You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import type { UnwrapRef, Ref } from 'vue';
import { unref, nextTick, toRaw } from 'vue';
import { get, isArray, isNil, isUndefined, isPlainObject, forEach, isFunction } from 'lodash-es';
import { isDateType, transformDate } from '/nerv-lib/component/form/form-util';
interface useFormModelType {
schemas: Ref<UnwrapRef<FormSchema[]>>;
formModel: Ref<Recordable>;
formElRef: any;
emit: Function;
export function useFormModel({ schemas, formModel, formElRef, emit }: useFormModelType) {
* 序列化传参 去除viewOnly,单个值转多个(时间范围、经纬度)
* @param formSchema
function handleFormModel(formSchema = schemas) {
// console.log('formSchema', formSchema.value, formModel.value);
return unref(formSchema).reduce((prev: Recordable, cur: FormSchema) => {
const { field, fieldMap, keepField, format, addModel = [] } = cur;
if (cur.viewOnly !== true) {
let value = getFormModel(field);
if (isFunction(format)) {
value = format(value);
if (cur?.componentProps?.schemas) {
Object.assign(prev, handleFormModel(cur.componentProps.schemas));
} else if (fieldMap && !isNil(value)) {
if (fieldMap === true) {
Object.keys(value).forEach((key: string) => {
Object.assign(prev, { [key]: value[key] });
} else if (isArray(fieldMap)) {
if (!isArray(value) && ![null, undefined, ''].includes(value)) {
console.error(`Field value isn't Array`);
} else {
fieldMap.forEach((item: string, index) => {
Object.assign(prev, { [item]: value[index] });
} else if (isPlainObject(fieldMap)) {
if (!isPlainObject(value) && ![null, undefined, ''].includes(value)) {
console.error(`Field value isn't Object`);
} else {
Object.keys(fieldMap).forEach((key: string) => {
Object.assign(prev, { [key]: get(value, (<Props>fieldMap)[key]) });
if (keepField === true) {
Object.assign(prev, { [field]: value });
} else {
Object.assign(prev, { [field]: value });
if (isArray(addModel)) {
addModel.forEach((item: string) => {
Object.assign(prev, { [item]: unref(formModel)[item] });
} else {
// @ts-ignore
forEach(addModel as any, (value, key) => {
Object.assign(prev, { [key]: unref(formModel)[key] });
return prev;
}, {});
* 设置默认值, formModel > defaultValue
function initFormModel() {
unref(schemas).forEach((schema: FormSchema) => {
const { field, component, defaultValue, componentProps } = schema;
if (schema.component) {
if (!isUndefined(defaultValue) && isUndefined(getFormModel(field))) {
if (defaultValue && isDateType(component)) {
transformDate(component as string, defaultValue, componentProps.valueFormat),
} else {
setFormModel(field, defaultValue);
} else if (isDateType(component) && !isUndefined(getFormModel(field))) {
transformDate(component as string, getFormModel(field), componentProps.valueFormat),
} else {
setFormModel(field, defaultValue);
* 恢复默认值 defaultValue
function resetFormModel() {
Object.keys(formModel.value).forEach((key) => {
unref(schemas).forEach((schema: FormSchema) => {
const { field, component, defaultValue, componentProps } = schema;
setFormModel(field, defaultValue);
if (schema.component) {
if (defaultValue && isDateType(component)) {
transformDate(component as string, defaultValue, componentProps.valueFormat),
} else {
setFormModel(field, defaultValue);
} else {
setFormModel(field, defaultValue);
emit('reset', toRaw(formModel.value));
async function validateFields(nameList?: string[] | undefined) {
await nextTick();
return unref(formElRef)?.validateFields(nameList);
// function fieldRules(field: string) {
// if (field === 'fieldLink') return undefined;
// console.log('field', field, getNamePath.value);
// return getNamePath.value[field]?.rules || undefined;
// }
// function setNamePath(schemas: FormSchema[], namePathList: Recordable = {}) {
// unref(schemas).forEach((schema: FormSchema) => {
// if (schema.rules) {
// namePathList[schema.field] = {
// state: false,
// rules: schema.rules,
// };
// }
// if (schema?.componentProps?.schemas) {
// setNamePath(schema?.componentProps?.schemas, namePathList);
// }
// });
// console.log('namePathList', namePathList);
// return namePathList;
// }
// const getNamePath = computed(() => {
// return setNamePath(unref(schemas));
// });
* 设置表单值
* @param key
* @param value
function setFormModel(key: string, value?: any) {
if (value === null) {
delete unref(formModel)[key];
} else {
//select allowClear时值被设为undefined
unref(formModel)[key] = value;
validateFields([key]).catch((err) => {
console.error(`${key}:`, err);
// console.log('formModel', key, value, formModel.value);
// if (fieldRules(key)) {
// console.log('getNamePath', getNamePath.value);
// validateFields([key])
// .then((data) => {
// console.log('validateFields then', key, data);
// })
// .catch((e) => {
// console.log('validateFields catch', key, e);
// });
// }
* 清除表单值
* @param key
function unsetFormModel(key: string) {
console.log('unsetFormModel', key);
delete unref(formModel)[key];
* 获得表单值
* @param key
function getFormModel(key: string) {
return unref(formModel)[key];
return {