6 changed files with 129 additions and 66 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ |
spring: |
application: |
name: iot-data-bridge |
datasource: |
url: jdbc:dolphindb://localhost:8848?databasePath=dfs://ZbDB |
username: admin |
password: 123456 |
driver-class-name: com.dolphindb.jdbc.Driver |
main: |
lazy-initialization: false |
mybatis: |
mapper-locations: classpath:com/huaxing/**/mapper/*.xml |
type-aliases-package: com.huaxing.**.entity |
configuration: |
map-underscore-to-camel-case: true |
sql-session-factory: |
data-source: ${spring.datasource} |
sql-session-template: |
executor-type: BATCH |
sql-session-factory-ref: sqlSessionFactory |
mqtt: |
username: admin |
password: 123456 |
host-url: tcp:// |
client-id: iot |
timeout: 100 |
keepalive: 100 |
completion-timeout: 5000 |
qos: 1 |
default-topic: iot/data/# |
topics: |
- iot/test1/# |
- iot/test2/# |
dolphindb: |
db-path: dfs://ZbDB |
host: |
port: 8848 |
username: admin |
password: 123456 |
init-pool-size: 10 |
minimum-pool-size: 5 |
enable-high-availability: false |
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ |
server: |
port: 8088 |
spring: |
profiles: |
active: dev |
Reference in new issue