), i.apply(this, arguments) } return e = o, (n = [{ key: "getValue", value: function () { if (this.dependenciesFulfilled) return null } }, { key: "setValue", value: function () { this.onChange() } }, { key: "getNumColumns", value: function () { return 2 } }]) && Fr(e.prototype, n), r && Fr(e, r), o }(q); function qr(t, e) { var n = Object.keys(t); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var r = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(t); e && (r = r.filter((function (e) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, e).enumerable }))), n.push.apply(n, r) } return n } function Ur(t) { for (var e = 1; e < arguments.length; e++) { var n = null != arguments[e] ? arguments[e] : {}; e % 2 ? qr(Object(n), !0).forEach((function (e) { Gr(t, e, n[e]) })) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(n)) : qr(Object(n)).forEach((function (e) { Object.defineProperty(t, e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n, e)) })) } return t } function Gr(t, e, n) { return e in t ? Object.defineProperty(t, e, { value: n, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : t[e] = n, t } function $r(t, e) { return function (t) { if (Array.isArray(t)) return t }(t) || function (t, e) { var n = t && ("undefined" != typeof Symbol && t[Symbol.iterator] || t["@@iterator"]); if (null == n) return; var r, i, o = [], a = !0, s = !1; try { for (n =; !(a = (r = && (o.push(r.value), !e || o.length !== e); a = !0); } catch (t) { s = !0, i = t } finally { try { a || null == n.return || n.return() } finally { if (s) throw i } } return o }(t, e) || function (t, e) { if (!t) return; if ("string" == typeof t) return Jr(t, e); var n =, -1); "Object" === n && t.constructor && (n =; if ("Map" === n || "Set" === n) return Array.from(t); if ("Arguments" === n || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return Jr(t, e) }(t, e) || function () { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.") }() } function Jr(t, e) { (null == e || e > t.length) && (e = t.length); for (var n = 0, r = new Array(e); n < e; n++)r[n] = t[n]; return r } function Wr(t) { return (Wr = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) { return typeof t } : function (t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t })(t) } function Zr(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n]; r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1, r.configurable = !0, "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, r.key, r) } } function Yr(t, e, n) { return (Yr = "undefined" != typeof Reflect && Reflect.get ? Reflect.get : function (t, e, n) { var r = function (t, e) { for (; !, e) && null !== (t = ti(t));); return t }(t, e); if (r) { var i = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r, e); return i.get ? : i.value } })(t, e, n || t) } function Qr(t, e) { return (Qr = Object.setPrototypeOf || function (t, e) { return t.__proto__ = e, t })(t, e) } function Kr(t) { var e = function () { if ("undefined" == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ("function" == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return, [], (function () { }))), !0 } catch (t) { return !1 } }(); return function () { var n, r = ti(t); if (e) { var i = ti(this).constructor; n = Reflect.construct(r, arguments, i) } else n = r.apply(this, arguments); return Xr(this, n) } } function Xr(t, e) { return !e || "object" !== Wr(e) && "function" != typeof e ? function (t) { if (void 0 === t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return t }(t) : e } function ti(t) { return (ti = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function (t) { return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t) })(t) } var ei = function (t) { !function (t, e) { if ("function" != typeof e && null !== e) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); t.prototype = Object.create(e && e.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), e && Qr(t, e) }(o, t); var e, n, r, i = Kr(o); function o(t, e, n) { var r; return function (t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") }(this, o), (r =, t, e)).currentDepth = n, r } return e = o, (n = [{ key: "getDefault", value: function () { return f({}, this.schema.default || {}) } }, { key: "getChildEditors", value: function () { return this.editors } }, { key: "register", value: function () { Yr(ti(o.prototype), "register", this).call(this), this.editors && Object.values(this.editors).forEach((function (t) { return t.register() })) } }, { key: "unregister", value: function () { Yr(ti(o.prototype), "unregister", this).call(this), this.editors && Object.values(this.editors).forEach((function (t) { return t.unregister() })) } }, { key: "getNumColumns", value: function () { return Math.max(Math.min(12, this.maxwidth), 3) } }, { key: "enable", value: function () { this.always_disabled || (this.editjson_control && (this.editjson_control.disabled = !1), this.addproperty_button && (this.addproperty_button.disabled = !1), Yr(ti(o.prototype), "enable", this).call(this), this.editors && Object.values(this.editors).forEach((function (t) { t.isActive() && t.enable(), t.optInCheckbox.disabled = !1 }))) } }, { key: "disable", value: function (t) { t && (this.always_disabled = !0), this.editjson_control && (this.editjson_control.disabled = !0), this.addproperty_button && (this.addproperty_button.disabled = !0), this.hideEditJSON(), Yr(ti(o.prototype), "disable", this).call(this), this.editors && Object.values(this.editors).forEach((function (e) { e.isActive() && e.disable(t), e.optInCheckbox.disabled = !0 })) } }, { key: "layoutEditors", value: function () { var t, e, n = this; if (this.row_container) { var r; this.property_order = Object.keys(this.editors), this.property_order = this.property_order.sort((function (t, e) { var r = n.editors[t].schema.propertyOrder, i = n.editors[e].schema.propertyOrder; return "number" != typeof r && (r = 1e3), "number" != typeof i && (i = 1e3), r - i })); var i, o = "categories" === this.format, a = [], s = null, c = null; if ("grid-strict" === this.format) { var l = 0; if (i = [], this.property_order.forEach((function (t) { var e = n.editors[t]; if (!e.property_removed) { var r = e.options.hidden ? 0 : e.options.grid_columns || e.getNumColumns(), o = e.options.hidden ? 0 : e.options.grid_offset || 0, s = !e.options.hidden && (e.options.grid_break || !1), c = { key: t, width: r, offset: o, height: e.options.hidden ? 0 : e.container.offsetHeight }; i.push(c), a[l] = i, s && (l++, i = []) } })), this.layout === JSON.stringify(a)) return !1; for (this.layout = JSON.stringify(a), r = document.createElement("div"), t = 0; t < a.length; t++)for (i = this.theme.getGridRow(), r.appendChild(i), e = 0; e < a[t].length; e++)s = a[t][e].key, (c = this.editors[s]).options.hidden ? = "none" : this.theme.setGridColumnSize(c.container, a[t][e].width, a[t][e].offset), i.appendChild(c.container) } else if ("grid" === this.format) { for (this.property_order.forEach((function (t) { var e = n.editors[t]; if (!e.property_removed) { for (var r = !1, i = e.options.hidden ? 0 : e.options.grid_columns || e.getNumColumns(), o = e.options.hidden ? 0 : e.container.offsetHeight, s = 0; s < a.length; s++)a[s].width + i <= 12 && (!o || .5 * a[s].minh < o && 2 * a[s].maxh > o) && (r = s); !1 === r && (a.push({ width: 0, minh: 999999, maxh: 0, editors: [] }), r = a.length - 1), a[r].editors.push({ key: t, width: i, height: o }), a[r].width += i, a[r].minh = Math.min(a[r].minh, o), a[r].maxh = Math.max(a[r].maxh, o) } })), t = 0; t < a.length; t++)if (a[t].width < 12) { var u = !1, h = 0; for (e = 0; e < a[t].editors.length; e++)(!1 === u || a[t].editors[e].width > a[t].editors[u].width) && (u = e), a[t].editors[e].width *= 12 / a[t].width, a[t].editors[e].width = Math.floor(a[t].editors[e].width), h += a[t].editors[e].width; h < 12 && (a[t].editors[u].width += 12 - h), a[t].width = 12 } if (this.layout === JSON.stringify(a)) return !1; for (this.layout = JSON.stringify(a), r = document.createElement("div"), t = 0; t < a.length; t++)for (i = this.theme.getGridRow(), r.appendChild(i), e = 0; e < a[t].editors.length; e++)s = a[t].editors[e].key, (c = this.editors[s]).options.hidden ? = "none" : this.theme.setGridColumnSize(c.container, a[t].editors[e].width), i.appendChild(c.container) } else { if (r = document.createElement("div"), o) { var p = document.createElement("div"), d = this.theme.getTopTabHolder(this.translateProperty(this.schema.title)), f = this.theme.getTopTabContentHolder(d); for (this.property_order.forEach((function (t) { var e = n.editors[t]; if (!e.property_removed) { var r = n.theme.getTabContent(), i = e.schema && ("object" === e.schema.type || "array" === e.schema.type); r.isObjOrArray = i; var o = n.theme.getGridRow(); || (void 0 === n.basicPane ? n.addRow(e, d, r) : n.addRow(e, d, n.basicPane)), = n.getValidId(e.tab_text.textContent), i ? (r.appendChild(o), f.appendChild(r), n.theme.addTopTab(d, : (p.appendChild(o), f.childElementCount > 0 ? f.firstChild.isObjOrArray && (r.appendChild(p), f.insertBefore(r, f.firstChild), n.theme.insertBasicTopTab(, d), e.basicPane = r) : (r.appendChild(p), f.appendChild(r), n.theme.addTopTab(d,, e.basicPane = r)), e.options.hidden ? = "none" : n.theme.setGridColumnSize(e.container, 12), o.appendChild(e.container), e.rowPane = r } })); this.tabPanesContainer.firstChild;)this.tabPanesContainer.removeChild(this.tabPanesContainer.firstChild); var m = this.tabs_holder.parentNode; m.removeChild(m.firstChild), m.appendChild(d), this.tabPanesContainer = f, this.tabs_holder = d; var v = this.theme.getFirstTab(this.tabs_holder); return void (v && y(v, "click")) } this.property_order.forEach((function (t) { var e = n.editors[t]; e.property_removed || (i = n.theme.getGridRow(), r.appendChild(i), e.options.hidden ? = "none" : n.theme.setGridColumnSize(e.container, 12), i.appendChild(e.container)) })) } for (; this.row_container.firstChild;)this.row_container.removeChild(this.row_container.firstChild); this.row_container.appendChild(r) } } }, { key: "getPropertySchema", value: function (t) { var e = this, n =[t] || {}; n = f({}, n); var r = !![t]; return this.schema.patternProperties && Object.keys(this.schema.patternProperties).forEach((function (i) { new RegExp(i).test(t) && (n.allOf = n.allOf || [], n.allOf.push(e.schema.patternProperties[i]), r = !0) })), !r && this.schema.additionalProperties && "object" === Wr(this.schema.additionalProperties) && (n = f({}, this.schema.additionalProperties)), n } }, { key: "preBuild", value: function () { var t = this; if (Yr(ti(o.prototype), "preBuild", this).call(this), this.editors = {}, this.cached_editors = {}, this.format = this.options.layout || this.options.object_layout || this.schema.format || this.jsoneditor.options.object_layout || "normal", = || {}, this.minwidth = 0, this.maxwidth = 0, this.options.table_row) Object.entries( (e) { var n = $r(e, 2), r = n[0], i = n[1], o = t.jsoneditor.getEditorClass(i); t.editors[r] = t.jsoneditor.createEditor(o, { jsoneditor: t.jsoneditor, schema: i, path: "".concat(t.path, ".").concat(r), parent: t, compact: !0, required: !0 }, t.currentDepth + 1), t.editors[r].preBuild(); var a = t.editors[r].options.hidden ? 0 : t.editors[r].options.grid_columns || t.editors[r].getNumColumns(); t.minwidth += a, t.maxwidth += a })), this.no_link_holder = !0; else { if (this.options.table) throw new Error("Not supported yet"); this.schema.defaultProperties || (this.jsoneditor.options.display_required_only || this.options.display_required_only ? this.schema.defaultProperties = Object.keys( (e) { return t.isRequiredObject({ key: e, schema:[e] }) })) : this.schema.defaultProperties = Object.keys(, this.maxwidth += 1, Array.isArray(this.schema.defaultProperties) && this.schema.defaultProperties.forEach((function (e) { t.addObjectProperty(e, !0), t.editors[e] && (t.minwidth = Math.max(t.minwidth, t.editors[e].options.grid_columns || t.editors[e].getNumColumns()), t.maxwidth += t.editors[e].options.grid_columns || t.editors[e].getNumColumns()) })) } this.property_order = Object.keys(this.editors), this.property_order = this.property_order.sort((function (e, n) { var r = t.editors[e].schema.propertyOrder, i = t.editors[n].schema.propertyOrder; return "number" != typeof r && (r = 1e3), "number" != typeof i && (i = 1e3), r - i })) } }, { key: "addTab", value: function (t) { var e = this, n = this.rows[t].schema && ("object" === this.rows[t].schema.type || "array" === this.rows[t].schema.type); this.tabs_holder && (this.rows[t].tab_text = document.createElement("span"), this.rows[t].tab_text.textContent = n ? this.rows[t].getHeaderText() : void 0 === this.schema.basicCategoryTitle ? "Basic" : this.schema.basicCategoryTitle, this.rows[t].tab = this.theme.getTopTab(this.rows[t].tab_text, this.getValidId(this.rows[t].tab_text.textContent)), this.rows[t].tab.addEventListener("click", (function (n) { e.active_tab = e.rows[t].tab, e.refreshTabs(), n.preventDefault(), n.stopPropagation() }))) } }, { key: "addRow", value: function (t, e, n) { var r = this.rows.length, i = "object" === t.schema.type || "array" === t.schema.type; this.rows[r] = t, this.rows[r].rowPane = n, i ? (this.addTab(r), this.theme.addTopTab(e, this.rows[r].tab)) : void 0 === this.basicTab ? (this.addTab(r), this.basicTab = r, this.basicPane = n, this.theme.addTopTab(e, this.rows[r].tab)) : (this.rows[r].tab = this.rows[this.basicTab].tab, this.rows[r].tab_text = this.rows[this.basicTab].tab_text, this.rows[r].rowPane = this.rows[this.basicTab].rowPane) } }, { key: "refreshTabs", value: function (t) { var e = this, n = void 0 !== this.basicTab, r = !1; this.rows.forEach((function (i) { && i.rowPane && i.rowPane.parentNode && (n && === e.rows[e.basicTab].tab && r || (t ? i.tab_text.textContent = i.getHeaderText() : (n && === e.rows[e.basicTab].tab && (r = !0), === e.active_tab ? e.theme.markTabActive(i) : e.theme.markTabInactive(i)))) })) } }, { key: "build", value: function () { var t = this, e = "categories" === this.format; if (this.rows = [], this.active_tab = null, this.options.table_row) this.editor_holder = this.container, Object.entries(this.editors).forEach((function (e) { var n = $r(e, 2), r = n[0], i = n[1], o = t.theme.getTableCell(); t.editor_holder.appendChild(o), i.setContainer(o),, i.postBuild(), i.setOptInCheckbox(i.header), t.editors[r].options.hidden && ( = "none"), t.editors[r].options.input_width && ( = t.editors[r].options.input_width) })); else { if (this.options.table) throw new Error("Not supported yet"); this.header = "", this.options.compact || (this.header = document.createElement("label"), this.header.textContent = this.getTitle()), this.title = this.theme.getHeader(this.header, this.getPathDepth()), this.title.classList.add("je-object__title"), this.controls = this.theme.getButtonHolder(), this.controls.classList.add("je-object__controls"), this.container.appendChild(this.title), this.container.appendChild(this.controls), this.container.classList.add("je-object__container"), this.editjson_holder = this.theme.getModal(), this.editjson_textarea = this.theme.getTextareaInput(), this.editjson_textarea.classList.add("je-edit-json--textarea"), this.editjson_save = this.getButton("button_save", "save", "button_save"), this.editjson_save.classList.add("json-editor-btntype-save"), this.editjson_save.addEventListener("click", (function (e) { e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), t.saveJSON() })), this.editjson_copy = this.getButton("button_copy", "copy", "button_copy"), this.editjson_copy.classList.add("json-editor-btntype-copy"), this.editjson_copy.addEventListener("click", (function (e) { e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), t.copyJSON() })), this.editjson_cancel = this.getButton("button_cancel", "cancel", "button_cancel"), this.editjson_cancel.classList.add("json-editor-btntype-cancel"), this.editjson_cancel.addEventListener("click", (function (e) { e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), t.hideEditJSON() })), this.editjson_holder.appendChild(this.editjson_textarea), this.editjson_holder.appendChild(this.editjson_save), this.editjson_holder.appendChild(this.editjson_copy), this.editjson_holder.appendChild(this.editjson_cancel), this.addproperty_holder = this.theme.getModal(), this.addproperty_list = document.createElement("div"), this.addproperty_list.classList.add("property-selector"), this.addproperty_add = this.getButton("button_add", "add", "button_add"), this.addproperty_add.classList.add("json-editor-btntype-add"), this.addproperty_input = this.theme.getFormInputField("text"), this.addproperty_input.setAttribute("placeholder", "Property name..."), this.addproperty_input.classList.add("property-selector-input"), this.addproperty_add.addEventListener("click", (function (e) { if (e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), t.addproperty_input.value) { if (t.editors[t.addproperty_input.value]) return void window.alert("there is already a property with that name"); t.addObjectProperty(t.addproperty_input.value), t.editors[t.addproperty_input.value] && t.editors[t.addproperty_input.value].disable(), t.onChange(!0) } })), this.addproperty_input.addEventListener("input", (function (t) { (e) { e.innerText.includes( ? = "" : = "none" })) })), this.addproperty_holder.appendChild(this.addproperty_list), this.addproperty_holder.appendChild(this.addproperty_input), this.addproperty_holder.appendChild(this.addproperty_add); var n = document.createElement("div"); = "both", this.addproperty_holder.appendChild(n), document.addEventListener("click", this.onOutsideModalClick.bind(this)), this.schema.description && (this.description = this.theme.getDescription(this.translateProperty(this.schema.description)), this.container.appendChild(this.description)), this.error_holder = document.createElement("div"), this.container.appendChild(this.error_holder), this.editor_holder = this.theme.getIndentedPanel(), this.container.appendChild(this.editor_holder), this.row_container = this.theme.getGridContainer(), e ? (this.tabs_holder = this.theme.getTopTabHolder(this.getValidId(this.translateProperty(this.schema.title))), this.tabPanesContainer = this.theme.getTopTabContentHolder(this.tabs_holder), this.editor_holder.appendChild(this.tabs_holder)) : (this.tabs_holder = this.theme.getTabHolder(this.getValidId(this.translateProperty(this.schema.title))), this.tabPanesContainer = this.theme.getTabContentHolder(this.tabs_holder), this.editor_holder.appendChild(this.row_container)), Object.values(this.editors).forEach((function (n) { var r = t.theme.getTabContent(), i = t.theme.getGridColumn(), o = !(!n.schema || "object" !== n.schema.type && "array" !== n.schema.type); if (r.isObjOrArray = o, e) { if (o) { var a = t.theme.getGridContainer(); a.appendChild(i), r.appendChild(a), t.tabPanesContainer.appendChild(r), t.row_container = a } else void 0 === t.row_container_basic && (t.row_container_basic = t.theme.getGridContainer(), r.appendChild(t.row_container_basic), 0 === t.tabPanesContainer.childElementCount ? t.tabPanesContainer.appendChild(r) : t.tabPanesContainer.insertBefore(r, t.tabPanesContainer.childNodes[1])), t.row_container_basic.appendChild(i); t.addRow(n, t.tabs_holder, r), = t.getValidId(n.schema.title) } else t.row_container.appendChild(i); n.setContainer(i),, n.postBuild(), n.setOptInCheckbox(n.header) })), this.rows[0] && y(this.rows[0].tab, "click"), this.collapsed = !1, this.collapse_control = this.getButton("", "collapse", "button_collapse"), this.collapse_control.classList.add("json-editor-btntype-toggle"), this.title.insertBefore(this.collapse_control, this.title.childNodes[0]), this.collapse_control.addEventListener("click", (function (e) { e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), t.collapsed ? ( = "", t.collapsed = !1, t.setButtonText(t.collapse_control, "", "collapse", "button_collapse")) : ( = "none", t.collapsed = !0, t.setButtonText(t.collapse_control, "", "expand", "button_expand")) })), this.options.collapsed && y(this.collapse_control, "click"), this.schema.options && void 0 !== this.schema.options.disable_collapse ? this.schema.options.disable_collapse && ( = "none") : this.jsoneditor.options.disable_collapse && ( = "none"), this.editjson_control = this.getButton("JSON", "edit", "button_edit_json"), this.editjson_control.classList.add("json-editor-btntype-editjson"), this.editjson_control.addEventListener("click", (function (e) { e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), t.toggleEditJSON() })), this.controls.appendChild(this.editjson_control), this.controls.insertBefore(this.editjson_holder, this.controls.childNodes[0]), this.schema.options && void 0 !== this.schema.options.disable_edit_json ? this.schema.options.disable_edit_json && ( = "none") : this.jsoneditor.options.disable_edit_json && ( = "none"), this.addproperty_button = this.getButton("properties", "edit_properties", "button_object_properties"), this.addproperty_button.classList.add("json-editor-btntype-properties"), this.addproperty_button.addEventListener("click", (function (e) { e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), t.toggleAddProperty() })), this.controls.appendChild(this.addproperty_button), this.controls.insertBefore(this.addproperty_holder, this.controls.childNodes[1]), this.refreshAddProperties(), this.deactivateNonRequiredProperties() } this.options.table_row ? (this.editor_holder = this.container, this.property_order.forEach((function (e) { t.editor_holder.appendChild(t.editors[e].container) }))) : (this.layoutEditors(), this.layoutEditors()) } }, { key: "deactivateNonRequiredProperties", value: function () { var t = this, e = this.jsoneditor.options.show_opt_in, n = void 0 !== this.options.show_opt_in, r = n && !0 === this.options.show_opt_in, i = n && !1 === this.options.show_opt_in; (r || !i && e || !n && e) && Object.entries(this.editors).forEach((function (e) { var n = $r(e, 2), r = n[0], i = n[1]; t.isRequiredObject(i) || t.editors[r].deactivate() })) } }, { key: "showEditJSON", value: function () { this.editjson_holder && (this.hideAddProperty(), = "".concat(this.editjson_control.offsetLeft, "px"), = "".concat(this.editjson_control.offsetTop + this.editjson_control.offsetHeight, "px"), this.editjson_textarea.value = JSON.stringify(this.getValue(), null, 2), this.disable(), = "", this.editjson_control.disabled = !1, this.editing_json = !0) } }, { key: "hideEditJSON", value: function () { this.editjson_holder && this.editing_json && ( = "none", this.enable(), this.editing_json = !1) } }, { key: "copyJSON", value: function () { if (this.editjson_holder) { var t = document.createElement("textarea"); t.value = this.editjson_textarea.value, t.setAttribute("readonly", ""), = "absolute", = "-9999px", document.body.appendChild(t),, document.execCommand("copy"), document.body.removeChild(t) } } }, { key: "saveJSON", value: function () { if (this.editjson_holder) try { var t = JSON.parse(this.editjson_textarea.value); this.setValue(t), this.hideEditJSON(), this.onChange(!0) } catch (t) { throw window.alert("invalid JSON"), t } } }, { key: "toggleEditJSON", value: function () { this.editing_json ? this.hideEditJSON() : this.showEditJSON() } }, { key: "insertPropertyControlUsingPropertyOrder", value: function (t, e, n) { var r;[t] && (r =[t].propertyOrder), "number" != typeof r && (r = 1e3), e.propertyOrder = r; for (var i = 0; i < n.childNodes.length; i++) { var o = n.childNodes[i]; if (e.propertyOrder < o.propertyOrder) { this.addproperty_list.insertBefore(e, o), e = null; break } } e && this.addproperty_list.appendChild(e) } }, { key: "addPropertyCheckbox", value: function (t) { var e, n = this, r = this.theme.getCheckbox(); = "auto", e =[t] &&[t].title ?[t].title : t; var i = this.theme.getCheckboxLabel(e), o = this.theme.getFormControl(i, r); return = = = = 0, = "auto", this.insertPropertyControlUsingPropertyOrder(t, o, this.addproperty_list), r.checked = t in this.editors, r.addEventListener("change", (function () { r.checked ? n.addObjectProperty(t) : n.removeObjectProperty(t), n.onChange(!0) })), this.addproperty_checkboxes[t] = r, r } }, { key: "showAddProperty", value: function () { this.addproperty_holder && (this.hideEditJSON(), = "".concat(this.addproperty_button.offsetLeft, "px"), = "".concat(this.addproperty_button.offsetTop + this.addproperty_button.offsetHeight, "px"), this.disable(), this.adding_property = !0, this.addproperty_button.disabled = !1, = "", this.refreshAddProperties()) } }, { key: "hideAddProperty", value: function () { this.addproperty_holder && this.adding_property && ( = "none", this.enable(), this.adding_property = !1) } }, { key: "toggleAddProperty", value: function () { this.adding_property ? this.hideAddProperty() : this.showAddProperty() } }, { key: "removeObjectProperty", value: function (t) { this.editors[t] && (this.editors[t].unregister(), delete this.editors[t], this.refreshValue(), this.layoutEditors()) } }, { key: "getSchemaOnMaxDepth", value: function (t) { return Object.keys(t).reduce((function (e, n) { switch (n) { case "$ref": return e; case "properties": case "items": return Ur(Ur({}, e), {}, Gr({}, n, {})); case "additionalProperties": case "propertyNames": return Ur(Ur({}, e), {}, Gr({}, n, !0)); default: return Ur(Ur({}, e), {}, Gr({}, n, t[n])) } }), {}) } }, { key: "addObjectProperty", value: function (t, e) { if (!this.editors[t]) { if (this.cached_editors[t]) { if (this.editors[t] = this.cached_editors[t], e) return; this.editors[t].register() } else { if (!(this.canHaveAdditionalProperties() || &&[t] || this.schema.patternProperties && Object.keys(this.schema.patternProperties).find((function (e) { return new RegExp(e).test(t) })))) return; var n = this.getPropertySchema(t); "number" != typeof n.propertyOrder && (n.propertyOrder = Object.keys(this.editors).length + 1e3); var r = this.jsoneditor.getEditorClass(n), i = this.jsoneditor.options.max_depth; if (this.editors[t] = this.jsoneditor.createEditor(r, { jsoneditor: this.jsoneditor, schema: i && this.currentDepth >= i ? this.getSchemaOnMaxDepth(n) : n, path: "".concat(this.path, ".").concat(t), parent: this }, this.currentDepth + 1), this.editors[t].preBuild(), !e) { var o = this.theme.getChildEditorHolder(); this.editor_holder.appendChild(o), this.editors[t].setContainer(o), this.editors[t].build(), this.editors[t].postBuild(), this.editors[t].setOptInCheckbox(r.header), this.editors[t].activate() } this.cached_editors[t] = this.editors[t] } e || (this.refreshValue(), this.layoutEditors()) } } }, { key: "onOutsideModalClick", value: function (t) { var e = t.path || t.composedPath && t.composedPath(); this.addproperty_holder && !this.addproperty_holder.contains(e[0]) && this.adding_property && (t.preventDefault(), t.stopPropagation(), this.toggleAddProperty()) } }, { key: "onChildEditorChange", value: function (t) { this.refreshValue(), Yr(ti(o.prototype), "onChildEditorChange", this).call(this, t) } }, { key: "canHaveAdditionalProperties", value: function () { return "boolean" == typeof this.schema.additionalProperties ? this.schema.additionalProperties : !this.jsoneditor.options.no_additional_properties } }, { key: "destroy", value: function () { Object.values(this.cached_editors).forEach((function (t) { return t.destroy() })), this.editor_holder && (this.editor_holder.innerHTML = ""), this.title && this.title.parentNode && this.title.parentNode.removeChild(this.title), this.error_holder && this.error_holder.parentNode && this.error_holder.parentNode.removeChild(this.error_holder), this.editors = null, this.cached_editors = null, this.editor_holder && this.editor_holder.parentNode && this.editor_holder.parentNode.removeChild(this.editor_holder), this.editor_holder = null, document.removeEventListener("click", this.onOutsideModalClick), Yr(ti(o.prototype), "destroy", this).call(this) } }, { key: "getValue", value: function () { if (this.dependenciesFulfilled) { var t = Yr(ti(o.prototype), "getValue", this).call(this); return t && (this.jsoneditor.options.remove_empty_properties || this.options.remove_empty_properties) && Object.keys(t).forEach((function (e) { var n; (void 0 === (n = t[e]) || "" === n || n === Object(n) && 0 === Object.keys(n).length && n.constructor === Object) && delete t[e] })), t } } }, { key: "refreshValue", value: function () { var t = this; this.value = {}, this.editors && (Object.keys(this.editors).forEach((function (e) { t.editors[e].isActive() && (t.value[e] = t.editors[e].getValue()) })), this.adding_property && this.refreshAddProperties()) } }, { key: "refreshAddProperties", value: function () { var t = this; if (this.options.disable_properties || !1 !== this.options.disable_properties && this.jsoneditor.options.disable_properties) = "none"; else { var e, n = 0, r = !1; Object.keys(this.editors).forEach((function (t) { return n++ })), e = this.canHaveAdditionalProperties() && !(void 0 !== this.schema.maxProperties && n >= this.schema.maxProperties), this.addproperty_checkboxes && (this.addproperty_list.innerHTML = ""), this.addproperty_checkboxes = {}, Object.keys(this.cached_editors).forEach((function (i) { t.addPropertyCheckbox(i), t.isRequiredObject(t.cached_editors[i]) && i in t.editors && (t.addproperty_checkboxes[i].disabled = !0), void 0 !== t.schema.minProperties && n <= t.schema.minProperties ? (t.addproperty_checkboxes[i].disabled = t.addproperty_checkboxes[i].checked, t.addproperty_checkboxes[i].checked || (r = !0)) : i in t.editors ? r = !0 : e || v(, i) ? (t.addproperty_checkboxes[i].disabled = !1, r = !0) : t.addproperty_checkboxes[i].disabled = !0 })), this.canHaveAdditionalProperties() && (r = !0), Object.keys( (e) { t.cached_editors[e] || (r = !0, t.addPropertyCheckbox(e)) })), r ? this.canHaveAdditionalProperties() ? this.addproperty_add.disabled = !e : ( = "none", = "none") : (this.hideAddProperty(), = "none") } } }, { key: "isRequiredObject", value: function (t) { if (t) return "boolean" == typeof t.schema.required ? t.schema.required : Array.isArray(this.schema.required) ? this.schema.required.includes(t.key) : !!this.jsoneditor.options.required_by_default } }, { key: "setValue", value: function (t, e) { var n = this; ("object" !== Wr(t = t || {}) || Array.isArray(t)) && (t = {}), Object.entries(this.cached_editors).forEach((function (r) { var i = $r(r, 2), o = i[0], a = i[1]; void 0 !== t[o] ? (n.addObjectProperty(o), a.setValue(t[o], e), a.activate()) : e || n.isRequiredObject(a) ? a.setValue(a.getDefault(), e) : n.jsoneditor.options.show_opt_in || n.options.show_opt_in ? a.deactivate() : n.removeObjectProperty(o) })), Object.entries(t).forEach((function (t) { var r = $r(t, 2), i = r[0], o = r[1]; n.cached_editors[i] || (n.addObjectProperty(i), n.editors[i] && n.editors[i].setValue(o, e, !!n.editors[i].template)) })), this.refreshValue(), this.layoutEditors(), this.onChange() } }, { key: "showValidationErrors", value: function (t) { var e = this, n = [], r = []; t.forEach((function (t) { t.path === e.path ? n.push(t) : r.push(t) })), this.error_holder && (n.length ? (this.error_holder.innerHTML = "", = "", n.forEach((function (t) { t.errorcount && t.errorcount > 1 && (t.message += " (".concat(t.errorcount, " errors)")), e.error_holder.appendChild(e.theme.getErrorMessage(t.message)) }))) : = "none"), this.options.table_row && (n.length ? this.theme.addTableRowError(this.container) : this.theme.removeTableRowError(this.container)), Object.values(this.editors).forEach((function (t) { t.showValidationErrors(r) })) } }]) && Zr(e.prototype, n), r && Zr(e, r), o }(q); function ni(t) { return (ni = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) { return typeof t } : function (t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t })(t) } function ri(t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } function ii(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n]; r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1, r.configurable = !0, "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, r.key, r) } } function oi(t, e, n) { return (oi = "undefined" != typeof Reflect && Reflect.get ? Reflect.get : function (t, e, n) { var r = function (t, e) { for (; !, e) && null !== (t = li(t));); return t }(t, e); if (r) { var i = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r, e); return i.get ? : i.value } })(t, e, n || t) } function ai(t, e) { return (ai = Object.setPrototypeOf || function (t, e) { return t.__proto__ = e, t })(t, e) } function si(t) { var e = function () { if ("undefined" == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ("function" == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return, [], (function () { }))), !0 } catch (t) { return !1 } }(); return function () { var n, r = li(t); if (e) { var i = li(this).constructor; n = Reflect.construct(r, arguments, i) } else n = r.apply(this, arguments); return ci(this, n) } } function ci(t, e) { return !e || "object" !== ni(e) && "function" != typeof e ? function (t) { if (void 0 === t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return t }(t) : e } function li(t) { return (li = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function (t) { return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t) })(t) } ei.rules = { ".je-object__title": "display:inline-block", ".je-object__controls": "margin:0%200%200%2010px", ".je-object__container": "position:relative", ".je-object__property-checkbox": "margin:0;height:auto", ".property-selector": "width:295px;max-height:160px;padding:5px%200;overflow-y:auto;overflow-x:hidden;padding-left:5px", ".property-selector-input": "width:220px;margin-bottom:0;display:inline-block", ".json-editor-btntype-toggle": "margin:0%2010px%200%200", ".je-edit-json--textarea": "height:170px%20!important;width:300px%20!important;display:block" }; var ui = function (t) { !function (t, e) { if ("function" != typeof e && null !== e) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); t.prototype = Object.create(e && e.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), e && ai(t, e) }(o, t); var e, n, r, i = si(o); function o() { return ri(this, o), i.apply(this, arguments) } return e = o, (n = [{ key: "preBuild", value: function () { oi(li(o.prototype), "preBuild", this).call(this) } }, { key: "build", value: function () { var t = this; this.label = "", this.options.compact || (this.header = this.label = this.theme.getFormInputLabel(this.getTitle(), this.isRequired())), this.schema.description && (this.description = this.theme.getFormInputDescription(this.translateProperty(this.schema.description))), this.options.infoText && (this.infoButton = this.theme.getInfoButton(this.translateProperty(this.options.infoText))), this.options.compact && this.container.classList.add("compact"), this.radioContainer = document.createElement("div"), this.radioGroup = []; var e = function (e) { t.setValue(e.currentTarget.value), t.onChange(!0) }; this.isRequired() || (this.enum_display.shift(), this.enum_options.shift(), this.enum_values.shift()); for (var n = 0; n < this.enum_values.length; n++) { var r = { id: "".concat(this.formname, "[").concat(n, "]"), value: this.enum_values[n] }; this.jsoneditor.options.use_name_attributes && ( = this.formname), this.input = this.theme.getFormRadio(r), this.setInputAttributes(["id", "value", "name"]), this.input.addEventListener("change", e, !1), this.radioGroup.push(this.input); var i = this.theme.getFormRadioLabel(this.enum_display[n]); i.htmlFor =; var o = this.theme.getFormRadioControl(i, this.input, !("horizontal" !== this.options.layout && !this.options.compact)); this.radioContainer.appendChild(o) } if (this.schema.readOnly || this.schema.readonly) { this.disable(!0); for (var a = 0; a < this.radioGroup.length; a++)this.radioGroup[a].disabled = !0; this.radioContainer.classList.add("readonly") } var s = this.theme.getContainer(); s.appendChild(this.radioContainer), s.dataset.containerFor = "radio", this.input = s, this.control = this.theme.getFormControl(this.label, s, this.description, this.infoButton), this.container.appendChild(this.control), window.requestAnimationFrame((function () { t.input.parentNode && t.afterInputReady() })) } }, { key: "enable", value: function () { if (!this.always_disabled) { for (var t = 0; t < this.radioGroup.length; t++)this.radioGroup[t].disabled = !1; this.radioContainer.classList.remove("readonly"), oi(li(o.prototype), "enable", this).call(this) } } }, { key: "disable", value: function (t) { t && (this.always_disabled = !0); for (var e = 0; e < this.radioGroup.length; e++)this.radioGroup[e].disabled = !0; this.radioContainer.classList.add("readonly"), oi(li(o.prototype), "disable", this).call(this) } }, { key: "destroy", value: function () { this.radioContainer.parentNode && this.radioContainer.parentNode.parentNode && this.radioContainer.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(this.radioContainer.parentNode), this.label && this.label.parentNode && this.label.parentNode.removeChild(this.label), this.description && this.description.parentNode && this.description.parentNode.removeChild(this.description), oi(li(o.prototype), "destroy", this).call(this) } }, { key: "getNumColumns", value: function () { return 2 } }, { key: "setValue", value: function (t) { for (var e = 0; e < this.radioGroup.length; e++)if (this.radioGroup[e].value === t) { this.radioGroup[e].checked = !0, this.value = t, this.onChange(); break } } }]) && ii(e.prototype, n), r && ii(e, r), o }(ze); function hi(t) { return (hi = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) { return typeof t } : function (t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t })(t) } function pi(t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } function di(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n]; r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1, r.configurable = !0, "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, r.key, r) } } function fi(t, e, n) { return (fi = "undefined" != typeof Reflect && Reflect.get ? Reflect.get : function (t, e, n) { var r = function (t, e) { for (; !, e) && null !== (t = bi(t));); return t }(t, e); if (r) { var i = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r, e); return i.get ? : i.value } })(t, e, n || t) } function yi(t, e) { return (yi = Object.setPrototypeOf || function (t, e) { return t.__proto__ = e, t })(t, e) } function mi(t) { var e = function () { if ("undefined" == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ("function" == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return, [], (function () { }))), !0 } catch (t) { return !1 } }(); return function () { var n, r = bi(t); if (e) { var i = bi(this).constructor; n = Reflect.construct(r, arguments, i) } else n = r.apply(this, arguments); return vi(this, n) } } function vi(t, e) { return !e || "object" !== hi(e) && "function" != typeof e ? function (t) { if (void 0 === t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return t }(t) : e } function bi(t) { return (bi = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function (t) { return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t) })(t) } var gi = function (t) { !function (t, e) { if ("function" != typeof e && null !== e) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); t.prototype = Object.create(e && e.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), e && yi(t, e) }(o, t); var e, n, r, i = mi(o); function o() { return pi(this, o), i.apply(this, arguments) } return e = o, (n = [{ key: "setValue", value: function (t, e, n) { var r = fi(bi(o.prototype), "setValue", this).call(this, t, e, n); void 0 !== r && r.changed && this.sceditor_instance && this.sceditor_instance.val(r.value) } }, { key: "build", value: function () { this.options.format = "textarea", fi(bi(o.prototype), "build", this).call(this), this.input_type = this.schema.format, this.input.setAttribute("data-schemaformat", this.input_type) } }, { key: "afterInputReady", value: function () { var t = this; if (window.sceditor) { var e = this.expandCallbacks("sceditor", f({}, { format: this.input_type, emoticonsEnabled: !1, width: "100%", height: 300, readOnly: this.schema.readOnly || this.schema.readonly || this.schema.template }, this.defaults.options.sceditor || {}, this.options.sceditor || {}, { element: this.input })), n = window.sceditor.instance(this.input); void 0 === n && window.sceditor.create(this.input, e), this.sceditor_instance = n || window.sceditor.instance(this.input), this.sceditor_instance.blur((function () { t.value = t.sceditor_instance.val(), t.sceditor_instance.updateOriginal(), t.is_dirty = !0, t.onChange(!0) })), this.theme.afterInputReady(this.input) } else fi(bi(o.prototype), "afterInputReady", this).call(this) } }, { key: "getNumColumns", value: function () { return 6 } }, { key: "enable", value: function () { !this.always_disabled && this.sceditor_instance && this.sceditor_instance.readOnly(!1), fi(bi(o.prototype), "enable", this).call(this) } }, { key: "disable", value: function (t) { this.sceditor_instance && this.sceditor_instance.readOnly(!0), fi(bi(o.prototype), "disable", this).call(this, t) } }, { key: "destroy", value: function () { this.sceditor_instance && (this.sceditor_instance.destroy(), this.sceditor_instance = null), fi(bi(o.prototype), "destroy", this).call(this) } }]) && di(e.prototype, n), r && di(e, r), o }(K); function _i(t) { return (_i = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) { return typeof t } : function (t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t })(t) } function wi(t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } function ki(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n]; r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1, r.configurable = !0, "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, r.key, r) } } function xi(t, e, n) { return (xi = "undefined" != typeof Reflect && Reflect.get ? Reflect.get : function (t, e, n) { var r = function (t, e) { for (; !, e) && null !== (t = Ei(t));); return t }(t, e); if (r) { var i = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r, e); return i.get ? : i.value } })(t, e, n || t) } function ji(t, e) { return (ji = Object.setPrototypeOf || function (t, e) { return t.__proto__ = e, t })(t, e) } function Oi(t) { var e = function () { if ("undefined" == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ("function" == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return, [], (function () { }))), !0 } catch (t) { return !1 } }(); return function () { var n, r = Ei(t); if (e) { var i = Ei(this).constructor; n = Reflect.construct(r, arguments, i) } else n = r.apply(this, arguments); return Ci(this, n) } } function Ci(t, e) { return !e || "object" !== _i(e) && "function" != typeof e ? function (t) { if (void 0 === t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return t }(t) : e } function Ei(t) { return (Ei = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function (t) { return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t) })(t) } var Si = function (t) { !function (t, e) { if ("function" != typeof e && null !== e) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); t.prototype = Object.create(e && e.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), e && ji(t, e) }(o, t); var e, n, r, i = Oi(o); function o() { return wi(this, o), i.apply(this, arguments) } return e = o, (n = [{ key: "setValue", value: function (t, e) { if (this.select2_instance) { e ? this.is_dirty = !1 : "change" === this.jsoneditor.options.show_errors && (this.is_dirty = !0); var n = this.updateValue(t); this.input.value = n, this.select2v4 ? this.select2_instance.val(n).trigger("change") : this.select2_instance.select2("val", n), this.onChange(!0) } else xi(Ei(o.prototype), "setValue", this).call(this, t, e) } }, { key: "afterInputReady", value: function () { var t = this; if (window.jQuery && window.jQuery.fn && window.jQuery.fn.select2 && !this.select2_instance) { var e = this.expandCallbacks("select2", f({}, this.defaults.options.select2 || {}, this.options.select2 || {})); this.newEnumAllowed = e.tags = !!e.tags && "string" === this.schema.type, this.select2_instance = window.jQuery(this.input).select2(e), this.select2v4 = v(this.select2_instance.select2, "amd"), this.selectChangeHandler = function () { var e = t.select2v4 ? t.select2_instance.val() : t.select2_instance.select2("val"); t.updateValue(e), t.onChange(!0) }, this.select2_instance.on("change", this.selectChangeHandler), this.select2_instance.on("select2-blur", this.selectChangeHandler) } xi(Ei(o.prototype), "afterInputReady", this).call(this) } }, { key: "updateValue", value: function (t) { var e = this.enum_values[0]; return t = this.typecast(t || ""), this.enum_values.includes(t) ? e = t : this.newEnumAllowed && (e = this.addNewOption(t) ? t : e), this.value = e, e } }, { key: "addNewOption", value: function (t) { var e, n = this.typecast(t), r = !1; return this.enum_values.includes(n) || "" === n || (this.enum_options.push("".concat(n)), this.enum_display.push("".concat(n)), this.enum_values.push(n), this.schema.enum.push(n), (e = this.input.querySelector('option[value="'.concat(n, '"]'))) ? e.removeAttribute("data-select2-tag") : this.input.appendChild(new Option(n, n, !1, !1)).trigger("change"), r = !0), r } }, { key: "enable", value: function () { this.always_disabled || this.select2_instance && (this.select2v4 ? this.select2_instance.prop("disabled", !1) : this.select2_instance.select2("enable", !0)), xi(Ei(o.prototype), "enable", this).call(this) } }, { key: "disable", value: function (t) { this.select2_instance && (this.select2v4 ? this.select2_instance.prop("disabled", !0) : this.select2_instance.select2("enable", !1)), xi(Ei(o.prototype), "disable", this).call(this, t) } }, { key: "destroy", value: function () { this.select2_instance && (this.select2_instance.select2("destroy"), this.select2_instance = null), xi(Ei(o.prototype), "destroy", this).call(this) } }]) && ki(e.prototype, n), r && ki(e, r), o }(ze); function Pi(t) { return (Pi = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) { return typeof t } : function (t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t })(t) } function Ri(t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } function Li(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n]; r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1, r.configurable = !0, "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, r.key, r) } } function Ti(t, e, n) { return (Ti = "undefined" != typeof Reflect && Reflect.get ? Reflect.get : function (t, e, n) { var r = function (t, e) { for (; !, e) && null !== (t = Ni(t));); return t }(t, e); if (r) { var i = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r, e); return i.get ? : i.value } })(t, e, n || t) } function Ai(t, e) { return (Ai = Object.setPrototypeOf || function (t, e) { return t.__proto__ = e, t })(t, e) } function Ii(t) { var e = function () { if ("undefined" == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ("function" == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return, [], (function () { }))), !0 } catch (t) { return !1 } }(); return function () { var n, r = Ni(t); if (e) { var i = Ni(this).constructor; n = Reflect.construct(r, arguments, i) } else n = r.apply(this, arguments); return Bi(this, n) } } function Bi(t, e) { return !e || "object" !== Pi(e) && "function" != typeof e ? function (t) { if (void 0 === t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return t }(t) : e } function Ni(t) { return (Ni = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function (t) { return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t) })(t) } var Fi = function (t) { !function (t, e) { if ("function" != typeof e && null !== e) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); t.prototype = Object.create(e && e.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), e && Ai(t, e) }(o, t); var e, n, r, i = Ii(o); function o() { return Ri(this, o), i.apply(this, arguments) } return e = o, (n = [{ key: "setValue", value: function (t, e) { if (this.selectize_instance) { e ? this.is_dirty = !1 : "change" === this.jsoneditor.options.show_errors && (this.is_dirty = !0); var n = this.updateValue(t); this.input.value = n, this.selectize_instance.clear(!0), this.selectize_instance.setValue(n), this.onChange(!0) } else Ti(Ni(o.prototype), "setValue", this).call(this, t, e) } }, { key: "afterInputReady", value: function () { var t = this; if (window.jQuery && window.jQuery.fn && window.jQuery.fn.selectize && !this.selectize_instance) { var e = this.expandCallbacks("selectize", f({}, this.defaults.options.selectize || {}, this.options.selectize || {})); this.newEnumAllowed = e.create = !!e.create && "string" === this.schema.type, this.selectize_instance = window.jQuery(this.input).selectize(e)[0].selectize, this.control.removeEventListener("change", this.multiselectChangeHandler), this.multiselectChangeHandler = function (e) { t.updateValue(e), t.onChange(!0) }, this.selectize_instance.on("change", this.multiselectChangeHandler) } Ti(Ni(o.prototype), "afterInputReady", this).call(this) } }, { key: "updateValue", value: function (t) { var e = this.enum_values[0]; return t = this.typecast(t || ""), this.enum_values.includes(t) ? e = t : this.newEnumAllowed && (e = this.addNewOption(t) ? t : e), this.value = e, e } }, { key: "addNewOption", value: function (t) { var e = this.typecast(t), n = !1; return this.enum_values.includes(e) || "" === e || (this.enum_options.push("".concat(e)), this.enum_display.push("".concat(e)), this.enum_values.push(e), this.schema.enum.push(e), this.selectize_instance.addItem(e), this.selectize_instance.refreshOptions(!1), n = !0), n } }, { key: "onWatchedFieldChange", value: function () { var t = this; Ti(Ni(o.prototype), "onWatchedFieldChange", this).call(this), this.selectize_instance && (this.selectize_instance.clear(!0), this.selectize_instance.clearOptions(!0), this.enum_options.forEach((function (e, n) { t.selectize_instance.addOption({ value: e, text: t.enum_display[n] }) })), this.selectize_instance.addItem("".concat(this.value), !0)) } }, { key: "enable", value: function () { !this.always_disabled && this.selectize_instance && this.selectize_instance.unlock(), Ti(Ni(o.prototype), "enable", this).call(this) } }, { key: "disable", value: function (t) { this.selectize_instance && this.selectize_instance.lock(), Ti(Ni(o.prototype), "disable", this).call(this, t) } }, { key: "destroy", value: function () { this.selectize_instance && (this.selectize_instance.destroy(), this.selectize_instance = null), Ti(Ni(o.prototype), "destroy", this).call(this) } }]) && Li(e.prototype, n), r && Li(e, r), o }(ze); function Vi(t) { return (Vi = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) { return typeof t } : function (t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t })(t) } function Di(t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } function Mi(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n]; r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1, r.configurable = !0, "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, r.key, r) } } function Hi(t, e) { return (Hi = Object.setPrototypeOf || function (t, e) { return t.__proto__ = e, t })(t, e) } function zi(t) { var e = function () { if ("undefined" == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ("function" == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return, [], (function () { }))), !0 } catch (t) { return !1 } }(); return function () { var n, r = Ui(t); if (e) { var i = Ui(this).constructor; n = Reflect.construct(r, arguments, i) } else n = r.apply(this, arguments); return qi(this, n) } } function qi(t, e) { return !e || "object" !== Vi(e) && "function" != typeof e ? function (t) { if (void 0 === t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return t }(t) : e } function Ui(t) { return (Ui = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function (t) { return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t) })(t) } var Gi = function (t) { !function (t, e) { if ("function" != typeof e && null !== e) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); t.prototype = Object.create(e && e.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), e && Hi(t, e) }(o, t); var e, n, r, i = zi(o); function o() { return Di(this, o), i.apply(this, arguments) } return e = o, (n = [{ key: "build", value: function () { var t = this; this.options.compact || (this.header = this.label = this.theme.getFormInputLabel(this.getTitle(), this.isRequired())), this.schema.description && (this.description = this.theme.getFormInputDescription(this.translateProperty(this.schema.description))); var e = this.formname.replace(/\W/g, ""); if ("function" == typeof SignaturePad) { this.input = this.theme.getFormInputField("hidden"), this.container.appendChild(this.input); var n = document.createElement("div"); n.classList.add("signature-container"); var r = document.createElement("canvas"); this.jsoneditor.options.use_name_attributes && r.setAttribute("name", e), r.classList.add("signature"), n.appendChild(r), this.signaturePad = new window.SignaturePad(r, { onEnd: function () { this.signaturePad.isEmpty() ? this.input.value = "" : this.input.value = this.signaturePad.toDataURL(), this.is_dirty = !0, this.refreshValue(), this.watch_listener(), this.jsoneditor.notifyWatchers(this.path), this.parent ? this.parent.onChildEditorChange(this) : this.jsoneditor.onChange() } }); var i = document.createElement("div"), o = document.createElement("button"); o.classList.add("tiny", "button"), o.innerHTML = "Clear signature", i.appendChild(o), n.appendChild(i), this.options.compact && this.container.setAttribute("class", "".concat(this.container.getAttribute("class"), " compact")), (this.schema.readOnly || this.schema.readonly) && (this.disable(!0), Array.from(this.inputs).forEach((function (t) { r.setAttribute("readOnly", "readOnly"), t.disabled = !0 }))), o.addEventListener("click", (function (e) { e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), t.signaturePad.clear(), t.signaturePad.strokeEnd() })), this.control = this.theme.getFormControl(this.label, n, this.description), this.container.appendChild(this.control), this.refreshValue(), r.width = n.offsetWidth, this.options && this.options.canvas_height ? r.height = this.options.canvas_height : r.height = "300" } else { var a = document.createElement("p"); a.innerHTML = "Signature pad is not available, please include SignaturePad from", this.container.appendChild(a) } } }, { key: "setValue", value: function (t) { if ("function" == typeof SignaturePad) { var e = this.sanitize(t); if (this.value === e) return; return this.value = e, this.input.value = this.value, this.signaturePad.clear(), t && "" !== t && this.signaturePad.fromDataURL(t), this.watch_listener(), this.jsoneditor.notifyWatchers(this.path), !1 } } }, { key: "destroy", value: function () {, delete this.signaturePad } }]) && Mi(e.prototype, n), r && Mi(e, r), o }(K); n(181); function $i(t) { return ($i = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) { return typeof t } : function (t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t })(t) } function Ji(t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } function Wi(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n]; r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1, r.configurable = !0, "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, r.key, r) } } function Zi(t, e, n) { return (Zi = "undefined" != typeof Reflect && Reflect.get ? Reflect.get : function (t, e, n) { var r = function (t, e) { for (; !, e) && null !== (t = Xi(t));); return t }(t, e); if (r) { var i = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r, e); return i.get ? : i.value } })(t, e, n || t) } function Yi(t, e) { return (Yi = Object.setPrototypeOf || function (t, e) { return t.__proto__ = e, t })(t, e) } function Qi(t) { var e = function () { if ("undefined" == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ("function" == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return, [], (function () { }))), !0 } catch (t) { return !1 } }(); return function () { var n, r = Xi(t); if (e) { var i = Xi(this).constructor; n = Reflect.construct(r, arguments, i) } else n = r.apply(this, arguments); return Ki(this, n) } } function Ki(t, e) { return !e || "object" !== $i(e) && "function" != typeof e ? function (t) { if (void 0 === t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return t }(t) : e } function Xi(t) { return (Xi = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function (t) { return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t) })(t) } var to = function (t) { !function (t, e) { if ("function" != typeof e && null !== e) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); t.prototype = Object.create(e && e.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), e && Yi(t, e) }(o, t); var e, n, r, i = Qi(o); function o() { return Ji(this, o), i.apply(this, arguments) } return e = o, (n = [{ key: "setValue", value: function (t, e, n) { var r = Zi(Xi(o.prototype), "setValue", this).call(this, t, e, n); void 0 !== r && r.changed && this.simplemde_instance && this.simplemde_instance.value(r.value) } }, { key: "build", value: function () { this.options.format = "textarea", Zi(Xi(o.prototype), "build", this).call(this), this.input_type = this.schema.format, this.input.setAttribute("data-schemaformat", this.input_type) } }, { key: "afterInputReady", value: function () { var t, e = this; window.SimpleMDE ? (t = this.expandCallbacks("simplemde", f({}, { height: 300 }, this.defaults.options.simplemde || {}, this.options.simplemde || {}, { element: this.input })), this.simplemde_instance = new window.SimpleMDE(t), (this.schema.readOnly || this.schema.readonly || this.schema.template) && (this.simplemde_instance.codemirror.options.readOnly = !0), this.simplemde_instance.codemirror.on("change", (function () { e.value = e.simplemde_instance.value(), e.is_dirty = !0, e.onChange(!0) })), t.autorefresh && this.startListening(this.simplemde_instance.codemirror, this.simplemde_instance.codemirror.state.autoRefresh = { delay: 250 }), this.theme.afterInputReady(this.input)) : Zi(Xi(o.prototype), "afterInputReady", this).call(this) } }, { key: "getNumColumns", value: function () { return 6 } }, { key: "enable", value: function () { !this.always_disabled && this.simplemde_instance && (this.simplemde_instance.codemirror.options.readOnly = !1), Zi(Xi(o.prototype), "enable", this).call(this) } }, { key: "disable", value: function (t) { this.simplemde_instance && (this.simplemde_instance.codemirror.options.readOnly = !0), Zi(Xi(o.prototype), "disable", this).call(this, t) } }, { key: "destroy", value: function () { this.simplemde_instance && (this.simplemde_instance.toTextArea(), this.simplemde_instance = null), Zi(Xi(o.prototype), "destroy", this).call(this) } }, { key: "startListening", value: function (t, e) { function n() { t.display.wrapper.offsetHeight ? (this.stopListening(t, e), t.display.lastWrapHeight !== t.display.wrapper.clientHeight && t.refresh()) : e.timeout = window.setTimeout(n, e.delay) } e.timeout = window.setTimeout(n, e.delay), e.hurry = function () { window.clearTimeout(e.timeout), e.timeout = window.setTimeout(n, 50) }, t.on(window, "mouseup", e.hurry), t.on(window, "keyup", e.hurry) } }, { key: "stopListening", value: function (t, e) { window.clearTimeout(e.timeout),, "mouseup", e.hurry),, "keyup", e.hurry) } }]) && Wi(e.prototype, n), r && Wi(e, r), o }(K); function eo(t) { return (eo = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) { return typeof t } : function (t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t })(t) } function no(t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } function ro(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n]; r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1, r.configurable = !0, "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, r.key, r) } } function io(t, e, n) { return (io = "undefined" != typeof Reflect && Reflect.get ? Reflect.get : function (t, e, n) { var r = function (t, e) { for (; !, e) && null !== (t = co(t));); return t }(t, e); if (r) { var i = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r, e); return i.get ? : i.value } })(t, e, n || t) } function oo(t, e) { return (oo = Object.setPrototypeOf || function (t, e) { return t.__proto__ = e, t })(t, e) } function ao(t) { var e = function () { if ("undefined" == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ("function" == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return, [], (function () { }))), !0 } catch (t) { return !1 } }(); return function () { var n, r = co(t); if (e) { var i = co(this).constructor; n = Reflect.construct(r, arguments, i) } else n = r.apply(this, arguments); return so(this, n) } } function so(t, e) { return !e || "object" !== eo(e) && "function" != typeof e ? function (t) { if (void 0 === t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return t }(t) : e } function co(t) { return (co = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function (t) { return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t) })(t) } var lo = function (t) { !function (t, e) { if ("function" != typeof e && null !== e) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); t.prototype = Object.create(e && e.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), e && oo(t, e) }(o, t); var e, n, r, i = ao(o); function o() { return no(this, o), i.apply(this, arguments) } return e = o, (n = [{ key: "build", value: function () { var t = this; if (this.options.compact || (this.header = this.label = this.theme.getFormInputLabel(this.getTitle(), this.isRequired())), this.schema.description && (this.description = this.theme.getFormInputDescription(this.translateProperty(this.schema.description))), this.options.infoText && (this.infoButton = this.theme.getInfoButton(this.translateProperty(this.options.infoText))), this.options.compact && this.container.classList.add("compact"), this.ratingContainer = document.createElement("div"), this.ratingContainer.classList.add("starrating"), void 0 === this.schema.enum) { var e = this.schema.maximum ? this.schema.maximum : 5; this.schema.exclusiveMaximum && e--, this.enum_values = []; for (var n = 0; n < e; n++)this.enum_values.push(n + 1) } else this.enum_values = this.schema.enum; this.radioGroup = []; for (var r = function (e) { e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), t.setValue(e.currentTarget.value), t.onChange(!0) }, i = this.enum_values.length - 1; i > -1; i--) { var o = this.formname + (i + 1), a = this.theme.getFormInputField("radio"); = "".concat(this.formname, "[starrating]"), a.value = this.enum_values[i], = o, a.addEventListener("change", r, !1), this.radioGroup.push(a); var s = document.createElement("label"); s.htmlFor = o, s.title = this.enum_values[i], this.options.displayValue && s.classList.add("starrating-display-enabled"), this.ratingContainer.appendChild(a), this.ratingContainer.appendChild(s) } if (this.options.displayValue && (this.displayRating = document.createElement("div"), this.displayRating.classList.add("starrating-display"), this.displayRating.innerText = this.enum_values[0], this.ratingContainer.appendChild(this.displayRating)), this.schema.readOnly || this.schema.readonly) { this.disable(!0); for (var c = 0; c < this.radioGroup.length; c++)this.radioGroup[c].disabled = !0; this.ratingContainer.classList.add("readonly") } var l = this.theme.getContainer(); l.appendChild(this.ratingContainer), this.input = l, this.control = this.theme.getFormControl(this.label, l, this.description, this.infoButton), this.container.appendChild(this.control), this.refreshValue() } }, { key: "enable", value: function () { if (!this.always_disabled) { for (var t = 0; t < this.radioGroup.length; t++)this.radioGroup[t].disabled = !1; this.ratingContainer.classList.remove("readonly"), this.disabled = !1 } } }, { key: "disable", value: function (t) { t && (this.always_disabled = !0); for (var e = 0; e < this.radioGroup.length; e++)this.radioGroup[e].disabled = !0; this.ratingContainer.classList.add("readonly"), this.disabled = !0 } }, { key: "destroy", value: function () { this.ratingContainer.parentNode && this.ratingContainer.parentNode.parentNode && this.ratingContainer.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(this.ratingContainer.parentNode), this.label && this.label.parentNode && this.label.parentNode.removeChild(this.label), this.description && this.description.parentNode && this.description.parentNode.removeChild(this.description), io(co(o.prototype), "destroy", this).call(this) } }, { key: "getNumColumns", value: function () { return 2 } }, { key: "getValue", value: function () { if (this.dependenciesFulfilled) return "integer" === this.schema.type ? "" === this.value ? void 0 : 1 * this.value : this.value } }, { key: "setValue", value: function (t) { for (var e = 0; e < this.radioGroup.length; e++)if (this.radioGroup[e].value === "".concat(t)) { this.radioGroup[e].checked = !0, this.value = t, this.options.displayValue && (this.displayRating.innerHTML = this.value), this.onChange(!0); break } } }]) && ro(e.prototype, n), r && ro(e, r), o }(K); function uo(t) { return (uo = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) { return typeof t } : function (t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t })(t) } function ho(t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } function po(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n]; r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1, r.configurable = !0, "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, r.key, r) } } function fo(t, e, n) { return (fo = "undefined" != typeof Reflect && Reflect.get ? Reflect.get : function (t, e, n) { var r = function (t, e) { for (; !, e) && null !== (t = bo(t));); return t }(t, e); if (r) { var i = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r, e); return i.get ? : i.value } })(t, e, n || t) } function yo(t, e) { return (yo = Object.setPrototypeOf || function (t, e) { return t.__proto__ = e, t })(t, e) } function mo(t) { var e = function () { if ("undefined" == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ("function" == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return, [], (function () { }))), !0 } catch (t) { return !1 } }(); return function () { var n, r = bo(t); if (e) { var i = bo(this).constructor; n = Reflect.construct(r, arguments, i) } else n = r.apply(this, arguments); return vo(this, n) } } function vo(t, e) { return !e || "object" !== uo(e) && "function" != typeof e ? function (t) { if (void 0 === t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return t }(t) : e } function bo(t) { return (bo = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function (t) { return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t) })(t) } lo.rules = { ".starrating": "direction:rtl;display:inline-block;white-space:nowrap", ".starrating > input": "display:none", ".starrating > label:before": "content:'%5C2606';margin:1px;font-size:18px;font-style:normal;font-weight:400;line-height:1;font-family:'Arial';display:inline-block", ".starrating > label": "color:%23888;cursor:pointer;margin:8px%200%202px%200", ".starrating > label.starrating-display-enabled": "margin:1px%200%200%200", ".starrating > input:checked ~ label": "color:%23ffca08", ".starrating:not(.readonly) > input:hover ~ label": "color:%23ffca08", ".starrating > input:checked ~ label:before": "content:'%5C2605';text-shadow:0%200%201px%20rgba(0%2C20%2C20%2C1)", ".starrating:not(.readonly) > input:hover ~ label:before": "content:'%5C2605';text-shadow:0%200%201px%20rgba(0%2C20%2C20%2C1)", ".starrating .starrating-display": "position:relative;direction:rtl;text-align:center;font-size:10px;line-height:0px" }; var go = function (t) { !function (t, e) { if ("function" != typeof e && null !== e) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); t.prototype = Object.create(e && e.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), e && yo(t, e) }(o, t); var e, n, r, i = mo(o); function o() { return ho(this, o), i.apply(this, arguments) } return e = o, (n = [{ key: "build", value: function () { fo(bo(o.prototype), "build", this).call(this), this.input.setAttribute("type", "number"), this.input.getAttribute("step") || this.input.setAttribute("step", "1"); var t = this.theme.getStepperButtons(this.input); this.control.appendChild(t), this.stepperDown = this.control.querySelector(".stepper-down"), this.stepperUp = this.control.querySelector(".stepper-up") } }, { key: "enable", value: function () { fo(bo(o.prototype), "enable", this).call(this), this.stepperDown.removeAttribute("disabled"), this.stepperUp.removeAttribute("disabled") } }, { key: "disable", value: function () { fo(bo(o.prototype), "disable", this).call(this), this.stepperDown.setAttribute("disabled", !0), this.stepperUp.setAttribute("disabled", !0) } }]) && po(e.prototype, n), r && po(e, r), o }(sr); function _o(t) { return (_o = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) { return typeof t } : function (t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t })(t) } function wo(t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } function ko(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n]; r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1, r.configurable = !0, "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, r.key, r) } } function xo(t, e, n) { return (xo = "undefined" != typeof Reflect && Reflect.get ? Reflect.get : function (t, e, n) { var r = function (t, e) { for (; !, e) && null !== (t = Eo(t));); return t }(t, e); if (r) { var i = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r, e); return i.get ? : i.value } })(t, e, n || t) } function jo(t, e) { return (jo = Object.setPrototypeOf || function (t, e) { return t.__proto__ = e, t })(t, e) } function Oo(t) { var e = function () { if ("undefined" == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ("function" == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return, [], (function () { }))), !0 } catch (t) { return !1 } }(); return function () { var n, r = Eo(t); if (e) { var i = Eo(this).constructor; n = Reflect.construct(r, arguments, i) } else n = r.apply(this, arguments); return Co(this, n) } } function Co(t, e) { return !e || "object" !== _o(e) && "function" != typeof e ? function (t) { if (void 0 === t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return t }(t) : e } function Eo(t) { return (Eo = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function (t) { return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t) })(t) } var So = function (t) { !function (t, e) { if ("function" != typeof e && null !== e) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); t.prototype = Object.create(e && e.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), e && jo(t, e) }(o, t); var e, n, r, i = Oo(o); function o() { return wo(this, o), i.apply(this, arguments) } return e = o, (n = [{ key: "register", value: function () { if (xo(Eo(o.prototype), "register", this).call(this), this.rows) for (var t = 0; t < this.rows.length; t++)this.rows[t].register() } }, { key: "unregister", value: function () { if (xo(Eo(o.prototype), "unregister", this).call(this), this.rows) for (var t = 0; t < this.rows.length; t++)this.rows[t].unregister() } }, { key: "getNumColumns", value: function () { return Math.max(Math.min(12, this.width), 3) } }, { key: "preBuild", value: function () { var t = this.jsoneditor.expandRefs(this.schema.items || {}); this.item_title = t.title || "row", this.item_default = t.default || null, this.item_has_child_editors = || t.items, this.width = 12, this.array_controls_top = this.options.array_controls_top || this.jsoneditor.options.array_controls_top, xo(Eo(o.prototype), "preBuild", this).call(this) } }, { key: "build", value: function () { this.table = this.theme.getTable(), this.container.appendChild(this.table), this.thead = this.theme.getTableHead(), this.table.appendChild(this.thead), this.header_row = this.theme.getTableRow(), this.thead.appendChild(this.header_row), this.row_holder = this.theme.getTableBody(), this.table.appendChild(this.row_holder); var t = this.getElementEditor(0, !0); if (this.item_default = t.getDefault(), this.width = t.getNumColumns() + 2, this.options.compact ? (this.panel = document.createElement("div"), this.container.appendChild(this.panel)) : (this.header = document.createElement("label"), this.header.textContent = this.getTitle(), this.title = this.theme.getHeader(this.header, this.getPathDepth()), this.container.appendChild(this.title), this.options.infoText && (this.infoButton = this.theme.getInfoButton(this.translateProperty(this.options.infoText)), this.container.appendChild(this.infoButton)), this.title_controls = this.theme.getHeaderButtonHolder(), this.title.appendChild(this.title_controls), this.schema.description && (this.description = this.theme.getDescription(this.translateProperty(this.schema.description)), this.container.appendChild(this.description)), this.panel = this.theme.getIndentedPanel(), this.container.appendChild(this.panel), this.error_holder = document.createElement("div"), this.panel.appendChild(this.error_holder)), this.panel.appendChild(this.table), this.controls = this.theme.getButtonHolder(), this.array_controls_top ? this.title.appendChild(this.controls) : this.panel.appendChild(this.controls), this.item_has_child_editors) for (var e = t.getChildEditors(), n = t.property_order || Object.keys(e), r = 0; r < n.length; r++) { var i = this.theme.getTableHeaderCell(e[n[r]].getTitle()); e[n[r]].options.hidden && ( = "none"), this.header_row.appendChild(i) } else this.header_row.appendChild(this.theme.getTableHeaderCell(this.item_title)); t.destroy(), this.row_holder.innerHTML = "", this.controls_header_cell = this.theme.getTableHeaderCell(" "), this.controls_header_cell.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true"), this.header_row.appendChild(this.controls_header_cell), this.addControls() } }, { key: "onChildEditorChange", value: function (t) { this.refreshValue(), xo(Eo(o.prototype), "onChildEditorChange", this).call(this) } }, { key: "getItemDefault", value: function () { return f({}, { default: this.item_default }).default } }, { key: "getItemTitle", value: function () { return this.item_title } }, { key: "getElementEditor", value: function (t, e) { var n = f({}, this.schema.items), r = this.jsoneditor.getEditorClass(n, this.jsoneditor), i = this.row_holder.appendChild(this.theme.getTableRow()), o = i; this.item_has_child_editors || (o = this.theme.getTableCell(), i.appendChild(o)); var a = this.jsoneditor.createEditor(r, { jsoneditor: this.jsoneditor, schema: n, container: o, path: "".concat(this.path, ".").concat(t), parent: this, compact: !0, table_row: !0 }); return a.preBuild(), e || (, a.postBuild(), a.controls_cell = i.appendChild(this.theme.getTableCell()), a.row = i, a.table_controls = this.theme.getButtonHolder(), a.controls_cell.appendChild(a.table_controls), = 0, = 0), a } }, { key: "destroy", value: function () { this.innerHTML = "", this.checkParent(this.title) && this.title.parentNode.removeChild(this.title), this.checkParent(this.description) && this.description.parentNode.removeChild(this.description), this.checkParent(this.row_holder) && this.row_holder.parentNode.removeChild(this.row_holder), this.checkParent(this.table) && this.table.parentNode.removeChild(this.table), this.checkParent(this.panel) && this.panel.parentNode.removeChild(this.panel), this.rows = this.title = this.description = this.row_holder = this.table = this.panel = null, xo(Eo(o.prototype), "destroy", this).call(this) } }, { key: "ensureArraySize", value: function (t) { if (Array.isArray(t) || (t = [t]), this.schema.minItems) for (; t.length < this.schema.minItems;)t.push(this.getItemDefault()); return this.schema.maxItems && t.length > this.schema.maxItems && (t = t.slice(0, this.schema.maxItems)), t } }, { key: "setValue", value: function () { var t = this, e = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : [], n = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0; e = this.ensureArraySize(e); var r = JSON.stringify(e); if (r !== this.serialized) { var i = !1; e.forEach((function (e, n) { t.rows[n] ? t.rows[n].setValue(e) : (t.addRow(e), i = !0) })); for (var o = e.length; o < this.rows.length; o++) { var a = this.rows[o].container; this.item_has_child_editors || this.rows[o].row.parentNode.removeChild(this.rows[o].row), this.rows[o].destroy(), a.parentNode && a.parentNode.removeChild(a), this.rows[o] = null, i = !0 } this.rows = this.rows.slice(0, e.length), this.refreshValue(), (i || n) && this.refreshRowButtons(), this.onChange() } } }, { key: "refreshRowButtons", value: function () { var t = this, e = this.schema.minItems && this.schema.minItems >= this.rows.length, n = this.schema.maxItems && this.schema.maxItems <= this.rows.length, r = []; this.rows.forEach((function (i, o) { if (i.delete_button) { var a = !e; t.setVisibility(i.delete_button, a), r.push(a) } if (i.copy_button) { var s = !n; t.setVisibility(i.copy_button, s), r.push(s) } if (i.moveup_button) { var c = 0 !== o; t.setVisibility(i.moveup_button, c), r.push(c) } if (i.movedown_button) { var l = o !== t.rows.length - 1; t.setVisibility(i.movedown_button, l), r.push(l) } })); var i = r.some((function (t) { return t })); this.rows.forEach((function (e) { return t.setVisibility(e.controls_cell, i) })), this.setVisibility(this.controls_header_cell, i), this.setVisibility(this.table, this.value.length); var o = !(n || this.hide_add_button); this.setVisibility(this.add_row_button, o); var a = !(!this.value.length || e || this.hide_delete_last_row_buttons); this.setVisibility(this.delete_last_row_button, a); var s = !(this.value.length <= 1 || e || this.hide_delete_all_rows_buttons); this.setVisibility(this.remove_all_rows_button, s); var c = o || a || s; this.setVisibility(this.controls, c) } }, { key: "refreshValue", value: function () { var t = this; this.value = [], this.rows.forEach((function (e, n) { t.value[n] = e.getValue() })), this.serialized = JSON.stringify(this.value) } }, { key: "addRow", value: function (t) { var e = this.rows.length; this.rows[e] = this.getElementEditor(e); var n = this.rows[e].table_controls; this.hide_delete_buttons || (this.rows[e].delete_button = this._createDeleteButton(e, n)), this.show_copy_button && (this.rows[e].copy_button = this._createCopyButton(e, n)), this.hide_move_buttons || (this.rows[e].moveup_button = this._createMoveUpButton(e, n)), this.hide_move_buttons || (this.rows[e].movedown_button = this._createMoveDownButton(e, n)), void 0 !== t && this.rows[e].setValue(t) } }, { key: "_createDeleteButton", value: function (t, e) { var n = this, r = this.getButton("", "delete", "button_delete_row_title_short"); return r.classList.add("delete", "json-editor-btntype-delete"), r.setAttribute("data-i", t), r.addEventListener("click", (function (t) { if (t.preventDefault(), t.stopPropagation(), !n.askConfirmation()) return !1; var e = 1 * t.currentTarget.getAttribute("data-i"), r = n.getValue(); r.splice(e, 1), n.setValue(r), n.onChange(!0), n.jsoneditor.trigger("deleteRow", n.rows[e]) })), e.appendChild(r), r } }, { key: "_createCopyButton", value: function (t, e) { var n = this, r = this.getButton("", "copy", "button_copy_row_title_short"), i = this.schema; return r.classList.add("copy", "json-editor-btntype-copy"), r.setAttribute("data-i", t), r.addEventListener("click", (function (t) { t.preventDefault(), t.stopPropagation(); var e = 1 * t.currentTarget.getAttribute("data-i"), r = n.getValue(), o = r[e]; "string" === i.items.type && "uuid" === i.items.format ? o = _() : "object" === i.items.type && && r.forEach((function (t, n) { if (e === n) for (var a = 0, s = Object.keys(t); a < s.length; a++) { var c = s[a]; &&[c] && "uuid" ===[c].format && ((o = Object.assign({}, r[e]))[c] = _()) } })), r.splice(e + 1, 0, o), n.setValue(r), n.onChange(!0), n.jsoneditor.trigger("copyRow", n.rows[e + 1]) })), e.appendChild(r), r } }, { key: "_createMoveUpButton", value: function (t, e) { var n = this, r = this.getButton("", "moveup", "button_move_up_title"); return r.classList.add("moveup", "json-editor-btntype-move"), r.setAttribute("data-i", t), r.addEventListener("click", (function (t) { t.preventDefault(), t.stopPropagation(); var e = 1 * t.currentTarget.getAttribute("data-i"), r = n.getValue(); r.splice(e - 1, 0, r.splice(e, 1)[0]), n.setValue(r), n.onChange(!0), n.jsoneditor.trigger("moveRow", n.rows[e - 1]) })), e.appendChild(r), r } }, { key: "_createMoveDownButton", value: function (t, e) { var n = this, r = this.getButton("", "movedown", "button_move_down_title"); return r.classList.add("movedown", "json-editor-btntype-move"), r.setAttribute("data-i", t), r.addEventListener("click", (function (t) { t.preventDefault(), t.stopPropagation(); var e = 1 * t.currentTarget.getAttribute("data-i"), r = n.getValue(); r.splice(e + 1, 0, r.splice(e, 1)[0]), n.setValue(r), n.onChange(!0), n.jsoneditor.trigger("moveRow", n.rows[e + 1]) })), e.appendChild(r), r } }, { key: "addControls", value: function () { var t = this; this.collapsed = !1, this.toggle_button = this._createToggleButton(), this.title_controls && (this.title.insertBefore(this.toggle_button, this.title.childNodes[0]), this.toggle_button.addEventListener("click", (function (e) { e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), t.setVisibility(t.panel, t.collapsed), t.collapsed ? (t.collapsed = !1, t.setButtonText(e.currentTarget, "", "collapse", "button_collapse")) : (t.collapsed = !0, t.setButtonText(e.currentTarget, "", "expand", "button_expand")) })), this.options.collapsed && y(this.toggle_button, "click"), this.schema.options && void 0 !== this.schema.options.disable_collapse ? this.schema.options.disable_collapse && ( = "none") : this.jsoneditor.options.disable_collapse && ( = "none")), this.add_row_button = this._createAddRowButton(), this.delete_last_row_button = this._createDeleteLastRowButton(), this.remove_all_rows_button = this._createRemoveAllRowsButton() } }, { key: "_createToggleButton", value: function () { var t = this.getButton("", "collapse", "button_collapse"); return t.classList.add("json-editor-btntype-toggle"), t } }, { key: "_createAddRowButton", value: function () { var t = this, e = this.getButton(this.getItemTitle(), "add", "button_add_row_title", [this.getItemTitle()]); return e.classList.add("json-editor-btntype-add"), e.addEventListener("click", (function (e) { e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(); var n = t.addRow(); t.refreshValue(), t.refreshRowButtons(), t.onChange(!0), t.jsoneditor.trigger("addRow", n) })), this.controls.appendChild(e), e } }, { key: "_createDeleteLastRowButton", value: function () { var t = this, e = this.getButton("button_delete_last", "subtract", "button_delete_last_title", [this.getItemTitle()]); return e.classList.add("json-editor-btntype-deletelast"), e.addEventListener("click", (function (e) { if (e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), !t.askConfirmation()) return !1; var n = t.getValue(), r = n.pop(); t.setValue(n), t.onChange(!0), t.jsoneditor.trigger("deleteRow", r) })), this.controls.appendChild(e), e } }, { key: "_createRemoveAllRowsButton", value: function () { var t = this, e = this.getButton("button_delete_all", "delete", "button_delete_all_title"); return e.classList.add("json-editor-btntype-deleteall"), e.addEventListener("click", (function (e) { if (e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), !t.askConfirmation()) return !1; t.setValue([]), t.onChange(!0), t.jsoneditor.trigger("deleteAllRows") })), this.controls.appendChild(e), e } }]) && ko(e.prototype, n), r && ko(e, r), o }(mt); n(151); function Po(t) { return (Po = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) { return typeof t } : function (t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t })(t) } function Ro(t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } function Lo(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n]; r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1, r.configurable = !0, "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, r.key, r) } } function To(t, e, n) { return (To = "undefined" != typeof Reflect && Reflect.get ? Reflect.get : function (t, e, n) { var r = function (t, e) { for (; !, e) && null !== (t = No(t));); return t }(t, e); if (r) { var i = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r, e); return i.get ? : i.value } })(t, e, n || t) } function Ao(t, e) { return (Ao = Object.setPrototypeOf || function (t, e) { return t.__proto__ = e, t })(t, e) } function Io(t) { var e = function () { if ("undefined" == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ("function" == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return, [], (function () { }))), !0 } catch (t) { return !1 } }(); return function () { var n, r = No(t); if (e) { var i = No(this).constructor; n = Reflect.construct(r, arguments, i) } else n = r.apply(this, arguments); return Bo(this, n) } } function Bo(t, e) { return !e || "object" !== Po(e) && "function" != typeof e ? function (t) { if (void 0 === t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return t }(t) : e } function No(t) { return (No = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function (t) { return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t) })(t) } function Fo(t) { return (Fo = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) { return typeof t } : function (t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t })(t) } function Vo(t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } function Do(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n]; r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1, r.configurable = !0, "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, r.key, r) } } function Mo(t, e, n) { return (Mo = "undefined" != typeof Reflect && Reflect.get ? Reflect.get : function (t, e, n) { var r = function (t, e) { for (; !, e) && null !== (t = Uo(t));); return t }(t, e); if (r) { var i = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r, e); return i.get ? : i.value } })(t, e, n || t) } function Ho(t, e) { return (Ho = Object.setPrototypeOf || function (t, e) { return t.__proto__ = e, t })(t, e) } function zo(t) { var e = function () { if ("undefined" == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ("function" == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return, [], (function () { }))), !0 } catch (t) { return !1 } }(); return function () { var n, r = Uo(t); if (e) { var i = Uo(this).constructor; n = Reflect.construct(r, arguments, i) } else n = r.apply(this, arguments); return qo(this, n) } } function qo(t, e) { return !e || "object" !== Fo(e) && "function" != typeof e ? function (t) { if (void 0 === t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return t }(t) : e } function Uo(t) { return (Uo = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function (t) { return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t) })(t) } function Go(t) { return (Go = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) { return typeof t } : function (t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t })(t) } function $o(t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } function Jo(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n]; r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1, r.configurable = !0, "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, r.key, r) } } function Wo(t, e, n) { return (Wo = "undefined" != typeof Reflect && Reflect.get ? Reflect.get : function (t, e, n) { var r = function (t, e) { for (; !, e) && null !== (t = Ko(t));); return t }(t, e); if (r) { var i = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r, e); return i.get ? : i.value } })(t, e, n || t) } function Zo(t, e) { return (Zo = Object.setPrototypeOf || function (t, e) { return t.__proto__ = e, t })(t, e) } function Yo(t) { var e = function () { if ("undefined" == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ("function" == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return, [], (function () { }))), !0 } catch (t) { return !1 } }(); return function () { var n, r = Ko(t); if (e) { var i = Ko(this).constructor; n = Reflect.construct(r, arguments, i) } else n = r.apply(this, arguments); return Qo(this, n) } } function Qo(t, e) { return !e || "object" !== Go(e) && "function" != typeof e ? function (t) { if (void 0 === t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return t }(t) : e } function Ko(t) { return (Ko = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function (t) { return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t) })(t) } var Xo = { ace: st, array: mt, arrayChoices: It, arraySelect2: qt, arraySelectize: Kt, autocomplete: se, base64: me, button: je, checkbox: Ae, choices: Qe, datetime: sn, describedBy: mn, enum: En, hidden: Nn, info: Un, integer: sr, ip: mr, jodit: Or, multiple: Ir, multiselect: Ot, null: zr, number: Xn, object: ei, radio: ui, sceditor: gi, select: ze, select2: Si, selectize: Fi, signature: Gi, simplemde: to, starrating: lo, stepper: go, string: K, table: So, upload: function (t) { !function (t, e) { if ("function" != typeof e && null !== e) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); t.prototype = Object.create(e && e.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), e && Ao(t, e) }(o, t); var e, n, r, i = Io(o); function o() { return Ro(this, o), i.apply(this, arguments) } return e = o, (n = [{ key: "getNumColumns", value: function () { return 4 } }, { key: "build", value: function () { var t = this; if (this.options.compact || (this.header = this.label = this.theme.getFormInputLabel(this.getTitle(), this.isRequired())), this.schema.description && (this.description = this.theme.getFormInputDescription(this.translateProperty(this.schema.description))), this.options.infoText && (this.infoButton = this.theme.getInfoButton(this.translateProperty(this.options.infoText))), this.options = this.expandCallbacks("upload", f({}, { title: "Browse", icon: "", auto_upload: !1, hide_input: !1, enable_drag_drop: !1, drop_zone_text: "Drag & Drop file here", drop_zone_top: !1, alt_drop_zone: "", mime_type: "", max_upload_size: 0, upload_handler: function (t, e, n, r) { window.alert('No upload_handler defined for "'.concat(t.path, '". You must create your own handler to enable upload to server')) } }, this.defaults.options.upload || {}, this.options.upload || {})), this.options.mime_type = this.options.mime_type ? [].concat(this.options.mime_type) : [], this.input = this.theme.getFormInputField("hidden"), this.container.appendChild(this.input), !this.schema.readOnly && !this.schema.readonly) { if ("function" != typeof this.options.upload_handler) throw new Error("Upload handler required for upload editor"); if (this.uploader = this.theme.getFormInputField("file"), = "none", this.options.mime_type.length && this.uploader.setAttribute("accept", this.options.mime_type), !0 === this.options.enable_drag_drop && !0 === this.options.hide_input || (this.clickHandler = function (e) { t.uploader.dispatchEvent(new window.MouseEvent("click", { view: window, bubbles: !0, cancelable: !1 })) }, this.browseButton = this.getButton(this.options.title, this.options.icon, this.options.title), this.browseButton.addEventListener("click", this.clickHandler), this.fileDisplay = this.theme.getFormInputField("input"), this.fileDisplay.setAttribute("readonly", !0), this.fileDisplay.value = "No file selected.", this.fileDisplay.addEventListener("dblclick", this.clickHandler), this.fileUploadGroup = this.theme.getInputGroup(this.fileDisplay, [this.browseButton]), this.fileUploadGroup || (this.fileUploadGroup = document.createElement("div"), this.fileUploadGroup.appendChild(this.fileDisplay), this.fileUploadGroup.appendChild(this.browseButton))), !0 === this.options.enable_drag_drop) { if ("" !== this.options.alt_drop_zone) { if (this.altDropZone = document.querySelector(this.options.alt_drop_zone), !this.altDropZone) throw new Error('Error: alt_drop_zone selector "'.concat(this.options.alt_drop_zone, '" not found!')); this.dropZone = this.altDropZone } else this.dropZone = this.theme.getDropZone(this.options.drop_zone_text); this.dropZone && (this.dropZone.classList.add("upload-dropzone"), this.dropZone.addEventListener("dblclick", this.clickHandler)) } this.uploadHandler = function (e) { e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(); var n = || e.dataTransfer.files; if (n && n.length) if (0 !== t.options.max_upload_size && n[0].size > t.options.max_upload_size) t.theme.addInputError(t.uploader, "Filesize too large. Max size is ".concat(t.options.max_upload_size)); else if (0 === t.options.mime_type.length || t.isValidMimeType(n[0].type, t.options.mime_type)) { t.fileDisplay && (t.fileDisplay.value = n[0].name); var r = new window.FileReader; r.onload = function (e) { t.preview_value =, t.refreshPreview(n), t.onChange(!0), r = null }, r.readAsDataURL(n[0]) } else t.theme.addInputError(t.uploader, "Wrong file format. Allowed format(s): ".concat(t.options.mime_type.toString())) }, this.uploader.addEventListener("change", this.uploadHandler), this.dragHandler = function (e) { var n = e.dataTransfer.items || e.dataTransfer.files, r = n && n.length && (0 === t.options.mime_type.length || t.isValidMimeType(n[0].type, t.options.mime_type)), i = e.currentTarget.classList && e.currentTarget.classList.contains("upload-dropzone") && r; switch ((e.currentTarget === window ? "w_" : "e_") + e.type) { case "w_drop": case "w_dragover": i || (e.dataTransfer.dropEffect = "none"); break; case "e_dragenter": i ? (t.dropZone.classList.add("valid-dropzone"), e.dataTransfer.dropEffect = "copy") : t.dropZone.classList.add("invalid-dropzone"); break; case "e_dragover": i && (e.dataTransfer.dropEffect = "copy"); break; case "e_dragleave": t.dropZone.classList.remove("valid-dropzone", "invalid-dropzone"); break; case "e_drop": t.dropZone.classList.remove("valid-dropzone", "invalid-dropzone"), i && t.uploadHandler(e) }i || e.preventDefault() }, !0 === this.options.enable_drag_drop && (["dragover", "drop"].forEach((function (e) { window.addEventListener(e, t.dragHandler, !0) })), ["dragenter", "dragover", "dragleave", "drop"].forEach((function (e) { t.dropZone.addEventListener(e, t.dragHandler, !0) }))) } this.preview = document.createElement("div"), this.control = this.input.controlgroup = this.theme.getFormControl(this.label, this.uploader || this.input, this.description, this.infoButton), this.uploader && (this.uploader.controlgroup = this.control); var e = this.uploader || this.input, n = document.createElement("div"); this.dropZone && !this.altDropZone && !0 === this.options.drop_zone_top && n.appendChild(this.dropZone), this.fileUploadGroup && n.appendChild(this.fileUploadGroup), this.dropZone && !this.altDropZone && !0 !== this.options.drop_zone_top && n.appendChild(this.dropZone), n.appendChild(this.preview), e.parentNode.insertBefore(n, e.nextSibling), this.container.appendChild(this.control), window.requestAnimationFrame((function () { t.afterInputReady() })) } }, { key: "afterInputReady", value: function () { var t = this; if (this.value) { var e = document.createElement("img"); = "100%", = "100px", e.onload = function (n) { t.preview.appendChild(e) }, e.onerror = function (t) { console.error("upload error", t, t.currentTarget) }, e.src = this.container.querySelector("a").href } this.theme.afterInputReady(this.input) } }, { key: "refreshPreview", value: function (t) { var e = this; if (this.last_preview !== this.preview_value && (this.last_preview = this.preview_value, this.preview.innerHTML = "", this.preview_value)) { var n = t[0], r = this.preview_value.match(/^data:([^;,]+)[;,]/); if (n.mimeType = r ? r[1] : "unknown", n.size > 0) { var i = Math.floor(Math.log(n.size) / Math.log(1024)); n.formattedSize = "".concat(parseFloat((n.size / Math.pow(1024, i)).toFixed(2)), " ").concat(["Bytes", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB"][i]) } else n.formattedSize = "0 Bytes"; var o = this.getButton("button_upload", "upload", "button_upload"); o.addEventListener("click", (function (t) { t.preventDefault(), o.setAttribute("disabled", "disabled"), e.theme.removeInputError(e.uploader), e.theme.getProgressBar && (e.progressBar = e.theme.getProgressBar(), e.preview.appendChild(e.progressBar)), e.options.upload_handler(e.path, n, { success: function (t) { e.setValue(t), e.parent ? e.parent.onChildEditorChange(e) : e.jsoneditor.onChange(), e.progressBar && e.preview.removeChild(e.progressBar), o.removeAttribute("disabled") }, failure: function (t) { e.theme.addInputError(e.uploader, t), e.progressBar && e.preview.removeChild(e.progressBar), o.removeAttribute("disabled") }, updateProgress: function (t) { e.progressBar && (t ? e.theme.updateProgressBar(e.progressBar, t) : e.theme.updateProgressBarUnknown(e.progressBar)) } }) })), this.preview.appendChild(this.theme.getUploadPreview(n, o, this.preview_value)), this.options.auto_upload && (o.dispatchEvent(new window.MouseEvent("click")), o.parentNode.removeChild(o)) } } }, { key: "enable", value: function () { this.always_disabled || (this.uploader && (this.uploader.disabled = !1), To(No(o.prototype), "enable", this).call(this)) } }, { key: "disable", value: function (t) { t && (this.always_disabled = !0), this.uploader && (this.uploader.disabled = !0), To(No(o.prototype), "disable", this).call(this) } }, { key: "setValue", value: function (t) { this.value !== t && (this.value = t, this.input.value = this.value, this.onChange()) } }, { key: "destroy", value: function () { var t = this; !0 === this.options.enable_drag_drop && (["dragover", "drop"].forEach((function (e) { window.removeEventListener(e, t.dragHandler, !0) })), ["dragenter", "dragover", "dragleave", "drop"].forEach((function (e) { t.dropZone.removeEventListener(e, t.dragHandler, !0) })), this.dropZone.removeEventListener("dblclick", this.clickHandler), this.dropZone && this.dropZone.parentNode && this.dropZone.parentNode.removeChild(this.dropZone)), this.uploader && this.uploader.parentNode && (this.uploader.removeEventListener("change", this.uploadHandler), this.uploader.parentNode.removeChild(this.uploader)), this.browseButton && this.browseButton.parentNode && (this.browseButton.removeEventListener("click", this.clickHandler), this.browseButton.parentNode.removeChild(this.browseButton)), this.fileDisplay && this.fileDisplay.parentNode && (this.fileDisplay.removeEventListener("dblclick", this.clickHandler), this.fileDisplay.parentNode.removeChild(this.fileDisplay)), this.fileUploadGroup && this.fileUploadGroup.parentNode && this.fileUploadGroup.parentNode.removeChild(this.fileUploadGroup), this.preview && this.preview.parentNode && this.preview.parentNode.removeChild(this.preview), this.header && this.header.parentNode && this.header.parentNode.removeChild(this.header), this.input && this.input.parentNode && this.input.parentNode.removeChild(this.input), To(No(o.prototype), "destroy", this).call(this) } }, { key: "isValidMimeType", value: function (t, e) { return e.reduce((function (e, n) { return e || new RegExp(n.replace(/\*/g, ".*"), "gi").test(t) }), !1) } }]) && Lo(e.prototype, n), r && Lo(e, r), o }(q), uuid: function (t) { !function (t, e) { if ("function" != typeof e && null !== e) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); t.prototype = Object.create(e && e.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), e && Ho(t, e) }(o, t); var e, n, r, i = zo(o); function o() { return Vo(this, o), i.apply(this, arguments) } return e = o, (n = [{ key: "preBuild", value: function () { Mo(Uo(o.prototype), "preBuild", this).call(this), this.schema.default = this.uuid = this.getUuid(), this.schema.options || (this.schema.options = {}), this.schema.options.cleave || (this.schema.options.cleave = { delimiters: ["-"], blocks: [8, 4, 4, 4, 12] }) } }, { key: "build", value: function () { Mo(Uo(o.prototype), "build", this).call(this), this.disable(!0), this.input.setAttribute("readonly", "true") } }, { key: "sanitize", value: function (t) { return this.testUuid(t) || (t = this.uuid), t } }, { key: "setValue", value: function (t, e, n) { this.testUuid(t) || (t = this.uuid), this.uuid = t, Mo(Uo(o.prototype), "setValue", this).call(this, t, e, n) } }, { key: "getUuid", value: function () { return _() } }, { key: "testUuid", value: function (t) { return /^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}$/i.test(t) } }]) && Do(e.prototype, n), r && Do(e, r), o }(K), colorpicker: function (t) { !function (t, e) { if ("function" != typeof e && null !== e) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); t.prototype = Object.create(e && e.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), e && Zo(t, e) }(o, t); var e, n, r, i = Yo(o); function o() { return $o(this, o), i.apply(this, arguments) } return e = o, (n = [{ key: "postBuild", value: function () { window.Picker && (this.input.type = "text"), = "3px" } }, { key: "setValue", value: function (t, e, n) { var r = Wo(Ko(o.prototype), "setValue", this).call(this, t, e, n); return this.picker_instance && this.picker_instance.domElement && r && r.changed && this.picker_instance.setColor(r.value, !0), r } }, { key: "getNumColumns", value: function () { return 2 } }, { key: "afterInputReady", value: function () { Wo(Ko(o.prototype), "afterInputReady", this).call(this), this.createPicker(!0) } }, { key: "disable", value: function () { if (Wo(Ko(o.prototype), "disable", this).call(this), this.picker_instance && this.picker_instance.domElement) { = "none"; for (var t = this.picker_instance.domElement.querySelectorAll("button"), e = 0; e < t.length; e++)t[e].disabled = !0 } } }, { key: "enable", value: function () { if (Wo(Ko(o.prototype), "enable", this).call(this), this.picker_instance && this.picker_instance.domElement) { = "auto"; for (var t = this.picker_instance.domElement.querySelectorAll("button"), e = 0; e < t.length; e++)t[e].disabled = !1 } } }, { key: "destroy", value: function () { this.createPicker(!1), Wo(Ko(o.prototype), "destroy", this).call(this) } }, { key: "createPicker", value: function (t) { var e = this; if (t) { if (window.Picker && !this.picker_instance) { var n = this.expandCallbacks("colorpicker", f({}, { editor: !1, alpha: !1, color: this.value, popup: "bottom" }, this.defaults.options.colorpicker || {}, this.options.colorpicker || {}, { parent: this.container })), r = function (t) { var n = e.picker_instance.settings.editorFormat, r = e.picker_instance.settings.alpha; e.setValue("hex" === n ? r ? t.hex : t.hex.slice(0, 7) : t["".concat(n + (r ? "a" : ""), "String")]) }; n.popup || "function" == typeof n.onChange ? n.popup && "function" != typeof n.onDone && (n.onDone = r) : n.onChange = r, this.picker_instance = new window.Picker(n), n.popup || ( = "none", this.theme.afterInputReady(this.picker_instance.domElement)) } } else this.picker_instance && (this.picker_instance.destroy(), this.picker_instance = null, = "") } }]) && Jo(e.prototype, n), r && Jo(e, r), o }(K) }, ta = (n(183), { default: function () { return { compile: function (t) { var e = t.match(/{{\s*([a-zA-Z0-9\-_ .]+)\s*}}/g), n = e && e.length; if (!n) return function () { return t }; for (var r = [], i = function (t) { var n, i, o = e[t].replace(/[{}]+/g, "").trim().split("."), a = o.length; a > 1 ? n = function (e) { for (i = e, t = 0; t < a && (i = i[o[t]]); t++); return i } : (o = o[0], n = function (t) { return t[o] }); r.push({ s: e[t], r: n }) }, o = 0; o < n; o++)i(o); return function (e) { var i, a = "".concat(t); for (o = 0; o < n; o++)i = r[o], a = a.replace(i.s, i.r(e)); return a } } } }, ejs: function () { return !!window.EJS && { compile: function (t) { var e = new window.EJS({ text: t }); return function (t) { return e.render(t) } } } }, handlebars: function () { return window.Handlebars }, hogan: function () { return !!window.Hogan && { compile: function (t) { var e = window.Hogan.compile(t); return function (t) { return e.render(t) } } } }, lodash: function () { return !!window._ && { compile: function (t) { return function (e) { return window._.template(t)(e) } } } }, markup: function () { return !(!window.Mark || !window.Mark.up) && { compile: function (t) { return function (e) { return window.Mark.up(t, e) } } } }, mustache: function () { return !!window.Mustache && { compile: function (t) { return function (e) { return window.Mustache.render(t, e) } } } }, swig: function () { return window.swig }, underscore: function () { return !!window._ && { compile: function (t) { return function (e) { return window._.template(t)(e) } } } } }); function ea(t) { return function (t) { if (Array.isArray(t)) return na(t) }(t) || function (t) { if ("undefined" != typeof Symbol && null != t[Symbol.iterator] || null != t["@@iterator"]) return Array.from(t) }(t) || function (t, e) { if (!t) return; if ("string" == typeof t) return na(t, e); var n =, -1); "Object" === n && t.constructor && (n =; if ("Map" === n || "Set" === n) return Array.from(t); if ("Arguments" === n || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return na(t, e) }(t) || function () { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.") }() } function na(t, e) { (null == e || e > t.length) && (e = t.length); for (var n = 0, r = new Array(e); n < e; n++)r[n] = t[n]; return r } function ra(t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } function ia(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n]; r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1, r.configurable = !0, "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, r.key, r) } } var oa = { collapse: "", expand: "", delete: "", edit: "", add: "", cancel: "", save: "", moveup: "", movedown: "" }, aa = function () { function t() { var e = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : "", n = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : oa; ra(this, t), this.mapping = n, this.icon_prefix = e } var e, n, r; return e = t, (n = [{ key: "getIconClass", value: function (t) { return this.mapping[t] ? this.icon_prefix + this.mapping[t] : this.icon_prefix + t } }, { key: "getIcon", value: function (t) { var e, n = this.getIconClass(t); if (!n) return null; var r = document.createElement("i"); return (e = r.classList).add.apply(e, ea(n.split(" "))), r } }]) && ia(e.prototype, n), r && ia(e, r), t }(); function sa(t) { return (sa = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) { return typeof t } : function (t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t })(t) } function ca(t, e) { return (ca = Object.setPrototypeOf || function (t, e) { return t.__proto__ = e, t })(t, e) } function la(t) { var e = function () { if ("undefined" == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ("function" == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return, [], (function () { }))), !0 } catch (t) { return !1 } }(); return function () { var n, r = ha(t); if (e) { var i = ha(this).constructor; n = Reflect.construct(r, arguments, i) } else n = r.apply(this, arguments); return ua(this, n) } } function ua(t, e) { return !e || "object" !== sa(e) && "function" != typeof e ? function (t) { if (void 0 === t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return t }(t) : e } function ha(t) { return (ha = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function (t) { return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t) })(t) } var pa = { collapse: "chevron-down", expand: "chevron-right", delete: "trash", edit: "pencil", add: "plus", subtract: "minus", cancel: "floppy-remove", save: "floppy-saved", moveup: "arrow-up", moveright: "arrow-right", movedown: "arrow-down", moveleft: "arrow-left", copy: "copy", clear: "remove-circle", time: "time", calendar: "calendar", edit_properties: "list" }; function da(t) { return (da = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) { return typeof t } : function (t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t })(t) } function fa(t, e) { return (fa = Object.setPrototypeOf || function (t, e) { return t.__proto__ = e, t })(t, e) } function ya(t) { var e = function () { if ("undefined" == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ("function" == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return, [], (function () { }))), !0 } catch (t) { return !1 } }(); return function () { var n, r = va(t); if (e) { var i = va(this).constructor; n = Reflect.construct(r, arguments, i) } else n = r.apply(this, arguments); return ma(this, n) } } function ma(t, e) { return !e || "object" !== da(e) && "function" != typeof e ? function (t) { if (void 0 === t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return t }(t) : e } function va(t) { return (va = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function (t) { return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t) })(t) } var ba = { collapse: "chevron-down", expand: "chevron-right", delete: "trash", edit: "pencil", add: "plus", subtract: "minus", cancel: "ban-circle", save: "save", moveup: "arrow-up", moveright: "arrow-right", movedown: "arrow-down", moveleft: "arrow-left", copy: "copy", clear: "remove-circle", time: "time", calendar: "calendar", edit_properties: "list" }; function ga(t) { return (ga = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) { return typeof t } : function (t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t })(t) } function _a(t, e) { return (_a = Object.setPrototypeOf || function (t, e) { return t.__proto__ = e, t })(t, e) } function wa(t) { var e = function () { if ("undefined" == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ("function" == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return, [], (function () { }))), !0 } catch (t) { return !1 } }(); return function () { var n, r = xa(t); if (e) { var i = xa(this).constructor; n = Reflect.construct(r, arguments, i) } else n = r.apply(this, arguments); return ka(this, n) } } function ka(t, e) { return !e || "object" !== ga(e) && "function" != typeof e ? function (t) { if (void 0 === t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return t }(t) : e } function xa(t) { return (xa = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function (t) { return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t) })(t) } var ja = { collapse: "caret-square-o-down", expand: "caret-square-o-right", delete: "times", edit: "pencil", add: "plus", subtract: "minus", cancel: "ban", save: "save", moveup: "arrow-up", moveright: "arrow-right", movedown: "arrow-down", moveleft: "arrow-left", copy: "files-o", clear: "times-circle-o", time: "clock-o", calendar: "calendar", edit_properties: "list" }; function Oa(t) { return (Oa = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) { return typeof t } : function (t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t })(t) } function Ca(t, e) { return (Ca = Object.setPrototypeOf || function (t, e) { return t.__proto__ = e, t })(t, e) } function Ea(t) { var e = function () { if ("undefined" == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ("function" == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return, [], (function () { }))), !0 } catch (t) { return !1 } }(); return function () { var n, r = Pa(t); if (e) { var i = Pa(this).constructor; n = Reflect.construct(r, arguments, i) } else n = r.apply(this, arguments); return Sa(this, n) } } function Sa(t, e) { return !e || "object" !== Oa(e) && "function" != typeof e ? function (t) { if (void 0 === t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return t }(t) : e } function Pa(t) { return (Pa = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function (t) { return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t) })(t) } var Ra = { collapse: "caret-down", expand: "caret-right", delete: "trash", edit: "pen", add: "plus", subtract: "minus", cancel: "ban", save: "save", moveup: "arrow-up", moveright: "arrow-right", movedown: "arrow-down", moveleft: "arrow-left", copy: "copy", clear: "times-circle", time: "clock", calendar: "calendar", edit_properties: "list" }; function La(t) { return (La = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) { return typeof t } : function (t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t })(t) } function Ta(t, e) { return (Ta = Object.setPrototypeOf || function (t, e) { return t.__proto__ = e, t })(t, e) } function Aa(t) { var e = function () { if ("undefined" == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ("function" == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return, [], (function () { }))), !0 } catch (t) { return !1 } }(); return function () { var n, r = Ba(t); if (e) { var i = Ba(this).constructor; n = Reflect.construct(r, arguments, i) } else n = r.apply(this, arguments); return Ia(this, n) } } function Ia(t, e) { return !e || "object" !== La(e) && "function" != typeof e ? function (t) { if (void 0 === t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return t }(t) : e } function Ba(t) { return (Ba = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function (t) { return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t) })(t) } var Na = { collapse: "triangle-1-s", expand: "triangle-1-e", delete: "trash", edit: "pencil", add: "plusthick", subtract: "minusthick", cancel: "closethick", save: "disk", moveup: "arrowthick-1-n", moveright: "arrowthick-1-e", movedown: "arrowthick-1-s", moveleft: "arrowthick-1-w", copy: "copy", clear: "circle-close", time: "time", calendar: "calendar", edit_properties: "note" }; function Fa(t) { return (Fa = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) { return typeof t } : function (t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t })(t) } function Va(t, e) { return (Va = Object.setPrototypeOf || function (t, e) { return t.__proto__ = e, t })(t, e) } function Da(t) { var e = function () { if ("undefined" == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ("function" == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return, [], (function () { }))), !0 } catch (t) { return !1 } }(); return function () { var n, r = Ha(t); if (e) { var i = Ha(this).constructor; n = Reflect.construct(r, arguments, i) } else n = r.apply(this, arguments); return Ma(this, n) } } function Ma(t, e) { return !e || "object" !== Fa(e) && "function" != typeof e ? function (t) { if (void 0 === t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return t }(t) : e } function Ha(t) { return (Ha = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function (t) { return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t) })(t) } var za = { collapse: "collapse-down", expand: "expand-right", delete: "trash", edit: "pencil", add: "plus", subtract: "minus", cancel: "ban", save: "file", moveup: "arrow-thick-top", moveright: "arrow-thick-right", movedown: "arrow-thick-bottom", moveleft: "arrow-thick-left", copy: "clipboard", clear: "circle-x", time: "clock", calendar: "calendar", edit_properties: "list" }; function qa(t) { return (qa = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) { return typeof t } : function (t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t })(t) } function Ua(t, e) { return (Ua = Object.setPrototypeOf || function (t, e) { return t.__proto__ = e, t })(t, e) } function Ga(t) { var e = function () { if ("undefined" == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ("function" == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return, [], (function () { }))), !0 } catch (t) { return !1 } }(); return function () { var n, r = Ja(t); if (e) { var i = Ja(this).constructor; n = Reflect.construct(r, arguments, i) } else n = r.apply(this, arguments); return $a(this, n) } } function $a(t, e) { return !e || "object" !== qa(e) && "function" != typeof e ? function (t) { if (void 0 === t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return t }(t) : e } function Ja(t) { return (Ja = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function (t) { return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t) })(t) } var Wa = { collapse: "arrow-down", expand: "arrow-right", delete: "delete", edit: "edit", add: "plus", subtract: "minus", cancel: "cross", save: "check", moveup: "upward", moveright: "forward", movedown: "downward", moveleft: "back", copy: "copy", clear: "close", time: "time", calendar: "bookmark", edit_properties: "menu" }, Za = { bootstrap3: function (t) { !function (t, e) { if ("function" != typeof e && null !== e) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); t.prototype = Object.create(e && e.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), e && ca(t, e) }(n, t); var e = la(n); function n() { return function (t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") }(this, n),, "glyphicon glyphicon-", pa) } return n }(aa), fontawesome3: function (t) { !function (t, e) { if ("function" != typeof e && null !== e) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); t.prototype = Object.create(e && e.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), e && fa(t, e) }(n, t); var e = ya(n); function n() { return function (t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") }(this, n),, "icon-", ba) } return n }(aa), fontawesome4: function (t) { !function (t, e) { if ("function" != typeof e && null !== e) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); t.prototype = Object.create(e && e.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), e && _a(t, e) }(n, t); var e = wa(n); function n() { return function (t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") }(this, n),, "fa fa-", ja) } return n }(aa), fontawesome5: function (t) { !function (t, e) { if ("function" != typeof e && null !== e) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); t.prototype = Object.create(e && e.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), e && Ca(t, e) }(n, t); var e = Ea(n); function n() { return function (t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") }(this, n),, "fas fa-", Ra) } return n }(aa), jqueryui: function (t) { !function (t, e) { if ("function" != typeof e && null !== e) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); t.prototype = Object.create(e && e.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), e && Ta(t, e) }(n, t); var e = Aa(n); function n() { return function (t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") }(this, n),, "ui-icon ui-icon-", Na) } return n }(aa), openiconic: function (t) { !function (t, e) { if ("function" != typeof e && null !== e) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); t.prototype = Object.create(e && e.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), e && Va(t, e) }(n, t); var e = Da(n); function n() { return function (t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") }(this, n),, "oi oi-", za) } return n }(aa), spectre: function (t) { !function (t, e) { if ("function" != typeof e && null !== e) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); t.prototype = Object.create(e && e.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), e && Ua(t, e) }(n, t); var e = Ga(n); function n() { return function (t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") }(this, n),, "icon icon-", Wa) } return n }(aa) }; n(152); function Ya(t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } function Qa(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n]; r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1, r.configurable = !0, "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, r.key, r) } } var Ka = ["matches", "webkitMatchesSelector", "mozMatchesSelector", "msMatchesSelector", "oMatchesSelector"].find((function (t) { return t in document.documentElement })), Xa = function () { function t(e) { var n = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : { disable_theme_rules: !1 }; Ya(this, t), this.jsoneditor = e, Object.keys(n).forEach((function (t) { void 0 !== e.options[t] && (n[t] = e.options[t]) })), this.options = n } var e, n, r; return e = t, (n = [{ key: "getContainer", value: function () { return document.createElement("div") } }, { key: "getFloatRightLinkHolder", value: function () { var t = document.createElement("div"); return t.classList.add("je-float-right-linkholder"), t } }, { key: "getModal", value: function () { var t = document.createElement("div"); return = "none", t.classList.add("je-modal"), t } }, { key: "getGridContainer", value: function () { return document.createElement("div") } }, { key: "getGridRow", value: function () { var t = document.createElement("div"); return t.classList.add("row"), t } }, { key: "getGridColumn", value: function () { return document.createElement("div") } }, { key: "setGridColumnSize", value: function (t, e) { } }, { key: "getLink", value: function (t) { var e = document.createElement("a"); return e.setAttribute("href", "#"), e.appendChild(document.createTextNode(t)), e } }, { key: "disableHeader", value: function (t) { = "#ccc" } }, { key: "disableLabel", value: function (t) { = "#ccc" } }, { key: "enableHeader", value: function (t) { = "" } }, { key: "enableLabel", value: function (t) { = "" } }, { key: "getInfoButton", value: function (t) { var e = document.createElement("span"); e.innerText = "ⓘ", e.classList.add("je-infobutton-icon"); var n = document.createElement("span"); return n.classList.add("je-infobutton-tooltip"), n.innerText = t, e.onmouseover = function () { = "visible" }, e.onmouseleave = function () { = "hidden" }, e.appendChild(n), e } }, { key: "getFormInputLabel", value: function (t, e) { var n = document.createElement("label"); return n.appendChild(document.createTextNode(t)), e && n.classList.add("required"), n } }, { key: "getHeader", value: function (t, e) { var n = document.createElement("h3"); return "string" == typeof t ? n.textContent = t : n.appendChild(t), n.classList.add("je-header"), n } }, { key: "getCheckbox", value: function () { var t = this.getFormInputField("checkbox"); return t.classList.add("je-checkbox"), t } }, { key: "getCheckboxLabel", value: function (t, e) { var n = document.createElement("label"); return n.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" ".concat(t))), e && n.classList.add("required"), n } }, { key: "getMultiCheckboxHolder", value: function (t, e, n, r) { var i = document.createElement("div"); return i.classList.add("control-group"), e && ( = "block", i.appendChild(e), r && e.appendChild(r)), Object.values(t).forEach((function (t) { = "inline-block", = "20px", i.appendChild(t) })), n && i.appendChild(n), i } }, { key: "getFormCheckboxControl", value: function (t, e, n) { var r = document.createElement("div"); return r.appendChild(t), = "auto", t.insertBefore(e, t.firstChild), n && r.classList.add("je-checkbox-control--compact"), r } }, { key: "getFormRadio", value: function (t) { var e = this.getFormInputField("radio"); return Object.keys(t).forEach((function (n) { return e.setAttribute(n, t[n]) })), e.classList.add("je-radio"), e } }, { key: "getFormRadioLabel", value: function (t, e) { var n = document.createElement("label"); return n.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" ".concat(t))), e && n.classList.add("required"), n } }, { key: "getFormRadioControl", value: function (t, e, n) { var r = document.createElement("div"); return r.appendChild(t), = "auto", t.insertBefore(e, t.firstChild), n && r.classList.add("je-radio-control--compact"), r } }, { key: "getSelectInput", value: function (t, e) { var n = document.createElement("select"); return t && this.setSelectOptions(n, t), n } }, { key: "getSwitcher", value: function (t) { var e = this.getSelectInput(t, !1); return e.classList.add("je-switcher"), e } }, { key: "getSwitcherOptions", value: function (t) { return t.getElementsByTagName("option") } }, { key: "setSwitcherOptions", value: function (t, e, n) { this.setSelectOptions(t, e, n) } }, { key: "setSelectOptions", value: function (t, e) { var n = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : []; t.innerHTML = ""; for (var r = 0; r < e.length; r++) { var i = document.createElement("option"); i.setAttribute("value", e[r]), i.textContent = n[r] || e[r], t.appendChild(i) } } }, { key: "getTextareaInput", value: function () { var t = document.createElement("textarea"); return t.classList.add("je-textarea"), t } }, { key: "getRangeInput", value: function (t, e, n) { var r = this.getFormInputField("range"); return r.setAttribute("min", t), r.setAttribute("max", e), r.setAttribute("step", n), r } }, { key: "getStepperButtons", value: function (t) { var e = document.createElement("div"), n = document.createElement("button"); n.setAttribute("type", "button"), n.classList.add("stepper-down"); var r = document.createElement("button"); r.setAttribute("type", "button"), r.classList.add("stepper-up"), t.getAttribute("readonly") && (n.setAttribute("disabled", !0), r.setAttribute("disabled", !0)), n.textContent = "-", r.textContent = "+"; var i = function (t, e) { t.value = Number(e || t.value), t.setAttribute("initialized", "1") }, o = t.getAttribute("min"), a = t.getAttribute("max"); return n.addEventListener("click", (function () { t.getAttribute("initialized") ? o ? Number(t.value) > Number(o) && t.stepDown() : t.stepDown() : i(t, o), y(t, "change") })), r.addEventListener("click", (function () { t.getAttribute("initialized") ? a ? Number(t.value) < Number(a) && t.stepUp() : t.stepUp() : i(t, o), y(t, "change") })), e.appendChild(n), e.appendChild(r), e } }, { key: "getRangeOutput", value: function (t, e) { var n = document.createElement("output"), r = function (t) { n.value = t.currentTarget.value }; return t.addEventListener("change", r, !1), t.addEventListener("input", r, !1), n } }, { key: "getRangeControl", value: function (t, e) { var n = document.createElement("div"); return n.classList.add("je-range-control"), e && n.appendChild(e), n.appendChild(t), n } }, { key: "getFormInputField", value: function (t) { var e = document.createElement("input"); return e.setAttribute("type", t), e } }, { key: "afterInputReady", value: function (t) { } }, { key: "getFormControl", value: function (t, e, n, r, i) { var o = document.createElement("div"); return o.classList.add("form-control"), t && (o.appendChild(t), i && t.setAttribute("for", i)), "checkbox" !== e.type && "radio" !== e.type || !t ? (r && t && t.appendChild(r), o.appendChild(e)) : ( = "auto", t.insertBefore(e, t.firstChild), r && t.appendChild(r)), n && o.appendChild(n), o } }, { key: "getIndentedPanel", value: function () { var t = document.createElement("div"); return t.classList.add("je-indented-panel"), t } }, { key: "getTopIndentedPanel", value: function () { var t = document.createElement("div"); return t.classList.add("je-indented-panel--top"), t } }, { key: "getChildEditorHolder", value: function () { return document.createElement("div") } }, { key: "getDescription", value: function (t) { var e = document.createElement("p"); return window.DOMPurify ? e.innerHTML = window.DOMPurify.sanitize(t) : e.textContent = this.cleanText(t), e } }, { key: "getCheckboxDescription", value: function (t) { return this.getDescription(t) } }, { key: "getFormInputDescription", value: function (t) { return this.getDescription(t) } }, { key: "getButtonHolder", value: function () { return document.createElement("span") } }, { key: "getHeaderButtonHolder", value: function () { return this.getButtonHolder() } }, { key: "getFormButtonHolder", value: function (t) { return this.getButtonHolder() } }, { key: "getButton", value: function (t, e, n) { var r = document.createElement("button"); return r.type = "button", this.setButtonText(r, t, e, n), r } }, { key: "getFormButton", value: function (t, e, n) { return this.getButton(t, e, n) } }, { key: "setButtonText", value: function (t, e, n, r) { for (; t.firstChild;)t.removeChild(t.firstChild); if (n && (t.appendChild(n), e = " ".concat(e)), !this.jsoneditor.options.iconlib || !this.jsoneditor.options.remove_button_labels || !n) { var i = document.createElement("span"); i.appendChild(document.createTextNode(e)), t.appendChild(i) } r && t.setAttribute("title", r) } }, { key: "getTable", value: function () { return document.createElement("table") } }, { key: "getTableRow", value: function () { return document.createElement("tr") } }, { key: "getTableHead", value: function () { return document.createElement("thead") } }, { key: "getTableBody", value: function () { return document.createElement("tbody") } }, { key: "getTableHeaderCell", value: function (t) { var e = document.createElement("th"); return e.textContent = t, e } }, { key: "getTableCell", value: function () { return document.createElement("td") } }, { key: "getErrorMessage", value: function (t) { var e = document.createElement("p"); return = || {}, = "red", e.appendChild(document.createTextNode(t)), e } }, { key: "addInputError", value: function (t, e) { } }, { key: "removeInputError", value: function (t) { } }, { key: "addTableRowError", value: function (t) { } }, { key: "removeTableRowError", value: function (t) { } }, { key: "getTabHolder", value: function (t) { var e = void 0 === t ? "" : t, n = document.createElement("div"); return n.innerHTML = "<div class='je-tabholder tabs'></div><div class='content' id='".concat(e, "'></div><div class='je-tabholder--clear'></div>"), n } }, { key: "getTopTabHolder", value: function (t) { var e = void 0 === t ? "" : t, n = document.createElement("div"); return n.innerHTML = "<div class='tabs je-tabholder--top'></div><div class='je-tabholder--clear'></div><div class='content' id='".concat(e, "'></div>"), n } }, { key: "applyStyles", value: function (t, e) { Object.keys(e).forEach((function (n) { return[n] = e[n] })) } }, { key: "closest", value: function (t, e) { for (; t && t !== document;) { if (!t[Ka]) return !1; if (t[Ka](e)) return t; t = t.parentNode } return !1 } }, { key: "insertBasicTopTab", value: function (t, e) { e.firstChild.insertBefore(t, e.firstChild.firstChild) } }, { key: "getTab", value: function (t, e) { var n = document.createElement("div"); return n.appendChild(t), = e, n.classList.add("je-tab"), n } }, { key: "getTopTab", value: function (t, e) { var n = document.createElement("div"); return n.appendChild(t), = e, n.classList.add("je-tab--top"), n } }, { key: "getTabContentHolder", value: function (t) { return t.children[1] } }, { key: "getTopTabContentHolder", value: function (t) { return t.children[1] } }, { key: "getTabContent", value: function () { return this.getIndentedPanel() } }, { key: "getTopTabContent", value: function () { return this.getTopIndentedPanel() } }, { key: "markTabActive", value: function (t) { this.applyStyles(, { opacity: 1, background: "white" }), void 0 !== t.rowPane ? = "" : = "" } }, { key: "markTabInactive", value: function (t) { this.applyStyles(, { opacity: .5, background: "" }), void 0 !== t.rowPane ? = "none" : = "none" } }, { key: "addTab", value: function (t, e) { t.children[0].appendChild(e) } }, { key: "addTopTab", value: function (t, e) { t.children[0].appendChild(e) } }, { key: "getBlockLink", value: function () { var t = document.createElement("a"); return t.classList.add("je-block-link"), t } }, { key: "getBlockLinkHolder", value: function () { return document.createElement("div") } }, { key: "getLinksHolder", value: function () { return document.createElement("div") } }, { key: "createMediaLink", value: function (t, e, n) { t.appendChild(e), n.classList.add("je-media"), t.appendChild(n) } }, { key: "createImageLink", value: function (t, e, n) { t.appendChild(e), e.appendChild(n) } }, { key: "getFirstTab", value: function (t) { return t.firstChild.firstChild } }, { key: "getInputGroup", value: function (t, e) { } }, { key: "cleanText", value: function (t) { var e = document.createElement("div"); return e.innerHTML = t, e.textContent || e.innerText } }, { key: "getDropZone", value: function (t) { var e = document.createElement("div"); return e.setAttribute("data-text", t), e.classList.add("je-dropzone"), e } }, { key: "getUploadPreview", value: function (t, e, n) { var r = document.createElement("div"); if (r.classList.add("je-upload-preview"), "image" === t.mimeType.substr(0, 5)) { var i = document.createElement("img"); i.src = n, r.appendChild(i) } var o = document.createElement("div"); o.innerHTML += "<strong>Name:</strong> ".concat(, "<br><strong>Type:</strong> ").concat(t.type, "<br><strong>Size:</strong> ").concat(t.formattedSize), r.appendChild(o), r.appendChild(e); var a = document.createElement("div"); return = "left", r.appendChild(a), r } }, { key: "getProgressBar", value: function () { var t = document.createElement("progress"); return t.setAttribute("max", 100), t.setAttribute("value", 0), t } }, { key: "updateProgressBar", value: function (t, e) { t && t.setAttribute("value", e) } }, { key: "updateProgressBarUnknown", value: function (t) { t && t.removeAttribute("value") } }]) && Qa(e.prototype, n), r && Qa(e, r), t }(); function ts(t) { return (ts = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) { return typeof t } : function (t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t })(t) } function es(t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } function ns(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n]; r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1, r.configurable = !0, "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, r.key, r) } } function rs(t, e, n) { return (rs = "undefined" != typeof Reflect && Reflect.get ? Reflect.get : function (t, e, n) { var r = function (t, e) { for (; !, e) && null !== (t = ss(t));); return t }(t, e); if (r) { var i = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r, e); return i.get ? : i.value } })(t, e, n || t) } function is(t, e) { return (is = Object.setPrototypeOf || function (t, e) { return t.__proto__ = e, t })(t, e) } function os(t) { var e = function () { if ("undefined" == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ("function" == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return, [], (function () { }))), !0 } catch (t) { return !1 } }(); return function () { var n, r = ss(t); if (e) { var i = ss(this).constructor; n = Reflect.construct(r, arguments, i) } else n = r.apply(this, arguments); return as(this, n) } } function as(t, e) { return !e || "object" !== ts(e) && "function" != typeof e ? function (t) { if (void 0 === t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return t }(t) : e } function ss(t) { return (ss = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function (t) { return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t) })(t) } var cs = function (t) { !function (t, e) { if ("function" != typeof e && null !== e) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); t.prototype = Object.create(e && e.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), e && is(t, e) }(o, t); var e, n, r, i = os(o); function o() { return es(this, o), i.apply(this, arguments) } return e = o, (n = [{ key: "getFormInputLabel", value: function (t, e) { var n = rs(ss(o.prototype), "getFormInputLabel", this).call(this, t, e); return n.classList.add("je-form-input-label"), n } }, { key: "getFormInputDescription", value: function (t) { var e = rs(ss(o.prototype), "getFormInputDescription", this).call(this, t); return e.classList.add("je-form-input-label"), e } }, { key: "getIndentedPanel", value: function () { var t = rs(ss(o.prototype), "getIndentedPanel", this).call(this); return t.classList.add("je-indented-panel"), t } }, { key: "getTopIndentedPanel", value: function () { return this.getIndentedPanel() } }, { key: "getChildEditorHolder", value: function () { var t = rs(ss(o.prototype), "getChildEditorHolder", this).call(this); return t.classList.add("je-child-editor-holder"), t } }, { key: "getHeaderButtonHolder", value: function () { var t = this.getButtonHolder(); return t.classList.add("je-header-button-holder"), t } }, { key: "getTable", value: function () { var t = rs(ss(o.prototype), "getTable", this).call(this); return t.classList.add("je-table"), t } }, { key: "addInputError", value: function (t, e) { var n = this.closest(t, ".form-control") || t.controlgroup; t.errmsg ? = "block" : (t.errmsg = document.createElement("div"), t.errmsg.setAttribute("class", "errmsg"), = || {}, = "red", n.appendChild(t.errmsg)), t.errmsg.innerHTML = "", t.errmsg.appendChild(document.createTextNode(e)) } }, { key: "removeInputError", value: function (t) { && ( = ""), t.errmsg && ( = "none") } }]) && ns(e.prototype, n), r && ns(e, r), o }(Xa); cs.rules = { ".je-form-input-label": "display:block;margin-bottom:3px;font-weight:bold", ".je-form-input-description": "display:inline-block;margin:0;font-size:0.8em;font-style:italic", ".je-indented-panel": "padding:5px;margin:10px;border-radius:3px;border:1px%20solid%20%23ddd", ".je-child-editor-holder": "margin-bottom:8px", ".je-header-button-holder": "display:inline-block;margin-left:10px;font-size:0.8em;vertical-align:middle", ".je-table": "margin-bottom:5px;border-bottom:1px%20solid%20%23ccc", ".je-upload-preview img": "float:left;margin:0%200.5rem%200.5rem%200;max-width:100%25;max-height:5rem", ".je-dropzone": "position:relative;margin:0.5rem%200;border:2px%20dashed%20black;width:100%25;height:60px;background:teal;transition:all%200.5s", ".je-dropzone:before": "position:absolute;content:attr(data-text);color:rgba(0%2C%200%2C%200%2C%200.6);left:50%25;top:50%25;transform:translate(-50%25%2C%20-50%25)", ".je-dropzone.valid-dropzone": "background:green", ".je-dropzone.invalid-dropzone": "background:red" }; var ls = n(153), us = n.n(ls); function hs(t) { return (hs = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) { return typeof t } : function (t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t })(t) } function ps(t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } function ds(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n]; r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1, r.configurable = !0, "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, r.key, r) } } function fs(t, e, n) { return (fs = "undefined" != typeof Reflect && Reflect.get ? Reflect.get : function (t, e, n) { var r = function (t, e) { for (; !, e) && null !== (t = bs(t));); return t }(t, e); if (r) { var i = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r, e); return i.get ? : i.value } })(t, e, n || t) } function ys(t, e) { return (ys = Object.setPrototypeOf || function (t, e) { return t.__proto__ = e, t })(t, e) } function ms(t) { var e = function () { if ("undefined" == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ("function" == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return, [], (function () { }))), !0 } catch (t) { return !1 } }(); return function () { var n, r = bs(t); if (e) { var i = bs(this).constructor; n = Reflect.construct(r, arguments, i) } else n = r.apply(this, arguments); return vs(this, n) } } function vs(t, e) { return !e || "object" !== hs(e) && "function" != typeof e ? function (t) { if (void 0 === t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return t }(t) : e } function bs(t) { return (bs = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function (t) { return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t) })(t) } var gs = function (t) { !function (t, e) { if ("function" != typeof e && null !== e) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); t.prototype = Object.create(e && e.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), e && ys(t, e) }(o, t); var e, n, r, i = ms(o); function o() { return ps(this, o), i.apply(this, arguments) } return e = o, (n = [{ key: "getSelectInput", value: function (t, e) { var n = fs(bs(o.prototype), "getSelectInput", this).call(this, t); return n.classList.add("form-control"), n } }, { key: "setGridColumnSize", value: function (t, e, n) { t.classList.add("col-md-".concat(e)), n && t.classList.add("col-md-offset-".concat(n)) } }, { key: "afterInputReady", value: function (t) { if (!t.controlgroup && (t.controlgroup = this.closest(t, ".form-group"), this.closest(t, ".compact") && ( = 0), this.queuedInputErrorText)) { var e = this.queuedInputErrorText; delete this.queuedInputErrorText, this.addInputError(t, e) } } }, { key: "getTextareaInput", value: function () { var t = document.createElement("textarea"); return t.classList.add("form-control"), t } }, { key: "getRangeInput", value: function (t, e, n) { return fs(bs(o.prototype), "getRangeInput", this).call(this, t, e, n) } }, { key: "getFormInputField", value: function (t) { var e = fs(bs(o.prototype), "getFormInputField", this).call(this, t); return "checkbox" !== t && "radio" !== t && e.classList.add("form-control"), e } }, { key: "getFormControl", value: function (t, e, n, r) { var i = document.createElement("div"); return !t || "checkbox" !== e.type && "radio" !== e.type ? (i.classList.add("form-group"), t && (t.classList.add("control-label"), i.appendChild(t), r && t.appendChild(r)), i.appendChild(e)) : (i.classList.add(e.type), r && t.appendChild(r), t.insertBefore(e, t.firstChild), i.appendChild(t)), n && i.appendChild(n), i } }, { key: "getIndentedPanel", value: function () { var t = document.createElement("div"); return t.classList.add("well", "well-sm"), = 0, t } }, { key: "getInfoButton", value: function (t) { var e = document.createElement("span"); e.classList.add("glyphicon", "glyphicon-info-sign", "pull-right"), = ".25rem", = "relative", = "inline-block"; var n = document.createElement("span"); return["font-family"] = "sans-serif", = "hidden",["background-color"] = "rgba(50, 50, 50, .75)", = "0 .25rem", = "#FAFAFA", = ".5rem 1rem",["border-radius"] = ".25rem", = "25rem", = "absolute", n.innerText = t, e.onmouseover = function () { = "visible" }, e.onmouseleave = function () { = "hidden" }, e.appendChild(n), e } }, { key: "getFormInputDescription", value: function (t) { var e = document.createElement("p"); return e.classList.add("help-block"), window.DOMPurify ? e.innerHTML = window.DOMPurify.sanitize(t) : e.textContent = this.cleanText(t), e } }, { key: "getHeaderButtonHolder", value: function () { var t = this.getButtonHolder(); return = "10px", t } }, { key: "getButtonHolder", value: function () { var t = document.createElement("span"); return t.classList.add("btn-group"), t } }, { key: "getButton", value: function (t, e, n) { var r = fs(bs(o.prototype), "getButton", this).call(this, t, e, n); return r.classList.add("btn", "btn-default"), r } }, { key: "getTable", value: function () { var t = document.createElement("table"); return t.classList.add("table", "table-bordered"), = "auto", = "none", t } }, { key: "addInputError", value: function (t, e) { t.controlgroup ? (t.controlgroup.classList.add("has-error"), t.errmsg ? = "" : (t.errmsg = document.createElement("p"), t.errmsg.classList.add("help-block", "errormsg"), t.controlgroup.appendChild(t.errmsg)), t.errmsg.textContent = e) : this.queuedInputErrorText = e } }, { key: "removeInputError", value: function (t) { t.controlgroup || delete this.queuedInputErrorText, t.errmsg && ( = "none", t.controlgroup.classList.remove("has-error")) } }, { key: "getTabHolder", value: function (t) { var e = void 0 === t ? "" : t, n = document.createElement("div"); return n.innerHTML = "<ul class='col-md-2 nav nav-pills nav-stacked' id='".concat(e, "' role='tablist'></ul><div class='col-md-10 tab-content active well well-small' id='").concat(e, "'></div>"), n } }, { key: "getTopTabHolder", value: function (t) { var e = void 0 === t ? "" : t, n = document.createElement("div"); return n.innerHTML = "<ul class='nav nav-tabs' id='".concat(e, "' role='tablist'></ul><div class='tab-content active well well-small' id='").concat(e, "'></div>"), n } }, { key: "getTab", value: function (t, e) { var n = document.createElement("li"); n.setAttribute("role", "presentation"); var r = document.createElement("a"); return r.setAttribute("href", "#".concat(e)), r.appendChild(t), r.setAttribute("aria-controls", e), r.setAttribute("role", "tab"), r.setAttribute("data-toggle", "tab"), n.appendChild(r), n } }, { key: "getTopTab", value: function (t, e) { var n = document.createElement("li"); n.setAttribute("role", "presentation"); var r = document.createElement("a"); return r.setAttribute("href", "#".concat(e)), r.appendChild(t), r.setAttribute("aria-controls", e), r.setAttribute("role", "tab"), r.setAttribute("data-toggle", "tab"), n.appendChild(r), n } }, { key: "getTabContent", value: function () { var t = document.createElement("div"); return t.classList.add("tab-pane"), t.setAttribute("role", "tabpanel"), t } }, { key: "getTopTabContent", value: function () { var t = document.createElement("div"); return t.classList.add("tab-pane"), t.setAttribute("role", "tabpanel"), t } }, { key: "markTabActive", value: function (t) {"active"), void 0 !== t.rowPane ? t.rowPane.classList.add("active") : t.container.classList.add("active") } }, { key: "markTabInactive", value: function (t) {"active"), void 0 !== t.rowPane ? t.rowPane.classList.remove("active") : t.container.classList.remove("active") } }, { key: "getProgressBar", value: function () { var t = document.createElement("div"); t.classList.add("progress"); var e = document.createElement("div"); return e.classList.add("progress-bar"), e.setAttribute("role", "progressbar"), e.setAttribute("aria-valuenow", 0), e.setAttribute("aria-valuemin", 0), e.setAttribute("aria-valuenax", 100), e.innerHTML = "".concat(0, "%"), t.appendChild(e), t } }, { key: "updateProgressBar", value: function (t, e) { if (t) { var n = t.firstChild, r = "".concat(e, "%"); n.setAttribute("aria-valuenow", e), = r, n.innerHTML = r } } }, { key: "updateProgressBarUnknown", value: function (t) { if (t) { var e = t.firstChild; t.classList.add("progress", "progress-striped", "active"), e.removeAttribute("aria-valuenow"), = "100%", e.innerHTML = "" } } }, { key: "getInputGroup", value: function (t, e) { if (t) { var n = document.createElement("div"); n.classList.add("input-group"), n.appendChild(t); var r = document.createElement("div"); r.classList.add("input-group-btn"), n.appendChild(r); for (var i = 0; i < e.length; i++)r.appendChild(e[i]); return n } } }]) && ds(e.prototype, n), r && ds(e, r), o }(Xa); gs.rules = us.a; n(185); function _s(t) { return (_s = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) { return typeof t } : function (t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t })(t) } function ws(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n]; r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1, r.configurable = !0, "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, r.key, r) } } function ks(t, e, n) { return (ks = "undefined" != typeof Reflect && Reflect.get ? Reflect.get : function (t, e, n) { var r = function (t, e) { for (; !, e) && null !== (t = Cs(t));); return t }(t, e); if (r) { var i = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r, e); return i.get ? : i.value } })(t, e, n || t) } function xs(t, e) { return (xs = Object.setPrototypeOf || function (t, e) { return t.__proto__ = e, t })(t, e) } function js(t) { var e = function () { if ("undefined" == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ("function" == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return, [], (function () { }))), !0 } catch (t) { return !1 } }(); return function () { var n, r = Cs(t); if (e) { var i = Cs(this).constructor; n = Reflect.construct(r, arguments, i) } else n = r.apply(this, arguments); return Os(this, n) } } function Os(t, e) { return !e || "object" !== _s(e) && "function" != typeof e ? function (t) { if (void 0 === t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return t }(t) : e } function Cs(t) { return (Cs = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function (t) { return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t) })(t) } var Es = { disable_theme_rules: !1, input_size: "normal", custom_forms: !1, object_indent: !0, object_background: "bg-light", object_text: "", table_border: !1, table_zebrastyle: !1, tooltip: "bootstrap" }, Ss = function (t) { !function (t, e) { if ("function" != typeof e && null !== e) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); t.prototype = Object.create(e && e.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), e && xs(t, e) }(o, t); var e, n, r, i = js(o); function o(t) { return function (t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") }(this, o),, t, Es) } return e = o, (n = [{ key: "getSelectInput", value: function (t, e) { var n = ks(Cs(o.prototype), "getSelectInput", this).call(this, t); return n.classList.add("form-control"), !1 === this.options.custom_forms ? ("small" === this.options.input_size && n.classList.add("form-control-sm"), "large" === this.options.input_size && n.classList.add("form-control-lg")) : (n.classList.remove("form-control"), n.classList.add("custom-select"), "small" === this.options.input_size && n.classList.add("custom-select-sm"), "large" === this.options.input_size && n.classList.add("custom-select-lg")), n } }, { key: "getContainer", value: function () { var t = document.createElement("div"); return this.options.object_indent || t.classList.add("je-noindent"), t } }, { key: "setGridColumnSize", value: function (t, e, n) { t.classList.add("col-md-".concat(e)), n && t.classList.add("offset-md-".concat(n)) } }, { key: "afterInputReady", value: function (t) { if (!t.controlgroup) { var e =; = e; var n = t.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName("label")[0]; n && (n.htmlFor = e), t.controlgroup = this.closest(t, ".form-group") } } }, { key: "getTextareaInput", value: function () { var t = document.createElement("textarea"); return t.classList.add("form-control"), "small" === this.options.input_size && t.classList.add("form-control-sm"), "large" === this.options.input_size && t.classList.add("form-control-lg"), t } }, { key: "getRangeInput", value: function (t, e, n) { var r = ks(Cs(o.prototype), "getRangeInput", this).call(this, t, e, n); return !0 === this.options.custom_forms && (r.classList.remove("form-control"), r.classList.add("custom-range")), r } }, { key: "getStepperButtons", value: function (t) { var e = document.createElement("div"), n = document.createElement("div"), r = document.createElement("div"), i = document.createElement("button"); i.setAttribute("type", "button"); var o = document.createElement("button"); o.setAttribute("type", "button"), e.appendChild(n), e.appendChild(t), e.appendChild(r), n.appendChild(i), r.appendChild(o), e.classList.add("input-group"), n.classList.add("input-group-prepend"), r.classList.add("input-group-append"), i.classList.add("btn"), i.classList.add("btn-secondary"), i.classList.add("stepper-down"), o.classList.add("btn"), o.classList.add("btn-secondary"), o.classList.add("stepper-up"), t.getAttribute("readonly") && (i.setAttribute("disabled", !0), o.setAttribute("disabled", !0)), i.textContent = "-", o.textContent = "+"; var a = function (t, e) { t.value = Number(e || t.value), t.setAttribute("initialized", "1") }, s = t.getAttribute("min"), c = t.getAttribute("max"); return t.addEventListener("change", (function () { t.getAttribute("initialized") || t.setAttribute("initialized", "1") })), i.addEventListener("click", (function () { t.getAttribute("initialized") ? s ? Number(t.value) > Number(s) && t.stepDown() : t.stepDown() : a(t, s), y(t, "change") })), o.addEventListener("click", (function () { t.getAttribute("initialized") ? c ? Number(t.value) < Number(c) && t.stepUp() : t.stepUp() : a(t, s), y(t, "change") })), e } }, { key: "getFormInputField", value: function (t) { var e = ks(Cs(o.prototype), "getFormInputField", this).call(this, t); return "checkbox" !== t && "radio" !== t && "file" !== t && (e.classList.add("form-control"), "small" === this.options.input_size && e.classList.add("form-control-sm"), "large" === this.options.input_size && e.classList.add("form-control-lg")), "file" === t && e.classList.add("form-control-file"), e } }, { key: "getFormControl", value: function (t, e, n, r) { var i = document.createElement("div"); if (i.classList.add("form-group"), !t || "checkbox" !== e.type && "radio" !== e.type) t && (i.appendChild(t), r && i.appendChild(r)), i.appendChild(e); else { var o = document.createElement("div"); !1 === this.options.custom_forms ? (o.classList.add("form-check"), e.classList.add("form-check-input"), t.classList.add("form-check-label")) : (o.classList.add("custom-control"), e.classList.add("custom-control-input"), t.classList.add("custom-control-label"), "checkbox" === e.type ? o.classList.add("custom-checkbox") : o.classList.add("custom-radio")); var a = ( * Math.random()).toFixed(0); e.setAttribute("id", a), t.setAttribute("for", a), o.appendChild(e), o.appendChild(t), r && o.appendChild(r), i.appendChild(o) } return n && i.appendChild(n), i } }, { key: "getInfoButton", value: function (t) { var e = document.createElement("button"); e.type = "button", e.classList.add("ml-3", "jsoneditor-twbs4-text-button"), e.setAttribute("data-toggle", "tooltip"), e.setAttribute("data-placement", "auto"), e.title = t; var n = document.createTextNode("ⓘ"); return e.appendChild(n), "bootstrap" === this.options.tooltip ? window.jQuery && window.jQuery().tooltip ? window.jQuery(e).tooltip() : console.warn("Could not find popper jQuery plugin of Bootstrap.") : "css" === this.options.tooltip && e.classList.add("je-tooltip"), e } }, { key: "getCheckbox", value: function () { return this.getFormInputField("checkbox") } }, { key: "getMultiCheckboxHolder", value: function (t, e, n, r) { var i = document.createElement("div"); i.classList.add("form-group"), e && (i.appendChild(e), r && e.appendChild(r)); var o = document.createElement("div"); return Object.values(t).forEach((function (t) { var e = t.firstChild; o.appendChild(e) })), i.appendChild(o), n && i.appendChild(n), i } }, { key: "getFormRadio", value: function (t) { var e = this.getFormInputField("radio"); for (var n in t) e.setAttribute(n, t[n]); return !1 === this.options.custom_forms ? e.classList.add("form-check-input") : e.classList.add("custom-control-input"), e } }, { key: "getFormRadioLabel", value: function (t, e) { var n = document.createElement("label"); return !1 === this.options.custom_forms ? n.classList.add("form-check-label") : n.classList.add("custom-control-label"), n.appendChild(document.createTextNode(t)), n } }, { key: "getFormRadioControl", value: function (t, e, n) { var r = document.createElement("div"); return !1 === this.options.custom_forms ? r.classList.add("form-check") : r.classList.add("custom-control", "custom-radio"), r.appendChild(e), r.appendChild(t), n && (!1 === this.options.custom_forms ? r.classList.add("form-check-inline") : r.classList.add("custom-control-inline")), r } }, { key: "getIndentedPanel", value: function () { var t = document.createElement("div"); return t.classList.add("card", "card-body", "mb-3"), this.options.object_background && t.classList.add(this.options.object_background), this.options.object_text && t.classList.add(this.options.object_text), t } }, { key: "getFormInputDescription", value: function (t) { var e = document.createElement("small"); return e.classList.add("form-text"), window.DOMPurify ? e.innerHTML = window.DOMPurify.sanitize(t) : e.textContent = this.cleanText(t), e } }, { key: "getHeader", value: function (t, e) { var n = document.createElement("h3"); return n.classList.add("card-title"), n.classList.add("level-" + e), "string" == typeof t ? n.textContent = t : n.appendChild(t), = "inline-block", n } }, { key: "getHeaderButtonHolder", value: function () { return this.getButtonHolder() } }, { key: "getButtonHolder", value: function () { var t = document.createElement("span"); return t.classList.add("btn-group"), t } }, { key: "getFormButtonHolder", value: function (t) { var e = this.getButtonHolder(); return e.classList.add("d-block"), "center" === t ? e.classList.add("text-center") : "right" === t && e.classList.add("text-right"), e } }, { key: "getButton", value: function (t, e, n) { var r = ks(Cs(o.prototype), "getButton", this).call(this, t, e, n); return r.classList.add("btn", "btn-secondary", "btn-sm"), r } }, { key: "getTable", value: function () { var t = document.createElement("table"); return t.classList.add("table", "table-sm"), this.options.table_border && t.classList.add("table-bordered"), this.options.table_zebrastyle && t.classList.add("table-striped"), t } }, { key: "getErrorMessage", value: function (t) { var e = document.createElement("div"); return e.classList.add("alert", "alert-danger"), e.setAttribute("role", "alert"), e.appendChild(document.createTextNode(t)), e } }, { key: "addInputError", value: function (t, e) { t.controlgroup && (t.controlgroup.classList.add("is-invalid"), t.errmsg || (t.errmsg = document.createElement("p"), t.errmsg.classList.add("invalid-feedback"), t.controlgroup.appendChild(t.errmsg), = "block"), = "block", t.errmsg.textContent = e) } }, { key: "removeInputError", value: function (t) { t.errmsg && ( = "none", t.controlgroup.classList.remove("is-invalid")) } }, { key: "getTabHolder", value: function (t) { var e = document.createElement("div"), n = void 0 === t ? "" : t; return e.innerHTML = "<div class='col-md-2' id='".concat(n, "'><ul class='nav flex-column nav-pills'></ul></div><div class='col-md-10'><div class='tab-content' id='").concat(n, "'></div></div>"), e.classList.add("row"), e } }, { key: "addTab", value: function (t, e) { t.children[0].children[0].appendChild(e) } }, { key: "getTabContentHolder", value: function (t) { return t.children[1].children[0] } }, { key: "getTopTabHolder", value: function (t) { var e = void 0 === t ? "" : t, n = document.createElement("div"); return n.classList.add("card"), n.innerHTML = "<div class='card-header'><ul class='nav nav-tabs card-header-tabs' id='".concat(e, "'></ul></div><div class='card-body'><div class='tab-content' id='").concat(e, "'></div></div>"), n } }, { key: "getTab", value: function (t, e) { var n = document.createElement("li"); n.classList.add("nav-item"); var r = document.createElement("a"); return r.classList.add("nav-link"), r.setAttribute("href", "#".concat(e)), r.setAttribute("data-toggle", "tab"), r.appendChild(t), n.appendChild(r), n } }, { key: "getTopTab", value: function (t, e) { var n = document.createElement("li"); n.classList.add("nav-item"); var r = document.createElement("a"); return r.classList.add("nav-link"), r.setAttribute("href", "#".concat(e)), r.setAttribute("data-toggle", "tab"), r.appendChild(t), n.appendChild(r), n } }, { key: "getTabContent", value: function () { var t = document.createElement("div"); return t.classList.add("tab-pane"), t.setAttribute("role", "tabpanel"), t } }, { key: "getTopTabContent", value: function () { var t = document.createElement("div"); return t.classList.add("tab-pane"), t.setAttribute("role", "tabpanel"), t } }, { key: "markTabActive", value: function (t) {"active"), void 0 !== t.rowPane ? t.rowPane.classList.add("active") : t.container.classList.add("active") } }, { key: "markTabInactive", value: function (t) {"active"), void 0 !== t.rowPane ? t.rowPane.classList.remove("active") : t.container.classList.remove("active") } }, { key: "insertBasicTopTab", value: function (t, e) { e.children[0].children[0].insertBefore(t, e.children[0].children[0].firstChild) } }, { key: "addTopTab", value: function (t, e) { t.children[0].children[0].appendChild(e) } }, { key: "getTopTabContentHolder", value: function (t) { return t.children[1].children[0] } }, { key: "getFirstTab", value: function (t) { return t.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild } }, { key: "getProgressBar", value: function () { var t = document.createElement("div"); t.classList.add("progress"); var e = document.createElement("div"); return e.classList.add("progress-bar"), e.setAttribute("role", "progressbar"), e.setAttribute("aria-valuenow", 0), e.setAttribute("aria-valuemin", 0), e.setAttribute("aria-valuenax", 100), e.innerHTML = "".concat(0, "%"), t.appendChild(e), t } }, { key: "updateProgressBar", value: function (t, e) { if (t) { var n = t.firstChild, r = "".concat(e, "%"); n.setAttribute("aria-valuenow", e), = r, n.innerHTML = r } } }, { key: "updateProgressBarUnknown", value: function (t) { if (t) { var e = t.firstChild; t.classList.add("progress", "progress-striped", "active"), e.removeAttribute("aria-valuenow"), = "100%", e.innerHTML = "" } } }, { key: "getBlockLink", value: function () { var t = document.createElement("a"); return t.classList.add("mb-3", "d-inline-block"), t } }, { key: "getLinksHolder", value: function () { return document.createElement("div") } }, { key: "getInputGroup", value: function (t, e) { if (t) { var n = document.createElement("div"); n.classList.add("input-group"), n.appendChild(t); var r = document.createElement("div"); r.classList.add("input-group-append"), n.appendChild(r); for (var i = 0; i < e.length; i++)e[i].classList.remove("mr-2", "btn-secondary"), e[i].classList.add("btn-outline-secondary"), r.appendChild(e[i]); return n } } }]) && ws(e.prototype, n), r && ws(e, r), o }(Xa); function Ps(t) { return (Ps = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) { return typeof t } : function (t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t })(t) } function Rs(t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } function Ls(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n]; r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1, r.configurable = !0, "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, r.key, r) } } function Ts(t, e, n) { return (Ts = "undefined" != typeof Reflect && Reflect.get ? Reflect.get : function (t, e, n) { var r = function (t, e) { for (; !, e) && null !== (t = Ns(t));); return t }(t, e); if (r) { var i = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r, e); return i.get ? : i.value } })(t, e, n || t) } function As(t, e) { return (As = Object.setPrototypeOf || function (t, e) { return t.__proto__ = e, t })(t, e) } function Is(t) { var e = function () { if ("undefined" == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ("function" == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return, [], (function () { }))), !0 } catch (t) { return !1 } }(); return function () { var n, r = Ns(t); if (e) { var i = Ns(this).constructor; n = Reflect.construct(r, arguments, i) } else n = r.apply(this, arguments); return Bs(this, n) } } function Bs(t, e) { return !e || "object" !== Ps(e) && "function" != typeof e ? function (t) { if (void 0 === t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return t }(t) : e } function Ns(t) { return (Ns = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function (t) { return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t) })(t) } Ss.rules = { ".jsoneditor-twbs4-text-button": "background:none;padding:0;border:0;color:currentColor", "td > .form-group": "margin-bottom:0", ".json-editor-btn-upload": "margin-top:1rem", ".je-noindent .card": "padding:0;border:0", ".je-tooltip:hover::before": "display:block;position:absolute;font-size:0.8em;color:%23fff;border-radius:0.2em;content:attr(title);background-color:%23000;margin-top:-2.5em;padding:0.3em", ".je-tooltip:hover::after": "display:block;position:absolute;font-size:0.8em;color:%23fff", ".select2-container--default .select2-selection--single": "height:calc(1.5em%20%2B%200.75rem%20%2B%202px)", ".select2-container--default .select2-selection--single .select2-selection__arrow": "height:calc(1.5em%20%2B%200.75rem%20%2B%202px)", ".select2-container--default .select2-selection--single .select2-selection__rendered": "line-height:calc(1.5em%20%2B%200.75rem%20%2B%202px)", ".selectize-control.form-control": "padding:0", ".selectize-dropdown.form-control": "padding:0;height:auto", ".je-upload-preview img": "float:left;margin:0%200.5rem%200.5rem%200;max-width:100%25;max-height:5rem", ".je-dropzone": "position:relative;margin:0.5rem%200;border:2px%20dashed%20black;width:100%25;height:60px;background:teal;transition:all%200.5s", ".je-dropzone:before": "position:absolute;content:attr(data-text);color:rgba(0%2C%200%2C%200%2C%200.6);left:50%25;top:50%25;transform:translate(-50%25%2C%20-50%25)", ".je-dropzone.valid-dropzone": "background:green", ".je-dropzone.invalid-dropzone": "background:red" }; var Fs = function (t) { !function (t, e) { if ("function" != typeof e && null !== e) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); t.prototype = Object.create(e && e.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), e && As(t, e) }(o, t); var e, n, r, i = Is(o); function o() { return Rs(this, o), i.apply(this, arguments) } return e = o, (n = [{ key: "getTable", value: function () { var t = Ts(Ns(o.prototype), "getTable", this).call(this); return t.setAttribute("cellpadding", 5), t.setAttribute("cellspacing", 0), t } }, { key: "getTableHeaderCell", value: function (t) { var e = Ts(Ns(o.prototype), "getTableHeaderCell", this).call(this, t); return e.classList.add("ui-state-active"), = "bold", e } }, { key: "getTableCell", value: function () { var t = Ts(Ns(o.prototype), "getTableCell", this).call(this); return t.classList.add("ui-widget-content"), t } }, { key: "getHeaderButtonHolder", value: function () { var t = this.getButtonHolder(); return = "10px", = ".6em", = "inline-block", t } }, { key: "getFormInputDescription", value: function (t) { var e = this.getDescription(t); return = "10px", = "inline-block", e } }, { key: "getFormControl", value: function (t, e, n, r) { var i = Ts(Ns(o.prototype), "getFormControl", this).call(this, t, e, n, r); return "checkbox" === e.type ? ( = "25px", = "3px 0") : = "4px 0 8px 0", i } }, { key: "getDescription", value: function (t) { var e = document.createElement("span"); return = ".8em", = "italic", window.DOMPurify ? e.innerHTML = window.DOMPurify.sanitize(t) : e.textContent = this.cleanText(t), e } }, { key: "getButtonHolder", value: function () { var t = document.createElement("div"); return t.classList.add("ui-buttonset"), = ".7em", t } }, { key: "getFormInputLabel", value: function (t, e) { var n = document.createElement("label"); return = "bold", = "block", n.textContent = t, e && n.classList.add("required"), n } }, { key: "getButton", value: function (t, e, n) { var r = document.createElement("button"); r.classList.add("ui-button", "ui-widget", "ui-state-default", "ui-corner-all"), e && !t ? (r.classList.add("ui-button-icon-only"), e.classList.add("ui-button-icon-primary", "ui-icon-primary"), r.appendChild(e)) : e ? (r.classList.add("ui-button-text-icon-primary"), e.classList.add("ui-button-icon-primary", "ui-icon-primary"), r.appendChild(e)) : r.classList.add("ui-button-text-only"); var i = document.createElement("span"); return i.classList.add("ui-button-text"), i.textContent = t || n || ".", r.appendChild(i), r.setAttribute("title", n), r } }, { key: "setButtonText", value: function (t, e, n, r) { t.innerHTML = "", t.classList.add("ui-button", "ui-widget", "ui-state-default", "ui-corner-all"), n && !e ? (t.classList.add("ui-button-icon-only"), n.classList.add("ui-button-icon-primary", "ui-icon-primary"), t.appendChild(n)) : n ? (t.classList.add("ui-button-text-icon-primary"), n.classList.add("ui-button-icon-primary", "ui-icon-primary"), t.appendChild(n)) : t.classList.add("ui-button-text-only"); var i = document.createElement("span"); i.classList.add("ui-button-text"), i.textContent = e || r || ".", t.appendChild(i), t.setAttribute("title", r) } }, { key: "getIndentedPanel", value: function () { var t = document.createElement("div"); return t.classList.add("ui-widget-content", "ui-corner-all"), = "1em 1.4em", = "20px", t } }, { key: "afterInputReady", value: function (t) { if (!t.controls && (t.controls = this.closest(t, ".form-control"), this.queuedInputErrorText)) { var e = this.queuedInputErrorText; delete this.queuedInputErrorText, this.addInputError(t, e) } } }, { key: "addInputError", value: function (t, e) { t.controls ? (t.errmsg ? = "" : (t.errmsg = document.createElement("div"), t.errmsg.classList.add("ui-state-error"), t.controls.appendChild(t.errmsg)), t.errmsg.textContent = e) : this.queuedInputErrorText = e } }, { key: "removeInputError", value: function (t) { t.controls || delete this.queuedInputErrorText, t.errmsg && ( = "none") } }, { key: "markTabActive", value: function (t) {"ui-widget-header"),"ui-state-active"), void 0 !== t.rowPane ? = "" : = "" } }, { key: "markTabInactive", value: function (t) {"ui-widget-header"),"ui-state-active"), void 0 !== t.rowPane ? = "none" : = "none" } }]) && Ls(e.prototype, n), r && Ls(e, r), o }(Xa); Fs.rules = { 'div[data-schemaid="root"]:after': 'position:relative;color:red;margin:10px 0;font-weight:600;display:block;width:100%;text-align:center;content:"This is an old JSON-Editor 1.x Theme and might not display elements correctly when used with the 2.x version"' }; function Vs(t) { return (Vs = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) { return typeof t } : function (t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t })(t) } function Ds(t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } function Ms(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n]; r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1, r.configurable = !0, "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, r.key, r) } } function Hs(t, e) { return (Hs = Object.setPrototypeOf || function (t, e) { return t.__proto__ = e, t })(t, e) } function zs(t) { var e = function () { if ("undefined" == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ("function" == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return, [], (function () { }))), !0 } catch (t) { return !1 } }(); return function () { var n, r = Us(t); if (e) { var i = Us(this).constructor; n = Reflect.construct(r, arguments, i) } else n = r.apply(this, arguments); return qs(this, n) } } function qs(t, e) { return !e || "object" !== Vs(e) && "function" != typeof e ? function (t) { if (void 0 === t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return t }(t) : e } function Us(t) { return (Us = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function (t) { return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t) })(t) } var Gs = function (t) { !function (t, e) { if ("function" != typeof e && null !== e) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); t.prototype = Object.create(e && e.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), e && Hs(t, e) }(o, t); var e, n, r, i = zs(o); function o() { return Ds(this, o), i.apply(this, arguments) } return e = o, (n = [{ key: "addInputError", value: function (t, e) { if (t.errmsg) = "block"; else { var n = this.closest(t, ".form-control"); t.errmsg = document.createElement("div"), t.errmsg.setAttribute("class", "errmsg"), n.appendChild(t.errmsg) } t.errmsg.innerHTML = "", t.errmsg.appendChild(document.createTextNode(e)) } }, { key: "removeInputError", value: function (t) { && ( = ""), t.errmsg && ( = "none") } }]) && Ms(e.prototype, n), r && Ms(e, r), o }(Xa); Gs.rules = { ".je-upload-preview img": "float:left;margin:0%200.5rem%200.5rem%200;max-width:100%25;max-height:5rem", ".je-dropzone": "position:relative;margin:0.5rem%200;border:2px%20dashed%20black;width:100%25;height:60px;background:teal;transition:all%200.5s", ".je-dropzone:before": "position:absolute;content:attr(data-text);color:rgba(0%2C%200%2C%200%2C%200.6);left:50%25;top:50%25;transform:translate(-50%25%2C%20-50%25)", ".je-dropzone.valid-dropzone": "background:green", ".je-dropzone.invalid-dropzone": "background:red" }; function $s(t) { return ($s = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) { return typeof t } : function (t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t })(t) } function Js(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n]; r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1, r.configurable = !0, "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, r.key, r) } } function Ws(t, e, n) { return (Ws = "undefined" != typeof Reflect && Reflect.get ? Reflect.get : function (t, e, n) { var r = function (t, e) { for (; !, e) && null !== (t = Ks(t));); return t }(t, e); if (r) { var i = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r, e); return i.get ? : i.value } })(t, e, n || t) } function Zs(t, e) { return (Zs = Object.setPrototypeOf || function (t, e) { return t.__proto__ = e, t })(t, e) } function Ys(t) { var e = function () { if ("undefined" == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ("function" == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return, [], (function () { }))), !0 } catch (t) { return !1 } }(); return function () { var n, r = Ks(t); if (e) { var i = Ks(this).constructor; n = Reflect.construct(r, arguments, i) } else n = r.apply(this, arguments); return Qs(this, n) } } function Qs(t, e) { return !e || "object" !== $s(e) && "function" != typeof e ? function (t) { if (void 0 === t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return t }(t) : e } function Ks(t) { return (Ks = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function (t) { return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t) })(t) } var Xs = { disable_theme_rules: !1, label_bold: !0, align_bottom: !1, object_indent: !1, object_border: !1, table_border: !1, table_zebrastyle: !1, input_size: "normal" }, tc = function (t) { !function (t, e) { if ("function" != typeof e && null !== e) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); t.prototype = Object.create(e && e.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), e && Zs(t, e) }(o, t); var e, n, r, i = Ys(o); function o(t) { return function (t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") }(this, o),, t, Xs) } return e = o, (n = [{ key: "setGridColumnSize", value: function (t, e, n) { t.classList.add("col-".concat(e)), n && t.classList.add("col-mx-auto") } }, { key: "getGridContainer", value: function () { var t = document.createElement("div"); return t.classList.add("container"), this.options.object_indent || t.classList.add("je-noindent"), t } }, { key: "getGridRow", value: function () { var t = document.createElement("div"); return t.classList.add("columns"), t } }, { key: "getGridColumn", value: function () { var t = document.createElement("div"); return t.classList.add("column"), this.options.align_bottom && t.classList.add("je-align-bottom"), t } }, { key: "getIndentedPanel", value: function () { var t = document.createElement("div"); return t.classList.add("je-panel"), this.options.object_border && t.classList.add("je-border"), t } }, { key: "getTopIndentedPanel", value: function () { var t = document.createElement("div"); return t.classList.add("je-panel-top"), this.options.object_border && t.classList.add("je-border"), t } }, { key: "getHeaderButtonHolder", value: function () { return this.getButtonHolder() } }, { key: "getButtonHolder", value: function () { var t = Ws(Ks(o.prototype), "getButtonHolder", this).call(this); return t.classList.add("btn-group"), t } }, { key: "getFormButtonHolder", value: function (t) { var e = Ws(Ks(o.prototype), "getFormButtonHolder", this).call(this); return e.classList.remove("btn-group"), e.classList.add("d-block"), "center" === t ? e.classList.add("text-center") : "right" === t ? e.classList.add("text-right") : e.classList.add("text-left"), e } }, { key: "getFormButton", value: function (t, e, n) { var r = Ws(Ks(o.prototype), "getFormButton", this).call(this, t, e, n); return r.classList.add("btn", "btn-primary", "mx-2", "my-1"), "small" !== this.options.input_size && r.classList.remove("btn-sm"), "large" === this.options.input_size && r.classList.add("btn-lg"), r } }, { key: "getButton", value: function (t, e, n) { var r = Ws(Ks(o.prototype), "getButton", this).call(this, t, e, n); return r.classList.add("btn", "btn-sm", "btn-primary", "mr-2", "my-1"), r } }, { key: "getHeader", value: function (t, e) { var n = document.createElement("h4"); return "string" == typeof t ? n.textContent = t : n.appendChild(t), = "inline-block", n } }, { key: "getFormInputDescription", value: function (t) { var e = Ws(Ks(o.prototype), "getFormInputDescription", this).call(this, t); return e.classList.add("je-desc", "hide-sm"), e } }, { key: "getFormInputLabel", value: function (t, e) { var n = Ws(Ks(o.prototype), "getFormInputLabel", this).call(this, t, e); return this.options.label_bold && n.classList.add("je-label"), n } }, { key: "getCheckbox", value: function () { return this.getFormInputField("checkbox") } }, { key: "getCheckboxLabel", value: function (t, e) { var n = Ws(Ks(o.prototype), "getCheckboxLabel", this).call(this, t, e), r = document.createElement("i"); return r.classList.add("form-icon"), n.classList.add("form-checkbox", "pr-0"), n.insertBefore(r, n.firstChild), n } }, { key: "getFormCheckboxControl", value: function (t, e, n) { return t.insertBefore(e, t.firstChild), n && t.classList.add("form-inline"), t } }, { key: "getMultiCheckboxHolder", value: function (t, e, n, r) { return Ws(Ks(o.prototype), "getMultiCheckboxHolder", this).call(this, t, e, n, r) } }, { key: "getFormRadio", value: function (t) { var e = this.getFormInputField("radio"); for (var n in t) e.setAttribute(n, t[n]); return e } }, { key: "getFormRadioLabel", value: function (t, e) { var n = Ws(Ks(o.prototype), "getFormRadioLabel", this).call(this, t, e), r = document.createElement("i"); return r.classList.add("form-icon"), n.classList.add("form-radio"), n.insertBefore(r, n.firstChild), n } }, { key: "getFormRadioControl", value: function (t, e, n) { return t.insertBefore(e, t.firstChild), n && t.classList.add("form-inline"), t } }, { key: "getFormInputField", value: function (t) { var e = Ws(Ks(o.prototype), "getFormInputField", this).call(this, t); return ["checkbox", "radio"].includes(t) || e.classList.add("form-input"), e } }, { key: "getRangeInput", value: function (t, e, n) { var r = this.getFormInputField("range"); return r.classList.add("slider"), r.classList.remove("form-input"), r.setAttribute("oninput", 'this.setAttribute("value", this.value)'), r.setAttribute("min", t), r.setAttribute("max", e), r.setAttribute("step", n), r } }, { key: "getRangeControl", value: function (t, e) { var n = Ws(Ks(o.prototype), "getRangeControl", this).call(this, t, e); return n.classList.add("text-center"), n } }, { key: "getSelectInput", value: function (t, e) { var n = Ws(Ks(o.prototype), "getSelectInput", this).call(this, t); return n.classList.add("form-select"), n } }, { key: "getTextareaInput", value: function () { var t = document.createElement("textarea"); return t.classList.add("form-input"), t } }, { key: "getFormControl", value: function (t, e, n, r) { var i = document.createElement("div"); return i.classList.add("form-group"), !t || "checkbox" !== e.type && "radio" !== e.type ? (t && (t.classList.add("form-label"), i.appendChild(t), r && t.appendChild(r)), i.appendChild(e)) : (i.classList.add(e.type), r && t.appendChild(r), t.insertBefore(e, t.firstChild), i.appendChild(t)), "small" === this.options.input_size ? e.classList.add("input-sm", "select-sm") : "large" === this.options.input_size && e.classList.add("input-lg", "select-lg"), "checkbox" !== e.type && i.appendChild(e), n && i.appendChild(n), i } }, { key: "getInputGroup", value: function (t, e) { if (t) { var n = document.createElement("div"); n.classList.add("input-group"), n.appendChild(t); for (var r = 0; r < e.length; r++)e[r].classList.add("input-group-btn"), e[r].classList.remove("btn-sm", "mr-2", "my-1"), n.appendChild(e[r]); return n } } }, { key: "getInfoButton", value: function (t) { var e = document.createElement("div"); e.classList.add("popover", "popover-left", "float-right"); var n = document.createElement("button"); n.classList.add("btn", "btn-secondary", "btn-info", "btn-action", "s-circle"), n.setAttribute("tabindex", "-1"), e.appendChild(n); var r = document.createTextNode("I"); n.appendChild(r); var i = document.createElement("div"); i.classList.add("popover-container"), e.appendChild(i); var o = document.createElement("div"); o.classList.add("card"), i.appendChild(o); var a = document.createElement("div"); return a.classList.add("card-body"), a.innerHTML = t, o.appendChild(a), e } }, { key: "getTable", value: function () { var t = Ws(Ks(o.prototype), "getTable", this).call(this); return t.classList.add("table", "table-scroll"), this.options.table_border && t.classList.add("je-table-border"), this.options.table_zebrastyle && t.classList.add("table-striped"), t } }, { key: "getProgressBar", value: function () { var t = Ws(Ks(o.prototype), "getProgressBar", this).call(this); return t.classList.add("progress"), t } }, { key: "getTabHolder", value: function (t) { var e = void 0 === t ? "" : t, n = document.createElement("div"); return n.classList.add("columns"), n.innerHTML = '<div class="column col-2"></div><div class="column col-10 content" id="'.concat(e, '"></div>'), n } }, { key: "getTopTabHolder", value: function (t) { var e = void 0 === t ? "" : t, n = document.createElement("div"); return n.innerHTML = '<ul class="tab"></ul><div class="content" id="'.concat(e, '"></div>'), n } }, { key: "getTab", value: function (t, e) { var n = document.createElement("a"); return n.classList.add("btn", "btn-secondary", "btn-block"), n.setAttribute("href", "#".concat(e)), n.appendChild(t), n } }, { key: "getTopTab", value: function (t, e) { var n = document.createElement("li"); = e, n.classList.add("tab-item"); var r = document.createElement("a"); return r.setAttribute("href", "#".concat(e)), r.appendChild(t), n.appendChild(r), n } }, { key: "markTabActive", value: function (t) {"active"), void 0 !== t.rowPane ? = "" : = "" } }, { key: "markTabInactive", value: function (t) {"active"), void 0 !== t.rowPane ? = "none" : = "none" } }, { key: "afterInputReady", value: function (t) { if ("select" === t.localName) if (t.classList.contains("selectized")) { var e = t.nextSibling; e && (e.classList.remove("form-select"), Array.from(e.querySelectorAll(".form-select")).forEach((function (t) { t.classList.remove("form-select") }))) } else if (t.classList.contains("select2-hidden-accessible")) { var n = t.nextSibling; n && n.querySelector(".select2-selection--single") && n.classList.add("form-select") } t.controlgroup || (t.controlgroup = this.closest(t, ".form-group"), this.closest(t, ".compact") && ( = 0)) } }, { key: "addInputError", value: function (t, e) { t.controlgroup && (t.controlgroup.classList.add("has-error"), t.errmsg || (t.errmsg = document.createElement("p"), t.errmsg.classList.add("form-input-hint"), t.controlgroup.appendChild(t.errmsg)), t.errmsg.classList.remove("d-hide"), t.errmsg.textContent = e) } }, { key: "removeInputError", value: function (t) { t.errmsg && (t.errmsg.classList.add("d-hide"), t.controlgroup.classList.remove("has-error")) } }]) && Js(e.prototype, n), r && Js(e, r), o }(Xa); tc.rules = { "*": "--primary-color:%235755d9;--gray-color:%23bcc3ce;--light-color:%23fff", ".slider:focus": "box-shadow:none", "h4 > label + .btn-group": "margin-left:1rem", ".text-right > button": "margin-right:0%20!important", ".text-left > button": "margin-left:0%20!important", ".property-selector": "font-size:0.7rem;font-weight:normal;max-height:260px%20!important;width:395px%20!important", ".property-selector .form-checkbox": "margin:0", textarea: "width:100%25;min-height:2rem;resize:vertical", table: "border-collapse:collapse", ".table td": "padding:0.4rem%200.4rem", ".mr-5": "margin-right:1rem%20!important", "div[data-schematype]:not([data-schematype='object'])": "transition:0.5s", "div[data-schematype]:not([data-schematype='object']):hover": "background-color:%23eee", ".je-table-border td": "border:0.05rem%20solid%20%23dadee4%20!important", ".btn-info": "font-size:0.5rem;font-weight:bold;height:0.8rem;padding:0.15rem%200;line-height:0.8;margin:0.3rem%200%200.3rem%200.1rem", ".je-label + select": "min-width:5rem", ".je-label": "font-weight:600", ".btn-action.btn-info": "width:0.8rem", ".je-border": "border:0.05rem%20solid%20%23dadee4", ".je-panel": "padding:0.2rem;margin:0.2rem;background-color:rgba(218%2C%20222%2C%20228%2C%200.1)", ".je-panel-top": "padding:0.2rem;margin:0.2rem;background-color:rgba(218%2C%20222%2C%20228%2C%200.1)", ".required:after": "content:%22%20*%22;color:red;font:inherit", ".je-align-bottom": "margin-top:auto", ".je-desc": "font-size:smaller;margin:0.2rem%200", ".je-upload-preview img": "float:left;margin:0%200.5rem%200.5rem%200;max-width:100%25;max-height:5rem;border:3px%20solid%20white;box-shadow:0px%200px%208px%20rgba(0%2C%200%2C%200%2C%200.3);box-sizing:border-box", ".je-dropzone": "position:relative;margin:0.5rem%200;border:2px%20dashed%20black;width:100%25;height:60px;background:teal;transition:all%200.5s", ".je-dropzone:before": "position:absolute;content:attr(data-text);color:rgba(0%2C%200%2C%200%2C%200.6);left:50%25;top:50%25;transform:translate(-50%25%2C%20-50%25)", ".je-dropzone.valid-dropzone": "background:green", ".je-dropzone.invalid-dropzone": "background:red", ".columns": "padding-left:0;padding-right:0", ".selectize-control.multi .item": "background:var(--primary-color)%20!important", ".select2-container--default .select2-selection--single .select2-selection__arrow": "display:none", ".select2-container--default .select2-selection--single": "border:none", ".select2-container .select2-selection--single .select2-selection__rendered": "padding:0", ".select2-container .select2-search--inline .select2-search__field": "margin-top:0", ".select2-container--default.select2-container--focus .select2-selection--multiple": "border:0.05rem%20solid%20var(--gray-color)", ".select2-container--default .select2-selection--multiple .select2-selection__choice": "margin:0.4rem%200.2rem%200.2rem%200;padding:2px%205px;background-color:var(--primary-color);color:var(--light-color)", ".select2-container--default .select2-search--inline .select2-search__field": "line-height:normal", ".choices": "margin-bottom:auto", ".choices__list--multiple .choices__item": "border:none;background-color:var(--primary-color);color:var(--light-color)", ".choices[data-type*='select-multiple'] .choices__button": "border-left:0.05rem%20solid%20%232826a6", ".choices__inner": "font-size:inherit;min-height:20px;padding:4px%207.5px%204px%203.75px", ".choices[data-type*='select-one'] .choices__inner": "padding-bottom:4px", ".choices__list--dropdown .choices__item": "font-size:inherit" }; function ec(t) { return (ec = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) { return typeof t } : function (t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t })(t) } function nc(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n]; r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1, r.configurable = !0, "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, r.key, r) } } function rc(t, e, n) { return (rc = "undefined" != typeof Reflect && Reflect.get ? Reflect.get : function (t, e, n) { var r = function (t, e) { for (; !, e) && null !== (t = sc(t));); return t }(t, e); if (r) { var i = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r, e); return i.get ? : i.value } })(t, e, n || t) } function ic(t, e) { return (ic = Object.setPrototypeOf || function (t, e) { return t.__proto__ = e, t })(t, e) } function oc(t) { var e = function () { if ("undefined" == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ("function" == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return, [], (function () { }))), !0 } catch (t) { return !1 } }(); return function () { var n, r = sc(t); if (e) { var i = sc(this).constructor; n = Reflect.construct(r, arguments, i) } else n = r.apply(this, arguments); return ac(this, n) } } function ac(t, e) { return !e || "object" !== ec(e) && "function" != typeof e ? function (t) { if (void 0 === t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return t }(t) : e } function sc(t) { return (sc = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function (t) { return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t) })(t) } var cc = { disable_theme_rules: !1, label_bold: !1, object_panel_default: !0, object_indent: !0, object_border: !1, table_border: !1, table_hdiv: !1, table_zebrastyle: !1, input_size: "small", enable_compact: !1 }, lc = function (t) { !function (t, e) { if ("function" != typeof e && null !== e) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); t.prototype = Object.create(e && e.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), e && ic(t, e) }(o, t); var e, n, r, i = oc(o); function o(t) { return function (t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") }(this, o),, t, cc) } return e = o, (n = [{ key: "getGridContainer", value: function () { var t = document.createElement("div"); return t.classList.add("flex", "flex-col", "w-full"), this.options.object_indent || t.classList.add("je-noindent"), t } }, { key: "getGridRow", value: function () { var t = document.createElement("div"); return t.classList.add("flex", "flex-wrap", "w-full"), t } }, { key: "getGridColumn", value: function () { var t = document.createElement("div"); return t.classList.add("flex", "flex-col"), t } }, { key: "setGridColumnSize", value: function (t, e, n) { e > 0 && e < 12 ? t.classList.add("w-".concat(e, "/12"), "px-1") : t.classList.add("w-full", "px-1"), n && ( = "".concat(100 / 12 * n, "%")) } }, { key: "getIndentedPanel", value: function () { var t = document.createElement("div"); return this.options.object_panel_default ? t.classList.add("w-full", "p-1") : t.classList.add("relative", "flex", "flex-col", "rounded", "break-words", "border", "bg-white", "border-0", "border-blue-400", "p-1", "shadow-md"), this.options.object_border && t.classList.add("je-border"), t } }, { key: "getTopIndentedPanel", value: function () { var t = document.createElement("div"); return this.options.object_panel_default ? t.classList.add("w-full", "m-2") : t.classList.add("relative", "flex", "flex-col", "rounded", "break-words", "border", "bg-white", "border-0", "border-blue-400", "p-1", "shadow-md"), this.options.object_border && t.classList.add("je-border"), t } }, { key: "getTitle", value: function () { return this.translateProperty(this.schema.title) } }, { key: "getSelectInput", value: function (t, e) { var n = rc(sc(o.prototype), "getSelectInput", this).call(this, t); return e ? n.classList.add("form-multiselect", "block", "py-0", "h-auto", "w-full", "px-1", "text-sm", "text-black", "leading-normal", "bg-white", "border", "border-grey", "rounded") : n.classList.add("form-select", "block", "py-0", "h-6", "w-full", "px-1", "text-sm", "text-black", "leading-normal", "bg-white", "border", "border-grey", "rounded"), this.options.enable_compact && n.classList.add("compact"), n } }, { key: "afterInputReady", value: function (t) { t.controlgroup || (t.controlgroup = this.closest(t, ".form-group"), this.closest(t, ".compact") && ( = 0)) } }, { key: "getTextareaInput", value: function () { var t = rc(sc(o.prototype), "getTextareaInput", this).call(this); return t.classList.add("block", "w-full", "px-1", "text-sm", "leading-normal", "bg-white", "text-black", "border", "border-grey", "rounded"), this.options.enable_compact && t.classList.add("compact"), = 0, t } }, { key: "getRangeInput", value: function (t, e, n) { var r = this.getFormInputField("range"); return r.classList.add("slider"), this.options.enable_compact && r.classList.add("compact"), r.setAttribute("oninput", 'this.setAttribute("value", this.value)'), r.setAttribute("min", t), r.setAttribute("max", e), r.setAttribute("step", n), r } }, { key: "getRangeControl", value: function (t, e) { var n = rc(sc(o.prototype), "getRangeControl", this).call(this, t, e); return n.classList.add("text-center", "text-black"), n } }, { key: "getCheckbox", value: function () { var t = this.getFormInputField("checkbox"); return t.classList.add("form-checkbox", "text-red-600"), t } }, { key: "getCheckboxLabel", value: function (t, e) { var n = rc(sc(o.prototype), "getCheckboxLabel", this).call(this, t, e); return n.classList.add("inline-flex", "items-center"), n } }, { key: "getFormCheckboxControl", value: function (t, e, n) { return t.insertBefore(e, t.firstChild), n && t.classList.add("inline-flex flex-row"), t } }, { key: "getMultiCheckboxHolder", value: function (t, e, n, r) { var i = rc(sc(o.prototype), "getMultiCheckboxHolder", this).call(this, t, e, n, r); return i.classList.add("inline-flex", "flex-col"), i } }, { key: "getFormRadio", value: function (t) { var e = this.getFormInputField("radio"); for (var n in e.classList.add("form-radio", "text-red-600"), t) e.setAttribute(n, t[n]); return e } }, { key: "getFormRadioLabel", value: function (t, e) { var n = rc(sc(o.prototype), "getFormRadioLabel", this).call(this, t, e); return n.classList.add("inline-flex", "items-center", "mr-2"), n } }, { key: "getFormRadioControl", value: function (t, e, n) { return t.insertBefore(e, t.firstChild), n && t.classList.add("form-radio"), t } }, { key: "getRadioHolder", value: function (t, e, n, r, i) { var a = rc(sc(o.prototype), "getRadioHolder", this).call(this, e, n, r, i); return "h" === t.options.layout ? a.classList.add("inline-flex", "flex-row") : a.classList.add("inline-flex", "flex-col"), a } }, { key: "getFormInputLabel", value: function (t, e) { var n = rc(sc(o.prototype), "getFormInputLabel", this).call(this, t, e); return this.options.label_bold ? n.classList.add("font-bold") : n.classList.add("required"), n } }, { key: "getFormInputField", value: function (t) { var e = rc(sc(o.prototype), "getFormInputField", this).call(this, t); return ["checkbox", "radio"].includes(t) || e.classList.add("block", "w-full", "px-1", "text-black", "text-sm", "leading-normal", "bg-white", "border", "border-grey", "rounded"), this.options.enable_compact && e.classList.add("compact"), e } }, { key: "getFormInputDescription", value: function (t) { var e = document.createElement("p"); return e.classList.add("block", "mt-1", "text-xs"), window.DOMPurify ? e.innerHTML = window.DOMPurify.sanitize(t) : e.textContent = this.cleanText(t), e } }, { key: "getFormControl", value: function (t, e, n, r) { var i = document.createElement("div"); return i.classList.add("form-group", "mb-1", "w-full"), t && (t.classList.add("text-xs"), "checkbox" === e.type && (e.classList.add("form-checkbox", "text-xs", "text-red-600", "mr-1"), t.classList.add("items-center", "flex"), t = this.getFormCheckboxControl(t, e, !1, r)), "radio" === e.type && (e.classList.add("form-radio", "text-red-600", "mr-1"), t.classList.add("items-center", "flex"), t = this.getFormRadioControl(t, e, !1, r)), i.appendChild(t), !["checkbox", "radio"].includes(e.type) && r && i.appendChild(r)), ["checkbox", "radio"].includes(e.type) || ("small" === this.options.input_size ? e.classList.add("text-xs") : "normal" === this.options.input_size ? e.classList.add("text-base") : "large" === this.options.input_size && e.classList.add("text-xl"), i.appendChild(e)), n && i.appendChild(n), i } }, { key: "getHeaderButtonHolder", value: function () { var t = this.getButtonHolder(); return t.classList.add("text-sm"), t } }, { key: "getButtonHolder", value: function () { var t = document.createElement("div"); return t.classList.add("flex", "relative", "inline-flex", "align-middle"), t } }, { key: "getButton", value: function (t, e, n) { var r = rc(sc(o.prototype), "getButton", this).call(this, t, e, n); return r.classList.add("inline-block", "align-middle", "text-center", "text-sm", "bg-blue-700", "text-white", "py-1", "pr-1", "m-2", "shadow", "select-none", "whitespace-no-wrap", "rounded"), r } }, { key: "getInfoButton", value: function (t) { var e = document.createElement("a"); e.classList.add("tooltips", "float-right"), e.innerHTML = "ⓘ"; var n = document.createElement("span"); return n.innerHTML = t, e.appendChild(n), e } }, { key: "getTable", value: function () { var t = rc(sc(o.prototype), "getTable", this).call(this); return this.options.table_border ? t.classList.add("je-table-border") : t.classList.add("table", "border", "p-0"), t } }, { key: "getTableRow", value: function () { var t = rc(sc(o.prototype), "getTableRow", this).call(this); return this.options.table_border && t.classList.add("je-table-border"), this.options.table_zebrastyle && t.classList.add("je-table-zebra"), t } }, { key: "getTableHeaderCell", value: function (t) { var e = rc(sc(o.prototype), "getTableHeaderCell", this).call(this, t); return this.options.table_border ? e.classList.add("je-table-border") : this.options.table_hdiv ? e.classList.add("je-table-hdiv") : e.classList.add("text-xs", "border", "p-0", "m-0"), e } }, { key: "getTableCell", value: function () { var t = rc(sc(o.prototype), "getTableCell", this).call(this); return this.options.table_border ? t.classList.add("je-table-border") : this.options.table_hdiv ? t.classList.add("je-table-hdiv") : t.classList.add("border-0", "p-0", "m-0"), t } }, { key: "addInputError", value: function (t, e) { t.controlgroup && (t.controlgroup.classList.add("has-error"), t.classList.add("bg-red-600"), t.errmsg ? = "" : (t.errmsg = document.createElement("p"), t.errmsg.classList.add("block", "mt-1", "text-xs", "text-red"), t.controlgroup.appendChild(t.errmsg)), t.errmsg.textContent = e) } }, { key: "removeInputError", value: function (t) { t.errmsg && ( = "none", t.classList.remove("bg-red-600"), t.controlgroup.classList.remove("has-error")) } }, { key: "getTabHolder", value: function (t) { var e = document.createElement("div"), n = void 0 === t ? "" : t; return e.innerHTML = "<div class='w-2/12' id='".concat(n, "'><ul class='list-reset pl-0 mb-0'></ul></div><div class='w-10/12' id='").concat(n, "'></div>"), e.classList.add("flex"), e } }, { key: "addTab", value: function (t, e) { t.children[0].children[0].appendChild(e) } }, { key: "getTopTabHolder", value: function (t) { var e = void 0 === t ? "" : t, n = document.createElement("div"); return n.innerHTML = "<ul class='nav-tabs flex list-reset pl-0 mb-0 border-b border-grey-light' id='".concat(e, "'></ul><div class='p-6 block' id='").concat(e, "'></div>"), n } }, { key: "getTab", value: function (t, e) { var n = document.createElement("li"); n.classList.add("nav-item", "flex-col", "text-center", "text-white", "bg-blue-500", "shadow-md", "border", "p-2", "mb-2", "mr-2", "hover:bg-blue-400", "rounded"); var r = document.createElement("a"); return r.classList.add("nav-link", "text-center"), r.setAttribute("href", "#".concat(e)), r.setAttribute("data-toggle", "tab"), r.appendChild(t), n.appendChild(r), n } }, { key: "getTopTab", value: function (t, e) { var n = document.createElement("li"); n.classList.add("nav-item", "flex", "border-l", "border-t", "border-r"); var r = document.createElement("a"); return r.classList.add("nav-link", "-mb-px", "flex-row", "text-center", "bg-white", "p-2", "hover:bg-blue-400", "rounded-t"), r.setAttribute("href", "#".concat(e)), r.setAttribute("data-toggle", "tab"), r.appendChild(t), n.appendChild(r), n } }, { key: "getTabContent", value: function () { var t = document.createElement("div"); return t.setAttribute("role", "tabpanel"), t } }, { key: "getTopTabContent", value: function () { var t = document.createElement("div"); return t.setAttribute("role", "tabpanel"), t } }, { key: "markTabActive", value: function (t) {"block"), !0 ==="border-b") ? ("border-b-0"),"border-b")) :"border-b-0"), !0 === t.container.classList.contains("hidden") ? (t.container.classList.remove("hidden"), t.container.classList.add("block")) : t.container.classList.add("block") } }, { key: "markTabInactive", value: function (t) { !0 ==="border-b-0") ? ("border-b"),"border-b-0")) :"border-b"), !0 === t.container.classList.contains("block") && (t.container.classList.remove("block"), t.container.classList.add("hidden")) } }, { key: "getProgressBar", value: function () { var t = document.createElement("div"); t.classList.add("progress"); var e = document.createElement("div"); return e.classList.add("bg-blue", "leading-none", "py-1", "text-xs", "text-center", "text-white"), e.setAttribute("role", "progressbar"), e.setAttribute("aria-valuenow", 0), e.setAttribute("aria-valuemin", 0), e.setAttribute("aria-valuenax", 100), e.innerHTML = "".concat(0, "%"), t.appendChild(e), t } }, { key: "updateProgressBar", value: function (t, e) { if (t) { var n = t.firstChild, r = "".concat(e, "%"); n.setAttribute("aria-valuenow", e), = r, n.innerHTML = r } } }, { key: "updateProgressBarUnknown", value: function (t) { if (t) { var e = t.firstChild; t.classList.add("progress", "bg-blue", "leading-none", "py-1", "text-xs", "text-center", "text-white", 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function dc(t, e) { (null == e || e > t.length) && (e = t.length); for (var n = 0, r = new Array(e); n < e; n++)r[n] = t[n]; return r } function fc(t, e, n, r, i, o, a) { try { var s = t[o](a), c = s.value } catch (t) { return void n(t) } s.done ? e(c) : Promise.resolve(c).then(r, i) } function yc(t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } function mc(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n]; r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1, r.configurable = !0, "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, r.key, r) } } var vc = function () { function t(e) { var n = this, r = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}; if (yc(this, t), !(e instanceof Element)) throw new Error("element should be an instance of Element"); this.element = e, this.options = f({}, t.defaults.options, r), this.ready = !1, this.copyClipboard = null, this.schema = this.options.schema, this.template = this.options.template, this.translate = this.options.translate || t.defaults.translate, this.translateProperty = this.options.translateProperty || t.defaults.translateProperty, this.uuid = 0, this.__data = {}; var i = this.options.theme || t.defaults.theme, o = t.defaults.themes[i]; if (!o) throw new Error("Unknown theme ".concat(i)); this.element.setAttribute("data-theme", i), this.element.classList.add("je-not-loaded"), this.element.classList.remove("je-ready"), this.theme = new o(this); var a = f(hc, this.getEditorsRules()), s = function (t, e, r) { return r ? n.addNewStyleRulesToShadowRoot(t, e, r) : n.addNewStyleRules(t, e) }; if (!this.theme.options.disable_theme_rules) { var c = m(this.element); s("default", a, c), void 0 !== o.rules && s(i, o.rules, c) } var l = t.defaults.iconlibs[this.options.iconlib || t.defaults.iconlib]; l && (this.iconlib = new l), this.root_container = this.theme.getContainer(), this.element.appendChild(this.root_container), this.promise = this.load() } var e, n, r, i, o; return e = t, (n = [{ key: "load", value: (i = regeneratorRuntime.mark((function e() { var n, r, i, o, a, s, c = this; return regeneratorRuntime.wrap((function (e) { for (; ;)switch (e.prev = { case 0: return n = document.location.origin + document.location.pathname.toString(), r = new V(this.options), this.expandSchema = function (t) { return r.expandSchema(t) }, this.expandRefs = function (t, e) { return r.expandRefs(t, e) }, i = document.location.toString(), = 7, r.load(this.schema, n, i); case 7: o = e.sent, a = this.options.custom_validators ? { custom_validators: this.options.custom_validators } : {}, this.validator = new L(this, null, a, t.defaults), s = this.getEditorClass(o), this.root = this.createEditor(s, { jsoneditor: this, schema: o, required: !0, container: this.root_container }), this.root.preBuild(),, this.root.postBuild(), v(this.options, "startval") && this.root.setValue(this.options.startval), this.validation_results = this.validator.validate(this.root.getValue()), this.root.showValidationErrors(this.validation_results), this.ready = !0, this.element.classList.remove("je-not-loaded"), this.element.classList.add("je-ready"), window.requestAnimationFrame((function () { c.ready && (c.validation_results = c.validator.validate(c.root.getValue()), c.root.showValidationErrors(c.validation_results), c.trigger("ready"), c.trigger("change")) })); case 22: case "end": return e.stop() } }), e, this) })), o = function () { var t = this, e = arguments; return new Promise((function (n, r) { var o = i.apply(t, e); function a(t) { fc(o, n, r, a, s, "next", t) } function s(t) { fc(o, n, r, a, s, "throw", t) } a(void 0) })) }, function () { return o.apply(this, arguments) }) }, { key: "getValue", value: function () { if (!this.ready) throw new Error("JSON Editor not ready yet. Make sure the load method is complete"); return this.root.getValue() } }, { key: "setValue", value: function (t) { if (!this.ready) throw new Error("JSON Editor not ready yet. Make sure the load method is complete"); return this.root.setValue(t), this } }, { key: "validate", value: function (t) { if (!this.ready) throw new Error("JSON Editor not ready yet. Make sure the load method is complete"); return 1 === arguments.length ? this.validator.validate(t) : this.validation_results } }, { key: "destroy", value: function () { this.destroyed || this.ready && (this.schema = null, this.options = null, this.root.destroy(), this.root = null, this.root_container = null, this.validator = null, this.validation_results = null, this.theme = null, this.iconlib = null, this.template = null, this.__data = null, this.ready = !1, this.element.innerHTML = "", this.element.removeAttribute("data-theme"), this.destroyed = !0) } }, { key: "on", value: function (t, e) { return this.callbacks = this.callbacks || {}, this.callbacks[t] = this.callbacks[t] || [], this.callbacks[t].push(e), this } }, { key: "off", value: function (t, e) { if (t && e) { this.callbacks = this.callbacks || {}, this.callbacks[t] = this.callbacks[t] || []; for (var n = [], r = 0; r < this.callbacks[t].length; r++)this.callbacks[t][r] !== e && n.push(this.callbacks[t][r]); this.callbacks[t] = n } else t ? (this.callbacks = this.callbacks || {}, this.callbacks[t] = []) : this.callbacks = {}; return this } }, { key: "trigger", value: function (t, e) { if (this.callbacks && this.callbacks[t] && this.callbacks[t].length) for (var n = 0; n < this.callbacks[t].length; n++)this.callbacks[t][n].apply(this, [e]); return this } }, { key: "setOption", value: function (t, e) { if ("show_errors" !== t) throw new Error("Option ".concat(t, " must be set during instantiation and cannot be changed later")); return this.options.show_errors = e, this.onChange(), this } }, { key: "getEditorsRules", value: function () { return Object.values(t.defaults.editors).reduce((function (t, e) { return e.rules ? f(t, e.rules) : t }), {}) } }, { key: "getEditorClass", value: function (e) { var n; if (e = this.expandSchema(e), t.defaults.resolvers.find((function (r) { return (n = r(e)) && t.defaults.editors[n] })), !n) throw new Error("Unknown editor for schema ".concat(JSON.stringify(e))); if (!t.defaults.editors[n]) throw new Error("Unknown editor ".concat(n)); return t.defaults.editors[n] } }, { key: "createEditor", value: function (e, n) { var r = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : 1; return new e(n = f({}, e.options || {}, n), t.defaults, r) } }, { key: "onChange", value: function () { var t = this; if (this.ready && !this.firing_change) return this.firing_change = !0, window.requestAnimationFrame((function () { t.firing_change = !1, t.ready && (t.validation_results = t.validator.validate(t.root.getValue()), "never" !== t.options.show_errors ? t.root.showValidationErrors(t.validation_results) : t.root.showValidationErrors([]), t.trigger("change")) })), this } }, { key: "compileTemplate", value: function (e) { var n, r = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : t.defaults.template; if ("string" == typeof r) { if (!t.defaults.templates[r]) throw new Error("Unknown template engine ".concat(r)); if (!(n = t.defaults.templates[r]())) throw new Error("Template engine ".concat(r, " missing required library.")) } else n = r; if (!n) throw new Error("No template engine set"); if (!n.compile) throw new Error("Invalid template engine set"); return n.compile(e) } }, { key: "_data", value: function (t, e, n) { if (3 !== arguments.length) return t.hasAttribute("data-jsoneditor-".concat(e)) ? this.__data[t.getAttribute("data-jsoneditor-".concat(e))] : null; var r; t.hasAttribute("data-jsoneditor-".concat(e)) ? r = t.getAttribute("data-jsoneditor-".concat(e)) : (r = this.uuid++, t.setAttribute("data-jsoneditor-".concat(e), r)), this.__data[r] = n } }, { key: "registerEditor", value: function (t) { return this.editors = this.editors || {}, this.editors[t.path] = t, this } }, { key: "unregisterEditor", value: function (t) { return this.editors = this.editors || {}, this.editors[t.path] = null, this } }, { key: "getEditor", value: function (t) { if (this.editors) return this.editors[t] } }, { key: "watch", value: function (t, e) { return this.watchlist = this.watchlist || {}, this.watchlist[t] = this.watchlist[t] || [], this.watchlist[t].push(e), this } }, { key: "unwatch", value: function (t, e) { if (!this.watchlist || !this.watchlist[t]) return this; if (!e) return this.watchlist[t] = null, this; for (var n = [], r = 0; r < this.watchlist[t].length; r++)this.watchlist[t][r] !== e && n.push(this.watchlist[t][r]); return this.watchlist[t] = n.length ? n : null, this } }, { key: "notifyWatchers", value: function (t) { if (!this.watchlist || !this.watchlist[t]) return this; for (var e = 0; e < this.watchlist[t].length; e++)this.watchlist[t][e]() } }, { key: "isEnabled", value: function () { return !this.root || this.root.isEnabled() } }, { key: "enable", value: function () { this.root.enable() } }, { key: "disable", value: function () { this.root.disable() } }, { key: "setCopyClipboardContents", value: function (t) { this.copyClipboard = t } }, { key: "getCopyClipboardContents", value: function () { return this.copyClipboard } }, { key: "addNewStyleRules", value: function (t, e) { var n = document.querySelector("#theme-".concat(t)); n || ((n = document.createElement("style")).setAttribute("id", "theme-".concat(t)), n.appendChild(document.createTextNode("")), document.head.appendChild(n)); for (var r = n.sheet ? n.sheet : n.styleSheet, i = this.element.nodeName.toLowerCase(); r.cssRules.length > 0;)r.deleteRule(0); Object.keys(e).forEach((function (n) { var o = "default" === t ? n : "".concat(i, '[data-theme="').concat(t, '"] ').concat(n); r.insertRule ? r.insertRule(o + " {" + decodeURIComponent(e[n]) + "}", 0) : r.addRule && r.addRule(o, decodeURIComponent(e[n]), 0) })) } }, { key: "addNewStyleRulesToShadowRoot", value: function (t, e, n) { var r = this.element.nodeName.toLowerCase(), i = ""; Object.keys(e).forEach((function (n) { var o = "default" === t ? n : "".concat(r, '[data-theme="').concat(t, '"] ').concat(n); i += o + " {" + decodeURIComponent(e[n]) + "}\n" })); var o = new CSSStyleSheet; o.replaceSync(i), n.adoptedStyleSheets = [].concat(pc(n.adoptedStyleSheets), [o]) } }]) && mc(e.prototype, n), r && mc(e, r), t }(); vc.defaults = l, vc.AbstractEditor = q, vc.AbstractTheme = Xa, vc.AbstractIconLib = aa, Object.assign(vc.defaults.themes, uc), Object.assign(vc.defaults.editors, Xo), Object.assign(vc.defaults.templates, ta), Object.assign(vc.defaults.iconlibs, Za) }]) }));