You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

251 lines
8.3 KiB

<!-- @format -->
<ns-view-list-table ref="nsTableRef" v-bind="tableConfig" rowKey="uuid" />
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent, ref } from 'vue';
import { dateUtil } from '/nerv-lib/saas';
import { useRouter } from 'vue-router';
import { http } from '/nerv-lib/util/http';
import { NsMessage } from '/nerv-lib/component/message';
export default defineComponent({
name: 'ArticleIndex',
setup() {
const router = useRouter();
const nsTableRef = ref();
const request = (api: string, params: object) => {, params).then(() => {
const tableConfig = {
title: '文章管理',
api: {
method: 'POST',
url: '/api/content/objs/admin/cms/bg/article/pageList',
params: {
page: 0,
pageSize: 10,
folderCode: 'mobileArticleManager',
formConfig: {
schemas: [
field: 'titleLike',
label: '文章标题',
component: 'NsInput',
componentProps: {
placeholder: '请输入',
field: 'articleStatus',
label: '状态',
component: 'NsSelect',
defaultValue: '',
componentProps: {
placeholder: '请选择',
options: [
{ label: '全部', value: '' },
{ label: '未上架', value: 1 },
{ label: '审核中', value: 2 },
{ label: '已上架', value: 3 },
{ label: '未通过', value: 6 },
field: 'tagUuidList',
label: '文章标签',
component: 'nsSelectApi',
componentProps: {
params: { folderCode: 'mobileArticleManager' },
mode: 'multiple',
api: '/api/content/objs/admin/cms/bg/articleTag/allList',
autoSelectFirst: false,
resultField: 'data',
labelField: 'tagName',
valueField: 'uuid',
immediate: true,
placeholder: '请选择',
showSearch: true,
filterOption: (input, option) => {
return option.tagName.indexOf(input) >= 0;
dropdownReload: true,
headerActions: [
label: '新增文章',
name: 'ArticleAdd',
type: 'primary',
handle: ({}, name) => {
router.push({ name, query: {} });
rowSelection: null,
columns: [
title: '文章ID',
dataIndex: 'articleCode',
textNumber: 5,
customRender: ({ record: { articleCommonVO }, column }) => {
return articleCommonVO[column.dataIndex];
title: '文章标题',
dataIndex: 'title',
textNumber: 5,
customRender: ({ record: { articleCommonVO }, column }) => {
return articleCommonVO[column.dataIndex];
title: '文章标签',
dataIndex: 'tagNameList',
textNumber: 5,
textEllipsis: true,
customRender: ({ record: { tagNameList }, column }) => {
return (tagNameList && tagNameList.join(',')) || '-';
title: '信息来源',
dataIndex: 'articleSource',
textNumber: 5,
customRender: ({ record: { articleCommonVO }, column }) => {
return articleCommonVO[column.dataIndex];
title: '上架时间',
dataIndex: 'publishTime',
textNumber: 10,
customRender: ({ record: { articleCommonVO }, column }) => {
return articleCommonVO[column.dataIndex] || '-';
title: '状态',
dataIndex: 'articleStatus',
textNumber: 5,
customCell: ({ articleCommonVO: { articleStatus } }) => {
return {
style: { color: articleStatus == 3 ? 'green' : articleStatus == 6 ? 'red' : '' },
customRender: ({ record: { articleCommonVO }, column }) => {
return ['', '未上架', '待审核', '已上架', '', '', '未通过'][
title: '是否置顶',
textNumber: 4,
dataIndex: 'isTop',
customRender: ({ record: { articleCommonVO }, column }) => {
return ['否', '是'][articleCommonVO[column.dataIndex]];
title: '创建人',
dataIndex: 'createUserName',
textNumber: 5,
customRender: ({ record: { articleCommonVO }, column }) => {
return articleCommonVO[column.dataIndex];
title: '创建时间',
dataIndex: 'createTime',
// textNumber: 9,
customRender: ({ record: { articleCommonVO }, column }) => {
return articleCommonVO[column.dataIndex];
columnActions: {
title: '操作',
autoMergeAction: false,
actionNumber: 3,
actions: [
label: '查看',
name: 'ArticleDetail',
ifShow: ({ articleCommonVO: { articleStatus } }) => [2, 3].includes(articleStatus),
handle: ({ articleCommonVO: { uuid } }, name) => {
router.push({ name, query: { uuid } });
label: '编辑',
name: 'ArticleEdit',
ifShow: ({ articleCommonVO: { articleStatus } }) => [1, 6].includes(articleStatus),
handle: ({ articleCommonVO: { uuid } }, name) => {
router.push({ name, query: { uuid } });
label: '置顶',
name: 'ArticleManageTop',
confirm: true,
ifShow: ({ articleCommonVO: { articleStatus, isTop } }) =>
articleStatus == 3 && isTop == 0,
handle: ({ articleCommonVO: { uuid } }, name) => {
request('/api/content/objs/admin/cms/bg/article/top', { uuid });
label: '取消置顶',
name: 'ArticleManageCancleTop',
confirm: true,
ifShow: ({ articleCommonVO: { articleStatus, isTop } }) =>
articleStatus == 3 && isTop == 1,
handle: ({ articleCommonVO: { uuid } }, name) => {
request('/api/content/objs/admin/cms/bg/article/top', { uuid });
label: '删除',
dynamicParams: 'uuid',
name: 'ArticleManageDelete',
confirm: true,
ifShow: ({ articleCommonVO: { articleStatus } }) => [1, 6].includes(articleStatus),
handle: ({ articleCommonVO: { uuid } }, name) => {
request('/api/content/objs/admin/cms/bg/article/batchDel', { uuids: [uuid] });
label: '下架',
dynamicParams: 'uuid',
name: 'ArticleManageReaded',
confirm: true,
ifShow: ({ articleCommonVO: { articleStatus } }) => [3].includes(articleStatus),
handle: ({ articleCommonVO: { uuid } }, name) => {
request('/api/content/objs/admin/cms/bg/article/withdrawn', { uuid });
return {
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